Astrology for the Soul November 24, 2021

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foreign [Music] all right okay apache here with the weekly pele report for uh no november 24th 2021 and i just found this little trail here i'm on the road cruising today this is going to be a fast report and i don't know what is around here but it looks very beautiful so what's going on man the moon is going into leo today in fact it just went into leo i hope you feel the change i mean sun and sage coming out of freaking scorpio waters for a month into some fiery sag now the moon coming into leo we got that beautiful sun moon trine mercury is right there sun conjunct mercury all week um it is exact on sunday but you know they are just like boom it's called combust okay mercury and the sun right you know in alignment there um it means that you can think too much and burn out so be careful right and then that moon you know comes along of course it opposes saturn over there in aquarius and it goes and opposes jupiter that kind of stuff happening uh it squares does a nice t-square on uh thursday tomorrow uh with mars uh and and uranus pretty much um they are breaking apart that opposition was that not intense this last week what an intense time period and i got calls from people all over the world i know it was intense for everybody what a powerful lunar eclipse that was i'm gonna i'm gonna be talking about that and um in in the meantime let's keep going here because the moon everything keeps going doesn't it it just doesn't oh god they're speak of the moon i don't know if you can see her up there uh probably not but if you look real close there she is okay where was i okay well uh let's see um the moon goes into virgo on friday and of course she will oppose neptune over there in pisces and uh scoot on through virgo into libra by monday so we have a weekend it's a working weekend moon no it's not a working weekend it's it's actually the the thanksgiving weekend over there in the in the united states but there are some beautiful aspects going on we do have the moon squaring the sun on saturday so that's the third quarter square and of course it's right there squaring mercury too and then by by monday mars has moved into a beautiful trine with neptune and mercury is in a trine with chiron and the sun and mercury are sextile saturn i mean it's uh it's really really something you know and uh and venus sextile neptune and the sun trying chiron we've got trines and sextiles happening the universe is giving us a break it's it's really really a beautiful time i will find a nice place around here somewhere to uh look at the camera and talk to you more and more about it okay what are we talking about here i mean sun can bust mercury it's like i'm there is this kind of certain pressure we are in we are in an initiation you know this is an initiation we're going through the threshold from the age of pisces into the age of aquarius it's a generation that is under a lot of stress we incarnated at this time to bring in a new age to make a big change we are initiating you know a new consciousness a new paradigm it's and and it's it's not just like oh yeah you know uh let's go on vacation and and enjoy a new uh reality uh it has to do with you know deep deep uh forces of inertia of resistance of the ruts that you know humanity has created for itself over thousands of years and it's it's the hair dryer in the bathtub aquarius it's the you know uh it's it's the alarm clock going off and it's disturbing and we can get disturbed and you know the mantra today talks about you know uh fear we can we can go into fear and and it's you know the unknown and dealing with loss you know and part of grief and part of loss is dealing with you know fears of well what else am i going to lose or what else is going away what else can i not count on or not trust or not believe or you know it's like when is this gonna when is this over i got lots of people asking me man every it's like every chart reading it's like well when is this over man oh man what we want to understand especially is during this time of eclipses and we had that lunar eclipse moon emotional nature feeling insecurities inner child work you know you know you know opposites you know powerful sun mars in scorpio taking taking taking it's like getting stripped getting peeled like a banana you know getting your skin you know pulled off of you like a snake i mean it's been ah ouch what can i think of you know i mean you know the peel comes off the banana pretty easy but there are some other things you know where it's the peeling doesn't come on you know a grapefruit i peeled a grapefruit this morning you know that's more like i mean you can laugh about it but you can cry about it too it's it's very um it's it's it's been hard and and it's and in so many ways this time period the two weeks in between that full moon eclipse and the upcoming solar eclipse this is this time period of preparation of purification of getting down into our essential car our essential truth our essential self finding our essential power getting boiling things down to our essential truth and our identity shifting it's like the masks coming off okay you know the past you know getting you know lifted released or torn away we can have feelings of loss betrayal abandonment well you know i had that you know it's just like things going away that we thought we needed consciously our ego thought we needed but on an unconscious soul level our soul knows what we need and what we don't need and what we need stays with us and what we don't need goes away and it's very nice that's what astrology is all about looking at your unconscious soul blueprint to see the transits to see where all of this is is hitting you personally then it's it's like you can see it coming and you can say oh i can see that some things need to go away here you know pluto is coming around you know i'm having this you know i'm having this mars transit through my eighth house or something you you see these things so you get your conscious ego in alignment with the unconscious soul and then you don't have as much trauma you don't have as much shock you don't you are not as surprised you are not blown away okay you know there's there's there's so it's yeah it's a it's a less traumatic experience so i don't i mean i don't know how people do it without astrology it's like man oh man surprise [Laughter] whoa here today gone tomorrow i mean wow it's you know it's it's it's really intense coming back to the point coming back to what's going on now what is beautiful now is that mars and venus are traveling at just about the same speed as venus is slowing down going into her shadow she's gonna go retrograding capricorn and mars moving through scorpio so they're kind of going in a sextile very beautiful it was exact a little while ago but they're they're traveling together like this and and that sextile has to do you know with uh 360 divided by six six is two times three so there is this yes the two has to do with you know kind of opposition but the three is a trying and easy it's it's opportunity if it is seized it's like opportunity that requires that some action and some movement you have to seize the day to seize that opportunity this is a sextile kind of energy with mars and venus happening and i want to read to you the sabian symbol for the sun coming together with mercury this is the sun mercury conjunction is very super powerful and it speaks to what is really happening right now because there is a lot going on underground there is a lot of covert activity there is a lot of energy and a lot of you know money and a lot of power being shifted and changed you know that is really um invisible to the you know to the mainstream media to our eyes to our so you know this kind of initiation happening now is that we dip down it's almost like this death resurrection you know you know it's you know this time period i got this guy going back and forth behind me i i can see him in my freaking thing okay so i like to be out in the middle of nowhere but uh i find myself in different places you know and there are people we have to share the planet man okay within the depths of the earth new elements are being formed the alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of our inner life deep really deep unconscious below the surface not invisible sight uh we are going through you know this is this is a a very powerful deep change in the lower chakras it's it's the underworld in shamanic astrology and shamanism and this this underworld is outside of time and space and when you start feeling some of these energies and some of these feelings and emotions and desires and fears you can't you can't you know you can't control them with your thoughts and your mind they're they're too deep they're too powerful yeah they're beyond thought forces are at work in the deepest layers of the psyche which in their own way respond to the outer stimulation produced by a strong involvement in group ambitions and emotions and even more by the powerful tensions and releases of love an alchemical process goes on usually unnoticed by the conscious ego until it becomes obvious that a kind of mutation has taken place and a new level of awareness and of response to life has been reached yeah so this is this these under you know these alchemical inner changes of who we are of what we are of where we're going of our destiny of our relationships of our most intimate you know self needs and desires is going through change and transformation beneath the level of our awareness and then one day and these are the days the the eclipses are known for shock and surprise as kind of new energies and new elements call it from deep space or call it from deeply within our unconscious you know impact you know in the acid esoteric world they say you know it's like eclipses are a time you know that really breaks through it's where you know the the the astral shield of the earth is is down and these forces you know can enter and then some say that the souls that are going to incarnate for the next six months rush in during the eclipses and hang out waiting for the right body and the right dna and the right skin color and the right everything you know to you know incarnate into physical life forms on our planet but so it's a very you know it's like the the veils are thin the veils are thin knowing that we can we can be aware that we're picking up on some energies some feelings some collective unconscious stuff and some you know otherworldly stuff that's not our own personal and and and we need to separate out what is collective what is the group what is you know out there and and purify and purge and come home to our core to our truth and this also includes letting go of our past history and letting go of our future ambitions and desires and goals and coming right into unconditional self love as i am right here and now with all of my faults or guilt or shame or wrongdoings you know sin means error yeah with all my errors with all my sins i you know we are evolving growing learning beings and like the mantra for today says you know in the end thank you yeah we could say that there are ends there's the end of life okay you know there's the end of a uh nation the end of a country the you know the end of a cycle so there are a lot of ends in the end love will win in the end yeah so what we want to do is just really enjoy the process and know know that it is a process and it's a process within a process within a process within a process it's a cycle within a cycle within a cycle within a cycle and the and these cycles are moving and changing and we don't need to like freak out or get afraid that you know this is never going to change or this is always going to be or i've lost that forever or that i'm it it's everything now is moving shifting changing and the more that we can just believe and have faith and trust this is what sagittarius is all about yeah the jupiter sagittarium archer is you know aiming towards the bull's eye aiming towards and expanding that consciousness aiming towards a higher sphere or a higher frequency a higher clear expression of self so the mantra is again i feel fear hurt and misunderstanding when losing family and friends but i believe trust and share that love will win in the end yeah i i i spent this week on amazon sending out these hundred books to people man and there were way more orders than uh you know than a hundred so um i did send out a hundred and if you didn't get it if you emailed me and you didn't get it i'm very sorry you were you were a little late but and i've been and i've been posting a lot of stuff up there on facebook and instagram and telegram and stuff like that and i get all these comments i get comments on the pele report you know and it was pretty funny because this week actually somebody called me a trumpster [Laughter] he's gone off to trump and and the conspiracy theories and this and that and the other thing and i was just like oh man i i just want to say uh you know when it comes to uh politics and and i i i've been talking about politics a little bit i want to just clarify that um it's beyond politics and and what we're gonna see in 2022 is yes it will come out you know through politics but it's about power and it's about money and it's about blackrock and vanguard and you know people that are above and outside and beyond and untouchable when it comes to politics yeah these politicians are in the pocket of the people who are really running the show on this planet so i you know it's not about red and blue and it's not about you know biden or trump or it's not about you know it reminds me of this movie that i saw back it was nicholas cage i think he was it was called the warlord or something and and he sold guns he sold guns right and he sold and his whole thing was like let's start wars so that i can make more money selling guns and he would sell guns to both sides you know i mean so let's not let's try not to get into these places of pigeonholing and understand that part of the dynamics of the warlords okay is to polarize the masses it's divide and conquer it's like you know let's point fingers and blame you know the un uh jabbed or the jabbed or the this or the red or the blue or the racist or the it's it's it's all about you know aha get them on opposite sides they'll destroy each other and then we can what build back better come on man what we need to do is like can we get over you know uh this polarization trip to like really see what's underneath this is part you can't even look at this you know the sun mercury it's conjunct the south node of the moon right you know i mean uh the sun is uh conjunct the south node of the mercury's conjunct the south node on thursday yeah and you know and and this south node of the moon you know this is this is uh in in vedic astrology it's k2 it's evil it's it's you know it's it's it's it's dark energy and and we've got this sun lighting up and mercury lighting up this is a time of really seeing through a lot of the illusions or a lot of the bs a lot of the dishonesty a lot of the you know fake stuff that's going on out there and um yeah so we want to we want to understand and when these moons know it's next year move into taurus and scorpio uh things are really going to get uh deeper and and and and we're going to see things go to a whole nother level so we want to just kind of be aware of that and this week and in this purging and this letting go and you know feeling you know like you know as we prepare for the solar eclipse do it willingly you know i'm doing the kundalini yoga i'm doing some events here in northern california i'm thinking of maybe starting a telegram channel from northern california uh but you know we're doing some yoga some breath work some movement preparing for this eclipse and you know and the solstice coming up and this is just like really a time where we can take advantage of this energy and really clear out our space so it can be beautiful when it is embraced instead of feared yeah knowing that there's a new beginning there's a new horizon there's a new day so i feel fear hurt and misunderstanding when losing family and friends but i believe trust and share that love will win in the end namaste aloha so much love [Music] you
Channel: New Paradigm Astrology
Views: 29,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astrology, zodiac, spiritual, medium, forecast, kaypacha, lescher, signs, horoscope, love, psychology, spirituality, yoga, kundalini, joy, life, understanding, tom
Id: yAk3JtdK_XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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