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I love how she talked about the filler in her face migrating and made a good point that any respectable doctor likely wouldn’t get on YouTube and make such a bold claim about someone. I think this is the first time she ever talked about that, I thought it was interesting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 340 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mckenthei πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

her makeup looks gorgeous here and i like that she seemed to be in good spirits.

like, im never gonna buy from jaclyn, but i wish her well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 588 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/casseroleEnthusiast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I appreciate her honestly about the fact she supports her entire family. I find it a little wild though. Like, my goal is to retire my parents early, but I’m not supporting my siblings full time. It does sound like they work for it though!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 114 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/curlsinmyhair πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I liked this video! She talked a bit about Jon and how they actually split up 6+ months before the announcement on Instagram which I thought was interesting. I remember people speculating about it for a long time before she actually announced it so that must’ve been really tough for her.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 183 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/engsmml πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Two things: I normally roll my eyes at celeb clothing lines, but I feel like Jaclyn would make genuine bank if she ever wanted to start a line of comfort-based luxury lounge wear.

Two: whether people still like her or not, one thing most of us can agree on is that she's a damn good saleswoman. She has the Midas Touch more than most other youtubers that expand beauty and beyond. I feel like another way she could make bank would be if she did something similar to Oprah's Favorite Things for Christmas. While a lot of youtubers claim that sOoOoO many people are in their DMs asking about certain items, I actually believe Jaclyn when she says that she gets inundated with requests for certain things she recommends. Of course she does Favorites videos and has been for years, but I feel like she's the type of personality who could profit off of having something official like Oprah's list.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 63 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/playing_the_angel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m not at a Jaclyn fan anymore, but I am happy to see that her face has seemed to return to normal.

Her extremely bloated cheeks were concerning. Hopefully she has gotten the medical issues resolved, as it seems she has!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 176 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sunflowersinohio πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whats she promoting/selling this time ??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/my_bf_showed_me_this πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was reminded of why I liked her watching this. I actually enjoyed this and thought she was pretty open about the divorce and money stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noelle588 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah I’m never gonna actually purchase anything associated with her wallet (purposefully). But glad she’s like alive and well lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/United-Claim πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm here isn't it so crazy me doing my job so i am back with a new video i have been wanting to this video for so long and i think i just didn't have the balls to do it for quite some time i asked you guys on my insta story if you would rather see me talk about my fall favorites or do this video assumptions about me and this video won by a pretty decent amount but i know so many of you still want fall favorites so i do intend on doing a fall winter favorites video but i thought i would do this first because i had like over 50 000 people sending assumptions about me so i'm like i gotta do it okay so first i need to start off by saying thank you so much to everybody who sent such sweet assumptions just saying like overall kind things i assume that you're a nice person i assume you're gracious i assume you're giving and all that so sweet but i know that those are not the kinds of assumptions that people want to hear so i kind of took the vast majority and grouped them together i'm gonna answer those assumptions okay so first assumption is that i rarely leave my house so that is a yes and a no because of quarantine and the global pandemic yeah i i genuinely didn't leave my house like i did not walk out my front door for like i think a solid month at one point other than going into my backyard or walking my dogs in general i would say i leave at my house like four days a week it's going to my office so it's work-related or it's going to like my sister's or my parents house that's really it okay next assumption i have people clean my house for me is a big assumption a lot of people sent this one in and you guys are absolutely right i do have two women who clean my house for me they come to my house three days a week and they have been working for me for oh my gosh we're over four years now at this point they started with me in my condo and they came with me over here they now work for my entire family and some of my friends i think they only have one client outside of us they're just two women who like privately owned a business and they have become like family they watch my dogs like their family babysits like the nieces and the nephews and the family they're amazing i definitely needed help with this house moving into a 6 000 square foot house i needed help especially me i am such a clean freak oh my gosh i'm such a clean freak you guys like you've no idea it's ridiculous it's very annoying to many people because everything is just like needs to be spotless all the time but yeah i do have help but i also clean myself all the time like on the weekends it's all me thank god for them if they left me i'd be like okay that i don't forgive easily oh no completely inaccurate one of my biggest downfalls is that i forgive way too easily like spit on me walk all over me just just oh my gosh the worst betray me manipulate me and i'll be like it's okay like if you apologize i'm like it's okay it's all good you apologize like that's all i need moving on and my family and friends who really have my back they have always told me i need to stop being a doormat for people i need to stop forgiving people so easily so it's actually something i have worked on the last year i've really eliminated a lot of people from my life the last year because i've decided like as i approach 30 i'm like i'm done like i'm so done with forgiving everybody for every little thing just letting people walk all over me and forgiving them just because they give an apology i'm done so it's like fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me so i would say that no i yeah yes yeah i do forgive people too easily but not anymore you wear the pants in your relationship so many assumptions about jordan and i like i can't that was the number one were assumptions about jordan i just in every aspect of our relationship in our life me wearing the pants in the relationship absolutely not i know that a lot of people like don't believe in like the same like wearing the pants that's like you should be like a team and you should be equal and i definitely agree with that there are some things where i like put my foot down i'm like no it needs to be this way there's other things where he puts his foot down but i definitely do not wear the pants in our relationship i have a lot of respect for jordan's opinion he's extremely smart he's intelligent he's also got great common sense and he's someone who i respect enough to allow him to lead me through life in some ways so no in no way do i wear the pants i have a lot of respect for him in his opinion and when i'm going through something i listen to him he's one of the number one people that i go to and what he says i really take into account so no i do not wear the pants in my relationship if i came up to you say at a shop you wouldn't want to stop and chat and take a picture completely inaccurate and i've always said this on youtube like say hi to me i do not mind whatsoever even if it's like a quick like you know i might be busy or you're busy just like oh hey i mean i i love it i love it like when i walk through airports and people are just like hey [ __ ] i'm like ah yes like that's my people you know yeah i love to talk to my subscribers the only time ever that i have rejected rejected somebody or said no to a photo is if i am with my family this has only happened a few times but there was a point last year where every time i was going out with my family people would come up and ask me to stand up while we're out to eat and be like can you get up and take a picture with me and it was really bothersome especially to my my nieces and my nephew who were much younger obviously they didn't like it and it just bothered them like why are they interrupting our dinner why are you getting up and taking a picture and jaclyn like it was like that conversation so now i have set boundaries with subscribers when they come up to me while i'm physically eating with my family and ask for a photo i just say i'm so sorry i'm with my family right now when i'm done eating i will come find you and i will take a picture with you you know and if they happen to leave before me then so be it but i always always like look through the restaurant and find them or ask them where they're sitting and i go up to them and i take a picture with them but that's the only time that i wouldn't is when i'm with my family my family comes first that is a very good assumption especially after what i just got done saying yeah i am i mean i'm a cancer through and through i am so family oriented my family is number one priority blood is thicker than water i love my friends but that's another thing is i have a few friends in my life a few friends that i genuinely think of like my like my family like my sisters but yeah it's all about family to me like if my family doesn't like you i'm like we have a problem because ah like me like my family introducing jordan to them i was like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god because if my family is like we don't like this person then i'm like well where do i go now like they're just so important to me don't want to get married again yeah no that's like not at all the case that's never been the case i mean when i went through my divorce i never i never for a second was that person where i'm like screw love i'm never getting married again that never that never was me i definitely for sure saw myself being single for a very long time and i had a fear for good reason that i wasn't going to find a guy for a long time especially like a man who was going to love me from me that he was going to see you know like the social media career and like the nice cars and be like oh look at her and maybe be intimidated or be like put off by it or maybe be attracted to that and not me and my soul and my heart and my spirit my personality and be distracted by like the shiny things that was a fear of mine um so i was prepared to be alone but i've always seen myself getting remarried i've never given up on love ever for a second so yeah no you are a spoiled brat ah i'm a spoiled brat you guys i'm a spoiled brat i earned everything that i own by myself no man ever backed me up i never had an investor in anything i did all that on my own and somehow one of the number one assumptions is that i'm a spoiled bra i think that people thinking like owning nice things means you're spoiled so i like let that one slide on social media all the time but for me when i think of a spoiled person or a brat like a spoiled brat i think of like give this to me like i think of entitlement and just like bitchiness and just like i deserve that you know what i'm saying but to me it's like no i worked for this i have been a hard worker ever since i was a little girl my dad thank you lord for him god rest his soul he taught me just he taught me how to be a hard worker right alongside my mom i mean he pushed me i've had a job since i was 14 years old and ever since i've never not had a job you know i've worked very hard i know what i want out of life and i provide things for myself and all this that you see i work for it and that's always what i preach to people i'm like i did this you can too if i can earn this you can too there is no there is no cap and there's no end on the amount of money that it's available for you guys to earn if i can do this you can do this and i had a great time doing it i did what i loved i found my passion and it just worked for a young poor girl it worked not poor growing up everyone always gets me twisted but poor at the time when i started my career i'm doing great now you assume that jordan and i have our kids children's yeah children's names picked out we do we actually have a list so we have an ongoing list sometimes a name will pop up and wait ooh add that first names middle names nicknames we do have a list you've been distancing yourself from drama lately and working on yourself and new projects this is a great assumption because it's totally accurate this is another one that so many people were saying you've distanced yourself from drama and i'm like oh blessings i'm so glad you see it that way thank you i mean i never want to be involved in drama maybe i did when i was younger i kind of like liked the tea when i was younger you know kind of like i was drawn to it i'm really over that now but absolutely i went through such a hard time where i was just like drinking excessively and completely let go of my health and all i cared about was just like numbing every thought and every pain and every anything that came to mind i just wanted to numb it and i was just getting drunk every single night because i just was like i don't want to deal with life and i had just like a wake-up moment and i was like we're done and ever since then i've been done and i've just i'm focused on the bigger picture i'm focused on long-term i don't really care about like the fame the clouts the drama i just care about getting right with myself my family jordan and i's relationship what my future looks like as far as an individual like if i lose everything if i lose every subscriber every time in the bank that's what i'm like really focused on right now like who i am my core my center who's gonna be there when all goes that's what i'm focused on so absolutely that i'm stuck up another very pop a popular a very pop popular assumption this one was that i'm stuck up i mean i'm not gonna sit here and be like i'm an amazing person i'm not stuck up like i'm not gonna sit here and toot my own horn but also like bb i definitely am not stuck up i can't even imagine someone who personally knows me saying jaclyn's stuck up i can imagine someone who saw me in passing and feels like talking about me saying that i'm stuck up i can feel like someone who is just like pissy calling me stuck up but i'm not stuck up at all another popular one is that i had a rough childhood and this could not be further from the truth i had an amazing like i had the best childhood ever i moved to tampa from illinois when i was seven years old almost turning eight everybody on my street like all the adults had kids in my age range like there was like 20 kids within like three years with me all on my street and we were all friends and i had a beautiful home that i grew up in my mom was like the best housewife of all time magnificent you feel fat well i feel called out i have moments where i feel fat for sure totally no questions i hate that word but yeah i definitely have moments where i'm like oh god like right now i don't feel like that because i'm an all black and i have my boobs out i'm just being honest like by the way this body suit amazing it's by good american and it comes in white and black and i'm like [ __ ] thank you chloe it like sucks in everything it's great but right now i don't feel like that because i'm like showing the good assets that come along with weight gain you know you know but like i definitely have moments where i see myself in the mirror i'm like oh god figure it out but i also know that if i said we're changing you are losing weight i know that i could lose the weight that i want to within four to six weeks i also know that i could get liposuction it's all about choices you only upload on youtube when you're trying to sell something another very popular assumption that is which is kind of concerning to me because honestly if you just look at facts what have i sold this year like i haven't had a launch since almost an entire full year ago what am i selling like really i see this all the time people on twitter oh the only reason she's gonna upload because she's selling something i don't know if people are referring to like maybe links that i put in my description bar that i've been doing for seven years since i started my youtube channel of just reward style links or amazon links i don't know if that's what people are referring to if so i'm like that's not that that's not my income you know i'm not trying to sell you something uh no the answer is absolutely no like for instance this video right now i'm literally just here talking just to talk just to shoot with you guys because i enjoy it and that's it and then when i have product launches of course i'm gonna get on here and talk about them i work so hard on them and i'm proud of them and of course i'm going to want to sell them i do youtube videos because i still genuinely love youtube videos i just don't do them all the time because i do get insecure i guess about things i'm like i see what's going on on youtube and the difference and the shift and the changes that are happening i'm like whoa this is a lot and i just love to keep things simple and just like i have a lot of video ideas i'm like i don't know if people are gonna like that you know that's why i ask you guys a lot on my insta stories i'm like are you gonna enjoy this because like i have an idea for like a video of like comfortable things around the house like the best slippers the best socks the best robes the best pillows the best pillowcases the best comforters the best blankets like sleep masks like all that stuff because like i just love to do comfort you know and i love just like still simple but beautiful makeup you know nothing like crazy and over the top and i'm like i don't know if people are gonna enjoy this because things are getting so crazy and awesome and different that i overthink it a lot i love youtube and i do not upload only to sell i know i ranted but that's true this was a very popular one oh the elephant in the room i cheated on my ex-husband with his best friend jordan this is definitely a very sensitive question on one hand but not at all in the other when jordan and i first got together i saw these speculations drama channels gossip channels whatever you want to call them and just people all over social media saying that i was a cheater and i was a liar and i had an affair whatever it may be and i was so upset how dare they do this to me like they're questioning my character like at first i was so panicked at the idea of social media thinking this i went through my phone and my dms and i screenshotted everything i put it into a folder with proof like proof of dates and times of when jordan i started talking so that i could like show the world everything and debunk all the allegations and then i was just like why why like i i know that i didn't cheat so no no i understand why though i do that's the thing is i understand why people assume that i cheated because jordan and i got together so quickly it was like bye on to the next like absolutely but also a lot of people say well look at it look at the timeline it's so obvious here's the thing is no one knows the actual timeline when i got on camera and announced that i was getting a divorce my ex-husband and i had been separated completely and he had been moved out of the house for over six months at that point like completely completely to the point that on new year's eve he was living in the marriott suites hotel on the beach and came and stopped by the house for like five minutes to take a picture on snapchat to make people think that we were celebrating new year's together because we didn't want to deal with the outside drama we told my parents before christmas my entire family we told them in between november between thanksgiving and december we're getting divorced and i did not tell the world until the end of june the following year so there was a lot of time that you guys did not know about and a lot that happened even before that so i understand why the time frame looked messy online but no there was no cheating there was no affair that is not what ended my ex-husband and i's relationship at all from either sides it was not about an affair and that's another thing that i see that drives me crazy is not only did people like refer to me as a cheater and how i had an affair but i did it with john's best friend and that drove me insane because the fact that he was referred to as his best friend which it doesn't matter if they're acquaintances if they're friends with their best friends if they work together it doesn't matter but it just drives me crazy because the idea when i think of like best friend i think of like the person that you grew up with you share everything with and i'm like that's a lot that's just not the case if i'm gonna really dive into assumptions jordan and my ex-husband they met at the studio because jordan had at the time was working on an album of his own and he also owns his own business where he does filming and editing and so myself my ex-husband hired him to film his videos and edit them so he had come over to the house a couple of times in which case there was no flirting no attraction no touching nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing it wasn't until john i had gone through a divorce that somehow him and i threw dms casually started talking about filming because i had some questions and editing and next thing you know it just started it sparked up there was an interest there i pursued him 100 i was like oh my god this guy's awesome nothing ever happened before a divorce though being called a cheater is not fun when you pride yourself on being loyal even if you're miserable when you pride yourself on being loyal it's like don't call me a cheater my friends are disgusting like honestly nikita and pk you guys like the fact that you both sent me this like what's wrong with you i smoke weed hmm interesting those of you who know me know that do not smoke weed i have in the past when i was super super young i think it's been 10 years i have only smoked four or five times in my life and turns out that i am allergic to thc i know very weird it was a whole thing figuring that out but yeah i have a horrible reaction horrible like throwing up hives the whole thing which kind of sucks because i know so many people are like it's so great for anxiety and like now like you know you can get your card and be prescribed to like help put yourself to sleep and i'm like sounds great but not my journey so no i don't i don't smoke weed you feel like every move you make is gonna be misinterpreted and it stops you that is so true even this video i kind of have like these weird like butterflies like not even butterflies but like kind of like ants in my stomach like ah oh i'm just waiting for something to happen i'm waiting for somebody to be like oh my god she did this again 100 but it is what it is hoarder no like the opposite i actually had a few people send me this saying that they think that i'm a hoarder and i'm like in what world do you ever get that impression like absolutely not i actually am the opposite to the point that it's frustrating to myself because i throw away way too much and then six months later i'll be like where did that thing go and oh you threw it away oh i threw it away great love that for me i just need things clean and simple if i don't use it it's gotta go it's gotta get the hell out you used to do drugs a lot of people said this and i don't know why i'm thinking maybe because my ex is so open and honest about being an addict that's all i can assume you know he's made so many posts recently like in the past couple of years about being an addict and really come forth with that so i'm thinking maybe that's why people are assuming that i used to do drugs like maybe we did them together but no i'm so scared of drugs i'm terrified i have lost quite a few people in my life just watch them go down the spiral of drugs like even when it comes to my anxiety i was actually prescribed to xanax last year like last fall and i i didn't even take it i'm like i can't and i was like prescribed to 0.05 and i still was like i'm not taking this because i'm just so i'm scared i know a lot of people are like you know it's okay rely on the help of pharmaceuticals i just can't i've seen how quickly it spirals out of control and i'm just like oh i can't so no no drugs for me because i'm too afraid of them my boyfriend always says that you are a fake person always selling and lying did your boyfriend really say that you know it's not fake sometimes you just need to have fun you know you need to have fun you will never change your last name oh absolutely the i will yes i will change my last name when the time comes when the time comes to get married one day i will change my last name i will never change my last name on my youtube channel because it's it's just there like it's jaclyn hill i built this brand around my name what's crazy is i was actually going like when i first made my youtube channel i was gonna name it jaclyn roxanne and i remember going over it with my ex and he was like he'll just sounds better jaclyn hill but no i'm not gonna ever change my name on youtube but i will change my name legally 100 that i am spending over my means oh my goodness i could not believe how many assumptions there were about just money finances debt spending whatever it may be no i do not spend over my means i am terrified of debt i do not have an ounce of it i hope i never do and i also have people to keep my ass in check and say [ __ ] you keep going you gonna be emcee hammer broke i say i got you cut me off you don't walk your dogs this is a pretty good assumption it comes and goes you know it comes and goes i do have people who walk my dogs i'm not gonna lie i have three of them they love to go outside they love to go on three or four long walks a day and of course i also love them out in the backyard as well jordan and i walk the dogs but i also have people who lock my dogs as well so it goes back and forth it just depends where i'm at like if i'm out he's working all day we have people who walk the dogs late at night i have people who come and walk the dogs like midnight you know cause i'm like that sort of thing but no it it comes and goes it's a day by day thing you support almost your whole family parents siblings and kids with your money save assumption that was my main goal my main goal in life you look back at my old videos like five six years ago and i talk about and every q a like all the time just talking about what i want out of life it is to support my family and i still have one more major wish in my life that i really hope to achieve and that is to have like a huge compound where just like me and my entire family within like a five mile radius on a lake all our own houses we can just like see each other on days we want to avoid each other's on days that we want to but just be near each other my mother was my first employee that's like one of my greatest accomplishments is getting my mom out of nordstrom after her divorce she started working at white house black market in the nordstrom and i got her out of there and then one by one started hiring people my family and taking care of them in all different ways like my brother sent him over to cambodia to help out children and work with an organization for human trafficking you know spent a lot of money and a lot of time on that and i haven't really talked about that much on youtube but i mean my brother did so much good over there with his family lived over there for almost two years and so yeah i mean whatever it may be i just want to help my family and their dreams come true and work together and alongside of each other that's what it's all about that i keep my circle small because i've been burned in the past so yeah this is a very good assumption and very accurate i do keep my circles small but also i think that my circle is pretty big honestly i have so many people who are just such great friends in my life my circle's so awesome and honest i have not surrounded myself by yes men i definitely have yes men in my life who are there due to business and i know that they're yes men and i'm aware of that and i'm like [Music] got a great great great circle of people and i am very like about new people very much and i have every right to be because people come in acting like they're there for you acting like they love you and they're interested in you and next thing you know they want something and they want everything and they want the world and it's very off-putting and it's just it's really hard to get used to and i hope i never do so yeah i'm very very picky about keeping my circle just small and just intimate and people who will allow me just to love them the way i want to and they love me right back and it's a give and a take and not a one-way street i feel like i'm not perceived in my truthful light yeah no i don't feel yeah that that's absolutely correct here on social media nobody knows me i know like yeah no i definitely feel like no one really knows me that's why i have a small tight circle of my people who know me and they get me i don't take rent from my boyfriend um no i don't take rent from my boyfriend absolutely not now him and i if we bought a house together for sure but jordan has his own place and i have my own place he has a beautiful apartment a place that i have never shown you guys because it's kind of like our little escape from everything he has his own apartment his own place that i love and adore and so no he doesn't pay rent here because he doesn't technically live with me now if he brought everything over here and is like all right no more apartment moving in then of course we would have that conversation but him and i love that he has his place and i have my place and that's the way it works for us and it's amazing and i have so much respect for him because of that because just because i have like the bigger house doesn't mean that he doesn't need and deserve his own place that is his i don't wash my own dishes okay yeah i do i wash my own dishes i actually enjoy washing dishes it's one of the things around the house that i like i like washing dishes i like cleaning off the counter tops i like cleaning the kitchen in general um i don't mind sweeping and vacuuming now i'm like getting all into cleaning i'm like oh yay uh yeah i wash my own dishes like i said earlier i do have help at my house three times a week so i don't wash dishes all the time but i do my dishes and i do not mind it you fell out of love a long time before you got divorced since you moved on so quick this was another one that i felt like i couldn't ignore because so many people sent this assumption in and all i'm gonna say is yes you are absolutely 100 accurate on that it's crazy how many people are like this is so sudden when something happens you know and then you're thinking like this is so sudden what like being the person who has lived through it you're like this is not sudden like this is something that's been brewing for a long time the issue was if i'm being totally open and transparent in which i've noticed this in so many of my girlfriends and people that i've just connected with it's weird there's kind of like a like a divorcee community like once it happens it's like people start coming into the woodwork and they're like i got divorced too or oh i'm going through it too me too me too and you're just like oh my god tell me it's crazy because so many women i've talked to have gone through breakups or divorces all say the same thing i told him that i wanted a divorce four years ago five years ago i told him i'm not gonna stay i'm not gonna do this anymore i'm done and then years and years go by and then when you're finally like i went to an attorney i'm leaving they're like oh what this is so sudden this is such a shock i can't believe you're doing this and you're like i've been telling you for five years like i feel like that is such a common thing it was over and it's good it's good that's over my ex and i still keep in touch we actually just talked on the phone three days ago for a while i always tell him like i just wanna i wanna remain friends we were friends since i was fifteen you know like i knew you for all these years but as far as being in love and us being in a relationship it was so toxic it was bad it was bad friends and family were like thank god like it was toxic you guys so it just we were not right together he brought the worst to me i brought the worst in him that's all i'm saying face full of fillers and ass full of fat transfer kim kardashian style i can't believe how many people assumed something about fillers like can we stop you guys for the love of god like i've never ever ever not been open and honest about my fillers like geez i can't believe that people still think that all this is fillers like i just can't wait for people to not be like oh my god she got a boob job and oh she probably got fat transferred to her stomach that's why her stomach is so big i have been honest i get botox in my forehead because i get really bad wrinkles in my forehead and i get nose filler right here straighten out my nose a little bit because my nose was broken when i was younger and i have gotten filler in my under eye which literally is right here just right there and in my lips my under eye filler has not been touched up in three years though so that is gone gone gone gone no i have not gotten filler down here no my filler has not fallen down my face like it's just i saw a video on youtube i didn't watch it but i saw the thumbnail and it was a doctor explaining how i've had filler like so much filler that it's now like changed my face and moved or something i just like read the description and saw people talking about on twitter and i refused to watch it and people were just like oh my god even a doctor says that jaclyn has too much filler i'm thinking you guys tell me look at me in the eye right now and tell me a reputable doctor that you know they would get on youtube without knowing someone's medical conditions history seeing their charts and just start talking about their physical features their health and what they've had done you're joking right you really think that's legit i'm thinking like people who believe this what another thing i actually thought about doing is pulling all my charts from all the filler that i have had done and posting it and i was like why why would i do this why do i feed into this crap it's ridiculous i get in moods and then i'm like knock it off jaclyn you're being petty no i do not i haven't had any of that honestly you guys i would like to get liposuction and i am thinking about it not like right now but i am thinking about maybe getting it like maybe early next year just a pinch and some few key areas just like i have several friends who've had lipo and i'm like i think i can do that um but first i want to like work on myself you know diet and exercise and continue like the lifestyle i've been living and see where i am as far as my confidence in myself and if i feel like i want it then i'll get it and if i get it i'll be honest i'm not gonna do a whole documentary on it but i'm gonna be like hey i had this done moving on i have no reason to lie you guys you don't wear common clothes anymore your wardrobe is only high-end yeah this is definitely not the case like right now i'm wearing good american from khloe kardashian and the sweatpants are good american as well i'm wearing like 12 socks i have some real jewelry some fake jewelry on a little combo of both i definitely went through a phase several years ago where i was buying buying so much designer that like if it had a designer logo on it i was buying it i don't know i was just so excited i was just like oh my god i can afford these things that i like used to fold the pages on all the magazines and be like one day one day things i would cut out and tape to my walls like i was so excited that i could afford it but i've definitely leveled out and come a little bit more back down to earth so it's a little bit of everything you know sometimes i'm wearing like something from amazon or express you know just the nordstrom bp department top shop or other times it's gucci it's chanel it's all over the place honestly you know a little bit of everything why not i assume that you always make more money than men in your life so your daddy another very popular opinion assumption i should say for me it does not matter something that i have definitely learned through jordan is it does not matter now listen jordan does a very very very well very well when people hear about his age and his income it's like oh like he does very well for himself it's very impressive does he make more money than me no does that ever affect us absolutely not like never once has it affected us because jordan brings something to the table that is very respectable and very powerful and i i just i have a lot of respect for him so in no way am i daddy because i make more money jordan also pays for everything like when we go out to eat he pays the bill you know like we go out to a five-star restaurant i order a a5 wagyu beef glass of wine every single side and appetizer possible the bill is 450 jordan pays and he tips he that's how it is like i totally get it i totally get what you guys mean though because i used to be like that in the past i'd be like oh well if he makes more money and she makes from my mom is so not like that though i stay out of drama in the beauty community well i love the fact that you guys think that i've stayed out of drama that makes me really happy i don't think there's been trauma in the beauty community recently honestly i haven't even noticed if there has been i also haven't watched youtube videos as much anymore i'm watching more like desi and stephen a lot recently the perkins and just like their journey with their fertility and having their baby boy it's just so sweet and i watch a lot of like organization stuff and i watch a lot of netflix and a lot of grey's anatomy i don't really know if there's even been drama in the beauty community i definitely feel though like i am the odd man out in the community when i was living in la for a few months i got invited to a few like more personal parties and it was just so sweet and i really really enjoyed myself like getting to go to daniel and joey's home which they now have split up but at the time they were dating getting to go to their christmas party was just so much fun getting to go to colleen's birthday party you guys know colleen miranda sings so much fun you know just so awesome being invited to just like personal parties because i've never gotten to experience that before because i definitely feel like i live in florida i'm very talkative i'm kind of weird i was homeschooled growing up i just think i'm definitely an outcast in the community which i don't love it kind of makes me sad sometimes but it is what it is but yeah i i don't want to be involved in drama whatsoever but i do love my community and i love being involved in my community and love having friends in my community so okay you guys that's all of my assumptions at least all the ones i'm gonna answer i mean i had so many of them but i really worked so hard on this i'm not kidding for three nights straight like i screenshotted probably like 400 assumptions and then for three night no i take that back i probably screenshotted like 1500 assumptions and i just went through and was like okay what's the most popular ones and i narrowed them down to like the most common ones so that i could really like give you guys the juices the meat and potatoes of what you want from the assumptions so yeah that's it i'm gonna stop babbling this has been a pretty long video if you've made it to the end i don't know god bless you now you really know a lot about me okay that's it i love you please subscribe hit the thumbs up button don't forget to turn on your notification bell leave me a comment god i'm asking for a lot and there's like fuzzy sliding through the air anyways thank you so much for watching i love you guys and i will see my next one bye
Channel: Jaclyn Hill
Views: 1,164,419
Rating: 4.9117293 out of 5
Keywords: jaclynhill1, jaclyn hill, makeup tutorial, smokey eye tutorial, contour face, morning routine, how-to, everyday makeup, cat eye makeup, cat makeup, drugstore makeup
Id: Aj2VvteVZjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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