Atlantis Rises, Lemuria Falls: The War that Sank a Continent

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this episode of the y-files is brought to you by PDS debt for thousands of years the world has been captivated by the mystery of Atlantis the concept of an ancient city hidden beneath the ocean is intriguing but what if there was not just a city but an entire continent buried beneath the waves the continent of lemuria is a huge landmass believed to have sunk in the Indian Ocean after some ancient catastrophic event Atlantis and lemuria are similar and that they've sparked numerous theories Legends and interpretations but Atlantis and lemuria are very different in one way there's no proof of Atlantis [Music] no no don't put them anywhere I didn't order 40 palm trees I don't care where you put them just don't leave them at my house I can't hear you what what do you say hang on hang on hey Mary close the door would you and tell the boys to take by don't play the union card with me Mario still get paid for the break she's contractors am I right contractors what are you even what are you working on Otis terrarium I know what a terrarium is what does this have to do with me well the boys are working on the footings for the camel box and the terrarium and I'm a little light on funds so I need you to do a little teeny tiny weeny baby teeny tiny money transfer so that it can pay to frame Us in order to sand okay I understand the words you're saying but none of this makes any sense I they guys and put in the order for the 35 cubic yards of sand 35 cubic yards how much sand is that how about 50 tons depending on the size of the grain time to educate you on Sand Dunes and these guys are still on the clock besides I don't need the teamsters on my dorsal fin you know what I'm talking about again I understood the words but did you say 50 tons of sand yeah it might be a little less depending on the size of the Oasis I put in and what plop I get Palapa yeah it's a type of beach hut I know what a Palapa is what is going on I told you the dirty was feeling homesick and I wanted to do something to cheer up and you said that I could so I'm building a terrarium in the backyard foot it's gonna have sand dunes and an oasis with a Palapa excuse me and an oasis with a beach hut again I don't know what this you should have float me a few shackles temporarily so they can get this thing finished yeah but I thought you were gonna cheer up with some hay or some flowers did you say backyard you don't have a backyard I have a backyard but the work is already started the bank said I have too many monthly payments for a construction loan have you ever seen a depressed camel she's just walking around in circles like my uncle lost his left Fin and Nam oh it's painful to watch okay okay just slow down will you call PDS debt they have options available for people struggling with monthly debt payments credit cards collections medical bills personal loans oh you smelled it what smells like Today's Pizza yep if you're making monthly payments every month and your balances aren't going down PDS can help they roll your debt into one low zero percent interest monthly payment you can save thousands in interest and fees and pay off your debt in a fraction of the time yeah but I have a lot of debt and my credit score is not awesome alimony shows up on your credit report you know does it not when you don't pay it does all good everyone with over ten thousand dollars in debt qualifies and there's no minimum credit score required bad and Fair Credit accepted but it sounds perfect did they give a CL sure did PDS is giving our qualified viewers a free debt analysis just for completing the 30-second online assessment at files all right you got it all right all right I can't wait to tell Gertie this will make her saggy hump nice and perky good to hear and maybe she'll start walking in a straight line again she already fell in the pool twice she fell wait I don't have a pool you can't have an oasis without a pool I really don't want you to dig up hang on a sec hey Mary project now [Music] ah in 1858 zoologist Philip Slater made a name for himself in the scientific Community he divided the world into six geographic regions based on the distribution of animal species they were pale Arctic Ethiopian Indian australasian knee Arctic and neotropical Slater's system is still used today while Slater created his classification system a mystery emerged the fossils of lemurs lemur fossils were found in parts of South America India Africa and Madagascar these areas are not connected by land but lemurs don't swim the question haunted Slater how did lemurs spread across the world identical species don't develop in different places at once he had a radical answer that there was a landmass once connecting these areas it would need to be massive bigger than Australia his theory was a stretch but it would solve the Mysteries he'd stumbled upon along with the unexplainable locations of lemurs Slater also uncovered extreme similarities between monkeys found in South America and Africa in 1864 Slater published an essay about his theory in a scientific journal in the essay he refers to his proposed continent as lemuria anterior to the existence of Africa in its present shape a large continent occupied parts of the Atlantic and Indian oceans stretching out towards what is now America to the west and to India on the east in Madagascar and the masquerine islands we have existing relics of this great continent for which as the original focus of the sterps lemurum I should propose the name lemuria this land bridge concept was popular in the scientific community at the time Sir Charles Lyle a well-known geologist and teacher believed continents were Rising above and sinking below the ocean routinely just very gradually so it's no surprise that following the publication of Phillips glader's essay the lemoria theory really caught on it turned out lemuria may have been the answer to many scientific mysteries in fact lemuria may have been the birthplace of humanity itself in 1864 Phillips glader introduced the concept of lemuria to the world 24 years later Helena blavatsky a Russian theosophist and co-founder of the theosophical society published a book titled the secret Doctrine theosophists like blavatsky are truth Seekers who study a combination of religion science and philosophy they believe in an ancient wisdom that unites all major religions the secret Doctrine discusses the origins of humanity it outlines a sequence of seven root races representing different stages of human development currently we are in the fifth stage with the sixth and seventh Yet to Come according to the secret Doctrine and other writings by blavatsky's followers the first root race was ethereal and didn't possess physical bodies they may have appeared as giant Phantoms the second root race was shapeless and asexual asexual well they didn't engage in sexual activity they reproduced through a process called budding which is essentially natural cloning the third root race thrived in lemuria and coexisted with Dinosaurs according to theosophist W Scott Elliott these lemorians were giants his stature was gigantic somewhere between 12 and 15 feet his skin was of a yellowish brown color he had a strangely flattened face eyes small but piercing and set curiously far apart so that he could see sideways as well as in front the head sloped backwards and upwards in a rather curious way the arms and legs especially the former were longer in proportion than ours early in the Lemurian period the supposed human ancestors laid eggs but over millions of years their reproductive process developed into well the one that we know today edit process has gotten me in a lot of trouble over the years well maybe you shouldn't have engaged in the process as much as you did yeah and her followers weren't the only people who wrote about the lemorians a few years later British writer James churchward started writing about the sunken continent of Mew at first Mew was thought to be the inspiration for Plato's story of Atlantis but churchward connected it to lemuria and now many consider these lost continents one and the same James churchward's work is based on the translations of ancient Indian tablets these texts are included in a series of books called the children of Mew tablets describe an ancient civilization of 60 million people that was eventually destroyed according to churchward and others like archaeologist Augustus Le ponjon the sunken continent of Mew once stretched from Hawaii in the north to Easter Island in the East and almost reached Japan in the west the yanaguni monument off the coast of Japan is believed to be the underwater ruins of this Lost Civilization Nan madal and Micronesia is considered the southern part of Mew the site contains structures made of large volcanic rock logs it's unknown who built them or how but the society was Advanced recent lidar Imaging revealed an artificial irrigation system that provided fresh water to Residents throughout the area they even had a sewer system years before the ancient Greeks or other Advanced civilizations Easter Island marks the Eastern point of Mew take a look at Easter Island [Music] it's a small island in the middle of nowhere yet it was once home to 12 000 people how did they get there mainstream science says they traveled thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean in canoes but if the continent of new existed they could have just walked there this could also explain the similarities between Polynesian languages and Greek as well as the worship of a sun god named Raa on Easter Island which is similar to the Egyptian Sun God Ra these similarities of language and religion suggest that these cultures either intermingled or originated from a common source James churchward Le plan John Helena blavatsky they all described lamoria immune differently but there's one thing they all agree on it was destroyed in a terrible cataclysm Chan Thomas in his book The Adam and Eve Story presents compelling evidence that Global disasters occur in a cycle lemuria might have been destroyed during one of these events according to James Bramwell and William Scott Elliott supporters of this theory lemuria was destroyed 11 500 years ago in a global disaster and evidence of a global cataclysm can be found all over the Earth from the Pyramids of Giza across Africa and even on Easter Island now of course I'm referring to the great flood mentioned in the myths of every culture on Earth the flood that occurred during a period of History called the younger dryas as the last ice age Drew to a close the massive ice sheets that had covered much of the northern hemisphere began to rapidly Melt Away Great torrents of fresh water poured into the oceans causing sea levels to rise dramatically across the globe what coastal areas were transformed by the flood as shorelines expanded Inland by hundreds of miles entire land masses were submerged beneath the rising Seas the lives of every human on earth were disrupted by the great flood entire cultures that had been tied to the old shorelines were shattered and Scattered but a few resourceful people survived and rebuilt their civilization but this time they did it in secret and hidden far away from any future Global catastrophe but what caused the ice sheets to melt in the first place there's disagreement about this some think it was the impact of a massive Comet or asteroid others think it was a solar event so destructive that plasma from the Sun Stripped Away the Earth's magnetic field exposing the planet to extreme heat and radiation or a pole shift which would also create a worldwide disaster but there is one Legend of lemuria that contains a different explanation that the great flood wasn't caused by an asteroid or the sun it said that the great flood was caused by people [Music] according to blavatsky lamoria was destroyed by fire volcanic eruptions shattered the continent into Islands slowly the island sank into the sea along with blue marine history James Church Ward's version of the sinking of Mew is more dramatic and immediate the civilization was obliterated in a single night of Terror intense earthquakes shook the land volcanic eruptions spewed fire and Ash Relentless tsunamis engulfed the entire continent it was a catastrophic event in one night everything was gone there are even speculations that the lemurians were eradicated by a pole shift a sudden and civilization-ending event churchwards depiction resembles this cataclysmic shift volcanoes erupting around the world simultaneously massive waves flooding everything an entire civilization wiped away in an afternoon others proposed something even more chilling the destruction of lemuria was not natural at all they believe it was intentional there is a ten thousand year old story which appears in books like the Chronicles vacacor which says the Lost continents of lemuria and Atlantis sank due to a nuclear war caused by the Anunnaki the Anunnaki or deities of the ancient Sumerians acadians Assyrians and Babylonians and some consider the Anunnaki and alien race who created humans through DNA manipulation then used humans as slaves a full Anunnaki episode is coming up [Music] The Chronicles of aquacor tells the story of two hostile Divine races that eventually went to war the four corners of the earth were red the two races of gods started to dispute in JJ benitez's book The Visitors he recounts the Alien Abduction of a scientist Daniel W Frey on July 4th 1959 while fry was on the alien vessel they told him that they were the descendants of race who lived on the land of Mew they said there was another Advanced civilization on Earth that we call the atlanteans Edgar Casey also received telepathic messages about Atlantis he described their culture and their technology in our great City we harness the firestone's energy through advanced mechanics our domed power station concentrated the stones Rays via prisms this energy propelled our crafts through induction similar to your remote radio control though invisible the raise powered vehicles through the air on land and sea carefully aligned the Stone's forces regenerated human bodies and fueled Industries Casey also predicted that Atlantis would eventually be discovered the position as the continent Atlantis occupied is that as between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and the Mediterranean upon the other evidences of this Lost Civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on the one hand British Honduras Yucatan and America upon the other the British West Indies or the Bahamas a portion of same that may be seen in the present if the Geological Survey would be made in some of these especially or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity these may be even yet determined now keep in mind that it was 1939 when Edgar Casey predicted that Atlanta would be discovered in Bimini in the Bahamas the Bimini Road wasn't discovered until 1968. according to Casey and others atlanteans live peacefully on Earth for over 200 000 years but then the Anunnaki started to influence and corrupt the leaders of Atlantis the corrupted atlanteans known as the sons of Belial initiated a conflict with lemuria about 25 000 years ago Atlantis and lamoria disagreed on how to rule the Earth Atlantis wanted to dominate all tribes and civilizations worldwide but the lemurians wanted the Earth's civilizations to develop on their own so they ordered Atlantis to leave them alone Atlantis refused lamoria insisted Atlantis chose War the beginning of the war was the year ten thousand four sixty eight BC in his writing Plato mentions 9500 BC as the year that Atlantis was destroyed an ancient historian named Hamas reports a terrible catastrophe that occurred in 11 000 BC but how were these civilizations destroyed well the atlanteans had extremely advanced technology and weapons their Technologies and weapons were beyond what we know today flying crafts powered by fire crystals traversed the skies great energy beams harvested from the Earth itself fueled weapons that could level mountains lemuria was not as well armed and could not avoid war they burned the world with solar heat and tried to draw energy from each other rivers have been changed and the height of the mountains and the strength of the Sun have changed there have been continents that have been flooded in the end more than 60 million lemurians died the survivors took refuge in agartha and later attacked Atlantis the Earth became unstable as a result of nuclear explosions and because of that the Earth's axis changed and the pole shifted all that remained of Atlantis are ancient structures like Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids the civilization of Atlantis did not survive the conflict but about ten thousand lemurians did survive and they rebuilt their civilization but this time they did it in secret and that Civilization exists today thriving under a mountain in California foreign California has become synonymous with the unknown many who Venture close to the mountain report strange events blowing orbs unexplained voices and a tangible sense of another presence Mount Shasta is also considered a Vortex a place where the boundary between Dimensions is thin Native American tribes speak of its sacred power a spot where the spirit world is accessible then there are the geological Mysteries why does Shasta have such a complex structure and so many different kinds of rock why do some plants grow there that are found nowhere else where do those plants come from well Legend has it that some lamorians survive the cataclysm the survivors travel to North America and brought with them plants and animals and Technology they then built a city underneath Mount Shasta they call the city Telos the city of light and eyewitnesses have described the city in detail as you approach the hidden entrance to Telos an energy pulsates through the ground there is a deep humming sound and a vibration that you can feel all over your body once inside you are enveloped by a soft light that emanates from the walls of the city Telos is carved into five expansive levels each one a Labyrinth of corridors Chambers and Gardens the inhabitants of tilos are seven feet tall and draped in flowing white robes despite their large size they move slowly and gracefully they are the lemurians the Guardians of their ancient Lost Civilization their technology is integrated with their natural surroundings just as it did in lemuria before the fall in Telos they use crystal technology large crystalline structures serve various functions they have healing chambers that resonate with frequencies that restore the body and the Soul they have Crystal communication devices that allow mental connection across the entire planet Transportation within the city is achieved through levitating platforms that Glide along magnetic lines Guided by thought alone at the center of Telos is the Temple of the heart here a large Crystal pulses with a heartbeat a rhythm synchronized with the natural Resonance of the Earth residents of Mount Shasta claim to have seen tall beings wearing white robes walking at the foot of the mountain hikers have even followed the beings into caves but when the hikers finally get inside the cave it's empty though some say you can still hear and feel the humming vibration one eyewitness actually made the news in the early 20th century in 1904 JC Brown a British prospector was hired by a mining company to search for gold deposits in Northern California while investigating around Mount Shasta he noticed an odd looking piece of rock that didn't match the surrounding area as he began clearing the debris and vegetation surrounding the rock he found an entrance to a cavern system that led deep into Mount Shasta Brown walked about three miles into the interior of the mountain through an array of criss-crossing tunnel systems when he began stumbling across pieces of gold after the 11th mile he reached a location that resembled a village inside the village he came across Chambers filled with gold and copper tablets he found statues and Spears and weapons and he found skeletons the average height of these skeletons were around six foot six inches tall and the tallest being 10 feet in height over the next few days he took pages and pages of notes he memorized everything that he could and when he left he covered the entrance so that no one else would find it and brown spent the next 30 Years researching and tried to build a group of experts to embark on an expedition he finally gained a following of about 80 people willing to join the Expedition including a museum curator and several scientists he spent six weeks planning out the entire trip and several individuals sold off their properties believing that they would soon become rich Brown was worried someone would sneak into the city in advance so he withheld a lot of the specifics regarding the location of the cavern system he met with the team one last time to make final preparations and established a time in place of departure June 19th at 1 pm the day finally arrived and JC Brown didn't show and he was never heard from again but the story of lemuria is not only told in the west the Tamil people indigenous to South India have a story of a lost continent that dates back to ancient times the name Kumari kandam was applied to this sunken Land The Legend tells of an early Tamil Dynasty known as the pandian Kings they ruled over the now submerged Kamari kandam continent before it was swallowed by the rising Seas at the end of the last ice age younger Witness according to the stories kumara kandam was once located in the Indian Ocean between India and Madagascar this large continent was the cradle of civilization home to the first people the pandian Kings ruled the entire continent from their Capital City before successive floods submerged Kamari kandem around 10 000 years ago is this just a Tamiya legend or is this actual history well floods at the end of the last ice age we have proof of that but a lost continent in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and India that's so specific there's no way there's proof of that is there is fear is there there is imagine an ancient tropical land Lush jungles stretch as far as the eye can see dinosaurs graze on Treetops high above the forest floor while early mammals stalk the dark ground below this was Marisha a lost world forgotten beneath the waves in 2013 scientists announced that they may have found traces of the Spanish continent deep under the Indian Ocean it had sunk below the sea millions of years ago when the continents were still joined as one supercontinent back then South America and Africa hadn't split apart India was attached to Madagascar and Marisha was squeezed in between Marisha was discovered by accident geologists studying rocks in the island of Mauritius east of Madagascar were confused they found minerals too ancient to belong to such a young volcanic island as they followed the clues they found traces of a much older land mass a huge mass of buried continental crust stretched across the Indian Ocean a lost continent matching Ancient Minerals the researchers named it Marisha after the island that led to its discovery but the location of Marisha is exactly where some Legends say lemuria was the details of the continent are still a mystery with more questions than answers was it really an intact continent or just a jumbled mass of islands and what creatures might have lived on this island and could some of those creatures have been the very early ancestors of the lemurians there's no hard evidence to support the existence of lemuria or Atlantis everything we know about these civilizations comes from stories and many of those stories come from unreliable sources like Madame levotsky James churchward and Edgar Casey Daniel fry who claimed to have been abducted by aliens probably wasn't he failed a polygraph he kept changing his story and he lied about his scientific credentials he also got caught hoaxing UFO photographs so without evidence places like lemoria the land of new and Atlantis remain nothing but myths but The Accidental discovery of Marisha shows that some ancient legends may be based in truth the discovery of the continent of mauritia happened completely by accident Bimini Road was discovered by accident so was the yanaguni monument [Music] dwarka is described in ancient Indian texts as a magnificent city that was a symbol of prosperity it was described as an advanced well-planned City with beautiful gardens and temples and palaces but according to Hindu Legend thousands of years ago the Seas began to rise and eventually dwarka disappeared into the ocean and was lost forever and for a thousand years the story of the city of dwarka was thought to be symbolic but in the 1980s the ancient city was found and is estimated to be around 10 000 years old maybe older in 2001 an underwater Discovery was made off the coast of Cuba structures were found that at first were thought to be natural formations but a submersible robot was sent to the site and found what's been described as an entire city and what makes this find so extraordinary is that it's about 2 000 feet down scientists have said it could take 50 000 years for a city to sink that far even if it's not that old there are blocks down there that are thought to be at least 6 000 years old but nobody can say for sure all of these discoveries were made by accident and as long as people keep exploring the sea there's a chance that Atlantis and lemuria might eventually be found and if we actually excavate the sites off India and Japan in the East and Cuba and the Bahamas in the west we may realize that Atlantis and lemuria have already been found thanks so much for hanging out with us today my name is AJ that's hacklefish hey what's buzz and sexy cousin this 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Channel: The Why Files
Views: 2,918,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ancient mysteries, edgar cayce, ancient aliens, atlantis the lost empire, lost civilizations, lemuria documentary, lemurian civilization, edgar cayce atlantis, ancient history, ancient aliens full episodes, artificial intelligence
Id: WNavHksmXnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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