Atlanta's Newest Truck Stop

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[Music] in the previous episode of adventures in trucking with Indiana Jack and we're driving a different truck today a 2015 Volvo and a reefer yes a reefer I said I'd never drive a reefer [Music] [Music] we are in Rasika Georgia and my logs did not connect this morning when I pulled away because Apple was doing an update and I didn't know it so I drove all this way not really on the driving line so I fixed it and it's okay now but second time that's happened with Mac if there is an update waiting on the server and you don't click yes your Bluetooth will not connect to your eld so this is a bad week for that to happen to me because it's the inspection blitz week with the d-o-t but I didn't get stopped so we're good this is the second time that has happened if you remember that happen to me when we first got our l DS I was in Arkansas same exact scenario if I would have got stopped I would have had to say excuse me officer while Apple updates its operating system so thank goodness that didn't happen this time my guess it would have to do with the officer whether he would there's nowhere to go if you go straight sir you unless he's getting people because everybody's parking at the fuel Islands to sleep it's hard to get around in the mornings until everybody wakes up and gets away from their fuel island well we have 88 more miles to go into our the livery in Union City Georgia we're not in a hurry though we will be there two hours before our appointment and I've noticed with reefer they're more strict with appointments many times in fact most times with drive-in sure come on in we'll unload yeah but not with reefer they keep their their appointments to the minute in fact I had an appointment the other day it was 20 after and they literally wouldn't take me until 20 after the hour so sit back and relax on our remainder of our trip into Union City / Atlanta [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] howdy you need my paperwork do you need my paperwork yeah as a reefer I've been here as a drive an but not a reefer or is it only reefer now one five four yes sir [Music] alright we got a door just gotta find it it must be way up here because these are in the hundreds down here we need three hundredths so hopefully now skip to hundreds and go right to 300 yeah we're way over here on the other side and finally found it door 322 this will be our home for the next few hours I would guess right there let's get her set up for a back-end all right we're just getting her back in here all right well they finished it took them a couple hours but that's alright that's reasonable I can live with that instant is better but two hours is the next best thing well we're near Atlanta we got to go over to make a pickup not too far from here about ten miles away and I don't know whether to get fuel now or after I got enough to go get it and then get fuel and get out of Atlanta before the rush hour starts but as of right now we'll probably go make up our pickup first just to get that over with all right been here for hours and just one of those ones that everything went wrong so we'll make the best of it and it is 5:18 and I have to try to find a place to park in Atlanta so turn right that means I'll probably have to go to the petrol and pay [Music] however there is a new secret here in Atlanta a new truck stop that I don't think a lot of people know about I'll tell you guys about it because you won't tell anyone right and it's only seven miles from here I know there's not going to be a parking spot there but but they got cheap fuel like 25 cents cheaper than the cheapest place you can find so I'm going there it's a racetrack and its brand new it's on Courtney right off the twenty they need to take these I always say that these speed bumps out so - racetrack we go maybe we'll get lucky and there will be one parking place left at racetrack all right this is the famous racetrack I was talking about - 89 right I don't get that in Florida cheep-cheep 3:09 on the interstate this morning coming here so the only thing it is a little bit negative sorry inside there unorganized still so they're still trying to get situated here at the racetrack gas station whatever it is we're waiting for that Old Dominion to leave and we're gonna take that space even though it's not a real parking space but I don't have any choice when I went up to him and asked him how long you gonna be there he said 20 minutes I said ok I want your parking space so he said all right cool man so he knows I'm waiting for it parking well I think we'll be okay what can I do you know and I think they could have made some of these real parking places rather than just illegal ones but I don't know for some reason they didn't for those of you in other countries that always send me messages as to what Heinz is they also make ketchup not just the kind sauce that I always talk about but that's Heinz it's June of 2018 and I asked them in there and they said this place has been here a month so the reason this isn't more busy is because nobody knows about it yet don't tell anyone as soon as everyone finds out this is here I can't imagine what this place is going to look like when they find out fuel is this cheap here and there's an alternative place to park thank you racetrack we really appreciate it I do anyway and I know all the other truck drivers do that don't have any place to park good night everyone have a good night I'm going to bed as soon as I eat my dinner we'll be getting up bright and early and headed to Tennessee in the morning good night watching adventures and truckin with Indiana Tech [Music] well good morning after I took off this morning I got this alert on my truck on the dashboard that said that the truck was going to do ad rate this is the message that I got you can see so I have 60 minutes to get to a shop near where I was so I made it to a shop here in Calhoun Georgia and when I stopped the truck he had said now you need to do a parked region so I did that and it took an hour and a half which I've old read never took an hour and a half on regions but this one does so anyway that's done I'm going to go ahead and try to go there's no codes or anything on the engine so hopefully you know it just needed a park we parked region I've never had to do that before like this but there's a first time for everything especially when you're dealing with a truck that has EGR like this one does so let's get going back on our trip up to Tennessee all right after all of that this morning we're finally here this is actually a Budweiser distributor we're not hauling beer though we're hauling diet drink like I actually buy it in truck stops it's it's juice that has no calories in it all we have to do is find out where to go I like these places because they usually unload fast zip you're out of here but since we're late I don't know what they're going to do it might be hostile all right perfect timing we'll probably get his door if they if they take us well let's go in and see what's up as what happened so often they didn't even know I was coming I could have been broken down they they would have never missed me so we're good to go here they're gonna unload me right away they're in a hurry so that means they can unload fast just a quick update here by the way I'm not nothing's wrong with old red she's just off the road right now getting restored possibly I might sell her I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do but she is resting comfortably I still own her there are no mechanical problems no issues I just wanted to change and wanted something different so that is the status of old red and why you're seeing the Swede there behind me when I first woke up this morning I went around the racetrack went around the racetrack and looked at the trucks and sure enough they were all piled up including around me there was a bunch of trucks around me and then where I was gonna park over in that other section so yes everyone needed a place to park last night so hopefully they'll be unloaded here soon they're going pretty fast and then we're going to go up and over the mountains to cooks Ville Tennessee Cookeville or cooks Ville I'm not sure if has an s in it or not but we'll be going to cook Vale Tennessee to unload the next part of this load all right we're getting out of this town Soddy Daisy or Saudi Daisy s ODB why Daisy like the cow and I know you guys will tell me how to say it and this is going to be a scenic trip if you're following along the map from here to Cookeville on highway 111 a lot of you complain that I don't show enough scenery well this is very scenic so hopefully we'll get some scenic type footage from the people that like to see scenery I like I like to see scenery live but I don't necessarily like to see it in in a video that's why I don't show more of it you never know if little kids like that they're gonna write it out in front that guy was telling me that unloaded me he's saying that half the time the shipper that we were at yesterday they load the wrong stuff excuse me they put it in backwards like they put the nose in the front and in the front in the nose and then he has to unload it all and switch him around so thank goodness everything with ours was just fine here it was bad yesterday but all right we'll be getting on the freeway and then going up and over the mountains through the countryside of Tennessee [Music] okay we are Oh point nine miles from our delivery and the broker called me and said they're not going to take me today because of my region problem so he said try to convince them to since it's only four pallets left but it it really sucks for me the driver who will now have to spend all night here just to have four pallets unloaded but maybe they'll do it if they're energetic and upbeat they will if they're lazy's they won't I am gonna offer to take the four pallets off myself with a pallet jet and we'll see if they take me up on it I guess I should just plan and if you have like a 2015 Volvo tell me if it's the gearcase that you just plan on a region a parked region taking an hour and a half all right if they don't take me the closest truckstops loves hmm yeah they're not going to take me they got their bags in their hands they're waiting at the door to leave which is what I do well I have good news for me they took me and they unloaded me it took them about ten minutes so we're completely empty here in cook bill with no s Tennessee looking for a load somewhere else I'm really tired I didn't sleep good last night I may just take a nap and then do one tomorrow a long one for the weekend because tomorrow's a Friday so we'll see so hold on and we'll keep you guys rolling with us until who knows when glad to have you along [Music] [Applause]
Channel: indianajacktrucker
Views: 90,666
Rating: 4.9081631 out of 5
Keywords: Atlanta, Trucking Videos, Trucker Videos, Truck Stops, Truck Driver, Truck Parking
Id: f5PnxHLIO4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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