Tradingview Tutorial: How To Make A Cool "CNN Like" Layout - Trading Tutorial (Episode 192)

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all right welcome to coffee with marcus in today's show we're going to talk about what's happening in the markets as we are going into the final week of this quarter and the mad september i also want to show you in training view how you can have a dark theme recently i've been using a dark theme and many of you said oh this is cool i would like to know how to do this so i'm going to show you exactly how to do that step by step um if you have time we will talk about my current trades and also i will answer your questions but fair warning today i have to leave a little bit earlier so instead of the usual 45 minutes we'll probably go for around 30 minutes anyhow we have a full pack show so let's get started this show is about real money and real trades i'll show you the trading strategies that i personally trade the tools that i use to trade my own accounts and we will talk about the right mindset of a trader now talking about mindset i'm going to show you how to create src profits and src stands for systematic repeatable and consistent because that is the key to long-term success in the market so if you are sick of all the hive and empty promises and you want to learn trading strategies actually work then click on like right now and let's get started let me come back to you right here i am okay no worries it's all good so uh let's take a quick look of what is happening in the markets here right now before i show you how to go to a dark theme and uh since i want to show you how to go there step by step right now i still have the light theme going but uh this will be fine for the next two or three minutes so overall the smp is uh slightly down today i mean pretty much unchanged uh we are down 0.1 so not a whole lot going on if you're switching to a five minute chart you just see how the markets are diddling around today uh so right here if we take a look at this this is where the day started and uh so as you can see overall not a whole lot going on here which is not surprising there's not many impulses right now i mean last week as you know last week was a crazy week last week we had the the ever grand scare out of china that sent market into a tailspin on monday uh we could take a quick look at this so here on monday see this is what happened the markets were down then we had the fomc meeting that was on wednesday where the fed said yes we will reduce this asset purchases that we do for every month 120 billion dollars and we'll probably do it sometime later this year and market said okay then everything is good so i mean it was definitely a volatile week looking at the nasdaq today i mean the nasdaq it's really nasty there it's down uh 0.6 but already bouncing back so if you're looking here at the five-minute chart you see we opened lower and right now going higher as we are going into the close anyhow don't want to hold us up here for too long on what the markets are doing because right now i really want to show you how to set up trading view so that you can have a dark view so we just come back here for just a moment uh prepare something on my ipad and then we'll talk about this and i'll show it to you step by step [Music] let me just wait until there my monitor comes back all right so in this video i will show you how to configure trading view so that you can go from a boring view like this to what i think is much more sexy a view like this now it really depends on you not everybody likes to have a dark view but if you're using trading view and you have been wondering how you can have a cool dark view i call this almost a cnn style i'll show you right now how to do this we're going through this step by step now i assume that you already have trading view if not go to you can sign up there it's basically free um you can sign up for more expensive version but you really don't need this now out of the box as you can see it pretty much looks like this now on this particular version here i've already added a few custom indicators at the bottom and we'll talk about this more of what these custom indicators are if you want but the point is i want to switch this to a much cooler dark view so how exactly do you do this well the first thing you will see that here in the upper left you have actually this this hamburger these three lines right up here and this is where you need to go first and then switch the whole thing to a dark color theme and you see it's a pretty much very much here at the bottom so you switch this to a dark color theme so this already starts to look much better doesn't it so now you have a darker theme and again it's not everybody's cup of tea so here's a few other things that i like to do right now so in the top here you will see a little gear icon and i'm going to zoom in so that you see where this is it's right here you see this little gear icon i want to push this because there's a few cool settings that you can do and i want to show you how exactly i'm customizing my charts here so first of all i'm clicking on symbol and the first thing that i deactivate is thin bars i do not like to have thin bars let me show you what exactly this does when we are deactivating this you see right now as long as this is activated as you're zooming out all of these bars are very very thin and for me it's pretty hard to read so once you go here on this setting and deactivate the thin bars here's what's happening as you're zooming out the bars are getting thinner as you're zooming in the bars are getting thicker so i already like this so this is the first thing that i like to do here um the second thing if we go here to appearance so there's a few things that i like to do the first thing that i like to do is to show show session breaks so i activate this because this way when you're switching to a smaller time frame which i'll show you in a moment you see where the day starts and where the day ends so let me show you exactly of what this does so let's say we are here on the nasdaq and we are switching to a five minute chart let me just uh quickly that's not what i wanted to do zoom out here a little bit so that i can switch to a five minute chart here we go okay so when you have these session breaks activated you see actually these cool little lines so that you see here's where we started today and uh i've been going sideways so i i like these session breaks but uh let's go back to the settings here and let's take a look at a few more cool things i'm switching back to your daily chart so settings the other thing that i like to do is adding a watermark by adding the watermark you see it here in the background it actually shows you what symbol you are showing see right here it shows you on the chart that you're like right now looking at the ndx index and another thing that i like to do here uh for me it's really hard to see you can actually uh increase the transparency and you see this way when you set it to 80 percent you see in the background right now how it's getting lighter and darker so i like to set this to around 80 percent because this way i can see what symbol i'm on and again it doesn't really matter if you're looking at a at a tesla or if you're looking at an apple this way you see the symbol you see what time frame you're using and you see the name of the company and again if you don't like this uh you can just basically omit it and don't have to worry about this so the other thing and this is really important at least for me as i am getting older i don't like these these small fonts here i don't know about you so you see here that you can increase the scales text and this is what i really like to do so i like to change this from a font setting of 12 to probably 20 is pretty good and you see as i do this how the scales are getting bigger and smaller so you can set it to 20 or even 24 this way it's really super easy to read so this way you can now finally see these darn numbers that are usually so small okay so another thing that i personally like to do as you know i like to apply the uh the power x strategy bars and in order to do this instead of having here the normal bars i am switching the the whole chart to an area chart and then activate the power x strategy this way the bars are colored in green and red based on the power x strategy that i like to use now you see that it already comes with a fairly nice shading in the background but we can make this even cooler because now when we go on symbol you see that we have the fill color here and again we can change the opacity and by changing the opacity let me just uh scoot this a little bit to the side um and we're very fill color yeah you see how you can make this more blue or less blue or if you want you can even use a different color and you can have it more greenish if you like this i personally prefer this blue i like that and i usually change it here to 75 or 80 because i think that this is a pretty cool look here so um these these are a few things that you can do now the important thing is you want to make sure that you're saving your settings here once you have figured out the ideal settings that you really like you can save them and you can do this when you are here in the settings and you see at the bottom there are templates and you see you can actually save it as a template so it comes with some defaults the black the blue the gray not this one this one that i did uh the white so these are a few and i have two templates here that i created for myself let me zoom in a little bit so that you see it i have the original because i thought if i'm switching back to the light mode maybe i like the light mode better i have that and then i just right now created a dark theme so you can save this here as a template but i also want to show you a few other cool settings that you could use here if you wanted to because one of the things on appearance or was it on symbol let me just quickly see yeah this is actually pretty cool if you want to see the high and the low prices of the the time frame that you're looking at so that you want to see okay what was the high or the low of this time frame you can activate it and let me show you what happens when you do so when you activate these high low lines and i thought that the values would pop up here automatically doesn't seem this way huh i thought they did so never mind uh when i did it earlier i thought that it would show me here now the high as a dotted line you see and the low and i do believe i'm almost certain that earlier it was showing me the values here apparently i did something else so let's not worry about it i also want to keep this tutorial really short and brief and these are basically the settings that i do to go from a pretty boring layout like this to a much cooler layout like this now as you can see the other difference here that i have the volume bars switched on so if this of interest of you you can simply display the volume bars and uh it's pretty cool so i like this dark layout i i hope that this helps you so if you found this cool and i talked about the power x strategy and if you would like to learn more about the strategy i'll link to some videos in the description and also here on the screen where you can learn more about the strategies that i personally use in my training hope you find this helpful and i'll see you in the next video okay don't go anywhere as you know i'm just doing this so that we can cut it out because i thought it would be cool to have this little step-by-step tutorial in case you like this a little bit darker layout here all right so what i want to do now is take a look at the console actually let me let's talk about the positions that i'm currently in so right now as of today according to the wheel strategy i'm in three positions and according to the power x strategy i'm in one position uh let's first take a look at this uh the position that i'm in according to the power x strategy it is a position that i entered last week and it is nkla so in calais mkla i entered at 1109 as you can see oops as you cannot see but now as you can see entered it at 1109 today it was trading as high as 12 26 um it's still trading right now at 11.95 i want to switch this to a green color i think uh that green is friendlier what do you think about green don't you like green better i like green better anyhow so this is a position that i'm in right now which is working out really really well so right now after just uh two or three days we already up by 10 here so the other positions that i have um jwn uh doing really really well jwn i bought it at 30 sold a bunch of uh calls uh and a bunch of puts here uh so we can actually switch over uh to my account you see here jwn uh right now p l open is still negative of a thousand dollars uh basically just because we are trading slightly below 30. uh but if you look at uh jwn oops let me get rid of this just looking over here at the other screen there you see that i already collected more than 9 000 uh in premium so jwn has been really really good to me so the other two positions that i'm in as you can see it's lvs and right so let's take a look at these together so lvs originally i bought it at 58 then flew a rescue mission to be able to lower my cost basis at 51.42 earlier today we were up even more but even right now we are up to 2.64 so not bad at all and also in lvs even though right now i'm still down while it is recovering i've been able to sell a lot of premium and if you hop over there to the account then you see that i've been able to collect not as much uh as with uh what was the other one jwn nordstrom so with lvs six thousand eight hundred and fifty five dollars in premium so it's looking it's looking quite okay if we were getting there we're getting there so we need to still bounce back and i'm considering selling some more puts here because the rescue missions always fly it with only one third and i only um did this for a third so i still have some gunpowder left so to say i had to fly some more rescue missions um i tried to or i did sell more puts at 36 i might try to sell some more at 35 to collect more premium here now right right right right so there's another position that i'm in as you know and my cost basis here is 12.86 so it is right here currently we are trading at 7.80 as you know this is a trade that has me been bugging me pretty much since february so um but it's good to see that ride is actually coming out of the basement here my break even is at 11 71 so we'll get there didn't find anything really today on the wheel which is not unusual on a day like this uh we're pretty much the markets are just diddling around and yes diddling around is a technical term uh because especially if you look at a five-minute chart here so there's a five-minute chart of the dow so the dow earlier this morning pulled higher than pulling back the exact mirror image of the nasdaq so the nasdaq here on the other hand opening this morning lower dropping and now pulling higher and then we also have the smp so not a whole lot going on the smp opened here up down up down so trying to find the direction usually days when the markets are plummeting as they did last monday those are great days to sell premium but as you can see all of my positions are doing really well i'm very happy with where i am right now with my positions and so now you know of what's going on here so we do have a few more minutes and uh in these four minutes i want to take a look at your comments because i appreciate you being here live this is just awesome and uh so let's see abb says uh pair your wheel option strategy i sold put options on nine oil industry stocks um i i wouldn't double triple or here nine tuple up i would just pick one of them right i mean this is a a little bit risky here because what if crude oil now goes down now you suddenly have nine positions that are in trouble so usually i like to have one stock from each sector or industry as an example last week win came up on the scanner but since i'm currently already in lvs right las vegas sense i didn't want to have another casino stock here so just be careful i want to make sure that you're not over extending yourself in one industry because what happens if this actually um thanks then anyhow good so hope we get a sign and we'll sell calls yeah again and uh you're putting too many eggs in one basket i mean just my opinion here so we'll see what else is going on by the way did you find this this helpful this quick trading view tutorial and i i know it's not everybody's piece of cake but if you find this helpful do me a favor and click on like because this way the youtube algorithm pushes this video to more and more people and more more people see this uh little uh this little tutorial junior says i wish that all presenters would use dark theme you know what i think this is where we have a nation of traders divided uh because earlier in our mastermind call we as our mastermind members what they prefer a dark theme or a light theme and surprisingly i found this surprising uh two-thirds of them said light and see this is where some people prefer this dark theme and others prefer the light theme so anyhow hans from germany chris from ireland so good to see you here okay so what do you think about lvs with regulation problems in macau listen lbs has been around forever lvs is generating around 12 billion dollars in macau every year 12 billion dollars this was before they sold the venetian in las vegas so don't you think that they already have a contingency plan for this don't you think that they already thought about what happens if the chinese government or anybody else put some regulations on them so yes short term it is a hit why because there's uncertainty because they haven't responded yet and said here's what we're going to do and here's why because the regulations are not in effect they're just saying we are thinking about implementing some regulations and you see while there's uncertainty traders don't like uncertainty this is why right now the stock is going down so as soon as we know what the regulations will be i'm very very confident that if you have 12 billion dollars in revenue you know how to navigate this you have a plan for this in the drawer and you basically open the drawer and say what problem do we have this one and you pick out the plan so i'm i'm not too concerned about that at all all right junior says if you write a harley you have to use the dark theme that's what i thought i kind of like the dark theme i'll probably keep losing it for a little bit and then i'll see what you like better because as you know in the mornings we now have the stock market update where we use the dark theme so don't respond just now i will create in youtube there's a really cool paul feature that i will create over the next few coffee with marcus and then uh we can see what you like better okay uh so gunner says i like the dark sides but would really prefer to see the lights uh especially when you're actually when you show your account and the profit and loss you see this here uh this is actually um let me go back it's tasty works i don't think that they have a light team i haven't i haven't found it so this particular one i cannot even configure any differently so uh sorry about this gunner if anybody knows how to use a light theme in tastyworks please let me know in the comments and i'll be happy to change it so that you can see it better also you see that on on trading view i was able to change the font size here this is the largest font size they have i cannot make this any larger as sad as that is anyhow good good good all right so yeah david i said i'm sorry this is not a limitation of me i wish that they would have a presenter mode where they say set the font to whatever you want they only allow me to increase it in certain steps and the font that i'm using is the largest at all twin screw loves the dark mode okay fantastic and uh yeah gunner says increasing the font size definitely helps on trading view we can do this and uh i'm kind of glad that i found this for the longest time i didn't do it and i was kind of squinting but what but now i know how to do this and we have it larger good what else uh okay so twins grow did i miss your comment it seems that uh you had amazing success so let me see oh there it is fantastic okay so you just crossed the 200 000 line on the wheel congratulations i'm sorry i overlooked this this is fantastic you see this is what i love about this youtube community here because i see that everybody is cheering you on and say good job you see this is what i love about it there's no envy here there's just okay if you can do it i can do it too right and this is what i love about this okay good so um [Music] og kenobi says nailed four out of five contracts this week that is fantastic i mean i oh this is why i'm doing the show because i want you to make more money and this is why i'm showing you my trades and i'm showing you the good the bad and the ugly you know that i'm showing you my winning trades but i'm also showing the trades they're a little bit shaky and jw and nordstrom was a little bit shaky lvs is a little bit shaky and then there's the ugly ride and as you know i'm not hiding this trade i'm just showing you this is what it is and you can see how i'm basically digging myself out of a hole here when it happens the good news is in realized profits i have now crossed 157 000 and again this is a a little bit of smaller account that i'm trading here it's 250 000 in cash so it's 500 000 in buying power anyhow good good good uh martin says uh what about edit and it is a biotech stock so apparently there's tons of premium there but be super careful so it seems that they might have a trial going on and if this goes well the stock might shoot up but it seems that traders are factoring in that they get denied or that they have negative news from this trial and this is why there's so much premium so be super careful martin i would stay away from this i would not trade that as all at all all right cool so um corey said what percentage of margin are you typically using you see i like to divide my account into five equal parts and uh so i'm looking at what would happen if i get fully assigned so right now the margin that i'm using is is next to nothing so i can show you uh let's just go back here on the right hand side you see i'm using around thirty thousand dollars in jwn twenty thousand dollars in lvs around fifty thousand dollars in right let's just around these numbers so this i'm using a hundred thousand of my 500 000 buying power so not a whole lot here um but you see i'm always calculating the positions what would happen if i get assigned here anyhow okay darrell says love the pxo in this tutorial not so much with cnn well i don't know if you don't like cnn or if you don't like the cnn style that's it i'll i'll take a poll here in a little bit so this way uh yeah i'll know which one you prefer okay um i told you that today i have to cut it a little bit short because uh i have another workshop that i'm teaching here uh in a few minutes i've been invited to do this so i need to jump over there into the zoom cool call if you found this helpful please click on like and there's a few other videos hopefully right now popping up there's also links in the description take a look at these videos and i will see you in the next one take care
Channel: Markus Heitkoetter
Views: 3,035
Rating: 4.9178081 out of 5
Keywords: tradingview tutorial, tradingview tutorial for beginners, tradingview dark mode, tradingview for beginners, tradingview guide, tradingview setup, trading view tutorial, coffee with markus, markus heitkoetter, Rockwell trading, the powerx strategy, the wheel options strategy, the wheel strategy
Id: 57VQDgujezo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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