AT&T Netgear Nighthawk 5G Mobile Hotspot Pro Review

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my name is jason hugg i'm a photojournalist here in reading pennsylvania and uh this is my review of the att netgear nighthawk m5 mobile router so just to jump into everything um this isn't a paid review i bought this device completely on with my own money uh no one paid me to say any of this kind of thing so this is my own my own review of it just based on my uh my experience with it working in the field as a photojournalist having to do live streaming uploading videos basically in the middle of a field where there is no you know regular wi-fi network access that kind of thing so this is kind of why i wanted to kind of jump in and kind of put a review out there for it to kind of help other people who might be in the more professional side of things who are looking to get a new wi-fi a mobile wi-fi router that is that this might be an actual option for you looking over everything it's a very nice form factor i kind of i really like it it's um you know it's black and it's it's kind of you know it's obviously square it's not really that heavy uh compared to your cell phone you know you can easily throw it in your backpack the back of it pops out and as you can see right there there is a battery lithium ion battery which you can actually pop out i'm not going to do that right now because mine's on but you can actually pop that out and have more batteries i guess i've never had an issue with the battery and never really need any reason to pop the battery out to replace it but if you wanted to buy more for them for whatever reason sounds like you can actually do that with us so this is a wi-fi 6 5g mobile router and this is exclusively through the att network as you can see they put their giant logo uh right up the front there so this is uh forge you know picks up 4g picks up all the 5g speeds unfortunately i'm not in an area that pick that has i don't believe it has 18t's latest and greatest 5g network of course they you know they promote everyone has 5g now i know it's the big marketing campaign that's been going out you know end of 2020 early 2021. everyone has 5g now um well you know obviously that's true but uh not everyone has the the latest and you know the highest speed 5g of course and this of course is is one of those devices that uh has all the radios in it has all of the antennas in it uh for all of the uh the the highest 5g i'm not a very technical person when it comes to all of the specific um you know the specifics of the of the technology in the device but um it does have all of those in there if you go look at the specs on on any other websites that has them uh the only thing that's been disappointing is that because of that a few firmware updates have and you can see that in the corner here have kind of i wouldn't say downgraded but they've certainly pushed it back to 4g lte and that's the icon that shows up everywhere i go now so it doesn't specifically say 5g and the upload speeds don't really uh relate to 5g i'm not going to get into specifically like how fast it is that kind of stuff just because you know that kind of the your speed of course will be dependent on how close you are to a tower and all that kind of stuff so that's really kind of irrelevant but from what i've used it uh it does work really good so uh it's just kind of one of those things where i'm disappointed that you know it has all that in there i guess i just have to wait for technology to really you know to expand more into my area i don't do a lot of traveling uh if you do uh you'll probably find uh uh you know where there's a lot more you know 5g bandwidth the higher top tier 5g that this thing will you know be really explosive um this you know in my area in reading pennsylvania we don't have that probably philly does right now um so that's just kind of one of the things to be aware of is that it might have everything in it but that doesn't mean you're going to pick it up but that being said though everything that i've seen all the speeds that i've seen here i've never really gone anywhere where i haven't been able to get wi-fi which is awesome or you know wi-fi um you know cell service and and actually be able to get a usable cell service for live streaming uh so for what i do uh being a photojournalist slash reporter i'm always out in the field basically anywhere in the county whether it's the middle of a field uh you know street corner that kind of thing where i might have to live stream a press conference live stream an interview so obviously i need a lot of internet and i need uh upload more than download and this uh this device does a really good job at balancing that of course on the network so that's great it's also wi-fi six and you can go through if you don't know what wi-fi six is it's the latest and greatest wi-fi and you can go through on your own what wi-fi six means but that's really cool especially if you have any of the newer phones and things like that to connect to the device uh can that also means it can handle a lot more devices connected to it i usually connect you know ipad pro to you know my laptop to my you know iphones that kind of thing and it can handle all of those no problem i've never had an issue with that battery does really well too i've never run it through this whole course of battery and i've had it on you know for quite a while i you know i always charge it back up but i've never had it deplete you know completely out so that's really great especially in my position where i need to have battery sometimes and and i might just i know i don't have the option of going to charge it although i do bring a lot of portable chargers with me anyway this thing does feature a lot of options uh of course you can put a guest wi-fi in i'm just kind of running through a few things now you can have a data saver so you can actually plug this in uh to a existing wi-fi network and it will do pass-through i believe and then it will pick up where that leaves off um which i've never used it for that that feature so you know if you need that that's cool but i've never had to do that it does have the you can kind of see on the back there the ethernet ports and it has the usbc which is a charger slash uh data port so that will if you plug that into like an ipad directly it will pick up and transmit all of the uh you know very similar to what the ethernet does which is pretty awesome so in that case i can split it between you know plugging my ipad through a dongle through uh ethernet and then charging the device at the same time or things like that which is super awesome versus always just having to use the wi-fi dedicated on there really that only comes in handy for me at certain situations so it may not mean anything to you at all um so in general it does really well um the wi-fi signal on it performs really well usually i leave it in a corner in a bag or something like that i also got this just to protect it i also have a candy little case i bought off of amazon that fits the uh the router in there plus the charger on the side too so that's really helpful so yeah if you're in the market you know for a mobile wi-fi router i use it for you know in the professional setting i don't really use it for home use at all um so i don't really know i can't tell you if it's gonna you know stream netflix or those kind of things you know in heavy use in that capacity i use it for in the field uploading you know uh maybe a two or three gigabyte video up uh while i'm in the middle of the field for something or i'm you know an hour away from my house or something like that so and it works very well for that the dedicated times i'm using it so you obviously it's an atm t product so you'll need to go through at t for a data plan i have the att unlimited elite plan which seems to work just fine and it's unlimited i think that's the cap is 100 gigabytes or something like that i've never gone above that i'm sure if you do you know there's limitations to it of course but it seems to work out for me uh just fine so i'd recommend that kind of a plan for because then you have a little bit of wiggle room in between there you have to worry about you know having it drop off or you know things like that for service so yeah if you're if you're in the market for a mobile wi-fi router i would definitely recommend this they also do have the uh the m1 which is the previous version uh actually that was the one i was really looking at first to buy and then this was brand new it just came out at the time so i figured why not you know get the nicer version um if i was to do it all over again i don't know i mean knowing what i know now you know i would say it really depends on the service in your area you know if you don't have you know that higher level 5g you could probably do just fine with the m1 version i think it's like half the price of what this is now and pick it up used or something like that for much cheaper and get a data plan with it you could probably do really well with that of course it doesn't have all the latest you know bells and whistles that this guy does but um you know that gets you in the game of uh you know learning you know how to use it and really how it's useful to you so thanks for watching this video my name is jason hugg and i am an entrepreneur and photojournalist here in reading pennsylvania and really what i do is i help entrepreneurs tell stories about their business of course i do that through my newspaper magazines locally here but i also do that on my website at so if that's something you're interested in is learning how to you know how to engage your audience better through your business and and really tell that story rather than just you know putting up graphics and marketing and you know the traditional advertising kind of thing check out my website and and see what else i do
Channel: Jason Hugg
Views: 33,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AT&T, Netgear, Netgear Nighthawk, Nighthawk M5, Mobile Router, WiFi 6, AT&T 5G, AT&T Netgear Nighthawk 5G Mobile Hotspot Pro
Id: fHLalI7pl0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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