At The Intersection of Expectation and Dissapointment Pt 2

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[Music] Luke chapter 8 commencing in verse number 22 through verse number 25 now it came to pass on a certain day that he went into a ship with his disciples and said unto them let us go over onto the other side of the lake and they launched forth but as they sailed he fell asleep and there came down a storm of wind on the lake and they were filled with water and were in Jeopardy and they came to him and awoke him saying master master we perish then he arose and rebuked the wind and the Raging of the water and they ceased and there was a calm and he said unto them where is your faith and they being afraid wondered saying one to another what manner of man man is this for he commandeth even the winds and water and they obey him thank you you may have your seats the grass withers and the flower thereof fadeth away but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk again from this subject at the ENT inter section of expectation and disappointment at the intersection of expectation and disappointment how many of us who will be honest enough to admit this morning that more times than we can come we have stood at the intersection of expectation and disappointment we expected one thing and receive something else instead we were more qualified than the other candidate but they got the job we thought our marriage would last forever but he or she walked out on their commitment or you thought that your life would be in one place and now you seem to be stuck in a rut you thought you be enjoying these golden years but now you have to take care of grandchildren for children who are incarcerated or you have plans for your future but your parents are aging and you are saddled with that privilege of having to take care of them like their children or maybe you thought the people who should love you and support you and encourage you are not the ones to help you in your time of need you stand at the intersection of expectation and disappointment I would rather suggest to us today brothers and sisters that it is a matter of perspective because we cannot see in the future we don't have all the answers we don't have God's blueprint for our lives I think we would be more patient if we knew when the trial was going to end we would have more courage if we could just see and Peep into God's plans for us to see how how long the trouble was going to last it bothers us that we don't know that we can't see around the corner we don't always be we are not always able to trace God's hand in our lives because there are times when it seems that God is distant that God is absent and there are questions that well up in our spirits that we are too Christian to even let come out of our mouths but we ask ourselves sometimes if we are honest is this really what it's all about does God really care did Jesus really die for my sins is there such a place as Heaven if God is so good why am I struggling so much if the Bible is right if God is loving if God is just if God is Holy why is there so much oppression in the world why doesn't God just flip a switch and change it in a moment's notice he can do it why doesn't he come to my rescue I've been praying no answer has come I've been singing it doesn't seem like anything is going to work out those questions are in our throats but we are too Baptist to let them come out of our mouths we don't want folk to know that sometimes we have doubts I wish I had a witness here sometimes when we are in the prison of disappointment there are doubts that come into our minds has it all been worth it or is this Christianity just something somebody thought up the other [Music] day here was the disciples along with their Master Jesus and Jesus has been teaching in a place and his mother and his brothers and sisters come to get him out of there because they really think he's losing his mind really when you get home they really think something is wrong with him and so they come to this house where Jesus is teaching and one of his family member says tell him to come outdoors and they come back in the house and tell Jesus your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside calling for you and Jesus say who is my mother who is my brother who is my sister but the one that does the will of my father I wish I had a Bible read again he's tired now he's been Healing The Sick and giving sight to the blind he's been opening deaf ears he's been uh causing the dumb to speak Jesus has been on a whirlwind tour of Miracles and preaching and teaching and he says to his disciples let's get into a boat and go over over to the other side of the lake and the Bible says they get in the boat and they go over to the other side and Midway The Voyage Jesus is sleeping and the storm is Raging isn't that the way it is sometimes in our lives Jesus seems to be sleeping and the storm is Raging somebody ought to help me talk here ahead they are on their way to the other side of the lake and halfway The Voyage all of a sudden there's a Squall of wind that just comes down on that little boat that's the way life is you just walking along having a good life things are going your way you got a raise on your job your loan has been improved moved at the bank you got a new car you're healthy you're feeling well and all of a sudden a Squall a storm a strong wind comes in your life tearing everything to shreds the storm is Raging Jesus is sleeping youve got to be awfully Young not to have experienced life storms experienced Christians in here today who's been with the Lord a while will let you know that there's not always sunshine I wish I had some help right here the day is not always bright it's not always happiness and Good Times there are days when you don't feel like getting out of the bed I wish I had some honest Believers here there are times when life turns on you and the things you thought would work out one way seems to be failing and going in an opposite direction and while the storm is brewing in your life Jesus is absent he's he's missing but not really because the Bible says while the storm is Raging Jesus is on board sleeping now now now listen these are not weekend [Applause] fishermen they are experienced on the water and experienced in their vessel and they've been through storms before before but this storm is about to turn that boat over they are about to capsize this is no small Squall of wind it's about to tear them from their boat and they are afraid yes sir yes sir now I don't I don't want you to raise your hand but when life turns on you and you don't know which way to [Applause] turn you get terrified now now now if you haven't been there don't Don't Clap don't shout don't say anything but there's about 50 or 65 of us in here right now who've been in a place in our lives when we didn't know which way to turn we were scared of what somebody was going to think we were afraid of what somebody was going to say because we've been strong Bible teachers and singing in the choir with our Rob on and we just can't let people know that we're scared but I thank ought to tell you brothers and sisters nothing's wrong with admitting that your life is out of control nothing is wrong with admitting that there's a storm in your life that you can't handle it because the moment you admit you can't handle it you got to wake up [Music] Jesus and I need about five or six folk in here who knows that when you wake him up he will stand on your little ship and say to the storms in your life peace be [Music] [Applause] still let me let me let me let me get your your theology right let let me get your perspective straight all a storm is this is all a storm is all a storm is is Disturbed peace [Applause] that that that's all it's nothing to be afraid of it's just atmospheric conditions converging in a place out of control yes sir and and you can't control storms you can't make nobody stay with you who wants a divorce you can't make a child do right who's determined to get on drugs I wish I had somebody to help me I don't care how much you pray I don't care how much you read the Bible you can't make a family member act right if they are determined to go to hell those storms just happen in our lives and they are out of our control you did the best you could you raised them right you prayed for them you asked God to bless them you didn't send them to church you brought them to church and they don't come to church right now that's out of your control that storm is just Disturbed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] peace but but but you got to get your perspective yes yes sir because Jesus said let's go over but the storm is so Fierce that they are afraid of going [Applause] under Jesus said we're going over the storm says y'all going [Applause] under Jesus said we going over the storm says You Going H somebody going to shout here in just a minute now Jesus say we going over the storm says uh-uh you going under you got to determine right now who are you going to listen to a storm are the one who made [Applause] [Music] it he fell asleep and and there came a storm yeah and they were filled with water yes sir yes sir and they're about to perish now now listen they've done all they can do and that's what faith is Faith is doing all you can do it's not Unfaithful it's not unspiritual for you to do all you can do cuz God ain't going to do for you what you can do for [Applause] yourself no no you you praying for a job you got to pound the pavement see how quiet you got right there God is not going to send a job to your house you got to fill out the application you got to qualify talk back to me if you can and then you got to go to work when you get the [Applause] [Music] job you can't get there at 9:15 you supposed to be there at 9:00 come on brothers and sisters help me preach if you can you can't get on the job and run off copies for your Sunday school class and and and and bring ink pins home that don't belong to you and you supposed to be quitting at 5: but 4:30 you in the car cuz you got a hair appointment oh I wish I had my 7:30 crry they they they they more spiritual than your y'all act like y'all so holy and y'all y'all do everything I know it's somebody in here like me who's messed up with issues and problems and storms and situations that you ain't telling nobody about cuz there's some stuff that's going on in our lives we can't share with nobody because everybody don't want to see you come out have I got a witness here be careful who you share your storm report with because some folk want to see you go under but Jesus said you're going over and he is so confident that they're going to go over that he goes to sleep oh brothers and sisters yeah that's what real faith is can't do nothing about the storm go to sleep because there's somebody else who's not sleeping he that keepeth thee will not Slumber behold he that keepeth Israel have I got a Bible reader will neither slumber nor sleep now listen Jesus Jesus may be asleep on your boat but he's not asleep at the [Applause] wheel he knows exactly what's going on his is not a sleep of Slumber it's not a sleep of in attention it's not asleep like he does not know what's happening around him he's just tired and he's going to get up when the situation demands it let me see if I can make that make sense today is my daughter's 20th birthday and uh we brought her home from Methodist hospital she's the only thing I own free and clear I've paid Methodist all their money and she's the only thing that is free and clear mine we brought her home from the hospital there used to be a store in the village called the baby store and we went and bought an expensive crib at the baby store and uh when we brought her home from the hospital I would sleep underneath the crib uh I'd wake up in the middle of the night to see if she was still breathing I'd get close to her to he if she was still breathing I'd put my finger by her nose to see if she was still alive I I couldn't believe she was mine I sleep under the crib if she moved I moved if she made a noise I was there to pay attention to it and then when she didn't want to sleep in the crib she slept on my chest and uh when she moved I moved if she whimpered I woke up I slept light because I wanted to be attentive to her every knee I could tell if the cry was hungry or wet I could tell if the cry was fussy or she just wanted my attention because I would make sure she was still breathing cuz she's the only thing I own with no payments She's mine yeah God gave me this brand new baby and I want to make sure I do everything I can to take care of my baby yes sir now let's lift that up a little higher if I know how to discern the cries of my baby that I didn't give birth to how much more does my heaven father who knows the numbers of hairs on my head who notices when a sparrow falls out of his nest how much more does my father care for me than I care for my own baby yes he's not sleeping cuz he's not paying attention he's not just sleeping in a boat he's awake in my situation waiting for them to call him and the Bible does not say who calls him it's perhaps it's a collective cry perhaps everybody cries at the same time but I I believe because of his personality it must have been Peter who is calling Jesus really scolding him saying to him you know what's going on why don't you help us you see brothers and sisters most of our prayers is about getting God to do what we want him to do this is not really a cry of need this is a cry that comes almost like a command master get up from there don't you care that we are about to perish and when Jesus hears that cry he arises es from sleep yes stands on board their little vessel and says to them where is your faith now in between where is your faith there's another question that we have to deal with Jesus gets up and says where is your faith he steals the storm the waters are calm everything goes back to normal the Seas look like a t child tired after throwing a tantrum is Placid and calm they can see themselves in the waters now that just a moment ago almost capsized their boat and now the waters are as calm as a child after a tantrum Jesus says where is your faith but then they have a question yeah and that question is who is this that's a strange question I wish I had one or two more Believers I'm going to leave you alone in just a minute I'm going back on vacation when I get through fooling with y'all in just a second who is this that's a that's an enigmatic question to ask because if they don't know who he is why wake him up and if you wake him up why ask who he is you missed that if you've got to ask who he is then why wake him up and if you going to wake him up you must know who he is on because waking him up and not knowing who he is is not going to steal the [Applause] [Music] storm the only reason to wake him up is he can do something about your [Applause] storm and these two questions are the parentheses in which we live our Christian lives where your faith who is this and brothers and sisters as I H to the close when you find out who this is it answers the question of where is your [Applause] faith because sooner or later your faith rests in who this [Applause] is I wish I had five or six more Believers here when you find out out who he is there's no longer a question of where is your faith because when you know who he is no storm will ever overwhelm you because you know if he says go over there's no possibility of you going under you going to help me close this W you but when you got to ask who he is it's not really a question that that demands an answer is just an amazement a a Marvel of what he can do yeah yeah now I need somebody here today who knows from your own Christian walk that you've seen God do some things that could never have happened in your life if he didn't do it that that that that that that that's that's that's that that ought not fall on deaf ears this morning somebody in here know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you know that you ain't supposed to be where you are right now it was nobody nobody but Jesus have I got a witness here he paid your bills for you you thought when you lost that job that was the end of the world but God never closes a door unless he's getting ready to open a window have I got a witness here and you're better off now than you were 5 10 15 years ago because what you thought you couldn't get along without he showed up to be everything you need have I got a witness here he knows how to steal storms in your life oh yeah I want to talk to somebody here who's G through somebody here who's at the intersection of expectation and disappointment you've had some expectations in your life that have not been realized there are some things in your world that has gone wrong but you've been staying with God through your stuff through your storms and through your problems and some days are better than other days but you still got joy you still got faith to believe that if God says to go over there's no possibility of you going under and folk look at you and wonder how you still make it with all the stuff you're going through they don't understand that you got something going on on the inside that cannot be disturbed by what's happening on the outside have I got a witness here he says I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Mead have I got a witness here Jesus may look like he's asleep on your boat but he's not asleep at the wheel he has everything under control I said he has everything everything under control I said he has everything under control let me say it one more time he's got everything under control yes sir we were coming in on United Airlines and there was some turbulence just before we got into Houston uh and the pilot said to the to the flight attendants to be seated uh turn off your electronic equipment talking to all of us on board the plane the uh the pilot has turned on the fasten your seat belt sign and they will be coming through the cabin to pick up uh all the stuff that you need them to pick up yes sir and uh they said uh for the duration of the flight uh keep your seat belts fastened keep your seat trays in their full upright and lock position we're going to be on the ground in a minute but for the moment keep your seat belts fastened keep your seat trays in their full upright and lock position yes sir keep your carry-on luggage in the overhead bins there's a little turbulence going on right now we going to be on the ground in a minute but for the moment for the keep your seat trays in their full upright lock position keep your carry on luggage in the overhead bins keep your seat belts fastened there's a little turbulence going on we going to be on the ground in a minute but for the moment yes sir keep your seat belts fastened your seat trays in their full upright lock position you'll carry on luggage in the overhead bins we going to be on the ground moment in let me say to somebody here at ly Grove who's standing at the intersection of expectation and disappointment you're going through a little turbulence right now it's Stormy in your house it's storming in your family it's storming in your marriage it's storming in your financial situation it's storming with your health situation you going to be out of it in a minute you're going to be on the ground in a moment but right now fasten your seat belts keep your seat trays in their full upright and lock position keep your carry-on luggage in the overhead bin don't try to go in the cockpit and tell the pilot what to do you don't have any flight experience you don't have any training and flight flying why don't you just fasten your seat belts put your seat trays back in their full upright lock position your carry on luggage in the overhead bins God has everything under control there might be somebody here today standing at the intersection of expectation and disappointment things have not worked out well in your life but I've got some good news for you all you got to do is wake up Jesus all you need to do is say master I'm about to perish and he will get up from where he's sleeping stand on your little vessel and say peace be still and when the Lord steals your storm don't stay home and act like you don't know who kept you don't sit in your seat and act like you don't know who brought you don't get all dressed up for church and sit down through an entire worship and never open your mouth if God brought you out if God steal your store if God made a way out of nowhere why don't you come on and help me here tell God thank you you brought me out I never would have made it if if it wasn't for your grace thank you for your goodness thank you for bringing me out now somebody sitting next to you today might be at the intersection of expectation and disappointment why don't you grab your neighbor by the hand tell them whatever you're going through this too will pass this to will pass Shake somebody else's hand come on grab somebody else and tell them I know from experience that trouble don't last always after a while God will bring you out he will bring you out won't he do it said won't he do it I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth why don't you grab somebody tell them you don't know like I know what the Lord what the Lord [Music] [Applause] come on grab a neighbor tell him get a good look at me I'm coming out of this thing laugh at me now but God's bringing me out talk about me now but you ought to see me after a while God is going to bring me out know he's all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've seen I've seen the lightning flesh I've had the Thunder rooll I felt since Breakers dashing they were trying to conquer my soul you going to help me won't you but I have I have I have I heard the voice of Jesus tell telling me fight all he promis he promised he promised he promis he promis [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] know he's all right he walks with me he talks with me he tells me I am his own come on grab somebody else tell him he will turn it around he will turn it around he will turn it around won't he do it say it say it see it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what what what kind of man is this that even the wind and the Sea obey him who is this who can talk to storms and they obey [Applause] [Music] nobody nobody can do that but Jesus he will calm your [Applause] storm yes he will uhhuh yes he will oh yes yes he [Applause] will yes he will yes he will yes he will I've tried him for myself yes he will yes he will if you just have faith he made not come when you want it but somebody ought to help me testify when he shows up he's right on time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 64,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: A7bgPYk6HYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 11 2014
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