At Sea Quilt | Let's Make!

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today we're going to be making a quilt from a strip set called at sea so i've got a bunch of patterns here most of which work really well with the strips and this is the one we're going to do and i have a lot of different jelly rolls or strip sets cut here and i think i would like to do it with this one so this one is called Pino which is a wine name and so ours might come out looking more like in Napa instead of at sea let's get it started for this pattern we've got a variety of sizes we can make and we're going to make the large throw which takes 38 strips my role here has got 40 so let's open it up and take a look at the fabrics I have all the strips laid out here so we can see what they look like this is a strip set that we cut here so my husband cuts these very accurately and it's a beautiful group of Burgundy's and wine colored prints that's why we called it Pino and so we need to we need to pick an accent which is the blue color here and we need to pick a background which is this light color and I've got a couple that I think are going to work here so these prints will show up very nicely with this accent and this background the only exceptions are this one here is really close to the background color so I'm not going to use it and this one also we only need 38 strips so sometimes I will take out ones it won't work once in a while I'll get a strip set bit needs a few more darks added so I will just go to my stash you can go to your stash cut a couple of extra strips and fit them in with the jelly roll this quilt is really fun and fast to make we are going to take two strips and sew them side-by-side then we're going to take two more strips and sew them side-by-side and we're going to do that for the whole jelly roll we're just going to make two strips throw them up let me show you how to do that right sides together match up the long edges and stitch with a quarter inch seam and I like to keep my stitch length pretty small so you can see I'm using pretty short little stitches now line it up real carefully and don't stretch either one just stitch really carefully right along the edge now I'm going to finger press the seam to one side so I'm going to press it to the right here and I'm going to do all of my seams to the right so open it up and if you could feel it going that direction and then take the back of your fingernail and just draw down that suit this makes it really really easy to iron later on so what we want is we don't want the fabric pressed over like this we want it opened and then pressed and this step makes the ironing goes so fast so sew the strip's finger press with all the rest of your double strips let me show you how easy it is to iron means because we finger press them this has not been ironed yet and if I lay it right against my yardstick you could see how straight and flat it already is so I'm just going to give it a nice gentle pressing without steam and then I'm going to see incredible and I always double check it against the iron to make sure that it's straight and I didn't distort it when I was ironing so these iron up really really fast so put it against a yardstick first to make sure you've got it laid out see this one is not straight it's pulled just a little bit then you can move that away quick press and then teaspoon really flat really accurate now that we've got all of our strips sewn into these double strip units we're going to take eight of them and we're going to make a tube so I'm taking these and stitching them onto here and I want my seam allowances going in opposite directions because that's going to make it really easy for me for the next step so we're just going to line everything up and we're going to sew it on both sides [Music] now I'm just going to take it and turn around and I'm going to sew along the other side so we're going to have a small strip tube here so even though we've already ironed both of these really flat we do want to iron it again because the stitching can stretch it a little bit so I'm going to line it up again against my yardstick and then I'm going to press it a little bit and then I'm going to steam press it so it may seem like an unnecessary step because it's already all flat and nice but it is nice to get it really flat and true because we're going to be cutting this again so let's take this over to the cutting table and I'll show you how to cut it so here is the four strip tubes that I have so it's a tube and there's four strips there so now we're going to use our strip tube ruler and we're going to cut some squares out so it looks like we're cutting a triangle here but because this is stitched on the bottom when we open it up it'll be a square so we're going to use the four and a half inch line and we're going to put the line on the stitching line not on the edge of the fabric on the stitching line so I'm going to get my ruler and I'm going to make my first cut here move this out of the way and then cut here now you'll see what I'm talking about we've got a nice square there with just some little itty-bitty guys on the edges now we're going to take our ruler and we're going to turn it around here and we're going to put the same four 1/2 inch line on the stitching line again and we might have to make a fresh cut here it depends how straight it looks you can always move it down and make a fresh cut but if it looks really straight like that one is there all I'm going to have to do is cut right here so here is where I'm going to have to make both cuts because I can't move that over there because this is got that jagged edge so we're going to just put the four-and-a-half on there and now we're going to cut both sides move that out of the way so we're going to keep doing this for the whole tube and we're going to do it with all of these other tubes as well the next step is to take the rest of the strip units and stitch them to the accent fabric so it's the same method we used earlier the accent fabric strips are cut four and a half inches which is exactly how wide this is so this is going to fit right on there it's going to line up exact and we're just going to stitch it on both sides now I'm going to stitch down the other side and these steps go really really bad so we want to iron all of these also again straighten it up on your yardstick and you can see how the stitching stretches it a little bit but the iron will relax all of that back out now we've got all of these iron and I find it easier to cut from this side because I can see my stitching line it's a little hard to see it on that side but I can see it here pretty clearly these get cut exactly the same way the last ones did so four and a half inches put the line on the stitching line and then cut your square so now we've got some blocks that have half accent half strips so we're going to cut all the rest of these like that there's quite a few of them and even I am not brave enough to stack them up and cut them in bulk I think you should cut them one tube at a time because they'll be much more accurate now that we've got all the blocks cut out we're going to want to iron these open and we're just going to press the seam towards the dark side it's really easy because they're really really flat already and then we are going to take our scissors or rotary cutters what are you going to snip off all these dog ears so just do that with all your blocks and then they'll be ready for us to start making the Patrick here are the pieces I need for the block we have these three which have strips and background and these three which have strips and background and then the corners are just all strips the only other piece we need here is the accent color and we need a four and a half inch cut block and that will fit right there now we can sew all the pieces together so I'm going to start here they're all exactly four and a half inches now and there's no matching of any theme so all I have to do is make sure that these team allowances stay the way that we've already got them on I like to keep that patchwork on the machine and then grab the next row and just sew it also and then the last row this method helps me keep the blocks from getting turned or out of order now we're just going to keep those together open this up and this piece is going to go right there [Music] flip it over and you can see how quickly these blocks show up they're really really fast now we're going to finger press the first row to the right second row to the left third row to the right now when you finger press the top and bottom here this is not a straight grain this is a bias grain so you need to be a little bit careful that you don't stretch it too much we are going to iron it afterwards so if it stretches a little we'll be able to steam press that out but just be somewhat careful really all we want to do is get these really flat where these intersections are then we're going to do this one to the left since our seam allowances are all alternating and direction it's going to be really easy to sew the rows together so when we're stitching the rows together we want to make sure to make these intersections match the theme allowances are going different directions so it's pretty easy and it's biased so it will stretch a little it's really easy to make a match you just want to use a careful quarter-inch and try not to stretch it too much but it's really easy to get them lined right up one more row you block is then so we've got all the rows together and I've finger pressed them both going in the same direction and this is what we want we want everything meeting at that intersection there and then we're going to take it over to the ironing board and we're going to steam press it really flat and then we're going to make a bunch more blocks just like this now that we've got our Patrick blocks done we need to make some corner setting triangles so these are corner setting triangles for the sides and for the corners of the quilt because this quilt is on point so we need to film it let me show you this is going to go into the side to make this square the nice thing about these triangles is that they've got what looks like a border going underneath of the patchwork and it's a really cool technique we have for making these so I'm going to show you how to make this and I'm going to show you how to make the corner to make those side setting triangles we need to cut some 7 and 7/8 inch squares and then cut it in half on the diagonal and then we need a 2-inch piece and a 2 and a half inch piece their various lengths the pattern will tell you how long now we're going to shape these pieces and the pattern gives us a handy dandy template here that we can use so I'm going to just cut out this template here so that I can get my pieces cut the right shape now this template is going to go on the corner here and we're just going to cut off the fabric there so I'm going to put the template there hold it firmly and then I'm going to put my straightedge right up against it then I'm going to move the template and then I'm going to cut and I'm going to do the same thing on the other corner so it's going to go on this corner here and I'm going to cut it off but I'm going to turn it around because I can't cut left-handed so place it very carefully in position grab your straightedge put it right up against it move the template and then make your cut we're going to do the same thing for this but we're going to use the other template here these pieces are all sized and ready to go so we just have to stitch those seams but first let's cut out the very corner of the quilt this is made up similar to what we just made but you need two of them so we get that mitered corner there so we've got triangles that are one in 7/8 inches square and then cut on the diagonal and then we've got our two and a half inch strips and our two inch strips and we just need to cut off the angle just like we did with the other pieces all the pieces are cut to the right shape now so that we can stitch them together real easily and I want to give you one caution this triangle here it says two inches on it it's not actually a two inch triangle this is the shape you need to cut off your corners of a two inch finished piece so this is actually two and 1/8 inches I just simply cut the template out and it's for this strip same here it says one and a half inches that's for a one and a half inch finished strip of fabric this is actually one in five eighths and so if you were if you keep that in mind you will cut off the right amount off of your strips so the first step is to stitch right here so we're going to put this on top and you'll see these little teeny triangles of the back sticking out and they're going to be sticking off right at a quarter inch and this is so long I'm going to put a pin down here just to keep me honest there and I'm going to start sewing here and you'll notice the steam line is going to be right where those two come together [Music] we're going to finger press this and we're going to go towards the dark there [Music] and see how nicely those line up it's really really easy now we're going to sew this piece onto here and I'm going to flip it this way and it's designed so that the flat edge there is going to meet up with that point right there I think it's actually going to go a little bit beyond it just just to touch me on dit and again I'm going to pin this so that it doesn't move we're again going to keep that seam allowance towards the dark border there and now we're going to press it but you can see how nice that's coming out here's the pieces for the very corner of the quilt so we're going to be making two triangle units so let's put this one on top again those little corners will be sticking off equal amount on each side line it up and stitch along the edge [Music] now this one will go on there and I think I'll put this on top and Center it easier then use my quarter inch so this is really a nice way to have your corners look like they've got a border in it it really makes the coat look a lot fancier than if we just used plain triangles the last step is to sew these two together and we do want to match them up real carefully it's a little bit thick where those seam allowances are because they're all facing the same direction but that's okay we just are going to be really really careful when you realign everything up [Music] so I like to peel it back and make sure everything is lined up and hold it carefully same thing here I'm going to peel it back and make sure that team is right on top of itself all right we'll give that a nice steam press but you can see everything is lined up really nicely there so we've got these guys all done now and we're ready to put the whole quilt together now these look a little bit rough around the edges but that's okay they're a little bigger than we actually need so the excess will get trimmed off so you don't have to worry too much if you've got a little bit of excess or not quite enough right here this is going to get trimmed off I've got some of my blocks laid out so that you can see how to put this together so the blocks we have this one with those triangles going up and the next one the triangles are going sideways and the next one the triangles are going up so the blocks are going to be laid on every other direction the corner setting triangles now I've already got them sewn on to this block and I put the very far corner up there so you're just going to sew your blocks together and then either put the end corners or a corner setting triangle on there so you're just going to follow the diagram on the pattern that tells you which layout you've got so we've got all these different sizes here so I'm going to make it a little bigger but I wanted to give you kind of an idea how much fun this is with these triangles like this with the border and it just like looks like it's underneath the patryk so I can't wait to get the quilt made bigger and then get it all quilted up you can see what a happy quilt this is it's really fun to make it shows up very fast and there's a lot of details in it that you just don't see it first so here right here above my arm here that's the block that's the block we made over and over when you put all the blocks together you get these nice accents showing but you get these little tiny pieces here that you can really only get if you make strip units and then cut them up we've got these nice patches here really nice looking here so you all these secondary patterns come out after you get the patches together and this is one of my favorite parts the triangles here the setting triangle they've got these pieces in them and it makes it look as if we've got a border going around underneath the patchwork and that is a really cool look that I haven't seen on other patterns so again this is called act C and it's from cozy quilt design it's 63 by 83 it's a nice big throw size and it takes a couple yards of the background we use the accent and the border here the same print nice big border on the outside and then we used another batik on the back so the pattern does not have to be made in these colors it does not have to be made in boutiques I think in their pattern these are not batik sure these are prints with leaves on them it's really really versatile and of course the pattern shows you lots of different sizes thanks for watching our tutorial today and be sure to subscribe to our You Tube channel [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 435,365
Rating: 4.9184408 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, batik, Batik, Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, At Sea, sea, jelly, roll, jelly roll, strip, strip set, strip tube, ruler, strip tube ruler, cozy, cozy quilt designs, patterns, pattern, triangle, half square, half square triangle
Id: AM3P6xtKN1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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