Assigned in 4 Positions - Here's What I'm Doing Now

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all right welcome to coffee with marcus this is episode 134 and today we're going to talk about did i achieve my goal for january because it is february 1st so would you like to know whether i made my trading goal or not we'll also talk about the wheel i got assigned chairs so what to do now and of course as always we are doing a deep dive where we look at your questions because your questions are important on this channel anyhow does that sound good perfect then let's get started this show is about real money and real trades i'll show you the trading strategies that i personally trade the tools that i use to trade my own accounts and we will talk about the right mindset of a trader now talking about mindset i'm going to show you how to create src profits and src stands for systematic repeatable and consistent because that is the key to long-term success in the market so if you are sick of all the hype and empty promises and you want to learn trading strategies actually work then click on like right now and let's get started all right fantastic so welcome everybody it is february 1st so we wrapped up january and as you know this channel is about real money and real trade so i have very specific trading goals every month and the key question is did i achieve these goals so let's take a look at this and let's actually quickly recap so as you know if this is your first time here on this channel i opened a few weeks ago a 500 000 account it's a martin account so i put in 250 000 in cash and uh yep then it's margin so therefore double the buying power five hundred thousand dollars that i can trade with the goal is to make fifteen thousand dollars per month which is five hundred dollars per day weekends included now these are the notes from the previous show because this is where i said okay i started trading on january 11th so i was trading for 20 days uh so and today today is february 1st so we are done with january and we need to see did i hit my trading goal of making 15 000 per month because here's what i said i said that i will wire out whatever is in the account over this 250 000 that i put in there into my personal checking account so that i can pay my bills because ultimately this is the goal of every trader isn't it at least it's my goal it was always my goal to trade for a living and how do you know that you trade for a living well you're making enough money that you can pay all your expenses all of your bills and uh again i i'm pretty sure that 15 000 is covering um most of my bills all of my bills should be okay so uh we also talked about where i was on friday but hey that was friday today is a brand new day because on friday it says it seems that i might miss my goal but let's see where we stand today february 1st so january is wrapped up on uh friday was january uh january 29th last in january so let's jump on the account and let's see where are we so taking a look at the history year to date so for this account that i'm trading here look at that uh the realized profit and loss 21 281 so seems that i hit my goal so uh let's just write this down here so the realized profit is 21 281 so goal achieved and you know what this is something to celebrate so i'm making this green okay so this means this means uh i will wire 21 281 dollars into my checking account and i will do this today so that this is being taken care of that i can actually pay my bills so now that you know badam this is what we did let's take a look at how we did it now here is one of the things that happened on friday on friday it looked like i got a sign so let's back up for just a moment and let's talk about the trading strategy that i'm actually trading here and in order to do this i'm switching over to my handy-dandy ipad i'm using my pen to draw on this ipad and i give you a very very quick one minute 60 second overview of what this strategy is all about so number one i identify stocks with strong support so this is supposed to say it's supposed to say support anyhow second i sell puts number three if stock stays above the strike price i just keep the premium all is good number four if the stock goes below the strike price well this is where i'm getting assigned and that's exactly what we're going to talk about right now so let me just erase this by the way if this is your first time here through the channel and you're not familiar with the strategy i'll leave a link in the description it is called the wheel strategy so uh let me just remove this and let me show you what this is called so this is called the wheel and i'll leave a link in the description so that he can look up this strategy here so for this particular stock here win i actually sold i sold the 105 put meaning that i was betting that the stock stays above 105 by friday and look at this it didn't do it on friday it actually closed way down here this year right now as we are looking at it is monday so i got assigned and what does it mean when i'm saying getting assigned so let's jump back here to this and uh let's talk about getting assigned which is part of the plan and uh so what does this term mean getting assigned because it sounds like almost anonymous right so um this means now let me just do this so i i sold puts on win at 105 strike price uh no i did it at 100 strike price at 100 there you go at 100 strike price so this means if win closes below 100 on expiration date of the option i get assigned and here's what it means this getting assigned means i have to buy 100 shares per option that i sold at uh 100 at the strike price this is what it means and so here's what happened i sold 10 puts so this means since when on friday was trading below um below 100 i received 10 times 100 right because i have to buy 100 shares per option at 100 so i received 1 000 shares of win and they show up in my account as being bought at a price of 100 let me show you so here is the position you see win right here it pops up that the trade price is 100 so i had to buy it at a hundred dollars now the good news is that today it's already above 100 so i'm already making money on win so this was good if it would be going down and i'll show you an example because uh this is where everybody says oh marcus this is super easy if it's going up but what if it is going down and that's what we're going to talk about so uh today wynn is trading at uh where at almost 102. 100 100 194 so around 102 so this means i make my profit is two dollars right because i had to buy it at 100 and now it's trading at 102 times a thousand shares right so my profit thus far is uh two thousand dollars not bad at all and again it's good because win was going up now the question is what happens if it goes down so this was example number one getting assigned so let me show you the example of hal because hjl is another stock where i got assigned and i'll show you exactly how you know whether you're getting assigned or not i'll show you the exact emails so the example of hal is i sold 54 puts of h i didn't get that could you try again apparently i'm using um which repair i'm using siri here at the same time which repair stop it okay never mind then good all right never mind then okay um at uh at the 1850 strike price so here's what happened on friday hal closed below 1850 this means i was getting assigned and getting assigned means that i have to buy 54 times 100 shares so this is 5 400 shares and i have to buy this at uh at 18 and 50 cents so let's take a look at this today uh hill is trading at let's see where it's trading at htl is trading at 17.82 cents see right here so it's trading at 17 let's say um 17.80 let's forget about the four cents shall we okay so it's a trading at seventeen eighty so this means um i have fifty four shares at 18 50. so i'm losing uh this means i'm losing 70 cents per share now multiply this by 5400 and this means that right now my loss my open open p l loss is um let's use my handy-dandy calculator so here we have 5 400 times 70 cents so my open loss is three thousand seven hundred and eighty thus far so i need hal haliburton over the next few days to go up so but the title of today's show is getting assigned what now now i have the stocks and this is getting assigned is part of the plan so i want to show you the exact plan right now what i did and why i did it because always make sure that you follow your plan um before we jump back on there because i know that there's a lot of numbers is this helpful at all if it is helpful do me a favor and click on like really quick this way i know whether this is helpful don't type it in the chat because then the comments are flying by and i can see your comments your questions that you already asked just click on like really quick because this way i know that this helpful and i'll just keep going so that you see what's happening and again these are real trades real money there's a real account there's no fake here there's no woulda coulda shoulda this is exactly what i'm doing i'm not hiding anything here i'm showing you exactly what is happening so getting assigned is part of the plan so i'll show you for both of what i did because now we are going into step two selling calls to oops let me switch over here there we go selling calls to get more premium so let me show you exactly what i did here so we start with hal since this is the example that we were looking at right now so at hell i sold um the 19 call okay so i sold the 19 call for uh what did i sell it for 23 cents right here so for 23 cents that's basically 23 dollars per option and i did this times 54 options why well because previously i sold 54 puts so this means that right now i have to sell 54 call options so the premium that i received is 54 times 23 so 1 242 good so this is the premium that i received and if 8 al stays below 19 then i'm good i'll just keep this whole premium which is good if it moves above i'm getting called away and i'll do a video on this of what that means so but the key question is how did i know what call to sell right i mean this is the key question and this is where i am using a tool you know it the powerx optimizer many of you have it that show me exactly what to do let me just bring it up here so that i can show you so the power x optimizer has a wheel income calculator built in and as you can see there's step number one which is selling puts and i did that and i did this on neo on hl and uber and uh win so that is okay but now with htl right and uber i gotta sign as well and when i get assigned so now we need to scroll down to go to step number two which is right here which is selling calls and you see it's super super easy to do this because all i need to do is say which stock i have hkl right at what price did i get assigned at what price was this bought at so this is where 1000 at 1850 and how many shares did i buy and this is what my broker tells me well 5 400 shares at 1850 there we go good so i'm just plugging in the numbers and so this is where right now i was looking at several strike prices and i wouldn't show you how i compared these two so i'm putting the same information in here 5400 and i was looking at the 1850 and i was looking at the 19 strike price so this is where if you look at the 1850 for hal that expires this friday see we look at the 1850 and i would get uh what well this morning it was more right obviously not right now but let's just say so i would get 21 cents if i would do it right now if i hadn't done it earlier so i just want to show you how the mechanics work so 21 cents and it expires february 5th so this means for my 5500 shares i can sell 54 calls and therefore i'm getting one thousand one hundred and thirty four dollars in premium with four days to expiration means that i'm making 227 want me to make this a little bit bigger let me zoom in let me zoom in here a little bit uh this way it's probably easier to see there we go is that a little bit easier to see okay we're just talking about these two hdl's so that is not bad at all i can make 227 dollars per day all right cool or what i can do is i can sell the 19 call and for the 19 call right now again this morning it was more but right now i would get probably 12 cents so i would get 12 cents for it and i'm plugging this in here so that i see exactly how much i would make there so here i'm getting less right i'm making only 583 dollars so but this is still based on the position value it's 47 i'm making 130 dollars per day that's not bad at all now here's the main difference if you're selling the 19 call in hl goes up right towards 19 i'm also making money on the stock why well because i bought it at 1850 and i would make money on the stock here i would not make any money on the stock because i bought it for 1850 right and i will sell it at 1850. so here my total gain is exactly my premium that i have here 1134 dollars this but here and this is what i chose to do oops this is what i chose to do if hal by friday closes above 19 this is when i would make 3 348 okay is this making sense thus far i'll look at your questions in a moment and you see if this is a little bit too fast i'm doing a master class on thursday morning we're doing it live on thursday morning we're trading live together if you want to so if you would like to learn more about this i'll tell you in a little bit of how you can participate in this class where we do all of this live together in the morning when the markets are open and so just click on like if you're interested in this this way i know whether it's worth mentioning a little bit later or or not but here first i want to um i want to just continue to see what happens now i want to show you what exactly i did this morning because this morning i saw that for the 19 call i could get um so let's see how much did i get i got 23 cents so for the 19 call i got 23 cents this is what happened this morning and this is why i want to do it with you live together so this means that right now i am making 248 dollars per day per day which is not bad considering that overall my goal if you look here is to make 500 per day and with just one stock which just one of these stocks i'm already making half of this i make 250 dollars per day and if i can make this every day of the month and yes i am holding my positions over the weekend this is why the weekends are included i will hit my 15 000 goal okay uh so this is where i should kill this right yeah so i'm holding it over the weekends and this is how i achieve my fifty thousand dollar goal good so this works perfectly now let's talk about win let's talk about the second one because here also uh getting assigned right so here we have the example of hal and here now we talk about win so in win we also talk about step two right and this is where we are selling calls to collect premium and you see it's super mechanical i did exactly the same thing i just want to make sure we're not going there i plugged in the numbers into the wheel calculator of the powerex optimizer right so this is where uh this morning when i saw that i could sell the 105 call for two dollars and 45 cents that's what i did so i sold the 105 call for two dollars and 45 cents see right here oops i have the mouse right over it i somehow i cannot make this font bigger so tastyworks it's my broker if you're watching this please give me a possibility to make my font bigger because by doing so i make it easier for my viewers here on youtube to uh see the numbers anyhow so i'm plugging this in and look at this look at this by doing so what is my premium per day 490 dollars because i collected two thousand four hundred fifty dollars so between these two i make uh here 266 dollars per day plus 490 so this week i'm already over achieving my goal of making 500 per week so yay okay does this make sense is this making sense so you see all you need this is why i keep saying in order to be a successful trader you need three things number one you do need a strategy do i have a strategy yes it is called the wheel strategy because without a strategy you cannot follow your plan i'm following my plan but number two what is the second pillar of successful traders you must have powerful tools i do not know how how i could do this without my wheel calculator and uh so not only does it find the best stocks where i can sell puts against for step number one selling puts but also for step number two i know exactly i know exactly which call i should sell when i'm getting assigned so um and yeah then number three so what is the third pillar of trading it's right mindset and the right mindset is trading is a marathon not a sprint it is all about src profits systematic repeatable and consistent hey if you bought last week gme gamestop and you made a killing on it good for you good for you if you today bought silver slv uh i don't think you did that well right i mean we can just take a quick look at this i know that today all the hype was by slv and you see we opened right here so we opened uh right at 27.78 but now we are already down a dollar so i hope you that you're not getting caught on the wrong side this is why i keep saying if you make money there good for you well done what i'm doing is i'm generating systematic repeatable and consistent profits because at the end of the month i need to pay my bills right i don't have many bills to pay but i do have some fun stuff that i that i need to pay for groceries right uh buying ubereats whatever else there is okay good let's see uh what did i want to talk oh i want to show you something so i'm going back to my handy-dandy ipad i want to show you i got assigned with four different stocks and uh let me just show you the email that i received from my broker tastyworks on saturday so here is the email that i received i was already long gdxj this was the first position that i already had and you see then on saturday this was january the 30th uh early in the morning i was a little bit surprised that i got it so early so let me just zoom in a little bit so that you see it at 7 14 you told me assigned 10 win you see this so this is where i knew oh okay now i have a thousand shares of win it also told me assigned 14 hell and you see there's more in this email chain because it said i was assigned 14 plus 10 plus 10 plus 20 and if i'm lucky then this is my 54 shares that i had here now there one more i got one more email and as you can see here let me just use a different color really quick i got this way later wait i wanted to use a different color there we go okay so i got this way later in the day at 5 03 p.m and this is where i said i was also assigned 25 puts of ual and this is united airlines so this is united airlines and so this morning i said really okay cool then i guess i'll do the same i'll sell calls against url however this morning when i logged into my account right here i didn't see any uil i only see ajl neo uber and win no uil so i said that's odd i mean you guys told me that i was assigned it clearly says here so what's going on and this is where it's super important whenever you see so super important learning moment here whenever you see there's a discrepancy between what you expect what i expected i expected to find uil shares or 2 500 url shares in my account this morning and they weren't there so what do you do what do you do of course you contact your broker that's what they are there for and this is what i did so i wanted to know hey guys what's going on and uh so i like to use their chat so again tastyworks has here a chat and as you can see um it's usually replying under six minutes a bit hard to see right here right and then i said hey good morning on saturday i received an email that i was assigned uil shares and this here is actually a screenshot of the email and i said attach the screenshot can you please look into this now here's the really really really cool thing you see i did this when i took the screenshot eight minutes ago two minutes later two minutes later scott says hey i look say can you look into this and scott says looking i said great fantastic thanks god and then he says well see apex the clearing firm had a lot of issues on assignments due to the volume no surprise i mean can you imagine how many shares were assigned on gme gamestop and amc and all these crazy reddit stocks on friday a lot a lot of people got very very badly hurt here um anyhow so we had to make a guess so they wanted to make sure that i'm prepared for the worst thing but you were not assigned so it wasn't removed so this whole procedure here took as you can see for four minutes and this is super important that you double and triple check of what's going on so this is where i just said okay um that's what i wanted to double check with you thanks scott so all of this took what four minutes six minutes i can remember what did i write on the previous one ah here's the good news yes i'm a boomer dear youngsters if you're watching this right now i'm 51 years old so you see i can't remember a darn thing from a minute ago the good news for you is you don't need to you don't need complicated math you see all the math that i do here is on a calculator on a simple calculator and you don't need to remember a darn thing now i'm just curious what did i write down on the previous okay four minutes and four minutes yay so you don't have to be super smart to trade which i think is a very very good news for me because i'm not super smart all i do is i have a plan and i follow the plan super systematically does this make sense is this helpful at all when i'm running through these trades and dissect them and you see if if you're right now at a point where you say uh i understood half of it well first of all here's the good news this youtube this video liv lives on the youtubes and yes that's what we boomers say as boomers we say the youtubes it's like the facebooks anyhow um so it lives here for a long long time so you can just stop it rewind watch it again and uh if you're new to this channel and uh have never heard about this strategy i'll leave a link in the description this way you know exactly what this is all about i will um i'll also take a look at your questions right now because there's some great questions and i want to see if i can help you to make more money because ultimately this is what this channel is all about the reason why i'm here with you doing the coffee with marcus and i hope that you're enjoying your coffee or whatever beverage you put in your mug no judgment here at all that you are enjoying this show as much as i enjoyed doing this for you so let's take a look at uh at some of the questions that you have here right now oh and i promised you okay uh the the class the class the class the class of class let's do this really quick uh before i do this so i decided because this is such a fascinating strategy and uh i mean as you can see the proof is in the pudding right i mean twenty one thousand dollars 281 in just three weeks not bad and again this is not because i had a lucky trade this is src profit systematic repeatable and consistent will i make twenty thousand dollars again in february i don't know my goal is fifteen thousand so so far so good so this is why i think that this is a great strategy to learn and this is why i decided to put together a master class and i talked about this in the last one where we do some live trading together if you want if you like this idea so we start trading 30 minutes after the market's open right so this when we look at trades we will use the tool powerex optimizer to find the best trades we look through trades together uh we'll find the best stocks to trade we'll find the best strike prices to trade we will place trades together we will sell put options i'll show you how to execute a trade how to place profit target uh how to take profits early and all of this with the goal of making at least 30 per year on a cash account or if you're trading a margin account which anybody anybody can trade a margin account now margin quick disclaimer is a double-edged sword can work for you as well as against you so it's super important that you know what to do so this class is uh is coming up on this thursday so today is monday so it's coming up on thursday and if you're interested in this class at all then uh let me just see i prepared a link for you it's wheel master so this is where you can sign up for the class and you're getting the tool the powerx optimizer that i use and lots and lots and lots of bonuses if you already have the powerx optimizer if you are a customer this class is free for you we'll send you a link don't sign up don't register anywhere if you have already invested in the powerx optimizer or you're a member of my mastermind this is included for free okay so now uh let's take a look at some of your questions because they are just awesome and uh so alma says can you address the pattern day trading rule what's the negative effect on a hundred thousand dollar margin account zero zero the pattern day trading rule i'll release a video on this tomorrow so if you would like to learn more subscribe to this channel hit the little notification bell so tomorrow i'll explain the pattern day trading rule and what accounts it affects and it only affects accounts below 25 000 so you are good there okay good oh johnny bravo is moving to texas i i wanted to to chat with him i i've seen a few videos of him he seems to be an interesting character okay good good good so uh teresa said only started trading the wheel on january 11th hey we started together at the same time teresa and my account is up 10 already thus far well thank you for being in our mastermind this is just awesome good okay so um mr pk will there be a recording for the class of uh masterclass available if you already own the parex optimizer yes if you have already invested in the software and i don't i don't care if you did it yesterday or you did it two years ago i i appreciate that you invest in yourself and in professional tools because i know that as a trader you need these professional tools so then i want to make sure that you can use all the tools in the very best way and so this will be absolutely yes included in this good so uh patty says what is the best way to trade the wheel in an ira uh well very easy patty get permission get level one permission i talked about the different levels uh that you need i think i did a video on this not quite sure i'm almost certain that i did so if so i'll link to it in the description i need to try to find it there's four different levels all you need is level one you need permission for level one to sell options okay anyhow so uh joe simo says um i only sell covered calls no puts for me i think you're missing out i think you're missing out covered calls is great um no covered calls is good the wheel is great if you do both if you sell puts and calls really really cool so you should consider it um so let's see uh claire jung says wondering about large orders through say goldman sachs can the hedge fund be put in stops to avoid what happened to gme i don't know i mean this is just crazy what happened there and i heard that uh one hedge fund lost 53 percent of its money total money 53 and uh apparently billions of dollars were lost in the short squeeze i think citadel also said you know what no more shorts for us so this is what has been happening anyhow good good good hey well is also making money 1730 perfect great all right let's see and uh yep so part of the wheel strategy is to sell calls and it is fantastic it's fantastic it just said we need more like buttons you get one um i i think only push it once if you push it again it's like an on off switch not quite sure by the way if you're watching this on your phone and you have the chat going on just x out the chat for a moment then you can click the like button if you're enjoying this and then you can bring the chat back super easy so steve says uh how far out do you place the covered call weekly yes i like to trade weekly options so it is expiring this friday already good uh so lumineer says so if you're buying power is 250 000 and you sign fifty thousand dollars per position and you got into five positions doesn't mean you can afford a hundred thousand position uh yeah pretty much so i i'm good i mean you see i'm using a fraction of my margin i'm using a fraction of my margin see uh i still right now have 184 thousand dollars in buying power left so plenty plenty 184 000 in buying power left so we're good we are good um so ali says please explain how you realize p l changed from friday from 7 000 to 21 super easy it's called options expiration on friday a bunch of my options expired and i could keep the whole premium you see i can keep the premium ali no matter what i can keep the premium whether i get assigned or not so all of the premiums of the options that expired on friday were deposited into my account there you go i mean super easy okay so perfect okay uh let's see jordy says if i sell a covered call and it becomes in the money can i buy a call that's also in the money and sell the original shares for cabinet jordy i think you're making it too complicated i mean i'm already getting confused just reading your sentence and it's because i'm not that smart this is why i need to have very simple strategies and the wheel strategy is very simple if if you're still a bit confused by the wheel don't worry i mean this were join the master class and it will become so much easier because they'd have more time what you're saying jordy i'm i don't know it seems complicated to me okay so jr you and can you put your position in the wheel calculator um mine doesn't fill in once i click add to calc even with a click on update well i just did it it worked beautifully contact michael jr michael can help you okay good so rex says doing options on robin hood even with closing an option early i'm not getting my buying power back robin hood robbie no to robin hood i i think uh they were very very popular and last week a lot of people have learned of how important it is to have a great broker uh so the broker that i'm using and there's a link in the description tastyworks the broker that i'm using uh on thursday also like everybody else restricted trading for two hours after two hours they said you know what you can trade whatever you want whatever you want and i said you know what i'm glad that i'm with you guys that is the right decision my trading is not restricted yes it has been restricted for two hours i can live with that because last week was crazy and at some point brokers had to say wait we have to figure out what's going on and i believe that they panicked because everybody else was restricting it for days for days so they said okay if everybody's doing this let's see what happens and it was for two hours anyhow good good good um ljs i said again from realized 7k to 21k today well again this is where options premiums expire on friday and this is where it's getting deposited in your account aren't you happy i mean trust me there is nothing magic i'm not hiding anything it's not that i transferred any money into the account it's not happening i mean this is where you see realized p l year to date you can take a screenshot and you can use a calculator and add it all up and you'll see it adds all up there there's no trickery here you know there's there's no magic the magic is called options expiration when you are a seller this is when the premium is getting released to you okay roger says i want to know um how much money do i need in my account i recommend at least 10 000 in cash so that you have twenty thousand dollars in buying power more is better more is better raju raju is that pronounced correctly does this help okay good um jc is asking can you talk about the possibility of getting margin called if your position dropped uh no i mean if they don't drop negative right they can all of these stocks are cash secured they're cash secured so right now they could drop to zero win could drop to zero hl could drop to zero i did a video on this it's a great question daisy i did a video on this uh take a look at this cash secured puts versus naked puts i'll link to it in the description if you are doing it as i do you'll not get margin calls i will not get any margin calls so period right because the way how i size my positions super important it's a great question so the way how i do it super safe way to do this here yep okay so um yeah awesome returns i'm i'm fine with it i'm fine with it so uh let's see gustavo says um when you see a very high probability your on getting a sign on expiration day do go ahead and sell the call option or wait until monday thank you thank you for asking you must must must wait until monday and here's why see on saturday i was told i got assigned right on friday i thought i was assigned and today it wasn't there today it wasn't there so you absolutely have to wait until the shares are really in your account on monday otherwise you're selling a naked call and that naked calls if you're selling naked calls super super super dangerous okay claire says it seems you're not concerned about the yellow warning i always pass on yellow should i take yellow trades yes and yellow means warning double and triple check if you're not missing anything if you're not trading into earnings if you're not trading a company that is declaring bankruptcy if you're not trading into a major announcement so it just means clear double and trickle triple check so zia said by getting assigned how much of your capital got invested in stocks i'll be happy to show you here in hal 18 000 uh neo thirty one thousand dollars uber eighteen thousand dollars win eighteen thousand dollars there you go so this is a total of uh what if we take the nineteen thousand uh let's just roundup 19 000 times 3 is 57 000 plus 31 000 so 88 000. 88 000 out of the 250 000 and this is where you see this is why i have still 184 000 left so why is it that much well if i'm taking here plus 184 000 it includes my profits of 22 000 it's 250 plus my 22 000 in profits so i'm wiring out the money today so i'm wiring out the uh 22 000 into my checking account yay me and then it drops down to uh the stock buying power will drop by 22 000 because that's that's a plan that is and i am following my plan good all right so i just want to take uh leroy's question here where he says uh do you use technical indicators to pick a stroke price uh if so what time frames do you use i use daily charts and i will show this to you in detail in thursday's class i did a quick video on this it's called how to find strong support and i'll link to it in the description so it's a six minute video and if you're interested join me on thursday in this master class and i'll show you everything in detail this is when we will use the power x optimizer let me just bring it up here and we will actually look at the stocks that are being pop that are popping up on the wheel scanner so we see it's refreshing every two minutes right now dd dupont is a great candidate doku is a good candidate i looked at this morning i like doku kss hfc dust uh nclh is a good candidate riot is a good candidate or urbn and we'll look at those in detail so that i can show you what exactly i am looking for hey i hope that you enjoyed today's show as much as i enjoyed hanging out with you and showing you exactly what to do and how this account jumped from seven thousand dollars in profits to twenty one thousand dollars in profits just over the weekend right and this is why i count the weekends for my calculation if this was helpful at all do me a favor click on like really quick because this way it gets picked up by the youtube algorithm and more people are seeing it or feel free to share this video and always keep in mind trade what you see not what you think and here's my second mug follow your plan all right have a great rest of the afternoon and i will see you in the next video take care
Channel: Markus Heitkoetter
Views: 15,621
Rating: 4.9795322 out of 5
Keywords: Coffee With Markus, Rockwell Trading, Markus Heitkoetter, Options Trading, Options Trading For Beginners, Options Trading 101, The Wheel Strategy, The PowerX Strategy, Option assignment, financial education, assigned shares, getting assigned options, what do I do after getting assigned shares,, my trading routine
Id: 5B727GIhU48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 28sec (2848 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.