Atheist State of the Union 2019

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[Music] hello everyone allow me to introduce you to YouTube atheism these deluded unevolved planets think they rule the Internet lately ladies and gentlemen YouTube atheists have been having a serious heart problems your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has rate up Christians who has literally been kicking eight YouTube's atheism but over the last few years one of these Christians is shima a founder of preaching to the choir in ministry's follower of Jesus Christ in a mighty man of God who has utterly destroyed their contradictory arguments YouTube evangelical atheism is dead on the internet YouTube atheism is dead whatever will I do let's start with YouTube atheism and then we'll see how the movement as a whole is fairing last year I published a video called the Atheist State of the Union in which I talked about the battle between religious fundamentalism and scientific progress and how after a brief lull and period of division the secular community has bounced back in the last few years with hundreds of new atheist and skeptic YouTube channels podcasts blogs community groups and conferences popping up left and right to push back against a tsunami of anti intellectualism and religious interference and public policy this new wave was tired of drama and watching content creators cannibalize their own just to get views and we decided that we were gonna be different to work together build friendships with each other collaborate do livestream shout outs and share tips with each other to grow all of our channels less than two months after I released that video I helped organize the first ever conference run entirely by atheist youtubers in Dallas Texas along with genetically modified skeptic telltale atheist godless engineer Caitlyn Chloe and prophet of Saud we were just a handful of content creators none of us were wealthy some of us had never shown our face on camera and it was in the heart of the Bible Belt but we were passionate and decided to fly halfway across the country to put on a one-day event to promote secularism scientific skepticism and free thought it was initially just gonna be a small meet and greet with fans but there was a ton of interest not just from our subscribers but from fellow content creators who took time off and decided to why out on their own time to be there we were trying to make money off of it and kept tickets super cheap so that anyone who wanted to could come be there but it was a massive success we sold out all of our VIP tickets and sold enough of the regular tickets to pay for a venue food snacks marketing and promotion costs and more when the event was done we uploaded some of the talks and panels to our channels and got even more interest with people asking us to bring it back next year and to bring it to their cities other big-name youtubers expressed interest in attending even if we couldn't afford to fly them out to be there we'd built such strong friendships online that this was a chance for all of us to meet in person and share a passion with anyone else who wanted to be there so we put a board of directors together and begin planning for the next one in the meantime everyone in this passionate community continued to work together and through collaboration and hard work all of us doubled tripled or quadrupled even our subscriber base in less than a year our view counts skyrocketed into the millions and now we're back baby I'm back this April on the 27th we're bringing faithless Forum back to Dallas with a killer lineup so far we've confirmed Alex O'Connor of cosmic sceptic Rachel Oates Paula gia Stephen Woodford of rationality rules genetically modified skeptic telltale atheist prophet of Zod Shannon Q Kyle Curtis of the non-sequitur Show Souris the skeptic Eric Murphy of talk even objectively Dan of the ACS new show truth wanted Christina rad and holy kool-aid that's me I also have rumors of a fluff ton of other big-name youtubers who will be attending as special guests but here's the difficult part literally between the time of me shooting the footage for this video and getting the editing done the tickets completely sold out they just whip really quickly this video was supposed to be a freaking marketing tool for the event and I know that a lot of you want to go so I have set up a cancellation waitlist and also if you drop your email in you'll be the first to be notified as soon as tickets go on sale for next year's event and the crazy part of all this is that the faithless forum is just scratching the surface there are so many other fantabulous YouTube channels old and new and while not everyone can make it to this one and we do have a limited number of speaker slots who knows maybe we'll bring it back next year and maybe one of our speakers could even be you but faithless forum is hardly all that the community has been up to either the Freedom From Religion Foundation an American Atheists have been fighting legal battles for separation of church and state and have winning our goal is to help local groups and local activists get involved in their community but often we get asked is what is an atheist issue what issues should we be involved in so I want to set three clear definitions first the first one is who is behind the issue if it's religion then we need to be involved second is religion being used as an excuse to discriminate against someone or three is religion being offered as the solution instead of an evidence-based solution when you ask these questions it opens up a whole wide range of issues that religions behind that we need to get involved with whether it's LGBTQ abortion women's rights dying with dignity sex education these are things we are providing resources training so local activists can get involved in their school boards get involved with their local cities or state legislation especially with project blitz which is a Christian nationalist organization that's trying to put In God We Trust in every classroom teach Bibles in public schools we either submitted testimony or testified in about 17 states in the last two weeks alone if you would like to get involved stand up for the separation religion cover and testify talk to your school board reach out to me at atheist org will help train you provide resources like you've never seen before to give you the support to make a difference in your city in your state where you live organizations like Sunday Assembly Oasis skeptics in the pub the secular Student Alliance the Center for inquiry atheist Republic and the American Humanist Association have local groups popping up left and right and there are hundreds of independent groups like the Atheist community of Tulsa which I was a board member of this last year which are heavily involved in activism education community and charity work and social events last year we did a huge holding drive and a blood drive and regularly fed the homeless and the Atheist community of Austin is doing massive outreach and launched seven new shows this last year alone recovering from religion expanded greatly disturb with their live chat system for people recovering from religious harm and because so many people are leaving their religion behind they're always looking for more volunteers to take calls California free thought day in Sacramento continues to grow and organize their annual event where I got to speak on the steps at the California State Capitol is just a teensy sampling scratching the iceberg nipple of the total number of new and old atheist skeptic and humanist organizations that are thriving providing much-needed community and support for those of us eliminated or denigrated by our religious friends and family as our numbers have grown so is our representation and in April of last year the Congressional free thought caucus was established in the US House of Representatives to defend secularism content creators and local organizations have also knocked it out of the park with their charity drives drew of geom skeptic raised over $5,000 for X Muslims of North America to combat extremism and provides support to X Muslims who've been kicked out on the street by family have been shunned or faced death threats for leaving the faith sham and Q is currently raising money to fight MS and fund new scientific research and I raised over four thousand dollars for survivors of clergy abuse and that's still going on if you want to donate to podcasts the scheming atheist and cognitive dissonance did their annual vulgarity for charity drive that raised a hundred and twenty two thousand dollars for modest needs secular rescue continues to help vocal secular activists escape countries where it's illegal to be an atheist and atheists helping the homeless and the foundation beyond belief both continue to do amazing work as well again I'm just giving you a tiny example of the overall work that's being done in terms of education outreach the Richard Dawkins foundation is translating a number of books into Arabic and other languages in order to impact the Muslim world and promote critical thinking international while skeptic magazine the Center for inquiry and a host of anti pseudoscience content creators continue to battle the harmful spread of whoo on top of all this I just threw together a list of atheist skeptic and humanist conferences on my website there are a ton of them I've just covered the u.s. so far and I'm putting together a list of international events as well if you know of any that I should feature this year please email them to me and include a link to the events page but keep it brief and put conference suggestion in the subject line oh and if you want me to speak at your event the answer is most likely yes I would love to or if you want me to speak in an event near you please email the conference organizer and request me as a speaker on that note atheist Republic is putting together the world's first annual atheist Day on March 23rd with big and small events organized all over the world we'll be having one here in Austin Texas that day that the Atheist community of organizing along with the Center for inquiry Seth Andrews of the thinking atheist will be speaking along with Tracy Harris of the Atheist experience on Raw no illusions of the scathing atheist Eric Murphy and Jamie Boone of talk even and a number of other speakers including me X Muslims of Great Britain is also doing one in London where X Muslim women are taking a stand and speaking out against religious oppression and the violation of human rights now here's where I have to apologize because if I were to include every organization and content creator who's been making a positive difference this year I me here for the rest of them all and I realize I've mostly covered the US but this is the Atheist State of the Union not the world but the same push back against pseudoscience and religious harm is happening everywhere either behind the scenes or in the public squares and whether you want to start making videos blogging podcasting writing books organizing conferences setting up and running new local groups volunteering with local organizations or fundraising and helping support content creators like myself and others you can make a difference you can be a part of this vibrant and growing movement and in the next few days I'm gonna be putting out a video of a talk I gave at the University of Texas San Antonio to the secular Student Alliance group there that will show you how you can get your voice out there and make a difference even if you're broke the fastest-growing group of people here in the u.s. are the atheists and those who have no religious belief but base our worldview on science YouTube atheism as a joke what was once a growing power online is now just a bunch of narcissistic trolls now there's only small vapers ladies and gentlemen preaching to the choir Maynard Spees is leading the way and destroying the final remnants of this pathetic movement here on the Internet as the rock once said get ready I'm ready but I feel like I'm gonna be waiting a while and in the meantime as McDonald's once said I'm loving it hopefully this video has given you some idea of the things that are going on in the movement and what organizations you can either volunteer with or support financially and if you support my work already on patreon thank you so much and if you don't but you would like to you can support my work at slash holy kool-aid and as always dare to be curious but don't drink the kool-aid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Holy Koolaid
Views: 17,304
Rating: 4.92068 out of 5
Keywords: atheist, don't drink the koolaid, holy koolaid, atheism, state of the union, state of the union address, atheism in america, the state of atheism in america, atheist news, secular state of the union, atheist state of the union, state of the atheist union, atheist updates, atheism news, secular news, the atheist movement, atheist podcasts, find atheist communities, local atheist groups, find atheist podcasts, atheist youtubers, atheist conferences, atheism updates, atheists
Id: H_sjkKv1N58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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