Attack Goblets Can Be Better Than You Were Told | Genshin Impact

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what's going on guys since the beginning of genshin we have been conditioned to run either an elemental or physical damage goblet on basically every character in the game that deals damage and that attack percent goblet should only be used until a replacement can be found while that is still the case in a lot of situations there has been a meta shift in genchin that makes attack percent goblets on par or even better than elemental damage goblets for some builds overall i think this is a huge win for players as it reduces some of the rng in the goblet artifact slot without a doubt i have made mistakes in my journey of gentian impact throwing away five-star artifacts with main stats i didn't ever anticipate using so my current attack percent goblet options are limited in fact i've been fishing for an elemental mastery goblet in literally any artifact set for ages and there's a good chance i foddered one when i was earlier in the game and before i had an elemental mastery scaling character in this video we're going to be talking about when you should consider running an attack percent goblet and why this is coming up now i see this question come up all the time in the forum so i would like to give my perspective on this topic more specifically we'll talk about how damage is calculated why attack percent goblets are now more viable diminishing returns with stacking a single stat characters that you can consider running an attack percent goblet on and how weapons artifacts and team comps influence the goblet slot artifact stats can be very specific to your builds and teams you're running so a general understanding of the topic should help you make better choices for your account i'm gonna try to keep this video short and informative so let's get right into it in order to figure out which stats to run on a character you need a basic understanding of how damage is calculated the damage equation gets pretty complicated so we'll just look at it in a basic form the outgoing damage from a character that scales off attack is calculated as total attack times the scaling on their ability times one plus all percent damage bonuses all damage bonuses whether their elemental damage burst damage normal attack damage or others are additive so keep that in mind if the hit is critical this whole equation is multiplied by one plus the critical damage of the character when we look at the damage an enemy actually takes we also have to account for the defense and resistance of the enemy which we cannot control and we do not need to worry about this for this discussion so really the character stats we can control are attack damage bonuses crit rate and crit damage along with talent levels if you want to do more damage level your talents that is simple as far as crit goes if you're building a character for damage you generally want to invest heavily into these stats but like attack and damage bonuses neglecting other stats and not properly balancing crit can also lead to diminishing returns for the purpose of this video we will assume an average level of investment and crit rating for damage to remove them from the discussion and focus on attack and damage bonuses we'll come back to this shortly but first i want to talk about why i'm now discussing this topic throughout most of version 1.0 we saw a pretty consistent mix of sources to boost damage in the form of attack like from a two-piece gladiator set another party member with four piece no bless set character ascension stats weapon passives or a character like bennett normal and charge attack damage like from a four-piece gladiator set rust the black sword or clee's first passive talent elemental skill damage like from the festering desire stringless or solar pearl weapon passive abilities elemental burst damage like from the two-piece no bless set or weapons like the stringless and elemental or physical damage like from two-piece artifact sets weapon sub-stats and character ascension stats defense and resistance shred as well as elemental mastery transfer are another way to boost reaction and non-reaction damage but do not affect the discussion even with all the damage bonuses that were possible until recently the majority of characters usually did not have more than around 100 total damage bonuses with an average build looking something like 15 elemental damage from a two-piece artifact set 46.6 percent elemental damage from a goblet and maybe 30 additional damage from a weapon or four-piece artifact set putting us right around 100 total sure there are exceptions but they're not as common and it is much more likely to see a huge attack buff from a character like bennett so what has changed on top of the unique scaling some characters have we have also gotten a new artifact set the emblem of severed fate some new powerful weapons and kazuha who gives the team a significant elemental damage bonus the new emblem of severed fate set can give up to 75 burst damage alone kazuha can transfer an elemental damage buff roughly equal to a 5 star goblet if built with full em and then we still may be running a weapon that gives around 30 percent additional damage if we add an elemental damage goblet we're at nearly 200 damage bonus this is just one example because we also have characters that gain elemental damage with ascension others that give damage buffs like mona or ganyu or ayaka who gains damage bonuses with her dash and skill during the 2.1 live stream mihoyo mentioned that raiden shogun will convert some of her energy recharge to electro damage bonus we've already seen this with mona who converts energy recharge to hydro damage bonus i've made a video on how the emblem set is very strong for mona and we can assume that this is raiden's signature set and will be her best in slot you may have heard that there are diminishing returns building into a single stat while this is mostly true the diminishing return comes from building into one stat while neglecting others this is where the attack percent goblet comes into the picture if some characters are naturally getting 150 to 200 damage bonuses building more into elemental damage and therefore not building into more attack can result in an overall loss of damage this graph shows the concept pretty well you can neglect the overall damage numbers but look at the trends to put this crap together i only looked at how changing the goblet stat affects different types of builds at the left of the graph we're running an elemental damage goblet and at the right we're running an attack percent couplet the middle of the graph would be a split of these stats for a normal build you can see that an elemental damage goblet will give more damage when running a character with bennett or likely sarah in the future you'll have a lot of attack and therefore building into attack over damage gives very diminishing returns alternatively if you already have a lot of damage bonuses before the goblet 100 in this case an attack goblet can give more damage in an elemental one and if you're stacking a lot of attack and damage you can likely build into either stat successfully i wish i could give a definitive point one to consider an attack percent goblet but it is very dependent on your build and team but in general if you're running bennett in your team you're safe to use an elemental damage goblet if you already have a high damage bonus and a lack of attack percent bonuses you're safe to run an attack percent goblet if you're not running an attack percent sands and do not have an attack percent sub-stat on your weapon you can likely run either goblet with good results and if you're running kazuha on your team and your character has elemental damage scaling you can consider running an attack percent goblet if you really care about min maxing i highly recommend using a damage calculator or testing multiple options on your characters i'll link the damage calculator i frequently use in the description let's talk some general characters that can make use of an attack percent goblet based on mihoyo's description of raiden shogun during the livestream she's likely a character that can use an attack percent goblet as she'll want a lot of energy recharge and will scale heavily into damage with her signature artifact set and passive talents but without knowing raiden's actual stats this is something we'll have to look for when she releases if sarah is really waifu bennett like described by mihoyo and you're running her with raiden this may change her build as previously discussed and is something to keep in mind mona is a similar case in patch 2.0 when built with high energy recharge and the emblem of the severed fate artifact set as a typical freeze comp damage buffer at 220 energy recharge mona gets a 45 hydro damage bonus from her second passive and 55 burst damage from the four piece emblem set my current mona build is using an energy recharge sands and hydro damage bonus goblet with an r5 wood sit i did several tests on the pyro regis fine to determine if an attacker said goblet or hydro damage goblet gave more burst damage i did make sure not to proc that witch's passive when performing these tests my attack percent goblet has twelve point three percent energy recharge and eighteen point seven percent crit damage because it is nearly impossible to have equivalent sub stats on different artifacts these tests were conducted with two different hydro damage goblets the first goblet has five point eight percent crew rate and nine point three percent attack and the second goblet has seven point eight percent crit damage without a crit the attack percent goblet gave more burst damage than hydro damage goblet 2 but less than hydro damage goblet 1. when i did crit the attack percent goblet won out in both cases in general the attack goblet is on par with or slightly better than a hydro damage goblet for this build and i would simply recommend running the piece of better overall substats this is just a net positive for players because it gives more flexibility in the spot and reduces some of the rng and artifact farming other support characters equipped with an energy recharge sands emblem of the severed fate set and high energy recharge can also use an attack percent goblet in some situations mostly would not run alongside bennett the characters that come to mind are beto xingcho and xiang ling in addition to raiden and mona 5 star characters like yomiya ayaka and xiao can make use of an attack percent goblet with certain builds zhao is the classic example of a character who gets a ton of damage bonuses when his burst is active meaning he can be lacking an attack and can be built with an attack percent goblet depending on your overall ratios five star characters have a high base attack meaning attack percent sub stats are more valuable in yomiya's case when equipped with an r5 rust and her signature artifact set her normal attacks get 130 damage bonus which is pretty massive and can lead you to invest more into attack everything is dependent on team cop of course and if you're running bennett for an attack buff and pyro resonance a pyro goblet will win out for yomiya in ayaka's case she gains separate damage bonuses from her elemental skill her dash artifact set and also synergizes well with mona and kazuha both of which provide damage buffs on top of this her signature weapon provides further damage bonuses when run with optimal comps and build she can definitely benefit from attack percent goblet there's not always a clear answer as to what you should be running but the moral of the story here is that attack percent goblets do seem to be becoming more viable and not something that you should continue to overlook when building characters save your goblet with good sub stats as they can outperform the goblet you may think is best in slot that's all i got for you guys today if you guys found this video helpful or informative please consider leaving a like and subscribing to the channel i put out kenshin videos just like this one every single week i'll see you guys for the next one peace
Channel: westonsm
Views: 27,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin, Genshin Impact, Attack Goblet, Raiden Attack Goblet, ATK% Goblet, ATK Goblet, Raiden Goblet, Raiden Build, Genshin Raiden, Emblem of Severed Fate, Genshin Build, Mona Build, Mona ATK%, Mona Goblet, Mona Emblem, Raiden Shogun, Baal, Beidou, Mona, Ayaka, Patch 2.1, Kujou Sara, Raiden Genshin, Goblet Raiden, Raiden ATK% Goblet, Atk% goblet good, ATK% or electro damage, raiden electro goblet, raiden f2p, f2p raiden
Id: ML3qS-9OB5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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