3 Tips That Turned My Trading Around

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all right fantastic let's see this is not the footer that i had in mind here we go anyhow so welcome to coffee with marcus this is episode 135 and in the last episode i've shown you how i wired my trading profits from january which was just over 21 000 from my trading account into my checking account so today i want to show you the three things that help me to go from struggling trader to trading for a living and of course i will show you my current trades and what exactly i am doing so if this sounds good to you let's get started this show is about real money and real trades i'll show you the trading strategies that i personally trade the tools that i use to trade my own accounts and we will talk about the right mindset of a trader now talking about mindset i'm going to show you how to create src profits and src stands for systematic repeatable and consistent because that is the key to long-term success in the market so if you are sick of all the hive and empty promises and you want to learn trading strategies actually work then click on like right now and let's get started all right fantastic so good to be here again coffee with marcus episode 135 and today we're going to talk about the three things that helped me to take my uh to turn my trading around now uh first things first let's actually take a quick look at my trading account thus far we'll talk about the trades in detail in a little bit so we do it this little bit later but thus far uh it looks like a really good day so thus far i'm up four thousand six hundred dollars for the day for the year thus far up 34 000 not too shabby considering that today is what february 3rd so uh it is going really really well but uh so so let's talk about it how did i get here to moving from germany in 2002 to the united states and coming here with thirty thousand dollars in my pocket twenty thousand dollars i put in my trading account and ten thousand dollars i put away for a living and boy it wasn't easy in the beginning it was quite challenging and you see right now i mean thus far in the first four weeks i already made more money than i was able to put in my to my trading account in the very beginning and i know if you are there right now where you say oh my gosh i'm just getting started i have ten thousand dollars i have twenty thousand dollars maybe it's even five thousand dollars or less to get started how can we do this and this is what i want to focus on today you see i've been trading for a long time and there are a lot of things that i've learned the hard way over the years and today i want to go over three very specific set things that helped me to become a much better trader so let's get started and jump over here to here we go the handy dandy notepad and so the first thing the first thing here is don't focus on the outcome of one trait so let's let's talk about this in a little bit more detail and uh talk about what that is whoops there we go okay good so i'll i will again three things and i'll break it down everything in more detail you see in the beginning of my trading career i was really stuck on on looking on what happens with this one trade or what happened on this one particular day and it is so important that you keep the longer range in perspective here you see because trading is a marathon and not a sprint one of the few certainties in trading is that there will be losing trades no matter how good you are but you see instead of beating yourself up about the p l profit and loss of one specific trade keep your eyes on the bigger picture um i want to show you a very specific example because it's not only one trade it is also one day let's go back here to this okay uh trading is a marathon and not a sprint i think i can probably make this in a lower case ocd tendencies i'm not ocd but i have ocd tendencies so i want to quickly show you uh something that happened last week where um my account was actually substantially down let me see if i find the screenshot here um that is not the one here's the one okay so last week i'm going to slide this in here right now so that you can see it i woke up and on one day my account was down 12 000 and it actually got worse over the day let me make this a little bit bigger so that you can see it i did a video on this over over the course of the day i was down 17 000 and you see now i could could panic and and focus on the red here but you see this is why i say trading is a marathon and not a sprint you need to focus on the broader portfolio a broader performance um over the course of a few days over the course of a few weeks over the course of a few months and you see it's often today of course it's a it's a horrible example because today every single tr every single one of my trades is positive but you see usually when you look at your account and you look at the p l what is usually your eyes what is it drawn to the red right i mean the the one trade that is not working out in your favor and uh think think about this way i i can relate to this because in the beginning it was like uh you see you have your your five fingers and then you take a hammer and you you smash on one of the fingers let's say this one well what happens right if you focus on the pain you focus on the pain and not on the other four that are good and so it's human nature to focus on the bad stuff as it is right here but you see when you do this you're losing sight of all the other good traits and also how you're doing over the course of the year so this is why this is super super important and see one of the keys to my success in trading is consistency and growing my account systematically and i do this through src profits and if you have been following me for a while then you know it src is an acronym that stands for number one systematic i like to trade what i see and not what i think this is why i use indicators and have a trading strategy that tells me what to trade when to enter and when to exit we'll talk about more we'll talk more about this in a bit uh now the r in src profit stands for repeatable by trading my plan trading my plan i've mugs that remind me every day of what's important right follow your plan and by trading my plan and following my flight plan i'm able to find repeatable and uh for me profit-making opportunities now the third thing in src profits is consistency you see i'd rather make slightly less slightly less money more often than bite off all my nails waiting for the big winner so uh let's go back here to the handy dandy notepad so that we can actually take some notes and uh i'll make these these notes available for you later on so that you can refer to them whenever you have a tough day and need to hear this so uh focus on src profits and src stands for systematic uh repeatable there we go repeatable and consistent so this is where it is more important to focus on this than on one trade right because i mean we will have losing trades it just happens this way uh also if you want to learn more about how i generate src profits i'll link to it in the description so if you came here today to learn about a very specific trading strategy already made videos for you so they are in the description again trading is a marathon not a sprint but let's talk about the second super important thing that i learned over my trading career and this is number two uh don't trade on emotions and i'll explain to you what that is and oh boy was i struggling with this in the beginning of my trading career let me just see if i can change this heading two could i do this oh look at this there we go number two don't trade on emotions you see when you're trading with your hard-earned cash there's certain to be emotions involved and in trading there are two main emotions to deal with what do you think what are the main emotions that we are dealing with exactly got this right fear and greed right so as as traders we fear that we'll have loss and lose money and uh so there is a actually two ways to control this fear so let me show this to you how to control the fear because you can't let fear be in your way so and here's the the first thing so when there's fear number one you want to keep your losses small keep your laws small and uh you see losses are part of the business but when you keep them small you won't be afraid of them so i like uh to to use as a rule of thumb here the two percent role the two percent is a good rule right and uh this is what it means the two percent rule means is never risk more than two percent of your account on any given trait i'll clean this up a little bit later so before i make this notes available for you that it looks pretty nice here but you see this is where it's super important so uh what does it mean think about it if you have a ten thousand dollar account okay this translates into risking two hundred dollars per trade let me ask you this if you have a ten thousand dollar account and you're risking two hundred dollars are you afraid of losses well you shouldn't right uh because if you lose 200 it doesn't wipe out your account you can live to fight another day so this is super important here now uh number two let me see if i can bring this in there there we go okay number two is don't trade with money you can't afford to lose and i know you might have heard this before and uh i just want to tell you a story of uh where i started and why this was a huge huge problem for me you see because in the beginning i scraped together eight thousand dollars to start trading this before i moved to the us because i was dabbling at first in trading so before i got serious uh serious uh i started with eight thousand dollars and trust me i could not afford to lose this this was 23 years ago and at that time i was 28. and when i was 28 and 23 years ago 8 000 was a lot of money for me it was everything that i had in my savings account and and this is why i was super nervous super nervous when i lost money it made me cramp up and it it paralyzed me i was checking my account every few minutes anxiously see what's going on what's going on oh my gosh there's this trade it's a losing trade is this going to turn around do you know what i mean i mean have you ever done this that you're checking your account every 30 minutes or every few minutes or every hour and say this losing trade this needs to turn around right i mean this is where it's super important that you trade only with money that you can afford to lose and i know easier said than done but keep in mind if you don't do this it will actually hurt your trading now let's talk on the other hand about the fear of missing out fomo fomo stands for fear of missing out that is another type of fear which is really really critical and it happened to me in the very beginning of my trading career right um so you see how many times have you seen a stock that has skyrocketed and then you beat yourself up for not getting in if this has ever happened to you that you were looking at a stock it took off it took off without you and you said oh my gosh i should get in if this ever happened to you click on like click on like real quick because you see a lot of times people actually try to chase a stock higher and uh this is where you really have a problem i mean let's talk about a stock that right now everybody is talking about right i mean gme for example uh take a look at gme what do you think gamestop when most people got into this stock oops sharing the wrong desktop here when did most people get in right here at 20 at forty dollars or did many people get in maybe at 160 dollars somewhere around here yeah or maybe even here now another really very very typical example is uh bitcoin yeah i mean it has become really really quiet around bitcoin uh since the reddit stocks were red hot here uh but i mean cryptocurrencies uh take a look at bitcoin and this phenomenal run that bitcoin had over the past yeah over the past few weeks so let me just make sure that i'm on a daily chart here and uh we can actually switch to a weekly chart and zoom out a little bit and uh what do you think if you look back at bitcoin here what do you think where did most people get in in 2018 did they get in when it was trading at 600 or 700 or did most people get in when bitcoin was trading higher around right here fourteen thousand fifteen thousand maybe a ten thousand and most recently right i mean bitcoin went up to what from ten thousand to seventeen thousand what do you think where did most people get in in this move where did most people get in probably closer when it was topping 38 000. see this where it's the fear of missing out and uh you see for me when i'm trade i'm not going for this hot stocks i i like to trade based on my powerx optimizer and the wheel strategy because they help me to keep my emotions out of my trading decisions by telling me the best time to enter a trade the best stock the best option here right and i'll show you in a few moments what that is and you see if a stock has moved past that point past my entry i'll pass on the trade and wait for the next one because there will always always always always be another trade trust me on this one because if you are looking at power x optimizer uh you see i just want to right now look at the power x strategy where you run the scanner every day and you see when you run the scanner every day it is showing you a bunch of symbols so for today one two three four five six seven symbols that you could trade and you see tomorrow it will be another two to eight or if you're trading the wheel strategy and you're going to the wheel calculator this list here this list is refreshing every two minutes every two minutes so obviously there is always another trade and this is why don't be too scared let me go back here uh to to take a few more notes and i really i'm so ocd i need to clean them up here a little bit but the fear of missing out so what is the solution to this keep in mind there's always another trait waiting right around the corner now since we're talking about emotions uh we have to talk obviously about greed as an emotion this is the next one and it is a big one right because i mean after all why do we trade we trade to make money right so uh what did uh gordon gecko say in uh wall street right remember this movie who remembers the movie if you remember the movie click on like really quick but you see there there's uh this is where he says greed is good and to an extent it is otherwise we wouldn't be trading right but keep this in mind there's a saying bulls make money bears make money but pigs get slaughtered you see as traders we want to take uh the trade that makes the most money we want to find the next tesla the next bitcoin maybe the next game stop right and this is where i said often we're getting in way too late so how do we battle this uh this greed feeling well this is where focus on src profits and this is super important have a plan so and this is actually the third thing that i learned in my trading career third thing is have a trading plan now uh let me ask you this before before we move on here is this helpful thus far at all i mean if it is do me a favor and click on like and i know that you might be here to see very specific trading strategies and i'm doing this and i'll link to specific trading strategies in the description here but trust me these things right now that might sound boring right these are the ones that really turn my trading around it was never a single trading strategy it was focusing on the three basics here and one of them is having a trading plan so let me share my desktop or let me share my my notepad here let's talk about this and let's see if i can turn this into a heading that i like and it should work there we go okay so uh let's let's not make it too complicated um it's a solid trading plan is the cornerstone of being a successful trader and there have been times when somebody will buy a stock and when i ask them when they're going to sell they say when i made enough money or as they say recently after it went to the moon right and when is this never so you gotta have a plan and this is why i have these two trading strategies which is the wheel trading strategy and it is the power x strategy and uh by the way i'll link to it in the description or if you want uh you can get the book the power x strategy also link to it in the description it's 4.95 cents there we go it's a little bit of glare from the sun it's really sunny out there today it's austin texas it's 75 and sunny anyhow uh so 4.95 cents you can get it from the website if you want but uh let's talk about the trading plan so what is a trading plan and this is where a trading plan tells you three things a trading plan tells you number one what to trade a trading plan tells you number two when to enter and a trading plan trades you number three when to exit and when it comes to exiting we exit either with the profit or we are exiting with the loss because losses are part of our business as traders so let's take a closer look at the three elements of this trading plan first of all what to trade this is a in general a decision that you need to make are you going to trade options stocks or futures it's important to define what you want to trade so that you don't get distracted see for me personally i mainly so watch a trade i trade stocks and i trade options this is what i do so i'm not looking at the futures markets right now i'm not looking at the currency market so this is part of my plan and then of course for options i'm doing two things i buy options and i'm buying options according to the power x strategy and i'm also selling options and i'm selling options according to the rules of the wheel strategy okay good are we doing good with the audio see that uh audio was a little bit bad i think we're good here right you can hear me so we're good to go all right now you see this is super important now the next question is when exactly are you going to enter and this is super important think back of the idea of fomo the fear of missing out right you need to know at what price you want to enter a trade and you need to be able to move on it uh so that that you get in right and this is where limit orders come in handy so this is where here for example with when to enter i'm using again the power x optimizer because it tells me exactly for for example amba what is the option premium that i should be getting in order to achieve my goals or if i'm on a on a stock and i'm looking here at the scanner i'm looking at adt at what price do i want to sell it and it tells me very clearly here this is the price so for me it is super important to have a tool and not saying okay uh again going back to bitcoin when do you buy uh tomorrow it feels good tomorrow next week i don't know uh today i want to make sure that i'm not missing out of here right this is why for me it helps me tremendously to do this on indicators and the indicators that i like to follow let me just show it to you here on the chart are the rsi the stochastics and the macd and by doing this you see i can take the emotions out of trading remember rule number two take it out of the trading because this is when i see oh i should have bought it right here and i missed this one no problem there are other cryptocurrencies if i wanted to trade those that i can probably in and this is where again the the powerx optimizer for me is an indispensable tool originally it was just programmed for myself my head coach mark hart and my son a few years ago and now it's available for everyone so for me it saves me hours and hours because it it scans for me and since i have my rules in place i can quickly scan the charts to see what i'll trade and what i won't trade so this is what makes my life so much easier and if you're interested in this and would like to know what it does and i'll post a link in the description it's called mytradingroutine.com there's a website that i actually uh set up for you so that i show you my exact uh trading routine here so but let's talk about so when to enter this is when uh i rely on the rules of the trading strategy so the trading strategy needs to have very specific rules and as an example for the power x strategy these are three indicators and this is where i make my life a little bit easier and i'm using a tool the power x optimizer and you see this is also something that i've learned over the years of what do i really need to succeed as a trader number one i need a great trading strategy number two i need to have professional tools otherwise i cannot compete number three i need to have the right mindset and this is why we are here today so we can talk about strategies until we are blue in the face if you are not following the strategy if you don't follow your plan right i mean the best trading strategy is absolutely useless so let's continue here let's make sure that we are completing our little session here um because this is where we kind of said okay what else does a trading strategy have to tell us well this is where uh we'll talk about exiting and we need to know when to exit with a profit and in order to define this we are using a profit target and with the loss i always like to use when it is possible to have a stop loss see um when i make enough money is not a proper exit strategy and i did that in the beginning i i was swinging for the fences i entered a trade risking a hundred dollars and i wanted to make ten thousand dollars and it doesn't work this way right now uh regarding exits what are great exits how can you define exits there are several ways so you can use support and resistance right so what are what are tools tools for exit rules so this is where for example you could use i'm not too happy here with the google sheets i'm using a new notepad because i thought that this would be easier to convert these notes for you so that you have them right after this but it seems that it's not as easy as i thought it would be but uh hey thanks for sticking out to here with the and uh trying it out anyhow two's for exiting rules so you can just go for support and resistance right so support and resistance absolutely uh you can go for a certain percentage so when you say i want to make 10 on this trade or you want to make the stock rises 10 it really depends on what works best for you for me for me it is a profit target and a stop loss based on the average daily range and the average daily range measures how much does the stock move from top to the bottom and a good rule of thumb is for a stop loss uh you use one times the adr and for a profit target you would use two times the adr let me show you a very specific example so that you know what i'm talking about let's just you look at a stock uh that is uh right now everybody is talking about this well as soon as everybody stops talking about gamestop and amc is tesla right and uh so for tesla for example right now if i'm bringing up the adr it's a little bit probably hard to see here so right now the adr let me just write this on here so the adr is 40 points or instead of 40 points we could just say 40 dollars so this means that let me move this aside so that you can see it my stop loss should be when the stock moves down forty dollars so if i would enter right now uh so if my entry is right now at 850 dollars see right now we're trading at around 853 852 you get the idea so minus 40 this means at 810 dollars i would get out now for my profit target so for my profit target i would use two times my stop loss so let's just make sure that we are calculating this correctly so here in this case it would be eighty dollars and i'm moving this that you can read it a little bit better let me actually move this a little bit to the side so that you can see it and then i'll show you exactly how this works so again if right now i would enter my entry would be 850 plus uh these 80 dollars right so would exit at 920 now let's mark this on the chart so if my entry is right here and i'm putting it in at 850 okay so right here um yeah coordinates then i would place my stop loss at 810 so just so that you see visually what this would look like and i'm actually making this red because red means that i would be losing money and i want to use a profit target that is obviously higher because i expect the stock to go higher so my profit target would be right here so i'm using green for my profit target there we go and it would be what did we say at 920 so here's the really really cool thing as you can see i would lose so let's just say i'm trading let's go here let's say i'm trading 10 shares right so this means that i would lose 400 if i'm wrong but i would make 800 when i'm right so making twice as much on my winning trades than i lose on my losing trades is this making sense does this make sense at all you see and this is where instead of doing all these calculations manually right this is where i like to use my my software the power x optimizer where basically i'm just looking for a signal or let's say um let's just see what tesla does right now i believe that uh this trade has already gone so right now we are going sideways i would not do this but let's just talk about for example dk and j and this is where here the software can help me to identify my profit target and my stop loss and then actually plot it right here on the chart so here you see this would be my stop loss and here would be my profit target and so it just makes it so much easier for me anyhow so but let's go back to uh to complete our session here so stop it uh stop loss and profit target based on the adr hope that this making sense now for the wheel strategy i do it slightly differently so for the wheel strategy i'm using ninety percent of the max profit and i'll link to a video in the description anyhow so long story short i can't stress enough how important it is to be prepared when you're trading if you're trading without a plan you're failing i mean i'm pretty sure maybe not in the short term but in the longer term uh anyhow if you would like to have my own personal trading plan if this year is uh too small to read and i'll link to it in the description so that you can see my trading plan here anyhow uh thus far has has this been helpful at all um because again if so click on like that's the best way to let me know because this way i see here on the screen on my software that i'm using for recording uh that that you're liking it that you're enjoying it so brief summary what are if you go back here to the desktop what are the three things that really turn my trading around and this is where probably google can help us a little bit ah hard to see but let's quickly summarize it number one don't focus on the outcome of one trait and i'll see if i can put this here not really number two don't trade on emotions let me get rid of this and number three have a trading plan so these are the three tips that really turn my trading around and i'll make these notes available for you uh somehow magically don't know yet how uh so best is probably to go to my website rockwelltrading.com i'll ask my team here in a moment how we can do this but i hope that this helps and that helps you also to take your trading to the next level all right so i know that there's tons of comments that have been flying in here so asmr yes i'm reading the comments but you see i found that it is super uh disruptive if i'm trying to bring a point across and i'm responding to comments so this is why usually at this point we're taking a few minutes to take a look at the comments here and uh yes i am so just to show you yes asmar i am reading the live comments right here uh right now i'm going back a little bit to the comments that were asked earlier because i want to be fair for those who have for those of you who asked questions earlier i want to make sure that i am addressing them that i am answering them okay so great um let me just see uh alisa says the wheel is amazing do we close win before earnings tomorrow or write it until friday i'll probably close it because we are making so much money on win right now right i mean win uh is up yeah i'm pretty sure that i might oh i thought that i would get out uh markets are closed right now but you see on the win trade alone on the win trade alone i mean six thousand one hundred ninety dollars no need to hold this through earnings so yeah i'll close this one out uh thus far again on all the trades uh i'm up 27 000 in realized profits another eight thousand dollars in unrealized profits so up 35 000 for the year only wired 21 000 in my personal checking account to cover living expenses because yes i do trade for a living so this what you see here is a real account these are real trades uh this is my real p l uh there's nothing phony about this it's not a what i could i shoulda it's not a demo account that's what we do here anyhow um yep summer summer another green day for power x optimizer if you're using this tool yeah up three thousand dollars so glad this is awesome this is awesome teresa good to see you so yesterday morning in our coaching session and uh yeah i'll see you again tomorrow morning in our coaching session get good good all right have fun says working the pxo the powerx optimizer so glad by the way i think we have a special going on right now if you're interested in this uh can my team uh can you post the link in the description for those of you who are interested in this michael is asking a great question what made you choose tastyworks over interactive brokers i have been fun fact i've been michael with interactive brokers for probably 20 years i still have three accounts at interactive brokers right now i'm not trading then amateur flee i need to transfer the money out of the accounts last year i did a comparison between five different brokerages i'll link to this video in the description it's called how to choose the best broker and this is where i found that for my criteria i set up i think five or six criteria uh of how i evaluate brokers and you need to decide for yourself what makes most sense tasty works might not be available in your country depending on where you live right so if i couldn't open an account with tastyworks i would do it with interactive brokers definitely but i'll link to the description i'll link to the uh to the video in the description or in the comments this way you can watch it okay oh my gosh emmanuel said i blew my account so down oh my gosh let me help you to build your account based on it happened to me in the beginning right i mean yes and i was down i know exactly where you're coming from i mean in the beginning i actually blew out two or three accounts it happens to all traders so now let's make sure emmanuel that we are focusing on src profits um yeah systematic repeatable and consistent and limiting your losses this is why i really wanted to do this show today where i talk about having a trading plan right and if you need help with the trading plan i'll be happy to send you the one that i have here all right uh proud marine mom now that's something new to the channel okay good to see you here um caroline i have ocd tendencies too yeah i mean right now if i'm looking at my notes they're a mess i will clean them up before i give them to you okay good good good uh so teresa closed the windshares at 90 it seems that i was able to close at 90 i'll do it tomorrow morning okay so devil doc trevor says should i take profits early on either leg of the wheel trade i have uh 91 of profits i would do it now why would you hold it for another two weeks for for the rema you want to squeeze out a few more cents here close it out i like to do this at 90 percent so because right now as long as you still have the the options open you're at risk right i mean the markets can turn around this stock could tank so take your money at ninety percent i would close out yeah good good good j are ewing i'll be doing crypto soon probably in two weeks probably in two weeks right now jared and i are working on this to have really a great coffee with marcus yes we will absolutely talk about this i like this stonker stongs perfect easy to say and now i can remember what i said earlier what did i say earlier anyhow i know timothy said i'm hitting my goal this week i'm happy yes so do i i'm very happy here okay um carolyn yeah gamespot went down 60 yesterday you see for me i stay away from these crazy stocks uh so if you are in it and if you are making money good for you really well done i'm i'm more the guy i see i'm older i'm 51 years old and in my age i i'm no longer this yolo you only live once right i mean for me it's important that at the end of the month i can wire money out of my trading account into my checking account so this is important to me okay um so ali says it's selling stock after the assignment part of your plan i think you sold gdxj on monday yeah because i made so much money on gdxj it's kind of insane let me just show you ali um so on mon on gdxj look at this eleven thousand dollars out of the thirty five thousand dollars that i made thus far this year eleven thousand dollars from one stock so this is where uh i'm not riding it to the moon yeah this is where for me uh there were enough profits i took it off the table and um i actually sold another put today i sold another put for gtxj because i still like this stock i still like the miners uh i don't mind getting assigned and i sold the 49. so uh this is where let me just uh quickly jump on to the charts oops there we go sorry did i not share my screen okay so yeah i wanted to show gtxj sometimes i'm bad switching the screens this is a a one month one man production show here it's me and uh my let me just show you so that you see it it's me and my handy-dandy ipad right so this is how i produce this show here as you can see uh where when i click this button see ali this is when your comment disappears and when i push this button this is what i'm showing the desktop so one man production show now you know a little bit behind the scenes here of what's going on okay my team just said i was showing it so that's good uh anyhow so let's take a look at gdxj uh really quick because i still like this and issued a power alert today so i actually send it to you and uh yep i know it looks like i'm on a weekly chart here still let's go back to a daily chart so strike price of 49 if it stays above 49 for the next few days until friday we're good we're collecting a lot of premium so for me this looks like a good one anyhow ali hope that helps daily data says i sold puts on pltr hl and twitter okay if this meets your criteria great good for you oh now you're worried about pltr you see this where uh let me just show you that's what i think is a crazy stock so pltr right i mean this is where what comes up must go down right this is it one of the reddit stocks pltr i believe so it hasn't been around for a long time so palantir started trading uh in september 2020. so it has been trading now for what three months for me that's not enough data so this is where i rather stick with the gold miners or if you go look at this so what do i have right now i have an apple put i have a gtx j h a l neo and win neil i sold a bunch today i think oh my gosh i sold 20 out of 21 i'm left with one [Laughter] 21 shares not all of them i've sold today i'll be fine here anyhow so going back to your question i would have not traded pltr because that for me is more the yolo you only lift one so wonder this hunter bear so good to see you okay when is the wheel master class the wheel master class is tomorrow morning yes tomorrow morning live we will be trading together if you're interested in this and uh so for more information on this masterclass go to rockwelltrading.com wheelmaster tomorrow morning nine o'clock central 10 o'clock eastern 30 minutes after the market's open and we will look for the wheel trades together we will place trades together we'll see what comes what comes up there i'll show you what trades i'm interested in and why i choose to pass on a certain trade so if you're interested in this we'll master rockwelltrading.com wheelmaster absolutely take a look at this so hunter bear is tomorrow okay good good good uh so let's see um and carolyn says looking forward to the wheels trading strategy tomorrow absolutely will not be able for the coaching call what happened oh my gosh i got involved in a hit and run costco oh so sorry are you okay i mean the track can be fixed hope that you're okay okay good good good so um is there a link to follow for access already gave you that let's see what other questions do we have here all right for jeff buffering madness going on too many people are watching really okay so claire's asking how do i manually enter a trade into the power x analyzer uh super easy i'll be happy to show you this so all you do is uh you bring up the power x optimizer and you see where it says the search sticker you can enter anything you can enter if you want to gme and analyze it right so you can do this and this is where you see according to the rules forex optimizer gave a buy signal way back here on january 13th right not that i would trade it but just here at the stock ticker you can enter any symbol you want so if you want to know what should you do with apple right now so aapl is it more likely to go up down or sideways well right now seems that is more likely to go down we shall see we shall see anyhow um clear does this help good all right and uh calvin shout out to michael cliff for sharing this channel with me oh glad that you're here thanks cliff say say thank you to your uncle for referring you hope that you're enjoying it uh if you do uh click on subscribe this way you don't miss the next video i think you also have to hit the little bell because this way you get a notification from youtube whenever i go live okay good good good so let's see what other questions do we have we had the audio question but everything is okay keith says i told my wife i had fomo she made me a doctor's appointment i told her i see dr marcus all is good good good yeah fomo fear of missing out let's not do this julie talks money okay so good to have you here what money are you talking about julie let me know super interested in what you are focusing on because julie talks money can be about anything maybe passive income active income network marketing i mean i don't know tell me tell me what is happening here okay so let's see since asmr had uh was so eager to ask me a question i want to make sure asmr that i'm taking your question here so let me just see um amsr is asking what is a good indication that the stock has strength if you don't have level two you see i don't have level two i don't even bother with level two i look at let me just show it to you again so uh i'm looking at three indicators right and the three indicators that i'm looking at are rsi stochastics and macd and if you if you would like to know how exactly i do this i'll link to it in the description asmr right so this way you can watch the video and you can i'll show you exactly how i set up my charts here and if you would like to see my trading routine go to the website it's i really bought a domain that's called mytradingroutine.com and this is where i show you everything in detail all right good good good oh my gosh uh ramsay's asking can you suggest a free strategy for beginners i actually link to two free trading strategies in the description the first is the power x strategy you can watch the videos or if you prefer reading a book this book is 4.95 i think on amazon it's like 20 or 25 bucks if you go to my website you can get it for 4.95 and that basically covers shipping and handling so uh so it's almost free or a free video and then since the wheel book is at the printer it is not yet available it will be it is at the printer uh but i also have a a youtube video and i'll link to it in the description i think i have a whole playlist for you ramsey uh this way you can take a look at these two trading strategies that are absolutely free um i show you exactly what to trade when to enter and when to exit anyhow so good to have you all here if you're interested in the tool that i'm using and joining our live class tomorrow uh go to rockwelltrading.com wheel master we have a special going on until midnight tonight if you want to do this and if not i'll see you in the next coffee with marcus make sure that you subscribe to the channel click on like the more people see this channel the better or um as uh calvin's uncle did it was it your uncle if somebody's uncle did it share it with others spread the joy um because this channel is about real money and real trades i'll talk to you very soon take care
Channel: Markus Heitkoetter
Views: 26,467
Rating: 4.9561162 out of 5
Keywords: 3 Tips That Turned My Trading Around, Coffee With Markus, Rockwell Trading, Markus Heitkoetter, The Wheel Strategy, The PowerX Strategy, RockwellTrading.com, Options Trading strategies for beginners, the right mindset for trading, how to take your trading to the next level, How to improve your trading skills, tips to improve your options trading skills, What is FOMO, How to figure out profit targets, How to use a limit order, right mindset for trading, my trading routine
Id: QJ3rKAQj7lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 8sec (2888 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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