Star Wars Jedi Survivor - Part 4 - THE FORREST ARRAY

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hmm [Music] you know I've been thinking to possibly just start these videos without like a proper and I mean proper introduction just kind of get right into it um but I've always been curious because I always try to make it a point to make an introduction but maybe for this series every video is just going to start with us getting into the gameplay without really saying much just starting off the video and then ending it the same way let me know how you guys feel about that this water is so nice here like okay hold on what is that gonna attack me by the way we're we're supposed to go over here this is why it came here in the first place you know what let's check this out first oh what just oh my God it just slid his freaking hit that Beast sorry boys or Birds doesn't seem like today is your lucky day scared the crap out of me okay you deserve to die okay so I think we can grapple up there but I want to check this area out first because I think this is possibly a dead end and you know what they say about dead ends I don't know what they say about dead ends but usually there's something we've never experienced anything like this in this game period huh what the heck no really okay this is there's got to be something at the end of this one one thousand two one thousand three one thousand one one thousand two one thousand every time you jump it switches yo that's crazy oh my God okay Color Me impressed I don't know BD it was an echo in the force Okay I hold something let me see what that looks like it seems to have helped a force tear okay that's what they are Force tears I mean they gave me a skill point that's that's I guess that's as good as it's gonna get for us really man this is so nice here I really really wish I could be playing this on PC hold on before we go back or before we go forward I want to check this side I want to see where we would have came from here I want to make sure I don't miss anything I'll never break it come on man don't do this to yourself we're going into the forest now boys the forest array let me go ahead and unlock this at least I'm Not Gonna Save just yet if we had two skill points I probably would have equipped the second skill point considering we don't have much right now how do we get that yo whoa what the heck you just spit out a freaking stormtrooper's head set and we've got a three skill points look at that biomole the large thick heighted bioball has made a home amongst couples waterfalls or whatever okay interesting episode so far can I climb this I need to get my hands on that how do I get up there let me see it what the freaking crap is that oh These Guys these little dorks it's all boys uh you want to throw go mind control oh I can't they're not human or maybe we just don't have the ability to control the droids yet that would be nice if you want melee battle droids okay man I love these little like um water puddles they've got going on fire right I wonder what this will fetch a dumbest shop oh look at this I almost missed this little pod back here Tactical well that looks like an important door oh this is what we're supposed to be fight fight of course [ __ ] anyone hello Jedi I'm your ally I'm your ally sir oh wow you really hit me hello how dare you freedom come on do it again nope not that one don't do that one again let's go I'm sorry I don't know what happened to me there you know what it happens these Raiders are keeping the Empire at Bay at least they're good for something okay so we're up here I need to find out how do I get how do I get that I know there's something up there like that thing over there how do I grab that man there's Gotta Be A Way foreign look at this seeking you shall find they said this is a good one horse maybe some more force or health I think they go in order Health essence maximum health increased hell yeah I don't know if I can make this jump oh we did it looks like another shard talk about being an overachiever here guys oh yes oh when you unlock those things they also respawn the enemies I'm your worst nightmare punks probably should go and Rhea stab I'm okay I don't want to bore you guys I'm not going back up there unless I have to fight this thing again these two dorks no they're no longer here so we're we're okay so that's how we can use that key for open the forest gate hell yeah let's go baby you ready should be out here somewhere Only Way Forward is to cut through let me catch that too BD and now alone out here okay looks like it's blocked it's a type PD let me see what I can do go over here oh please you silly little bird but this oh this is gonna fall that's not a good idea oh [ __ ] it's no use speedy let's take this to domas good to go BD let's try that again awesome foreign ready to move on oh hold up seems like things are not what they seem foreign tricked not for so long huh smart out here guys buddy Centauri creason held the key to tanalore she seems to think so too only to find out okay I don't think they saw us let's move hmm we got something up top seems yeah like oh gosh hold on like if we go up here there's something on the map it's down that way huh interesting and sweets and we've got another meditation post which I figured it was going to be coming up soon Raiders don't like the amps anymore than we do we're gonna we're gonna meditate real quick I don't want to risk dying here so we've got um skills go ahead and do the skills we've got lightsaber this is a dual wield right double bladed hold score to deal fast strikes towards okay okay so if you hold square L1 and X oh wow that's cool um yeah let's do that that's probably cool L1 Square and then we shall rest get up out of here they're fighting against each other now that is what I like oh my God what a silly dork never turn your back on a Jedi let's go BD Shield Trooper hmm that's probably going to be a shortcut we're about to unlock it's the only way this is the way that was cool getting a little chest here Hunter jacket oh wow there's actually on the top I don't even know was on the top I thought it was on the side let's get a drop on these bucket heads well excuse me oh I'm gonna make you bleed yeah buddy like those new moves uh oh generations of raqqa raise their young here than the Empire tore through shot and trampled anything that got in their way same store a different planet be quiet Trooper got no right to talk in my presence I am a Jedi and you will respect it's a Jedi it is a Jedi that's right man I got the Finish even without his health being depleted that was that was interesting you say the very least shortcut maybe not yet definitely yeah that is a shortcut we'll fight together foreign you can trust me Trooper I think this guy glitch now he's still in slow-mo oh yeah dude hmm this is the way the biomass Revenge a little help very good buddy what was this little guy hiding let's see excuse me wrong tab oh man that does not look cool I thought that was gonna look cooler than what it is oh my god um hold on I think we're gonna probably go back to shaving cow I like them like this hmm we'll do this possibly maybe change up the jacket a little bit you know you know me I love capes and video games wait what happened oh it was a freaking Rock Oh I thought it was a rope oh that's hilarious so what the hell do I do here okay I didn't think he was gonna hold on hurry up cow yikes this is she was damaged there's no ways he could have made this journey of course back in Priest day there was no Empire to contend with what I would give to see a glimpse of that Galaxy okay good oh hey isn't that the chick that was oh easy easy no it's not looking for trouble me neither too much drama for my mama okay not right now let me interact with this little guy little guy it's probably a reward for that don't worry I'm a friend it's a relief it's in a fight came to see that incredible High Republic structure didn't expect that to fight off peace with my field Journal sorry rambling bad habit the I'm TOA by the way I'm Cal this is bd1 listen the Empire is not going to be happy to find you out here why don't you head back to the reach I think I will take you up on that explore the high Republic chamber in the forests let's check it out something Buddy what is this a rumor hmm okay that's where we're headed right oh shortcut sweet deal how the hell do I explore that Amber It's gotta be this one oh you guys are dumb that's what they were shooting at spy Droid someone else has eyes out here maybe the Raiders it's got to be up here let's try not to end up with that guy got his ass beat hold on oh he's coming for me slow down dude oh I don't have any more oh God oh please hello why why does it take so long to freaking when you die you lose all your XP gains since your last kill point damaging the enemy who defeated you will restore you oh that's some Souls born [ __ ] right there right here bud this is unbelievable foreign oh my gosh thank you I don't have much just realized but that's crazy how they're doing that that's very so uh Souls born like that must be another one of those High Republic Chambers [Music] what do you say buddy up for a little detour how big is this place it's got to be here okay what do we got what do we got what do we got here welcome Jedi and Tori Cree [Music] invisible to us put me through patience careful food and the wisdom of the force and the way up here what is this gotta bring something here this is really cool they're like shrines in a way huh so they believe something is behind the abyss that's right a planet well I hope it's worth all this effort Talk of the future I've never known santari Cree to shook from a challenge no and she seems exceptionally driven by this particular task whoa dude my Padawan is impatient weren't we all once the question is how will he overcome it time that light underneath is super cool looks like a data disc okay so this was the uh this is the beginning right I believe so what we've got to do now is we've got a I think we've got to bring this this is broken and hold on I didn't even see that before what the heck this place is filled with surprises if you haven't noticed oh my oh my God there we go I'm starting to wonder where's the other ball okay thank God this did not close on me perfect perfection there's this over here close call there guys close call how about that one do we need this one here foreign okay so now we come here you can grab that ball from over here I suppose it should be enough distance to drag it towards us is not but what we could do there's a little secret here going on bring this one around [Music] okay a dead end uh what's the point of this okay a Padawan no can figure this out okay we'll bring this one with us over here you can throw them across oh my God get out of here with this nonsense hold on [ __ ] here um we've been here I guess the last one is this one I just I'm not sure how to get to that other area there with the chest [Music] oh we got this this is just as good as any oh yeah what you got you know [ __ ] of course it was diligence he's dead thank God now we continue on the right path wait a minute ah let me check over here oh look at this another Health canister perhaps that would be nice [Music] okay that'll be the uh what the fourth one enough of these means that we would have five right now man mm-hmm sweet I like the one you collected they give you they max out your stems that's pretty cool very cool indeed young powder wine now here we are this looks rather important this also looks like a [ __ ] Boss Arena for some reason so I'm Gonna Save definitely Gonna Save that I have to not really whoa what whoa dude that's so cool oh terminal we'll have to wait this is what we need I know I am too powerful actually wow that slow-mo has drastically improved Backwater Planet like Kobo buddy the crew cut looking good there cow shortcut Maybe I think so oh the heck is that oh no it's the same thing we killed right hold on come on man don't tell me you're gonna get killed by a bird here cow I'll do the last thing we need that's how you do it foreign what you didn't even get stunned healthy that's just amazing so the duel the Dual lightsaber is graded on he just got stuck there don't mind him the Dual lightsaber is great enough but it's a bit slow and obviously certain things have uh pros and cons you know that's one of the cons of this it's strong but I'm freaking bastard foreign don't know what that stuff is but definitely doesn't look safe it's hard to breathe what is that do I smell a boss fight oh man hold up throw something here oh drop down what the hell is this oh and I jumped at the last second what is that can help please I'm okay that's so wild avoid it at all costs foreign okay let me see cool interesting I think we've made it the rest of these story is true the key to tantalor should be around here somewhere well Forest array ow foreign boss here let's stop for some reason I'm gonna rest I don't have any skill points to waste excuse me to spend over here BD no cutting through this stuff Coble barrier interesting only way to go is this way well not this way what is that I wonder if I can sweet whoa so how do we get out of here now we up through here no I missing all right let's get out let's keep on moving um I don't want to go over there this place must have been abandoned a forgotten for that all these years later she never gave up on her Mission we can't let her down oh God I just want to know what's that blue stuff those dots what the [ __ ] the creature is trapped can't cut it free let's pass under it for now oh my gosh shortcut excellent sorry dude wish I could help but I'm a little bit a little bit of an epic of myself hope you don't mind [ __ ] massive ah yo let's find another one oh that was part of the process ing sheds who killed these things what something around here more monsters you say have no fear cow is here around the mall [Music] oh you're a bastard not again pal why don't you eat that lightsaber you like it tastes pretty good I know so I've Been Told I've never seen Tech like this before nice grab some serious machines on Baraka I don't know what I'm doing here I'm an absolute idiot I'm just exploring but it looks like I'm doing something right or no I'm not this is definitely helpful dude being an Explorer really does help a lot a new skill point oh yeah unfortunately I can't go back that way so I don't know where this is gonna lead us to maybe a little shoe perfect not too bad at all got that shortcut on the left side as well we can free that bird cool hold on we've got a crate here seems like uh it's possibly another puzzle down below I knew that was gonna happen all right well we've seen this Tech before just not on this scale for rizzles all right so now how do I take this Tech over there [Music] what oh the ball disappeared is that is that what it is can I touch that okay we're good interesting I'm gonna cut this open shortcut has been unlocked now we gotta see how do we um no way we're crossing that still breathing but we gotta find a way to cut the uh oh wait this is somewhere else what is this all right so I'm just gonna keep going this way because I don't know I think that's where we're supposed to go see what this does sorry dude oh not like grapple buddy no I was never mind overly too optimistic that's another shortcut up there just drop down here see what this does all the critters around the array are pretty riled up dust near Imperial patrols probably don't help either [Music] that's right cow smart young Padawan you are except I don't think he's much of a Padawan anymore he's a Jedi Knight please more health I need more health major phono come in handy hold our wanters refuse uh large creatures confuse enemies will attack whoa the large creatures apparently I can't speak English this has been interesting the center myself [Music] I'm not going to use that uh skill point just yet let's see what we got here that could be trouble or or ignatus and eliminating the trouble nice big guy that's right attack them while I steal your loots oh not really your loot it's their new bike [ __ ] oh hurry up attack my little dinosaur as he's under your empire under your spell element here pretty helpful if you ask me I can use those balloons or something I just don't know how to do it I don't have a prompt or anything it's kind of pissing me off oh hold up hold up that looks really good don't want to go ahead and just jump over there that might not be the brightest idea hmm what do we have here uh what the heck oh okay now I think we're getting a little bit too adventurous here man not too adventurous can I go down all right can I oh BD [Music] I don't know what else to say see here I I thought no you didn't think you perceived a threat and reacted the order had to reacted faster we'd still have a republic the Empire the hack seen brood half the Galaxy wants us dead yes the odds are against us but they will always be against us Cal you can't fight your way out of some situations look at that look at that we just Tamed we just tame the wild beast and now it's gonna allow us whoa stand below oh my God are these your eggs just kidding huh just kind of pranking you [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] I forgot I gotta control it so pal bro what the heck let's go that is awesome dude now we can tame you know what I'm not even gonna say anything as if I need to explain myself oh freaking yeah [Music] that I need to do all that ready I'm ready I'm prepared what's up dude oh mama just kidding that was a little rude I'm sorry what's up boys what's up boys oh yeah it's all over now is it now I thought all right how do I bring that Beast down here had to go towards the Beast and here we go oh damn I couldn't examine it is see you later loser what's that good job BD oh now it's gonna turn towards the other side oh I gotta hold it probably one way to find out oh it's gonna break that phenomenal that's the beginnings uh area we came from and this is for that bird right ah you see that I did the trick do not come and attack me swear to God bought a ship myself here not even funny right now man all right so should we move this way I don't know maybe we should maybe we shouldn't I don't even think we've got anything to do here maybe we do I wonder how long they are stuck in this stuff it's like a weird matter around here can take on various forms let's hope that Tower at the top of the array has some answers okay so that bird over there is gonna help us I hope I'm going the right way sometimes it feels like I'm not gonna trust my inner judgments all right Hunter color material palettes Sensational let's go a little guy you're doing great I don't know what's it matter over here boys come on boys I'm not a threat attack them what the hell was the point of that oh he's attacking me still he just doesn't care this guy does not believe in friendship well I can't I can't tame him in a force I think that's probably what it was hey man we could have been friends could have been friends all right so hold up we got here this might be okay never mind I thought about this a data disc oh what's up dude shortcut right yeah all right so we did go the right way it seems like I wasn't able to go the other way regardless [Music] looking nice I think this guy's gonna be here I don't know what are we doing here huh can I bring this over perfection finally bring this over we're going in that Tower I don't know what's in there but we're going in there it's quite mighty same mechanisms powered Z's chamber we're getting close we're getting really close it's getting good guys just getting really good all mine don't you dare they're not the only ones interested in the array oh boy things are about to start heating up
Channel: Hollow
Views: 144,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Star Wars Jedi Survivor gameplay, Star Wars Jedi Survivor walkthrough, Star Wars Jedi Survivor part 1, Star Wars Jedi Survivor full game, Star Wars Jedi Survivor ending, Star Wars Jedi Survivor review, Star Wars Jedi Survivor walkthrough part 1, Star Wars Jedi Survivor ps5, Star Wars Jedi Survivor xbox, Star Wars Jedi Survivor pc, Star Wars Survivor gameplay, Star Wars Survivor full game, Star Wars Survivor ending, Jedi Survivor full game, Star, wars, jedi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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