[ASMR] Wooden Lock Puzzle Solving

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everybody everybody how's it going guys and welcome to another a smr video tonight i will be attempting attempting attempting attempting attempting to solve einstein's freedom a lock puzzle puzzle which is a wooden log puzzle and i have done a few you know puzzle related videos on the channel before but i've never really done like a physical puzzle so this is something pretty new here and i am very very excited to do this i find you know puzzle solving to be quite quite relaxing quite enjoyable to watch other people do so i hope that you guys can as well as enjoying tonight's video um also find it quite satisfying maybe a bit relaxing and i hope you all do enjoy so if you guys do enjoy tonight's video then be sure to drop a big thumbs up it would really mean a lot to me and if you're not already subscribed then please consider subscribing would really help support the channel and yeah i would love to do more of these in the future so hopefully tonight's video goes well fingers crossed i can solve it because um i feel like i'm not bad at puzzle solving i've seen quite a few videos from the one and only chris ramsay so i've picked up a few things over the years but um this will be my take and a puzzle solving video you know asmr style so again hope you'll enjoy and let's get started okay so this puzzle as i mentioned is um it says einstein's freedom blog puzzle it's in the einstein number six collection i believe i don't actually know where this puzzle's from because i got it as a gift for my birthday last month but it's by professor puzzle as you can see in the albert einstein the official range and it says can you open the lock well ears hoping we have a lovely picture of albert einstein on the side and a very nice designed box that makes some nice dabbing sounds as you guys could hear um only a free individual can make a discovery lovely quote there and then it says on the other side einstein was an international pacifist and a jewish intellectual in the most dangerous of eras yet he managed to complete his life and his incredible work without ever being incarcerated then we have a bunch of information on the back um it does say genius puzzle rating 2 out of 5 stars so who knows maybe this is quite an easy one and this could end up being a shorter video but you know that leaves room to work up to harder puzzles if you will so you know best to start off with something easy rather than going blind to something that i might not ever be able to solve but you know hopefully we can tonight um now this has a pretty cool way to open up i think we can just pull up this tab and there you go i mean you get a bit of reflection and glare there but you can see the puzzle pretty much right there it's a nice puzzle with sorvin we'll look into it all before we get started but at the top it says can you open the log of course my camera doesn't want to focus then fasten it back into its original position and the solution can be found online but we are going to try and do it without at the top just a bit more information about einstein and the puzzle itself but we are here to open it up and take a little look so let's cut this seal on the side there we go and then i wonder if it just slides on out maybe i have to cut this on the other side as well i think there we go now let's see if it just slides there we go we got it out and there is the puzzle in front of you guys in its nice yellow box this puzzle actually looks pretty cool i love the design let's take it out do a little inspection of it before we actually get started because it would be a good idea to sort of understand what we're working with before we get cracking as i said this is a wooden puzzle so we might get some nice wooden sounds hopefully if my mic picks it up okay so i'm gonna zoom in on the camera already so i've managed to get a closer camera angle and a little bit better lighting to try and block out some of the um you know reflections because along with this nice wooden design oh wow is that it i imagine i actually already unlocked it for some reason i thought i had um so along with the nice wooden design it has this nice sort of gloss finish sort of piece of it's not glass but it's feels like plastic on top but we've got this nice sleek wooden design on the back and the lock is it's pretty big i mean that's that's the size of my band you can see it pretty much takes up the entire hand and it looks like the aim of this is to pull this lock open um i'm gonna zoom out just a tiny bit is to build this open without these pieces sort of interfering now i believe i should be able to do this flat and so i think the aim is to use this key with this little um e shape on the front to try and manipulate the manipulator manipulate the pieces here to unlock the puzzle and um you can see here we have this black sort of backwards c shape so in order to you know release this we're gonna have to have this black bin sort of either just come straight up from the bottom or maybe we have to work its way up which uh is gonna be interesting but we shall see what we can do so the key is attached to the log in fact i do not think i can take it off so it's a pretty close logged but i believe i can just use the key to pop it into these holes in some of these shapes it's kind of a bit like dead dress almost you know i've got to move these about but from what i can see there's not really much to do for my first move can i i can let this bit come up to bring this bit up and maybe in doing so i can move pieces of boat i don't know if i'm meant to do that um okay i might like to use my finger i guess i can't really do that but i could do this um oh i can slide this to the back this brown bit at the bottom like this maybe so that's down there and then that black bit slides down that's looking good can i move this forward no i can't because it's stopping in there okay so what if we move this square piece here to the left and then up does that help us in any way um i don't think so what if we push this back down okay it doesn't go down anymore presumably oh yes because this brown one here is stopping it at the bottom so i think maybe we've got to let that black one fall back up and then tilt it to the left this time to let that fall back then we can push it down okay this looks good so we're making progress we just can't fully bring it out yet i feel like i need to almost like get these two guys out the way maybe in there in order to slight this l-shape and this kind of looks like a booty to kind of slide it across uh let's zoom back in a wee touch so maybe if if i push it back down and slide this to the right now i can slide that black piece back up oh yes now that brown piece oh not quite what if i pull it up nothing happens okay um let's bring this brown square-shaped one in by the way listen to this this sounds really cool that's me just trying to pull the log up which sounds pretty cool so anyways what i just did there i believe was moved this brown one inside there and now as you can see i can actually slide both these across now like that but i don't really know what that achieves to be quite frank with you guys i guess i could hold this one here whilst i let that slide back and bring it down but again that doesn't really help us too much um oh this is tricky this is actually tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky i feel like i almost need to dry and like do i lever it up as i go or do i need to move everything around so that these are on that side and those are on the other side i don't know it's a bit weird it's a bit weird um let's see let's move this back up here and slide this one back down get this here um move it down i feel like i'm just undoing things now though it's almost back to where we started to be honest let's try and build that up oh wait that's actually made a good progress there let's slide that across slide that down does this help us though i don't really know um what if i slide this back then slide it down oh i think i have an idea so yes this is what i want i want this to try and go like partially in but no that doesn't work because this red one here is stopping if this red one needs to be down here at the bottom but how could i do that oh like this yes pull this up slide the bright one across oops then bring this red one down like this is quite fiddly there we go then can i slide this like across yes and now i can pull this up oh my goodness i'm so close guys look at this look at the progress i've made so i was right in terms of like getting out in stages oh wait technically it's unlocked technically i've unlocked it look it's unlocked i guess is that it solved i don't know i feel like i've got to get it fully out though right in which case surely i just or is that it is that it solved i don't know i feel like that's unsolved i honestly can't tell let's take a look at the the instructions again um have i just got to just unlock it like that it looks it it looks like all i've got to do is unlock it i think potentially i've solved it then i don't know um can you open the lock then fasten it back to its original position i guess um we solved it um as it is unlocked i don't think it's yeah i i don't actually think it's possible for it to come out because you would need to move some of these pieces down here to which we cannot do we physically can't do because that won't fit through there even if we try and you know get it through an angle it just won't so that's it unlocked i guess you know what's come out all right so we have potentially you know the harder stage which is trying to get it back to its original position which i think is maybe just what we have in the picture we're just like that so we shall try and get it back to that i'm going to keep it up to the side for reference and we'll see what we can do so we pushed this down and tilted that back um i think we need to somehow get this oh this one goes all the way up to the top how on earth did i do that don't move that brown one across then slide down yup bring it in um oh my goodness this black one goes below that brown one i want earth did i do that oh there we go we just sort of yeah so i think the sort of strategy for this is to slowly move bits across while you bring the log up so now we bring this one up we slide the black one back up the brain went across bring it down and move that across bring it up and bring it in here temporarily and then um okay no now i'm stuck because this bright one here should be on top of this black piece what would you guys do right here i need to pull this up somehow but it's getting stuck maybe i put this in and then i pull maybe oh gosh he doesn't want to do that like that there we go yes that's it and there we have it right back to where we started like so um i mean technically with this bit in here and that is exactly how the puzzle looks on the picture so i am going to consider that solved and put back exactly to where it started do we have another goal at trying to prove that we can open it because i feel like you know we've done it then we put it back together was that luck or did i really know how to solve it let's try and do it again so if we remember we sort of use this slot here to temporarily use this key to put into these holes and slide it down so what we can do is pull up by moving this here slide the brown in and background then we slide the black up slide the brown around like so then slide this black back down it's like this red across pull up slide this brown across and slide the black down in the red across black up and brown across slide it down and just let it manipulate its way around like so um and then what did we do again what did we do here i somehow pulled it up oh yes i remember we pushed this brown piece here this boot looking piece in so was it like that and then up there we go solved and that is the wooden log puzzle solved in i don't know around a 20 minute 20 to 25 minute video i'm pretty happy with that and um yeah that was a lot of fun i've gotta say um i can see how it's a two out of five star but i definitely want to give it a go at drawing some harder ones up to four or five star potentially so i really hope that you guys did enjoy this video if you did then be sure to drop a big thumbs up a huge shout out to amy for buying me this for my birthday it was really really fun and i would definitely like to try more so i hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you'd like to see more of this and i will see you all in the next video good night guys hey quick thanks to the members of the dido a as fr community thank you all so much for becoming a member member thank you
Channel: Dido ASMR
Views: 51,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, ASMR Whisper, Whispering, ASMR mouth sounds, mouth sounds, ASMR tapping, tapping sounds, tapping, crinkle sounds, crinkling, ASMR crinkle, GibiASMR, Gibi, mouth noises, asmr sounds, asmr whispering, asmr magic, didoasmr, asmr roleplay, dido asmr, asmr gaming, asmr puzzle, asmr puzzle solving, asmr wooden puzzle, asmr lock puzzle, asmr einstein
Id: rb73Y_bbM7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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