Assassin's Creed Mirage's Crazy Ending EXPLAINED

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now it's safe to say Assassin's Creed Mirage has a pretty crazy ending to say the least and it's also safe to say that it can be pretty confusing and overwhelming especially if you haven't played vahalla or aren't super familiar with the lore so my goal in this video is to hopefully help those who are confused understand this ending as I try to explain it the best I can I would think this goes without saying but this is obviously a video intended for those who have finished Mirage so if you haven't and don't want to be spoiled then click off the video again you would think most people would understand that but just want to make sure you never know all right but getting right into it I want to start with the scene where basam informs Roshan of the leader of the order's identity being kabha wife to the khalife that was killed at the beginning of the game and the woman bazam met at the Grand auction previously with this information Roshan states that she will assassinate the order leader herself claiming that it's best that someone with more experience carries out this important assassination but as we come to find out later that's probably not the real reason however basm practically begs Roshan to let him carry out the assassination as he feels he should be the one to put an end to the order after everything he has sacrificed to be a hidden one Roshan caves and allows basm to do the honors while Nial who was spying on the two is upset at basm for being obedient and doing whatever the hidden wants demand of him and wants basm to get answers from the order rather than just killing them after finding Kaba before basam has the chance to assassinate her she reveals that basam is the one she has been searching for all this time as her son who was there when the calife was murdered saw basm was able to awake in The ezu Relic at the start of the game kabha tells basm that he's something more than man and that the truth of bassam's nature Lies Beneath alamut where the hidden ones have hidden no pun intended the answers BAS B has been so Desperately Seeking throughout the game however before basam can take up Kaba on her offer she is killed by rosan who no doubt followed basm knowing there was a risk that Kaba could tell him of the truth she warns him that if he goes to search beneath alamut she'll kill him herself a distraught basm meets up with Nial back in ambar as they ride for alamut to seek the answers Roshan strictly forbade him from searching for however as they arrive basm discovers alamat has been invaded and after saving the mentor rahan and some convincing from basm rahan allows him to find whatever knowledge Lies Beneath alamat however before basam can enter the U Vault that Lies Beneath he is confronted by Roshan who would rather kill basm than let him enter the Vault now there may be some confusion as to why Roshan is so dead set against basm gaining the knowledge he seeks and that simply comes down to Roshan's beliefs and the philosophy of the Hidden ones to be a hidden one you must abandon your past your old identity as Roshan States many times throughout the game the past must be left in the past and you must fully embrace the life of a hidden one and basm wanting to find answers to his past and discover that part of himself goes completely against that philosophy it's safe to assume rosan was aware to an extent of bm's true nature from the beginning when he touched the U artif fact which is why she agreed to train him and constantly dissuaded him from seeking answers the reason she believes in this philosophy so heavily likely has to do with her own past which sounded none too Pleasant so the two fight where basm finally defeats ran with a similar move he tried against her at the beginning of the game during their combat training which I thought was a cool detail but with Roshan IND disposed Nial shows basam that his blood is the key to opening the Vault when B him enters he discovers a Strang looking machine with somebody trapped inside that person is Nial revealing in a pretty wild twist that nihal was never actually a real person but just a part of basm that only he could see nihal represents the personality of Loki hence why she constantly insisted throughout the story that basm purely answered to and look out for himself which for those who played AC vahalla know that basm is in fact The Reincarnation of Loki as we learned that in the AC Universe the Norse gods were U and were able to preserve their Consciousness by uploading it to yasil and distributing it into humans centuries later so basm was stuck with Loki and nihal represents the Loki side within basm so to speak which means that all those times basm was speaking or interacting with nihal he was really just talking to himself which explains why nihal would constantly appear and disappear at random times throughout the story it explains why Roshan a trained assassin wasn't able to notice Nial was right behind her spying on them earlier and it also explains why nihal disappeared for a good while at the beginning of the game after basm said he never wanted to see her again and then only reappears when basam feels guilty and wishes to apologize you also realized this is why nihal is never acknowledged or interacted with by anybody besides B a lot of their scenes make a lot more sense within this context although I do still have one issue with this twist we're led to believe that basm and nihal are seemingly lifelong friends so wouldn't basm ever question that nobody actually talks to nihal or acknowledges her existence except him like not even derwish who took care of basm and essentially served as a father figure maybe basm just never thought to question it I mean why would he but at some point you'd figure he had to realize that ni never actually spoke to anybody but him but after this Revelation nihal takes basm through some of his memories where he is once again confronted by the jinny which turns out that the jinny represents the memories of being imprisoned and tortured as Loki now we don't know for sure who was torturing Loki but it's pretty safe to assume that it was Odin and that U projection we saw from the artifact at the start of the game is a glimpse of Loki receiving said torture from his jailer who again is more than likely Odin and the device or machine that nihal or should I say Loki was kept in is the prison basam now understanding what the jinny is is able to let go of the memories of the torture and pain freeing himself from its hold over him basam then has one final conversation with Nial as he decides to embrace Loki as a part of himself essentially merging the two which is the opposite of what avore did in Vahala who chose to reject Odin instead of embracing him and again this choice to embrace his past is against everything Roshan stands for this new basm emerges from alamut to find some hidden ones have survived as he regroups with Mentor rahan Roshan chooses to leave the Brotherhood after rahan allowed basm to enter the vault as the hidden ones no longer go by the philosophy she so deeply believed in as she leaves rahan calls her Roshan bent lahad which some people mist wly think means she's in some way related to alier or his ancestor since his name was also lahad but that's not the case lahad simply means son or daughter to No One basm tries to call Inu over to him but Inu is able to sense that basm has completely changed and wants nothing to do with him well either that or he just flat out doesn't recognize him I remember the narrative director teasing before the game's released that there was a reason basm no longer had Inu and vahalla I just assumed it would be something lame like he gets killed off but this is way cooler as in kidu can tell that basm is not really basm anymore and as blood drips down Bam's face he has this almost evil like smirk now I think whether basm is Loki here or whether they're just simply merged is left up to interpretation personally I don't think this is basm or purely Loki at this point to me it definitely feels like a mix of the two but you can see the immediate effect that embracing Loki has already done to basm and what leads him down the path to how we know him in Vahala that even shows in the way he almost mockingly says mentor to rahan come Bon we have much to discuss that we do Mentor basm then vows that if any of his torturers still walk the earth he will find them which he obviously eventually accomplishes as he finds aore Who is the Reincarnation of Odin Loki's torturer and Jailer hence why he was searching for aore in vahalla all in all it can be a very confusing and complicated ending especially if you haven't played vahalla and don't understand how the whole reincarnation works but I still found it to be a really intriguing shocking ending and hopefully I explained it well for those of you who were confused I think basm is such a cool and unique protagonist for this series and in a lot of ways I think his story is is quite tragic because at the end here it's evident that this isn't really basm anymore or not as we knew him anyways but that's my opinion let me know if you found this video helpful and how you feel about mirage's ending as always if you enjoyed the video I'd appreciate it if you left a like and considered subscribing to the channel if you're new special thank you to my members for supporting me and other than that thanks for watching and have a great rest of your day assassins [Music] I
Channel: MasterAssassin
Views: 206,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed Mirage, assassins creed mirage ending, assassins creed mirage, assassins creed mirage review, assassins creed mirage gameplay, assassins creed mirage trailer, assassins creed mirage walkthrough, assassins creed mirage combat, assassins creed mirage parkour, assassins creed mirage ending explained, ac mirage ending explained, assassins creed mirage outfits, assassins creed mirage full gameplay, ac mirage ending, ubisoft, masterassassin
Id: F1kKPJ_6CuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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