Project 8200 Exposed | CIA Psychics Find Alien Bases Underground

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this episode of the Y files is brought to you by Factor during the 1960s and 7s the United States and the Soviet Union fought the Cold War on many fronts some of these engagements were obvious like the Cuban Missile Crisis and the proxy wars in Asia other conflicts were not so obvious in the 1970s America and Russia engaged in a new type of warfare psychic Warfare the CIA was actively recruiting and training people with a natural talent for remote viewing remote viewing is projecting your Consciousness to anywhere on Earth and Beyond one remote viewer entirely by accident found himself at Mount Hayes in Alaska Mount Hayes is in the middle of nowhere there's no civilization for miles but something was calling him to the mountain then he looked inside the mountain there was a base hidden inside mount Hayes then he saw this was not a base built by humans when multiple sources confirm the existence of the base they soon realized this was only the [Music] beginning yeah human I need help now immediately pronto ASAP yesterday toot sweet waa take it easy take a deep breath and tell me what's going on okay you know how I get Gertie a big surprise for Christmas well you mentioned something but you didn't say what it was well we flew her parents in for a month and a month what do you mean we F the hang on hang on you are focusing on the wrong part of the story ah but now that you mention it the company credit card might be a tad prodigious this month prodigious it means huge I know what it means by the way something can't be a tad prodigious that's focus focus focus we'll talk about this later what is the problem well I'm trying to cook them all dinner but everyone has different requirements the parents don't eat gluten dirty is doing keto why is she doing keto oh she's upset with the size of a hump okay no I don't mind a hump that's a had prodigious that's not how you use that word and the Beaver Brothers are driving me nuts Wyatt is only doing protein shakes now and virally more than a pescatarian whatever the hell that means my cooking skills are not this diverse wait you don't know what pescatarian means oh I assume it's just some hippie nonsense well a pescatarian whatever Webster I need cooking help not a dictionary you really want to look that word up are you off your Ms again Focus okay look will you just use Factor Factor oh did you just wiggle your way into today sponsor well yes yes I did factor is a subscription meal service that delivers pre-prepared meals to your door they're fresh never Frozen and ready to heat and eat in minutes yeah but it's the food any good I don't want it to be Bland or boring I'm known for my uh gen Factor has registered dietitians working with gour chefs they do all the planning cooking and prep for you they upload new menus every week with over 30 35 meals and 33 add-on options they have plans that range from 4 to 18 meals a week and you can add or reduce as needed I'm actually a factor customer I eat their meals every day at the studio yeah but what about all these special requests well they have meat plant-based meals paleo keto and uh seafood seafood yeah for pescatarians wait do you mean and hellofresh now owns Factor so I can switch between the two Brands it's convenient and easy you still there hang on hang on I'm Googling piscatarian y oh oh no go the [Music] humanity head to or click the link below and use code the yfiles 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box with code the yfiles 50 and I get 50% off my first box that's right no the humanity okay you're a little over the top now all right let me go I got to have a word with the beavers and hang on what's that honey just take your parents luggage into the guest room that's where they're stay in um we don't have a guest room sure we do hang on hang on I can't carry the bags I told you I threw up my back playing pickle ball oh don't give me that when we first met remember what you did for a living you carried things okay look I got to go deal with this wait wait wait what what guest room the uh the room with all the dresses and shoes that's my my wife's closet hey beas I know what pescatarian is you fairy little sons of uh so I'm looking at the cameras uh I can explain I'm going to need to come home Gertie's mom is trying on my heels look I'm sure we can figure out she's going to ruin my shoes they're not big enough for a camel [Music] toe the story of the psychic competition between the US and the Soviet Union is like the chicken and the Egg some say the CIA heard the Soviets had psychic spies so they launched their own programs in response others say the US was first and the Soviets were responding either way both superpowers created well-funded super secret programs focused on ESP or extra sensory perception in other words psychic Espionage a skilled remote viewer would be the perfect spy they could go anywhere see anything completely undetected remote viewing means the end of State Secrets really the end of all secrets but remote viewing didn't start out as a military intelligence project it began as a research project in 1972 two scientists Hal put off and Russell tar launched an ESP program at the Stanford Research Institute or SRI then they started looking for volunteers and came across ingos Swan oh hey uh what do you call a fat psychic please don't a fortune teller H Ingo Swan claimed to be a great psychic put off was skeptical so he set up a test the team had access to a large magnetometer which can detect slight variations in magnetic fields Swan had no idea what the machine was even though it was buried under 30 ft of concrete he could see into the device and describe it he was able to sketch the magnetometer readings then he was able to affect the readings this was good and bad good that Ingo proved his abilities but the purpose of the magnetometer was to detect Soviet nuclear tests affecting the output set off alarms all over the lab the experiment almost got them kicked out of Stanford but the experiment caught the attention of the CIA they didn't care that Ingo could move the needle but the fact that he could see through superconducting shielding buried in 30 ft of concrete well that was a problem but also an opportunity the CIA quietly funded sri's research and had them Focus specifically on remote viewing and Ino Swan became known as the father of this technique initial experiments were mostly successful Ingo could identify images and seal envelopes he could project his Consciousness to different places and see hidden objects but this didn't help the CIA they needed him to view specific locations Soviet locations so ingos Swan and the SRI team created the scan 8 protocol project scan 8 was remote viewing by coordinates here's how it works you give a remote viewer longitude and latitude coordinates and you tell them nothing else ingos Swan could see what was at a given set of coordinates with remarkable accuracy by the way ingos Swan also remote viewed the moon I did an entire episode on it it's linked down below now I don't want to spoil it but what he saw on the moon was pretty amazing and for the record he's the only person who went to the moon not now soon another psychic joined the project Pat price Pat was a retired police commissioner he was a good counterpart to Ingo Swan Ingo was a painter he was the typical free spirit artist he was loud and confident and funny Pat price on the other hand was grounded and serious Pat solved a few crimes using his psychic abilities now at the time pat thought it was nothing more than intuition hunches that usually turned out to be true after he retired from the police department and had more time to focus he realized his talent was was more than intuition today Pat price is considered one of the most gifted psychics ever the CIA wanted to test them both Pat and Ingo were given coordinates to view nobody knew what was at the site except the one CIA analyst who gave them the numbers even though they remote viewed separately both Ingo and Pat sketched similar results they saw the layout of some kind of compound they said it looked high-tech they described a large radar dish a guardhouse they they saw roll up doors and jeeps they said it looked like a military installation Pat price was even able to read documents on the site now this is unheard of nobody else can do this but Pat saw a cabinet labeled operation pool inside were green folders named Q ball 14 ball eightball and rack up the team showed the results to the analyst and asked how close they were the analyst said sorry but these sketches are nonsense I gave you the coordinates to my cabin in West Virginia the whole team at SRI was disappointed and Confused how could both men be so wrong yet see similar things so they sent someone to the coordinates he found the cabin but a few hundred ft down the road from the cabin he found something [Music] else Ingo Swan and Pat price were given the coordinates of a CIA analyst vacation home in Sugar Grove West Virginia but when they remote view the location that's not what they saw they saw a military installation the CIA analyst who gave the coordinates didn't realize that an NSA lising post was just over the ridge from his cabin patle both assumed this was the target this was the type of location they were usually asked to view the Sugar Grove facility in West Virginia was one of the most secret NSA installations in the country it captured information from Soviet Satellites as they flew over it served as a listening post for all kinds of of transmissions in fact Sugar Grove is in the nrqz the national radio quiet Zone the nrqz covers about 13,000 square miles in Virginia West Virginia and Maryland no radio signals of any kind are permitted there if you fire up a radio you will get a visit a fine and possibly jail time a part of the zone is so locked down that microwave ovens and Wi-Fi are not permitted I no microwaves then how can you enjoy a fresh delicious meal from facta go to facta use promo please don't plug them now what they didn't pay for a mid roll no okay never mind so Pat price and inos Swan got it right they described this facility in detail from Northern California 3,000 Mi away and you think this would be caused for celebration it wasn't every federal law enforcement agency in the country showed up at SRI they wanted to know why some wacky CIA psychic contractors were spying on an NSA facility and by by the way project qall project 8Ball and rack up these were so highly classified that even the project names were top secret the NSA was Furious once all the agencies calmed down SRI went back to work this time the CIA would focus on the enemy who the American people the Soviets ah Pat price was given coordinates to view he said he saw a science fiction fantasy crane nobody knew what he was talking about Pat grabbed a ruler pen and in paper and Drew a Gantry crane this type of crane is used to move shipping containers and lift ships out of the water they're big Pat said this was the most giant crane he'd ever seen he saw someone walk by and the wheels on the crane were 10 ft High and the wheels were on train tracks the CIA had a sketch based on aerial photographs of the site there was a giant Gantry crane inside the facility Pat saw enormous steel spheres 60 ft across Ross there were no photographs of this nobody thought much of it Pat said that whatever they were building the Soviets couldn't get it to work but 5 years later us intelligence would discover that the Spheres were there they were nuclear containment devices and they never work correctly Pat price was right again at this point CIA plucked Pat out of Sri they wanted him to work for them directly Pat was given more coordinates for a sight in Russia he tried to go there but something was pulling his Focus from his Target something in Alaska it was a mountain Mount Hayes now this was unexpected Mount Hayes is desolate and remote there are no roads and no civilization for miles it's in the middle of a frozen Wasteland Pat said he didn't see anything oh he lied yes but later on his own he projected back to the mountain then Pat projected into the mountain then he understood why he was drawn there inside mount Hayes was a huge base he saw advanced technology and Equipment he saw computers and consoles and machines that he didn't understand then he saw the operators of the machines Pat saw beings that looked Almost Human but were thin with large heads and they were busy at work on something though Pat price didn't know what then Pat got scared inside the mountain in the base working alongside aliens were humans specifically US military personnel 2 days later Pat was in Las Vegas as he walked through his hotel lobby someone bumped into him then Pat felt a sharp pain in his leg the next day Pat had severe stomach cramps and later that evening he was found dead in his hotel room his body was quickly removed no autopsy was performed no crime scene was designated the official cause of death was a heart attack he was 56 years old oh how did they know the cause of death without an autopsy good question and we'll never know Pat's body was cremated and then they called his wife oh no his remains are now in an unmarked grave in North Hollywood we think and I'm going to see what this is this is marker 700 so indeed indeed P grave is entirely unmarked I I think he deserves better than that Pat was with the CIA for less than 4 months a few years later the cia's remote viewing program was called project Grill flame same Mission different name eventually it would be called project Stargate in 1980 the operations and training officer for the project was skip Atwater skip was a retired army intelligence officer now recruiting and training remote viewers one day how put off shows up at Skip's door with four files from Pat Price's remote viewing sessions each with a different location Pat gave the documents to Hal before going to work for the CIA full-time Hal told skip you might want to look at these skip looked at the files and couldn't believe it one location was a secret alien base under mount hay Alaska and the three other locations three other mountains and three more alien bases you've heard of the Bermuda Triangle if you follow this channel for a while you know about the Nevada triangle these are places where planes ships and people vanish Without a Trace there are mysterious triangles all over the world there's the Dragon Triangle in Japan the Formosa triangle in Taiwan and quite a few others there's also the Alaska triangle the points are Juno in the East Anchorage in the west then up to Barrow in the North since 1988 16,000 people have gone missing in the Alaska triangle Nationwide each state has an average of about 7 people per 100,000 reported missing every year Massachusetts has the lowest number about two people per 100,000 Hawaii has the second most 16 people not only does Alaska report the most missing people per year but their number is more than 10 times higher than Hawaii over 173 people missing per 100,000 and most of those go missing in the Alaska triangle the area is Harsh and desolate I'm sure many of the missing people simply succumb to the elements but not all the people there are native legends that go back thousands of years that describe creatures appearing and disappearing in thin air sometimes taking victims with them there's also something very strange about the geology in Alaska it's covered with negative magnetic anomalies this is where magnetism operates in Reverse this would be a nightmare for airplanes GPS or any guidance system and the epicenter of the Alaska triangle the place where magnetism goes crazy Mount Hayes Mount Hayes Mount mother Haze okay Mount Haze is also a UFO Hotpot spotted and tracked for about 24 hours moving northeasterly at 40,000 ft at that altitude officials say they did fear this unknown object posed a risk to civilian flights there have been sightings of craft that go back years and sightings as recently as a few weeks ago people have seen objects hovering over the mountain and then flying information at impossible speeds the reports of objects Vanishing into the side of the mountain not through a door through solid rock there's a theory that the magnetic disturbances around Mount Hayes are portals that allow spacecraft to go in and out of the mountain Mount Hayes was one of four mountains that Pat price said contained a secret alien base the others are Mount Puro in Spain mount inyan gani in Zimbabwe and mount Zeal in Australia Pat gave this information to how put off put off then passed it along to skip Atwater at this time skip worked with another extremely talented remote viewer Joseph mcmonagle I've talked about him in a few different episodes he's a legend in the remote viewing Community he's conducted thousands of remote viewing sessions for the Army CIA he's also helped companies find oil and precious metals he's helped law enforcement find missing people if anyone could confirm Pat Price's findings it was Joseph mcmonagle so skip gave Joe four sets of coordinates and that's all no other information just the numbers not only did Joe see the alien bases he saw so much more it was July 28th 1982 project 8200 begins skip atwat dim the lights in the interview room and took a seat Joe mcmonagle sat on the other side of the table pen and paper ready Joe had no idea what he'd be viewing that's the ideal protocol if a remote viewer is given information about a location in advance it could ruin the entire process even small details can distract a remote viewer details create expectations which can lead to false positives for example you can't say remote view this bowling alley the remote viewer will start seeing balls rolling and pins falling beer drinking right I'm throwing rocks tonight I got it are they really seeing these things or is this just what they'd expect to see at any bowling alley the only way to be sure remote viewer sees the correct location is by giving them nothing skip had a map in a sealed envelope he then read a series of numbers coordinates 63° 39 minutes north 146° 45 minutes West Joe didn't know what this was but skip knew it was in Haze what so Joe relaxed closed his eyes and projected his Consciousness to those coordinates as images came into his mind he sketched them on paper I have a bunch of water land ice and all these these General things written in here this is generally a very desolate area and I drew in the mountain range I wrote mountains this is a whole range of mountains that extends for thousands of miles so that'll give you an idea of the scale at which I'm drawing here and I sort of put an X where I perceive the target to be going to the Target and I believe that the target's placed deep in this mountain range in this desolate area water land ice mountains a desolate area Joe was describing Mount Hayes he drew a pretty accurate map of the area it was time for Joe to go inside the mountain here's the target which is perceptible the tubes all pipes masses of electronics grid work of some kind this is the Target which is perceptible so the M of some kind a sense of great power uses a great deal of power energy very low uh frequency feeling this is the target which is describable huge uh ground grid forming a electronic Arena see very large power andp put lines from a miniaturized nuclear power plant or power unit other tubes buried in the ground they're they're coil tubes are coils Joe said the things he was seeing were so foreign to him that he had trouble putting them into words he said imagine an aborig trying to describe the interior of a car they don't really have any context they don't have words for screws and bolts and Glass and Metal that's how Joe felt the technology was far beyond what he could comprehend but Joe saw that the base was under a large Dome on top of the Dome was an emitter sending a huge amount of energy into space next Joe is told the coordinates of bount seal in Australia the uh yawning entrance to a underground cave black doorway like a smooth Dome of concrete the black hole the sto site of some kind I see collage of things buried coils keep seeing boxes of electronics under mount Zeal Joe sees another facility with advanced technology then he sees something familiar keep envisioning uh control centers keep can getting visions of all the command and control centers I've ever been at Joe describes an underground Command Center later other remote viewers would describe consoles and screens and what sounds a lot like NORAD reference the caretaker Personnel do you have visuals of them or no I just perceive like a a watch doog course or something there what uh kind of emotional impact was this start oh it's it's a very I have a very Sinister feeling for this target next Joe goes to mount Pito in the panese mountains between France and Spain the first thing he says is I see sheep gray rocks sheet a natural cave cliff and rocks Mount Puro does have Cliffs gray rocks and yes there are sheep everywhere Joe is the layout of the facility this connection is observable interconnecting points like a spiderweb pression of relay pressing that it catches something and relays it back Dre high frequency relay transponder this is where we start to learn that the facilities are connected like a spiderweb go get this impression of a string of beads in the sky circling the earth toward the end of the session Joe could see the facility being built he said the construction took place about 2 to 2 and 1/2 years ago oh he saw aliens at the base nope it was being built by [Music] people when Joe mcmonagle was remote viewing the site at Mount Puro Spain he was extremely accurate he saw the cliffs gray rocks and sheep that's the only time he mentioned sheep in thousands of remote viewing sessions but he was right about them too when skip Atwater conducted the interview Joe saw something unexpected the facility being built skip was expecting this to be construction that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago with advanced technology maybe using UFOs but that's not what Joe saw occupants are describable helicopters very rugged mountain range kind of desolate vehicles of Transport are perceptible helicopters not large but small boxes being brought in by helicopters boxes being brought in by helicopters so human involvement military involvement this tracks with what Pat price saw at the mount Hayes facility he saw human milit Personnel working alongside alien beings and just like Mount Hayes Joe saw an emitter sending energy into space impression which I have labeled receive I feel like this is situated in a footprint in other words it's being targeted with some kind of emitter and that's a receiver I have a cable going down into a Clift in the rocks on this particular location and in the cliff in the Rocks is a like a control black box and a power pack located in the center is a small dish or disc type shape with a spike in it and that's a very high frequency emitter and it emits straight up and that's there's a necessity that this be located on extremely tall Mountaintop or desert high range of mountains during the session Joe also gets the sense that this location is also involved in transmitting and receiving energy and information the last Mountain viewed is mount inani in [Music] Zimbabwe Joe sees a singular Mountain a group of high hills there's a jungle close by he sees black boxes of electronics again he feels the concept of command control and Communications but everything comes together now these command centers are linked Joe says it's like like a spider it's not turned on or it's turned on but it's lying dormant they're all lying dormant but they're all turned on that are installed they're still going in I get that impression it this is just a gut feeling now but this is a perception a con concept perception mhm if you equate this to a cobweb every single angle in the cobweb represents a location on the cobweb and I get in impression that the spider has not turned his whole cop web on yet but when he does then it'll just be rattled the web anywhere after the session Joe tried to explain what he meant by spiderweb or cobweb now remember Joe never mentions aliens but he wasn't looking for aliens he wasn't looking for anything he was just given coordinates but he sees technology he can't comprehend when he views these locations this is really this is this is all off the- wall to me my raw impressions are each one of these Target sites is like a different spoke in a wheel and that that's a bad example but it's it's like it's like a diff different part of a jigsaw puzzle and each one is dormant it does nothing unless it's commanded to do something and then all it does is is transfer it just transfers something I get a just an overwhelming feeling of the the big 3C you know command control and Communications what are these locations transferring and to where Joe sees it sensing and receiving and emitting relay uh location is a integral part of uh location get a fixed uh fixed orable platform it's not going anywhere no no occupants now but there's a capability see can't tell if it's occupiable there or occupi before delivery it's fully automated the occupant's fully automated like every remote viewing session after Joe brings his Consciousness back he tries to explain what he saw and what he wrote down skip asks him to describe the space platform and trying to go to the origin of the spaceborn platform I got a very old and a very New Sensation like like I got both Sensations it's like uh periods of time I'm talking about I'm trying to quate the years and they're they're not there's like I'm going from ancient to new to Ultra Modern back to New you know I'm flopping around in time so that that's probably pretty important what show means is that the technology is extremely Advanced but but this space platform has been there for a long time ancient he says okay so where's the platform this uh space born platform is in is in a permanent fixed place it's not rotating around the earth and it's not uh it's like it's fasten with a string to the Earth never moves and it's way out there you know so it has no decaying orbit it's fixed and these bases aren't just within the mountains they're also under the ocean also there's more than just these four locations I have uh an immediate vision of seabed locations you know I I honestly believe that there are seabed locations of these these things skip at Water confirms this and all of these sessions in a talk he gave in 2009 and that's where he explains again very old and that these have been here a long time but what he is viewing is so new he doesn't understand it there are some of these on the seabed uh they have to do with PR precise observation location and relay some navigation use when Joe first viewed the mount Hayes alien base he got a Sinister feeling but as he viewed each location that feeling became less and less my initial part or Target number one was I had a very Sinister feeling Target number two got less Sinister Target number three was not Sinister at all this target has convinced me that this has no absolutely no evil content in the way that we would describe evil skip Atwater had another psychic who claimed to be in telepathic communication with these beings in the bases the psychic asked them what do you think of humans the response was basically not much uhoh yeah that sounded ominous to the psychic too so he asked the being to explain the response was we see humans like you see a flock of birds there are a few of us interested in them scientifically but most of the aliens on Earth while aware of humans don't see us as anything more than the other animals here yes we're slightly more intelligent but otherwise we're just animals in a zoo to them animals with nuclear weapons right there's that the only time ET will involve themselves in our Affairs as if we try to do something to harm the planet how dare you notice I didn't say harm ourselves the aliens don't care whether we're here or not but they won't let us hurt their Planet why not well because the Earth provides them with resources the four alien bases in the mountains plus the bases in the ocean are creating energy from something in the Earth this energy is harnessed concentrated and sent to an orbital platform in deep space what happens from there nobody knows Joe Monical's remote viewing sessions were focused primarily on Technology Energy and the space platform Joe did see helicopters outside the base at Mount Puro but he didn't see the beings operating the bases but Pat price did see them Pat price said the bases contain beings that look like humans except for the heart lungs blood and eyes and if Pat price says creatures are there they're there so skip atwat brought in a few other remote viewers not only to confirm the existence of the bases but also to see who is operating them were they aliens or were they humans according to several other remote viewers the answer is [Music] yes when Hal put off gave Pat Price's four files to skip Atwater at project Stargate he told him you might want to look at these Pat had seen bases inside Mountains full of advanced technology Pat saw aliens operating equipment and in some cases he saw human military personnel working alongside the aliens remote viewer Joe mcmonagle confirmed the existence of the bases and the technology Joe even determined that the bases are linked and transmit energy to an object in space but he didn't see the occupants years later ingos Swan trained a few more remote viewers using CRV coordinate remote viewing skip Outwater decides it's time to go back to the mountains remote viewer bill Ray has given his first set of coordinates he describes a hollow mountain in a cold climate Mount mother Mount Haze yes Mount Hayes Bill sees electronic monitoring equipment and metallic ships which are very quick bill describes people who were thin unemotional cold and acted like they were programmed he felt like they had a purpose and a mission to Bill they felt unearthly remote viewer Paul Smith saw a cluster of structures in a cold wind swep s desolate area inside he saw people manning the site they seemed regimented and subdued he also saw box-shaped electronics and cables running underground session after session skip atwater's remote viewers saw the same things some were more detailed than others but all saw a mountain in a cold climate all saw a base inside filled with electronics and several remote viewers saw thin unemotional beings going about some kind of business but ship was concerned that his own thoughts might be bleeding into the sessions so he conducted what he called a fully blind session this is where not only does the remote viewer have nothing but the coordinates but the same goes for the interviewer Ed Dames was the monitor who read the coordinates to remote viewer Mel Riley Mel sees a structure within a mountain he sees a dark figure seated at a control panel operating a keyboard not a keyboard like we use but something with large buttons or Keys like a piano Nano he sees other figures walking around as Joe mcmonagle described Mel says it looked like an underground control center like NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain and like Joe Mel also saw a large Dome covering the structures then Mel saw what he described as some sort of UFO other remote viewers saw UFOs also but skip Atwater later admitted that they were afraid to put anything about UFOs in an official report now if we go all the way back to Pat price in the 1970s he Drew what looks like a UFO under one of the mountains in Skip's lecture he sums up all the findings and key takeaways the price data itself describes four locations which he claimed and which was presupposed to be UFO bases you know how did Pat do this mean I don't know how he initially targeted himself the sites were highly protected from Discovery they were mutually supportive in purpose and they're very high technology of some kind and the purpos of these spaces included a monitoring [Music] function project 8200 confirms the existence of four Subterranean sites and several remote viewers saw or felt the presence of extraterrestrials project 8200 also confirmed the sites are intentionally hidden and working together the sites are sometimes occupied but not always they're used for observation and relaying information and energy to an object in deep space finally Joe mcmonagle added that other bases are located deep in the ocean remember Joe is remote viewing in the80s skip Atwater gave this lecture in 2009 that's long before the videos we've seen of UFOs flying around and going in and out of the ocean so after getting confirmation of UFO bases that's when skip Atwater decided he had enough his project had limited resources and if other agencies found out they were spending so much time searching for UFOs that could be the end of the project and the end of many people's reputations but something was nagging skip he kept asking himself is any of this true well he knew the CIA station Chief in Northern Australia so decided to give him a call he asked his friend in Australia hey is anything unusual happening down there the guy said nah this is a dead assignment well except for all the UFOs flying around Mount [Music] seal project Stargate was discontinued in 1993 it was finally shut down because according to the CIA it didn't provide any useful information oh come on it a kidding yeah that in itself is suspicious the budgets for Stargate SRI and psychic research were tiny compared to other military and intelligence operations the government spends more money on office supplies than it was giving to Stargate really it was shut down because of negative PR remote viewing and the US government's interest in it was showing up in newspapers and magazines and TV shows ESP was a very Fringe idea I'm sure some senior military official shut it down out of embarrassment but while Stargate was operational it kept busy Joe mcmonagle and Russell tar both said that every government agency was using their psychics but nobody would admit it I bet it's still going on I would think so it's buried in a black budget somewhere but how much of all of this is true well a lot of it depends on your perspective Ive and existing beliefs if you believe in ESP then the story makes complete sense if you don't believe the story sounds Bonkers so let's see if we can find the middle ground ingos Swan is the most well-known remote viewer I've covered him before and I'm a fan of his he has some famous successes like he said that juper had rings when he said that it was a ridiculous claim later it was discovered Jupiter does have rings but he also said Jupiter had a huge mountain range but on a gas giant that's not possible hey did he ever a look at Uranus yeah it's true that Ingo Swan got plenty of things right but there's no way to know what his true success rate is very little can be verified but he sure tells a hell of a story same with Joe mcmonigle he's a legend he claims to have a 95% success rate or 65% or 75% it fluctuates Joe's done remote viewing sessions for live TV and was successful but his 15 minutes of footage was edited down to 2 minutes of the best stuff maybe it was edited for time and he had 15 straight minutes of winners I don't know but it all started with Pat price but there's not a lot of information out there about him yeah and the CIA likes it that way yeah Pat did die under mysterious circumstances and the story certainly sounds like a CIA hit but years later a former KGB agent defected from the Soviet Union and he claimed to be an assassin and he said one of his targets was a psychic in Las Vegas who he poisoned oh right if Pat price was really able to see inside Soviet military installations he would need to go but I can't find the name of that Defector to verify the story so CIA propaganda could be and speaking of CIA propaganda we have to examine the people involved in Project Stargate very closely yeah we get a name names yes we are uhoh since the 1970s a number of people with very high security clearances have been working on UFO phenoma they were interacting with each other so much they gave themselves code names the code names were all birds so they called themselves the Aviary cute well let's start with the owl psychic research begins with Harold how put off in the early 1970s at SRI the Stanford Research Institute we know that put off work with the CIA on Project Stargate but the owl has has worked on and off for the CIA and the defense Intelligence Agency for years but most of his work happened after he left the church of you bleep me well you know we can't say the s word they they sue people fair enough well how high did the ow get in the uh uh CH uh church at Tom Cruz well ot7 that was the top level at the time yikes uh I mean I mean oh congratulations what a nice achievement hey I'm just giving information I'm not making judgments I am put off is also involved in UFOs he founded two the Stars a private Venture investigating UFOs also on the board of two the stars is Christopher melon who's also former CIA and Dia and Steve Justice former director of advanced systems development at lacky Martin and Luis elzando a Former Intelligence officer who says he ran atip atip or the advanced Aerospace threat identification program essentially continued Project Blue Book elzando says he ran this program The Pentagon says he had nothing to do with it elzando says this is a smear campaign Pop Quiz who do you believe an intelligence officer or an intelligence agency neither correct next Blue Jay Dr kit green also worked on Stargate and he was a CIA analyst in 2001 leaked emails showed the Dr Green said the infamous alien autopsy video was true it was well it was a film produced in 1995 a hoax later green said that he never said it was real he said the still shot of the face looked real so which is it next bird falcon falcon is the infamous Richard doie Dodie was a special agent for the Air Force OSI the office of special investigations he was in charge of UFO disinformation programs one of dod's assignments was to infiltrate the UFO community and flood it with as much disinformation as possible this way people would know what to believe Bill Moore a well-known UFO author destroyed his career in a single afternoon he publicly said he was taking payments from the government via Dodie and helping spread lies he was essentially booed off the stage and we haven't heard much from him since but Dodie has since come forward and said UFOs are real and that most of the UFO stories we hear are real and that's what is so disgusting and troubling within the UFO committee that's why I have nothing to do with them anymore I've tried I've I've went to UFO conventions and tried to explain what the what the truth is and nobody wants to hear you because they've written a book that says it happened this way and they're going to listen to you even though they don't know really don't know the truth is he telling the truth now who knows our next bird is woodpecker woodpecker is Jamie shandera a film producer he he's considered one of the birds who wants UFO disclosure so there are good guys and bad guys in the Aviary but enter Bob Collins AKA Condor Bob Collins is also a Former Intelligence agent with OSI who engaged in UFO disinformation campaigns in 1989 a documentary was released called UFO cover up live chandera was featured in that documentary but this TV program got people asking questions many in the UFO Community consider the doc to be nothing but a dis information campaign and it's easy to see why Bob Collins right he stated in his book that after the documentary he attended what he called a mini Summit this was a meeting to deal with the Fallout of the TV show at the summit was the AL how put off Falcon Richard Dodie blue jay kit green and Bill Moore who is being paid by the government to lie to the public about UFOs according to Collins's Book quote kit green took Center Stage by proposing several lines of attack involving disclosure strategies so are they on the side of disclosure or disinformation there's more you might remember my episode on Project serpo this was an exchange program between the United States and aliens from the planet serpo it's a great story and by the way all these are linked below now it took a long time but the planet serpo story was found to be a hoax perpetrated by what came to be known as the team of five two of the five were Victor Martinez and Bill Ryan who ran the website disseminating the information the information came from three men Al Falcon and blue jay put off Dodie and green once again Dodie later said serpo is true and it may be but in telling the story the team of five got caught telling all kinds of other lies but some of the lies they say are true I get into all this in the episode and by the way Bob Lazar and a few other whistleblowers also say Sero is true so you make the call but birds of a feather stick together neither talk about it much but for years doy aka the Falcon worked for put off aka the owl Dodie spent 10 years as a private contractor for put off's company earthtech earthtech worked with the US intelligence community on black programs don't take my word for it here's how the particular area that I took responsibility for is based on this there was a critical issue as you can well imagine in these deep black programs it's difficult for contractors to obtain expert opinion on critical Technologies because there's such high level security and there compartmentalization we call it stove piping and so I was contracted to commission papers from experts around the globe and since we didn't want to be in the position of going out and say hey we're trying to figure out this UFO thing uh you know can you help us out here I mean the publicity associated with that you our black program it would have been a disaster here's something else in 2006 a book came out that blew the whistle on everything it's called the black world of UFOs exempt from disclosure it talks about government coverups sensitive Dia and CIA documents reverse engineering alien spacecraft all the great UFO stories are in this book I love it what's what's the problem it was written by Collins and Dodie Condor and Falcon yep yeah look I believe UFOs exist and I believe we have recovered craft but I'm skeptical of anyone who's worked in intelligence because once you're in you're never out whatever is being said about UFOs is by people like Dodie put off alzando David grush I take all that with a grain of salt these are not whistleblowers these are people who spent most of their careers in intelligence the things they say they're allowed to say they have permission permission from who well well isn't that the big question Pat price the psychic who started it all comes off as the most credible of all the people I talked about today he was a retired cop from a small town he used his gift to solve crimes to help people and Pat was a patriot the CIA asked for help and he provided it 4 months later Pat was dead in my research I found something Pat price said that bothered me he said this people have infiltrated all government in sensitive positions not to control government the processes or people but rather to be in positions of power to stop politically any activity that may produce a result that could cause Discovery Americans want information about UFOs released Congress tried and couldn't do it presidents have tried and couldn't do it so if our elected leaders aren't in charge who is during Stargate it was discovered that anyone can learn remote viewing some people like Joe mcmonagle and Pat price are naturally gifted but the rest of us with practice and training it's a skill we can all develop but that would mean the end of all secrets that can't be allowed to happen secrets are the source of their power whoever they are and that's why Stargate was shut down not because it failed because it [Applause] [Music] worked thank you so much for hanging out with us today my name is AJ here's eckle fish this has been the wi files if you learned anything had fun do him a favor subscribe comment like share that stuff really helps us out and like every topic we cover here today's is recommended by you so if there's a story you'd like to see or learn more about go to the W tips and remember the yfiles is also a podcast twice a week I post deep dives into the stories we cover here in the channel I also post episodes that wouldn't be allowed on the channel it's called the yfiles operation podcast and it's available everywhere you get podcasts if you need more wi files in your life cuz who doesn't you can never get too much of this check out our Discord there are thousands of people on there 24/7 and they talk about the same weird stuff that we do it's a great Community it's a lot of fun and it's free to join and if you want to stay up toate with everything yfiles go to the WI our production calendar is there you can see what episodes are coming out what podcasts when we're doing live streams watch alongs all that stuff and special thanks to our patrons who make all of this happen every episode is dedicated to you as you know there'd be no wi files without your support I can't believe you're here but I'm truly grateful for you the best way to support the channel is become a member on patreon for as little as three bucks a month you get access to perks like videos early with no commercials access to merch only available to Members Plus you get two private live streams every week just for you another great way to support the channel is grab something from the wifi store oh wait a minute wait a minute I'm getting a vision a vision a vision of you grabbing a Heckle fish t-shirt or a fistal coffee mug or a hoodie or a squeezy stuffed animal Heckle fish Tu fish toy di go heck ofish playing card game cards that's going to do it until next time be safe be kind and know that you are [Music] appreciated oh oh oh yeah I play Bia scar 50 one a secret code inside the Bible said I was I love my UFOs and paranormal fun as well as music so singing like [Music] I but then another conspiracy theory becomes the truth my friends and it's never ends no it never [Music] ends I feel the crap cat I got stuck inside M's hole with mkl Tru I being only true aware did Stanley curi fake the moon landing alone on a film set with the shadow people there the r well aliens just fought the smiling man I'm told and his name was cold I can't believe I'm dancing with the fish fish on Thursday night J through the night all I ever wanted was to just see the truth so the W all through the night [Music] the MTH man sidings and the solar storm still come to have got the the secret City Underground mysterious number station Planet are to project State and what the dark Watchers found then a simulation don't you wor the black KN satellite told me so I can't believe I'm dancing with the fish fish on thday night with they J when all through the night oh I ever wanted was to just give the truth so the one Fe all through the night fish on Thursday night wedn J and through the night all I ever wanted was to just hear the truth so the one timeat all through dance good enough to dance good enough to dance good enough to dance kie loves to dancee loves to dance on the dance ball because she is a camel and camels love to dance when the feeling is right in time love love [Music] don't
Channel: The Why Files
Views: 4,621,545
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Keywords: ufo video, history channel, ufo video clips, ufo videos, ufo sighting, the history channel, history documentary, full episodes, ancient aliens full episodes, ufo footage, ufo hunters full episodes, ufo sighting 2023
Id: XWqh9F4pjHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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