Attack on Titan Final Season Part 1 FULL RECAP

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Welcome back to the channel everyone, with AoT’s Final Season upon us I felt it was necessary to explain the first part of the Final Season to catch everyone up just in time for Part 2. Now, I’ve tried to shorten this one up, but AoT’s story is so detailed and immersive that it may be too long so I implemented chapters in this video for you to skip around to each episode for your convenience. This video also took literally an entire week to make, so if you could before we get started leave a like and (I don’t ask this often) but subscribe as I will be covering Attack on Titan weekly for the Final Season Part 2. Let’s get into it. Episode 1 (The Other Side of the Sea) Our story begins years after the events of Season 3 with the child soldiers of Marley on the battlefield of Fort Slava. The Middle East has declared war on Marley and thus they have sent in a combination of Eldian soldiers, child soldiers, and a new flock of Warrior Candidates; Falco Grice, the brother of Colt Grice and nephew of Eldian Restorationist, Grice. Despite being a Warrior Candidate in line to inherit the Beast Titan, doesn’t show the same hatred for his fellow people and tends to think with logic and reasoning, rather than racism and indoctrination. Due to this he’s generally a very kind-hearted young boy and has a crush on one Gabi Braun. She on the other hand is in many ways the opposite of Falco as Gabi who is set to inherit the Armored Titan from Reiner Braun, is drinking the kool-aid of Marley’s indoctrination and believes the only good Eldian is a dead Eldian. Thus gives into her hatred for her fellow man and woman while simultaneously trying to prove they’re much more than that. Needless to say, Gabi is a very complex and morally grey character. And along with them is their friends Udo and Zofia. Their goal is to take Fort Slava and to start Gabi Braun takes our an armored train using anti-vehicle grenades crafted from multiple fragmentation grenades strapped together. Achieving her goal this allows the Cart Titan, Pieck Finger, and the Jaw Titan Porco Galliard to move forward with their attack on Fort Slava. During this, it’s revealed Marley has started the use of zeppelins which flys over the fort with their ace in the hole - weaponized titans - Eldians injected with Zeke Jaeger’s spinal fluid that he can turn into pure titans by screaming and dropped mid-air from the zeppelins to destroy the fort and cause a distraction. This then allows Reiner’s Armored Titan to break into Fort Slava to take care of the Anti-Titan Weaponry being used against them. This culminates in Zeke transforming into the Beast Titan and destroying the Middle East’s Navy Fleet. This puts an end to the four-year war between the two sides but brings up a new issue. Technology is developing at such a rapid pace that Anti-Titan Weaponry is becoming an issue. Episode 2 (Midnight Train) After the battle at Fort Slava there is a meeting between Zeke and other top brass in Marley’s government and military to discuss their next moves. Zeke promises them that with his last year alive that he will retake the Founding Titan, something they need to do now with the advent of Anti-Titan Weaponry proving a serious threat to their future. Though over the last three years all ships sent to Paradis Island have yet to return, as they have been taken along with their soldiers by the Survey Corp. Even so, with Paradis controlling two of the nine titans they are forced to act on this issue so they go forward with Zeke’s plan. While they continue to act out their plan, we focus back on the soldiers and Warrior Candidates heading back to their internment zones in Marley. Gabi is being praised for what she did by taking out the armored train, and while that happens Falco confides in Reiner that he doesn’t want Gabi to become a titan and be forced to fight terrible wars and be used as a weapon. Reiner in turn encourages Falco to try his hardest to become the Armored Titan in her place. As they arrive back home and reunite with their families, Gabi tells her stories of war which are largely positive while Reiners suggests his time on Paradis Island was more of a nightmare prompting horror in his face and others listening. The next day Marley’s next plan of attack is decided. They will use the Tybur Family, a family full of prominent social figures, elite royalty, and the home of the Warhammer Titan to hold a gathering at the Liberio Festival to announce war on Paradis Island and the Survey Corp. Episode 3 (The Door of Hope) We are then treated to Reiner’s past as a child, where he tried his hardest to become a Warrior Candidate to become an Honorary Marlyian though it wasn’t enough as people still treated him poorly. Eventually, he became the Armored Titan though he did so at the cost of Porco Galliard who would later become the Jaw Titan as he originally aimed for Reiner’s position. Magath on their first mission as Titan Warriors are sent to flush out and reclaim the Founding Titan from Paradis Island. Reiner is joined by Annie Leonhart the Female Titan, Bertholdt Hoover the Colossal Titan, and Marcel Galliard the Jaw Titan. During the mission, a freak accident would occur where Marcel would be eaten by a dwelling Pure Titan who would turn out to be Ymir. Annie would then suggest that they turn back and return to Marley but Reiner wouldn’t take failure as an option and forced them to push forward with the mission now down one person. They would eventually fail this mission and instead decide on Reiner’s orders to infiltrate Marley as Survey Corp members as a way to flush out the Founding Titan. After recalling his past Reiner makes an attempt at s*****e but stops when he realizes Falco is outside the window and decides from there to dedicate the rest of his life to give back to Falco and the other Warrior Candidates. Falco is revealed to be going to a meeting with a former Eldian Soldier who is faking amnesia to not be sent home. In reality, this is Eren Yaeger infiltrating Marley under the guise of a former Eldian Soldier named Kruger - whose name is taken from the man who saved Grisha Yaeger and the former Attack Titan. Episode 4 (From One Hand To Another) Eren Yaeger, under the name of Kruger, asks Falco to deliver a letter outside the internment zone. This leads to a meeting between Eren’s Grandfather, Mr. Jaeger, and Eren himself to put an end to Falco being used by Kruger. It’s revealed that Mr. Jaeger himself has fallen on bad mental health and is not in the right mind. After the Commander of the Marlyian Military, Commander Magath meets with the head of the Tybur Family, Willy Tybur. There they discuss an alliance between the Tyburs and Marley to hopefully put an end to war and create peace between the Eldians and Marley. He then gives a short speech and on the day of the festival, everyone enjoys their time at piece and for the grand ending to their day, a play put on by Willy Tybur and his family on the history of Marley. While this play occurs, Falco brings Reiner down to a basement to meet with Kruger. Realizing who it is immediately and being threatened by Eren, he is forced to sit and talk with him or else. Episode 5 (Declaration of War) It’s revealed during Willy’s play the truth of the Fritz and Tybur family, they completely made up the story of the Hero Helos who supposedly freed everyone from the tyranny of King Fritz. In reality, the Fritz and Tybur family made a deal that if peace cannot be kept by Marley then the wall titans would be released in an event called simply - “The Rumbling”. While this is happening Pieck and Porco are led to a room where they are then trapped in a pit hole by undercover Marlyian defector, Yelena. Back on stage, Willy Tybur announces that a war has started and it’s all because of the man who stole the Founding Titan’s power - Eren Jaeger. Willy warns that this man is a threat to world peace and that he is actively going against the deal that King Fritz and the Tyburs brokered long ago. In the basement, Eren tells Falco and Reiner how both sides of Paradis and Marley are just the same and that even he and Reiner are both the same but with different upbringings. Reiner wanting Eren to not go through with anything drastic, harming Falco, Gabi, or the people he close - begs forgiveness from Eren and for him to instead kill him in return. This simple plea isn’t enough as Eren has come too far and transforms killing innocent people in the complex they’re in and Willy Tybur who at the moment had declared war against Paradis and Eren Jaeger. Episode 6 (The War Hammer Titan) But it’s revealed in a flashback that Willy Tybur knew all along of his eventual demise and in advance planned out with Magath that he would become a martyr if necessary for their cause. As Eren’s attack rages on he eats Willy Tybur, killing many high ranking generals (some of which who approved Zeke’s plan in Episode 2) and in the process murders Zofia by flying debris, and then Udo who is crushed to death by people running for their lives from the Founding Titan. Gabi and Falco though are able to recover Udo and then flee from the scene to a nearby hospital that is overflowing with the injured. There they are forced to accept Udo’s death which sends Gabi into a rage and looking for vengeance to only find more Eldian Soldiers dying as they are picked off by the invading Survey Corp members, one of which being Sasha Brouse. While Eren continues his attack Lara Tybur reveals herself to be the War Hammer Titan and transforms but is quickly attacked by Eren only to get the upper hand on him again by using her powerful ability to create blunt objects and weapons using her hardening ability. During the battle, Pieck and Porco are rescued by Pieck’s Cart Titan infantry which signifies control being handed back over to Marley. Lara Tybur is able to expose Eren and when going in for the final blow, Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corp arrive to bail out Eren and even the fight once more signifying a major shift back in the favor of Paradis. Using Thunder Spears and their 3DO gear the sounds of which and the sight of sends fear down the spines of the Titan Shifters. Though it won’t be as simple as point and shoot for the Survey Corp as Lara’s robust exterior proves a match to the Thunder Spears. Instead, it’s Eren who figures out that Lara has simply burrowed herself into the ground which he then exploits the weakness of detaching herself from her Titan which prompts Lara to harden into a crystal form much like Annie did in Season 1. While this happens Porco as the Jaw Titan tries to stop Eren only to be stopped by the arriving Levi Ackerman who severs Porco’s jaws before he can bite into Eren’s nape. Episode 7 (Assault) As the Survey Corp uses oppressive force to lay waste to Marley and stop Pieck from using her Cart Titan at full force, Lara uses her hardening to impale Eren Jaeger and neutralize him. As this happens, Zeke’s Beast Titan arrives and starts to attack the invading Paradis forces. Falco then reemerges as both Reiner and Falco survived the initial transformation due to some quick thinking by Reiner to create a pod-like structure to protect Falco. Though Reiner seems to be in some sort of induced coma-like state and Falco escapes heading back to safety where he runs into Magath and Gabi. While the full-on assault wages against both sides, there the rest of the Survey Corp arrive, in particular Armin who transforms into the Colossal Titan wiping out and killing most life within its Nuclear-Like transformation and destroying Marley’s Navy which was to converge on their point to provide support for Marley. Levi in turn uses this to his advantage to take down the Beast Titan in the commotion which also leads to Sasha and Jean being able to take down the Cart Titan though Jean hesitates when he sees Falco trying to defend a helpless Pieck. This leads to the successful rescue of Pieck though she’s badly injured. This culminates in Hange arriving in their getaway zeppelin that has already picked up Armin. Porco attempts to attack the zeppelin but is cut down to size by Eren and Mikasa. Eren then as if he is a nutcracker uses Porco to shatter Lara and swallow her, gaining the ability of the War Hammer Titan in the process. But it’s the cries of Gabi and Falco which awakens Reiner to save Porco from certain demise. Episode 8 (Assassin’s Bullet) Though Reiner is no match for Eren as he is extremely weakened and not fully armored and Eren as well is nearly out of strength so Eren chooses to escape, leaving their fight unfinished. Levi as well ties up Eren for essentially going AWOL and brings him to the zeppelin. Gabi though still in a rage keeps pursuing the zeppelin is stopped by Falco who tries to talk some sense into her of what’s going on. They’re creating a cycle of revenge and it won’t stop until the senseless killing of people stops. Gabi refuses his sentiment and instead continues to chase the zeppelin murdering Lobov in the process which forces Falco’s hand to go along with Gabi’s plan as they use Lobov’s 3DO gear to reach the zeppelin’s bay. There Gabi quickly takes aim and shoots Sasha in the chest, killing her and obtaining revenge against her. This leads to the ultimate capture of Gabi and Falco by the Survey Corps. They are then brung to another room in the zeppelin where they see that Zeke has defected to the side of Paradis, taking the side of his brother. They are then informed that Sasha was killed at the hands of Gabi and that her last words were simply “meat” which prompts Eren to laugh much in the same way he did in Episode 12 of Season 2. Helpless to save anyone, Jean tells Eren in anger that it was his mission that lead to the death of Sasha, his beloved friend. Episode 9 (Brave Volunteers) We then learn that just three years prior Marley sent ships to Paradis Island, but all of them were captured by the Survey Corps. This is where we learn that many within Marley’s ranks are a part of the “Anti-Marlyian Volunteers”, two of which are Yelena and Onyankanpon. Yelena is a staunch supporter of Zeke Jaeger’s plan to initiate the Rumbling to stop Marley. When Yelena’s village was destroyed and taken over by Marley, Yelena found freedom and hope in Zeke. Onyankanpon is a constituent of Yelena and provides useful technologies to Paradis with their partnership. Three years later and now after the attack on Marley we are introduced to Nicolo, a former Marlyian soldier captured three years prior. He mourns the death of Sasha who he was in love with and gave him the courage to follow his true passion of being a chef. At the cemetery, he runs into Sasha’s family who offers him to go to a restaurant for dinner, which he accepts. When then see a couple of important things happen; Levi brings Zeke to a camp in the forest, which he will be able to keep an eye on him, Armin talks to Annie’s crystalized form about his troubled mind and if it was the right decision to do what he did by killing innocents for Eren and Zeke’s plan, and then we see Eren who is in a cell much like Gabi and Falco who were imprisoned after Gabi murders Sasha. Episode 10 (A Sound Argument) Two years prior, Kiyomi Azumabito went to negotiate with Paradis Island at the recommendation of Zeke. It’s revealed here that Mikasa’s crest handed down from her mother means she is actually the long-lost descendent of an ancient ruler of Hizuru. Kiyomi though came to help Paradis in return for the Iceburst Stone, which is used for the 3DO gear. They also suggest something; a test of the rumbling. Doing this would ensure peace for many more years to come and as well advance many avenues of technology. The key here though is that Zeke’s Beast Titan would be continued to pass down through royal blood every 13 years with Historia being the first in line. Another issue arises though as Eren disagrees with the proposal to sacrifice Historia. Though as a year passes, it turns out that the partnership bore no fruits as Hizuru and Kiyomi chose greed rather than the original plan as is. In the present Historia is now pregnant with a farmer’s child and hidden away on a farm. As well, Jeanne, Connie, and Armin have lost their trust in Eren as a friend, confused at his actions which Jeanne and Connie propose that they have someone more trustworthy take over Eren’s role and become the Attack Titan. Mikasa on the other hand still believes there is a chance. Episode 11 (Deceiver) While that’s happening Gabi and Falco escape their prison cells and make their way into the forests of Paradis Island. They are found by a young orphan child named Kaya who brings them to her home, a ranch in the forest run by the Brause family which takes in children who have no home or family. Agreeing to keep their true identities under wraps, Gabi and Falco are eventually found out by Kaya who realized quickly they were warriors of Marley. Kaya then shows the village which was destroyed by titans years prior, the very same village Sasha saved in Season 2. Kaya asks Gabi if it’s okay for her race of people to keep paying a price that her ancestors committed 100’s of years ago. Falco is able to talk sense into their argument, acting as the in-between and as they calm down and return to the ranch, they are informed that they’ve been invited to a dinner at a good restaurant in the walls. Seeing as the restaurant is run by a Marley soldier, they think that this is their chance to get back to Marley, so they agree to go. Meanwhile, Kiyomi has finally arrived on the docks to see one of the world’s first flying boats, which runs on Iceburst Stone. In Paradis Floch and Louise leak information about Eren being locked up which leads to Hange incarcerating them for their actions. Hange then ponders the weight of the role that she’s in and how the ones which came before her were able to act under such pressures. In Marley, they figure out that Zeke has sided with Paradis and thus Reiner proposes to launch a full-scale counterattack now, rather than later. Episode 12 (Guides) In the meantime, Yelena while being questioned revealed that she met with Eren months prior to discuss the terms of their agreement. Onyankanpone on the other hand tells Hange that Yelena is someone who is loyal to Zeke to the point that she will kill people and though they were comrades with Yelena, no one, not even he knew about what Yelena was planning with Zeke. Back in the walls, Armin and Mikasa run into Hitch on their way to meet Zachery as they plan to ask permission to meet with Eren. Zachery denies the request and as they go to leave, Zachery is assassinated using explosives planted by the newly formed Yaegerists. This new group dedicated to following Eren and making him the new leader of the military break him out of prison. Though at the news of this, Pyxis feels he has no options but to give up and join them as they do not know the identity of Yaegerist soldiers or followers though they will use Zeke’s location as a bargaining chip to do so. It’s also suspected by Hange that the Marlyean Soldiers could be planned as Yelena and Zeke are suspected to have already planned everything out as a way to cover all bases before moving forward. Episode 13 (Children of the Forest) Back in the forest, Zeke tells Levi that four years earlier Marley created a weapon to allow Zeke’s spinal fluid to be synthasised into a gas substance. In any form, Zeke’s spinal fluid is able to essentially paralize people and put them in a state of limbo to which he can then scream and turn those effected into pure titans. He did this exact same thing to those in Ragako village as a way to keep his cover going with Marley. As the festivals of the dinner are now underway, Falco and Gabi meet with Nicolo and upon connecting the dots that it was Gabi who killed Sasha, Nicolo takes the bottle of wine he had and inadvertently smashes it over Falco’s head. He then knocks Gabi out and brings the two to the Braus family and gives them the opportunity to kill them for their actions. Though while Kaya will not forgive Gabi for her actions, the rest of the Brause family understand that by killing Gabi they would only create a cycle of revenge. Though this is not their biggest issue as Nicolo reveals to Hange that the wine Falco accidentally consumed contains some of Zeke’s spinal fluid which was also given to many officials within Paradis. The Jaegerists then invade the restaurant which leads to a meeting between Eren, Armin and Mikasa. Episode 14 (Savagery) Eren reveals to them that while in disbelief, he is still a free person acting under complete freedom. While the conversation continues he reveals to Armin that he has feelings for Annie and the reason for this is because every Titan Shifter carries the memories of the previous person to wield that power. As for Mikasa, he states that her race of the Ackerman’s were essentially programmed by Eldia to protect what was then the royal family. Because of these two facts, Eren has hated both Mikasa and Armin since they were children. After a brief fight which Eren wins, he takes them all to Shinganshina district. There he plans to meet with Zeke to enact their plan together. In Shinganshina Floch and the rest of the Jaegerists take over the military. He then forces the cadets there to beat Shadis, which Shadis tells them to do as a kind of test for his now former cadets. While this happens, in the forest Levi is planning to have Zeke eaten when all of his comrades turn into Pure Titans by Zeke. Zeke then uses the Pure Titans to escape the forest but Levi is in pursuit and eventually catches up to him. This leads to Zeke transforming though is quickly taken down by Levi once again and captured. Zeke then wakes up in a wagon with a thunder spear imbedded in his body. As a way to torture Zeke, Levi then starts to cut off Zeke’s limbs as they they grow back which leads into a flashback to Zeke’s childhood. Episode 15 (Sole Salvation) One day Zeke met Dr. Ksaver, who at the time was the current Beast Titan. With Grisha and Dina already severely mistreating and using Zeke, he found solace with Ksaver. Because he came to trust Ksaver, Zeke told him about his Restorationist parents and at the behest of Ksaver, Zeke reported his parents who were then taken to Paradis Island. Later on he would reveal to Zeke that the Founding Titan has a hidden ability that he was able to determine through his research. The Founding Titan can manipulate all Eldians bodies and how to get around the Vow of Renouncing War. They both then agree to enact their plan to euthanize all Eldians as a way to stop what is happening to them at the hands of Marley. Years later he would meet with Eren in Liberio and there they would both agree to Zeke Euthenasia Plan. Now waking up, Zeke intentionally activates the Thunder Spears which causes the wagon to explode. Episode 16 (Above and Below) Due to the explosion Floch with Hange go to investigate the sounds when they come across a Pure Titan who rips over its stomach to put Zeke inside along with the body of Levi Ackerman. In Shinganshina, all of the soldiers who drank Zeke’s wine are rounded up by Yelena while in the prison cells the Survery Corp members are placed. Yelena then comes to tell them of Zekes plan to euthanize the Eldian race and then using the Rumbling as a way to buy time to have Eren and Zeke meet. While this is happening Eren confronts Gabi who he tries to get her to join his side, but rather smoothly Pieck comes into the picture and feigns convincing Gabi that the right choice is to defect to the Jaegerists. From there they are led to the rooftop where Pieck and Porco enact their plan of trying to eat Eren by surprise. Sadly it does not work, though it does not matter as Marley have arrived, ready for a fight as they now know Eren’s location. If you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing as I will be covering Attack on Titan weekly on this channel. Check out my previous videos on the Final Season here. Thank you for watching, buh-bye!
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Keywords: SeaTactics, Attack on Titan Final Season Part 1 Explained, Attack on Titan Final Season, Attack on Titan Final Season Part 2, Attack on Titan Final Season Part 1, attack on titan final season, attack on titan final season part 1 timeline, seatactics attack on titan, seatactics shingeki no kyojin, attack on titan final season recap, aot final season recap, Attack on Titan Final Season Part 1 FULL RECAP, aot season 4 part 1 recap, attack on titan season 4 part 1 recap, aot recap
Id: vCWRaBeKb7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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