Audio Interface Can Have More Than Two Inputs

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an audio interface for your computer can have more than two inputs and in this video I'm going to show you the difference between an audio interface that has two inputs versus an audio interface that has more than two inputs in how they show up within your computer check it out what's up my name is Matthew Stratton helping you create music and record audio on this channel I do setup videos tutorials and overviews just like this one you knew that a channel consider subscribing so I want to give you some actual examples of different audio interfaces and how their inputs show up within your computer but before I get into the details of all that I do want to say that this video is going to be about how your actual audio interfaces show up inside of a digital audio workstation and that digital audio workstation that I'm going to be using is Ableton Live now during this video I might say the word da or da W and that simply means digital audio workstation this video is going to contain actual examples of what this will look like within your software so stay tuned for that but before we get into the audio examples I do want to take you over to the Focusrite website and kind of show you their line of products because the focusrite scarlett does have multiple products and each one of the products is kind of different and they contain different features and I do want to show you the difference between the inputs and outputs on some of these devices now in the actual software examples I am going to use to focus right to I to third-generation and I'm going to compare how those inputs show up versus the Universal Audio Apollo x6 but before we do that let's go ahead and look at the website so I want to make this part of the video as quick as possible because I do want to get into the actual audio examples within the da W but if you look right here we are on Focusrite comm and this is the actual scarlett range I personally have the scarlett 2i2 but there is an entire range of scarlett interfaces so if you look on here we got the scarlett solo the - I - we got the 4i for 8i 618 I a chien i-20 you know and then you got the studio versions that come bundled with stuff now other companies are gonna have their own lines and they're gonna have different numbers of inputs and outputs as well I do want to point out that these type of inputs do vary some of them are lieing inputs some of them are combo inputs where they can accept the line microphone or instrument okay and then of course you have your digital inputs and for that reason you need to do research and figure out what you need for your situation so first off we have the scarlet solo we got two inputs on the scarlet solo over here you have - I - you're gonna have two inputs on the two I - over here you have the scarlet for I four so generally speaking with the scarlet line when the number in front here goes up the number of inputs goes up so since we are in the four I range right now we're gonna have two inputs on the front but in addition to those two inputs on the front we're gonna have input three and four on the back all right so these are analog inputs when we go up to eight I six we're gonna have the two on the front and then we get four on the back now in addition to these six analog inputs we're gonna have a spit if input here all right so that's going to add two additional inputs so next in the line is the 18 I ate so the 18 I ate has one two three four analog inputs on the front and then on the back we have five six seven eight analog inputs and then in addition to that you have your spit if input and then you have an optical input so your optical inputs going to allow for a great number of more inputs inside of this device now keep in mind your spit if and optical inputs are going to be digital and you need in an external device to use these inputs alright so I went through that pretty quickly so you have any questions or concerns about what I just said you can leave questions in the comments below and I'll also leave links to these different devices in the description so if you want more information check out those links so let's get into actual real world examples of how these can be useful now in front of me as my focusrite scarlett 2i2 third-generation and I have my MPC live so before we do anything let's go ahead and look at this device so on the front of this device we have input 1 and input 2 okay on the rear of the device we have our line outputs right and left right here is a USB cable and we're sending this USB cable into the computer okay I've already have the drivers installed and it's powered on by the USB so now I want to show you how I have the NPC live connected to the focusrite scarlett 2i2 the NPC live has an output here so this is the master output and it has a left output and a right output so if you look this black cable here is the left the red cable here is the right so outputs one and two are coming out of the NPC live going into one and two of the focusrite scarlett 2i2 okay and then whenever I hit play on this device you'll see I'm getting an input here okay right there and then this is just my headphone out like in here what's going on so this is just a song I was working on on the MPC live now what I want to show you now is the settings inside of my da W the digital audio workstation that I'm using is Ableton Live 10 suite now in Ableton Live 10 suite I have a new project open I haven't done anything to yet but I want to show you something if you go right here to the options and then preferences on the audio tab if we select our driver right here as a CEO and then I'm gonna select the Focusrite USB as your device underneath your audio device you have your input configuration and your output configuration I'm gonna press the input config right there we have mono inputs 1 and 2 and then you have stereo inputs 1/2 now these being highlighted yellow within the Preferences means that I actually have them activated within the software I'm gonna press ok on that now every interface is gonna have its own inherent latency and you could kind of change it based on to your specific system but that's completely beyond the scope of what I'm trying to tell you in this particular video so what I want to show you now is how the MPC live actually shows up within the digital audio workstation I'm going to get out of the preferences and as a matter of fact I'm going to delete these MIDI tracks because they're not gonna do anything for us in this example so what we have now are two audio tracks now if you look right here it says audio from external in 1 this is actually the input from our scarlett 2i2 now over here on audio 2 it says audio from external in - so this is input - from the scarlett 2i2 so when I push play on the MPC live you're gonna see inputs coming in on external in one and external in two and just look at this little meter right here and right here so I'm gonna push play alright so it shows up right there now notice we actually can't hear anything and that's because we don't have the monitor turned on in this section you can see says monitor off if we put this on auto we're still not going to hear anything because we do not have an arm down here but if we turn it on - in in we actually here the NPC life coming in and that indicates to us we successfully have everything hooked up properly now the NPC 1 is a stereo device in these tracks inside of Ableton Live our stereo so there's really no need to have two different audio tracks in this instance alright so let me show you what I mean right here where it says 1 if I push that I can pick 1/2 remember this is what we set up in the Preferences so if I select 1 - 2 both inputs are going to come in on this track as far as you're going to have your left input and then your right input which correlates with input 1 and input 2 so at this point I can pretty much delete this track because it's not serving any purpose and if I push play on the MPC we're gonna see let the right constant here now if I wanted to record that I would simply push arm here and then press record up here while this is playing so when I press record all right I'm gonna push play on the index live and the audience gonna come in and watch of what happens I go in to stop the recording that actually did come through we can't see it here because it's actually over here on this side so now we can see this audio that came in this is literally what we just recorded if you're finding value in this video consider giving it a thumbs up it's gonna help this video get seen by those who might want to see this information thank you for doing that let's jump back into it so if we turn the monitor on off or auto on here we're going to be able to hear that there you go all right so we successfully recorded two different analog inputs inside of Ableton Live using the Focusrite the next thing I do want to show you is how we can record multiple inputs from a different audio device into Ableton Live and in this case I'm gonna use the universal audio Apollo x6 now let's talk about audio interfaces that have multiple inputs and in this example I'm using the universal audio Apollo X 6 so the Apollo x6 has six different analog inputs that you can bring into your da W now in addition to this there are different settings where you can have multiple digital inputs as well as well as virtual inputs but in this example I'm going to use the six different physical analog inputs now if you are interested in purchasing one of these devices I am gonna leave the links in the description of this video and just make sure you read a little more about these devices this way you know what you're getting like there are gonna be some differences like the Focusrite 2i2 is a USB audio device and then the universal apollo x6 it's a Thunderbolt 3 device so you need to make sure that your computer can handle like a Thunderbolt 3 device if you are interested in the Apollo for example so go ahead and check out the leaks and you can find out more information about those now before we move on we need to go to our options and then back over to preferences in the Audio tab we can keep the same kind of driver type right here where it says audio device we need to change this so I'm going to change this to the universal audio Thunderbolt now when I do that it switches over no problem but I do want to show you this input configuration here now when we're in here it's similar to what we had with the Focusrite but you can see there are now more than just inputs 1 & 2 & 1/2 so if you look you got your mono inputs 1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 and then down here we got 7 & 8 now there's only 6 analog inputs that we can use at one time on this so that's why these are selected here but then over here you've got your different stereo inputs so you got stereo 1/2 and then you can activate these if you wanted to I'm just going to keep the stereo inputs 1/2 because that's all we're going to use with the MPC live in this example but I am going to keep these other mono inputs selected here so I'm going to press ok and then you look your output configuration we got a bunch of different outputs as well your input configuration can actually like this - is with the Apollo actually let me show you that because we are just talking about inputs and outputs all right so if you look at your Apollo disk here you can see all these different inputs now down here you see analog 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 so we got 6 analog inputs all right now over here we got a DAT get eight different 8x and then you got spit off and then you got your virtual so that's what I'm talking about you have multiple different inputs these are all the different you know analog digital and virtual inputs that you can get with this audio device now over here if you look at the settings you can set this up how you want to now if you look these are your different channel inputs and how you set these up are the different inputs that you're going to be able to use within your digital audio workstation all right so if you look I could change the outputs back to eight for example all right so now we're back to eight if I go over here I'll you know there's a different modes like if I go to default mode it's gonna show all these so let me show you what happens when I do that inside of Ableton Live let me show you what happens in there so if I go to my input configuration now you can see I have 32 different inputs that I could select from but keep in mind only one two three four and five and six are analog inputs you do need to connect other things and set up other different things to get some of these other inputs to show up just keep that in mind I'm just going to go ahead and put this back on eight inputs and you know eight outputs all right so now when we look at the input configuration we're back to you know eight different inputs back to the matter at hand we're gonna use these six different analog inputs I'm gonna close the Preferences since we already have it set up in the current configuration I had the NPC live main outputs going into inputs one and two of my Apollo X six so at this point we shouldn't need to even change anything and we should be able to get the audio input all right so I'm actually gonna put the monitor on and the reason why you want to turn monitor on and put it on in is so you can actually hear what's going on so since we already have the input set as 1 & 2 right there we should be able to hear what's coming in input 1 is u1 the palo like right away because we have our monitor on in so I'm gonna push play on the MPC live we can hear we're getting a good signal and here's our input levels over here [Music] so let's try to do a recording and see if we could just record in here [Music] all right so you can hear and see we recorded just fine so let's take a listen to it I want to put the you know the monitor on auto so we can hear this [Music] alright it came out just fine you know very similar to over here [Music] alright there's slight variances within the actual recording itself as far as a gain level and that just simply has to do with how you set your levels on your device okay so you're gonna have to set your levels properly there you go it came out just fine but let's talk about actually using the other inputs on the Apollo X 6 so the MPC Live has six outputs so what I'm gonna do is wear out these six outputs into the Apollo X 6 I'm gonna do that right now so I'm using the example of the MPC live because it's just easier to deal with in my environment but if you were in a different situation like let's say you wanted to plug six different mic preamps into these inputs you can record six different things like a guitar on one input a bass on another input vocals on another input and then say drums on three different other inputs so you do have options I'm showing you with the MPC live because it has six outputs and I want to put those six outputs directly into the inputs of the Apollo x6 alright so if you look at the back of my MPC live here I got a lot of stuff going on alright there's actually six different outputs coming out of my MPC live and they're going into the six inputs in the back of the Apollo X six now I rallied the different sounds within this sequence to the different inputs on the Apollo X six now in regards to the outputs of the MPC live I have one and two being the snare and hi-hat have output three being the kick drum I have output for being the bass output 5 is guitar 1 output 6 is guitar 2 now let's go ahead and set this up in Ableton Live so we can actually record from all 6 inputs at the same time so this is audio track 1 this is gonna be hi-hat and snare alright so then I'm gonna add another audio track and then I'm gonna have this audio track be input 3 this is going to be the kick drum and then I want to add another audio track I'm gonna put this as input 4 and they don't retain this as bass didn't I'm going to add another audio track I'm gonna change the input to five and then I'm gonna rename this to guitar one then I want to add another input okay and then I want to put that as input six and then I want to rename this guitar too I said there we go we have all the input set up so if you actually want to see that in the mixer view alright so here it is hi-hat snare and put one and two kick input three bass input for guitar one input 5 guitar to input six so at this point everything is set up as far as our inputs then we could just simply armed all these tracks for record and if we wanted to monitor we could put these on auto alright this way we can monitor what's coming in and we're pretty much set up to record so I'm going to go back to this other view so we can see it being recorded into here alright I'm going to hide this down here alright so we're all set up to record I'm just going to pick this spot right here I'm going to push record and we're gonna pour it right in there as you can see all of these inputs are inputting into the doll right here or the DW I say there you go that's how you can record from six different audio sources at the same time using an audio interface and if we wanted to we could come over here and we could actually mix this two different levels so let's listen to this back I'm going to take the record arm off first I and then I'm just gonna play this back and you can see everything is separate so if we wanted to kick drum by itself we got the kick drum by itself you want to get far by itself excusing the bass here's the bass by itself so if I wanted to you know change the level of it I could change the level of it this is gonna be guitar one let's go ahead and get this back on loop or something over here alright so if you look right here here's the guitar all right so it's guitar one this is guitar - alright you want to bring the basin here's the base alright it's a kick here's the snare and hi-hat alright so there you go you're able to go in there now you can adjust the levels you could add effects on here equalizers compressors any effect that you want to on your individual tracks and we were able to record everything at the exact same time if you want more information about audio interfaces and mixers click or tap the screen over here that's going to take you to a playlist that's going to have more videos like this one remember to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon to get notified when I come out with new videos my name is matthew continue creating music and we will talk soon
Channel: Matthew Stratton
Views: 76,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MatthewStratton, MatthewCreating, audio interface, audio interface comparison, audio interface for mac, audio interface for pc, audio interface setup, best audio interface, best budget audio interface, best cheap audio interface, best usb audio interface, how to choose an audio interface, usb audio interface, scarlett 2i2, universal audio, universal audio apollo, universal audio apollo x6, audio interface multiple inputs, focusrite scarlett, audio interface inputs
Id: BKogTtEy3EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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