Jacob, Joseph, Jealousy and a Journey Pt. 1

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when you're a dreamer and a nonconformist when you are principled and know where you're going people will hate you [Music] Jacob Joseph jealousy and the journey this is a family saga a family story of dysfunction and it started with Abraham it continues in Isaac it finds culmination in Jacob Jacob who is a twin of Esau was born clutching Esau's heel he's a supplanter one who undermines Jacob connives schemes and tricks breaks the rules to get what God intended him to have and you know the story he he tricks his brother Esau and he steals his birthright he connives him out of his father's blessing his mother helps him to flee Esau's wrath and he saw finally catches up with him and the Lord softens Esau his heart but before that Jacob wrestles with God God touches him in his hip and he limps for the rest of his life he says your name is no longer Jacob but Israel he is tricked by Laban because what goes around comes around he works for the hand of the one he loves Rachel but he ends up married to live he has sons with Leah and with Leah's handmaid but then he works another seven years for Rachel's hand but Rachel does not bear him in his sons and finally in his old age Rachel bears a son named Joseph Israel Jacob dotes on Joseph he loves Joseph perhaps Joseph is the spit image of his mother Rachel and because of Jacob's love for Rachel he almost worships Joseph he loves him so much that he shows a distinction between him and his other brother that there is there is this problem that the brothers have with Joseph because the Father loves Joseph more than his other brothers that is a recipe for dysfunction in any family where there is that kind of favoritism that was dysfunction you can't you can't compare one child with another child you can't Pit one child against another child or hold one child in higher esteem than another child because it creates hatred in the heart of brothers and sisters it causes dysfunction and that child may never achieve all that you have desired because you place him over and above his brothers and sisters don't ever ask a child why aren't you as smart as your brother why aren't you as talented as your sister that may not be their skillset that may not be their area of giftedness God gifts everybody with what he wants them to have not for us to be all about one another but for us to complement one another [Applause] his boss Joseph was special his conscience was tender his heart was pure his will was firm God chose to bless him and his father loved him so much that he made him a coat of many colors I looked at this and I don't think that this coat was multi-coloured as it served to distinguish Joseph's multi-faceted personality because when you're great it's because you're good and when you're good it's because you're connected to God and his coat of many colors serve to distinguish him as separate and apart because he had a tender conscience a pure heart and a firm will because his father sent him to check on his older brothers conduct and when he went to check on them they were doing things that would displease the father but Joseph would not participate in their wrongdoing in their evil ways because he had a pure conscience a pure heart a frame wheel and his brothers mistook his principle for pride and I think all to stop a moment and say to us when you are a principled person when you are a nonconformist be prepared to be hated by your brother when you don't bend the rules talk back to me if you can but when you don't undermine we you don't try to get people on your side when you just walk the straight and narrow when you do us right for the sake of doing what's right you will be hated thing call to say a word to you church people here and you Christians here who are trying to get everybody to like you and trying to get everybody to see your point of view when you do what's right just for the sake of doing what's right people will despise you and you have to get ready for being despised talk back to me if you can you've got to be secure enough in your cells that whoever likes you or does not like you does not determine how you live your life I was a head of witnesses you can't let people's definitions of you put you in their box [Applause] you can't marry the light of your potential under the bushel of somebody else's expectation whenever you decide to do what's right you will be hey and listen not just some folks you can't please bit unlike how you look get on like how you talk get on like how you dress they don't like the sound of your voice they don't know anything about you but they dislike you over a rumor that you are a nonconformist I wish I had my 730 cry but don't worry about what they say you just put blinders on and run your race live your life dream your dreams reach your destiny and the folk who love you gonna love you regardless and the folk who don't love you didn't love you to stop with and you ain't gonna miss what you never had [Applause] I told you last Sunday you gotta learn how to encourage yourself pat yourself on the back take yourself to the movies take yourself out to dinner talk to yourself on the phone because you got to learn that when you do us right for the sake of doing was right you will be hated this this business cope this coat of many colors this coat of many colors I'm sure had many shades it was a long flowing tunic Jason did my research for me on this coat of many colors and and no sense in paying him if he can't do no research he did my research on this coat of many colors and it's a long flowing tunic that that serves mainly to distinguish joseph from everybody else there's many colors there's many sides to his personality and all of us here have many sides to our personality we are not just one thing we are a multiple group of things that make us who we are we are one way with one group and that doesn't mean anything bad it just means when you're with this group that's the way you are then when you with that group that's the way you are when we in the hood we talk one way and you can't bring that hood talk on your job [Applause] am i right no you can't go to your job talking your boss talking my what's up see I'm saying good I'm saying no that's that's on Scott Street we talk like that we talk like that in third warden and fifth warden and an Ontario Western but but when you answer the phone you can't talk like that there's many sides to our personality cuz that's what I'm trying to get at Joseph had many sides to his personality there were many but I just want to mention three that first coat that was worn on the outside was a coat of favor favor favor there's a difference between favor and favoritism [Applause] favoritism is not about the person being favored it's about the one showing the favoritism Joseph was the son of Jacob's old age and he nothing more crazy than all men having to be so the favoritism came from Jacob but because of Jacob's favoritism that did not stop God's favor [Applause] wish I had somebody to help me free my brothers and sisters get me now hear me now there are some people that God just chooses to bless with special faith some folk just born to make money like like Mark Zuckerberg in his dorm room eight years ago came up with Facebook why didn't I think of that [Applause] he had an initial public offering the other day of over a hundred billion dollar that's just faithful he's just born to do that my mother could make a ham sandwich tastes like a beef tenderloin at Vick and Anthony some people just have it like that talk back to me if you can some folks are smart would I'd even study in the book they can party all night long and go take the test and make a 97 and here you start it all night and make a 79 that's just say am I right about that now listen listen you get mad with people who got favored because you're getting angry you're envying that you're hating them it's not gonna take God's hand off because God blesses who he wants the blame I wish ahead of witnessing God raises up who he wants to raise up because the favor comes from God he was Jacob's favorite but he was shown God's faith he wore that coat of favor and then he wore outwardly a Colt secondly of success everything he put his hands on prospered everything Joseph touched was blessed because he was connected to go with tender conscience a pure heart a firm will that everything he maneuvered around was successful the the King James says he was tending his father's flock but but but but the New Revised Standard Version said he was pastoring his father's flower and and the frock he tended fared better than his brother the Sheep he tended look better than his brother shirt everything he did was with excellence was with success even when nobody was watching that's when you know you got integrity when you do right and you're not in Houston you miss them when you do right and you're not in front of your Sunday School class when you do right and it's not Sunday morning you do right just because it's right to do right success success followed Joseph everywhere he went and then God favored him to let him start dreaming I said the river washed it and had launched a few weeks ago you know you're old not in terms of years but you know you're old when you love your memories more than you love your dreams somebody gonna get that on the way to Papa do when you are nostalgic and reminiscent over yesterday and have no hope for what's coming tomorrow that's the way things used to be used to be used to be whole lot of folk like church the way it used to be you don't like these new people join you you don't like these new changes being me we've never done it that way before let's do it the way we used to do and when you love your you you pass more than you excited about your future you've lived too long you are old a fossil a dinosaur the eight-track ain't coming back get rid of your 8-track tapes of the Commodores the Isley Brothers The Temptations Diana Ross and The Supremes it's gold [Applause] they don't make ice trays anymore ice is coming out of the door of the refrigerator that's the way things used to be talk back to me if you can they're not putting water in the radiator of cars anymore matter of fact you can't bring cars to the shade tree mechanics anymore that's gone that used to be that's in the past stop loving what's gone and be hopeful about what's on the way Joseph Joseph is a dreamer and listen when you're a dreamer and a nonconformist when you are principled and know where you're going people will hate you now this his brothers misunderstood his principal that stand as pride and I need to say to somebody today don't be proud of your principal you missed that because the minute you get proud you've got principles you just seen just have principles with humility I [Applause] wanna I want to gain say thank God to these young adults singing in the choir without were more of them that used to sing in the choir but they got out of the choir because I'm not like them I don't do what they do my principles won't let me be like them then you got proud of having principles and God stopped using you because God can use you any kind of way with all your issues with all your mess with all your stuff with all your junk God can use you because if it were not for God's grace all of us would be in hell this mom I wish I had a witness here God don't get nothing but you staying out all night yes yes just pull yourself together wipe your eyes drink are you something to help you breath get you some breath freshener and come on in like these other people used to do you ain't been in church all your life you ain't been holy all your life you used to be a sinner but God was patient with you so you'd be patient with these young people because God had mercy on you when your principal and start dreaming you're going to be despised they hated him so much that his father sent him to Shechem to check on how they were treating the flock and when he got to Shechem somebody said they're gone to Dolphin he left Shechem and went some 60 miles to Dothan but they saw him before he saw them he said matter that helped me appreciate and he said here comes this dreamer let's kill him and we will see what will become of his dream but Reuben the older brother was tender towards his younger brother and he decided to to put Joseph in a pit until their anger with society you don't help me preach this won't you but when Reuben turned his back and this for like caravan was on its way to Egypt and his brothers got him out of that pit and sold their own brother to caravan on the way to eg when Reuben came and found what they had done he tore his clothes he rent his mantle the Bible says and they lied again they killed an animal sprinkled that animals blood on his little coat of many colors brought it back to Jacob and told him what had befallen Joseph and Jacob was beside himself with grief but the favor of God was still on Joseph's life Joseph told his brothers you can have this little coat of favor if this was bothering you is that's what has you green eyed with envy and jealousy you can have this outer coat of favor you can have this outer coat of success but as a coat that Joseph wall on the inside that was non-negotiable there was no compromising with this coat and it was a coat of honor because God favored him which drew him close to God which made him an honorable man and he would not give up his honor no matter what his brothers did to him let me show you from the word how honorable Joseph was and Caravan sold him to Potiphar in Egypt I need a Bible reader here and Potiphar put Joseph's over his entire household because he had favored success and honor but mrs. Potiphar was walking around in Victoria's Secret expensive perfume lounging in Joseph's presence throwing herself at young Joseph because he was a handsome dark-skinned Hebrew boy and she was lounging throwing herself in his presence and Joseph did not pretend not to see her he did not see her because of his honor thank you for turning into a call to joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little grow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at www.teamclarke.org you [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 91,990
Rating: 4.7560978 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend, Terry, Anderson, Pastor, Lilly, Grove, Missionary, Baptist, Church, Houston, Texas
Id: -5gpwUJg1hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2012
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