ASMR Chess vs. Dido ASMR ♔ Battle of the Channels pt. 1 ♔

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hello and welcome to a chesmar chess and today we have something that i have wanted to do for a long time we have dual commentary asmr featuring myself is marches and my good friend dido asmr and i'll go challenge him now and then i'll explain what it's all about all about all about so here he is we will try for a 15 minutes with 10 seconds increment and i'll just write him here in the chat just challenged you all right all right i will play brain knight f6 hoping to get into the buddha best let's see if he's prepared for the budapest ok did not allow the budapest the budapest is with c4 and then i play e5 but he played knight c3 knight to c3 so i'll just take it easy i guess i'll play d5 saying that maybe it was a little bit of a concession to put the knight on c3 maybe because that means he can't play c4 yeah and just going to shout out title here he has awesome channel where he does really high quality asmr um i guess he's best known for his card tricks like uh tal was a magician on the chessboard and dido is just a real magician with cards and but he also plays chess and he does just asmr and he is also recording this session so when you're done listening to all my rainbows if you want to you can go over to his channel died away his mom and watch his train of thought watch how he develops his ideas and what he thinks of the position what i think of the position here is that i am doing quite well because i'm able to play c5 i have the bishop here where oh there's a little bit of a background noise there i hope you're okay with that um i have the bishop here so my dark squared bishop is unopposed making it stronger my queen is in a little bit of a weird position but she should be safe out here i'll just develop get the pieces into play probably play something like bishop to d6 so he played bishop to b5 um threatening to temporarily double my pawns i have no issue with that i'll just develop bishop to d6 because if he does capture the knight i will recapture with my b-pawn and then i can resolve the the double pawns by capturing with c takes d4 so i think that we are doing fine nothing special but a little bit of a positional advantage here um castles i think i will castle as well just have my king here snug as a bug in a rock it's a good idea to castle especially when you don't know the strength of your opponent and i can of course see that dido has a rating of 10 10 here but that can be misleading i don't know how many games he played on this profile with this time control you can see that my rating is 1300 which is wildly inaccurate but it's just because i haven't played that many games with this profile and this time control alright so where do we put our pieces should we go for an attack how should we conceptualize this position what do you think guys what do you think what do you think um we could ask him to clarify his intentions with this bishop on b5 we could play a6 that could also be a handy move just taking control of b5 so that the knight won't come there um our problem pieces of course the bishop on c8 we would be able we would want to at some point play e5 but that's not on the cards um so i think actually just a6 if he captures here i will reinforce d5 by capturing with b takes c6 i will protect the d5 pawn and maybe in the future i will be able to go e5 and then e4 and then i'm just unleashing these two monster bishops along with the queen some checkmating ideas and um yeah so far not not much has really happened we have knights versus bishops always an interesting dynamic okay so he goes for my c5 pawn with knight to a4 uh pretty sure i have to do something about that so i will not probably play c takes d then maybe queen takes or knight takes or pawn takes if queen takes i could consider actually exchanging the queens and just saying that my bishops will are going to be good in the end game um if night takes i could maybe play something like c5 kicking the knight the knight goes maybe back then i attack the other knight with my with bishop d7 um i have a lot of cinder control i think i like that in the pawn takes then that's fine as well so we just play c takes and here we see that um the a6 move was handy just stopping any knight b5 ideas because now we have both the c pawn and the a pawn guarding a5 and we are just building a nice center control here um maybe just activate the rock rope v8 just looking a little bit okay [Music] so you played b3 right right um how about playing a5 get the bishop out on the this diagonal on the a6 f8 f1 diagonal um or maybe just playing e5 takes takes takes takes then his light squares will be weak or maybe we just take it easy since he has no big threats coming up because knight c5 threatens a6 i can play a4 a5 i mean and it should be okay i would say um we could play h5 just preparing some h4 shenanigans at some point we could play we could play rook e8 just planning to go just planning to go e5 we could play bishop d7 trying to but then i think actually night here do i want to do something about that night move like queen e7 knight takes takes take him then we win a poem but i could also consider doing that [Music] after not too sure what the right plane here is what's the right plane to get the bishop out i mean i think uncle rookie ate this does not even it it feels like i i was not able to find out the correct plan maybe my idea about what's going on in this position is not it's not very accurate so what will he do on knight c5 my plane is queen e7 but actually he may then play b4 and maybe that's just a lot of trouble for me so maybe i know knight c5 and just accept that he has a good knight in the center and then i play e5 oh let's say it takes do i even take with the rook there knight takes queen takes i'm threatening the night so the knight goes probably to d3 winning a tempo against the queen that looks like it doesn't work so e5 takes takes with the bishop instead and then if knight takes then probably we go rook takes okay he didn't go didn't go night he went queen d3 instead of knight c5 now i'm thinking maybe a5 bishop a6 then c4 takes take c4 takes takes how does that look i don't particularly like that so i think i'll break or break in the center no time like the present and i need to get this bishop out of course i am threatening e4 here uh he can't ignore this there's no knight c5 now for instance because e4 wins um and i think my position is kinda fine kind of fine i think he's playing uh really well my opponent okay so that's a kind of a clever idea pinning the the pawn because of course i can't take this that's quite close to checkmate but um but i do have bishop bishop f8 although i'm not going to i'm not going to sacrifice the rook for the for the knight after e4 so queen will have to move somewhere i'm not capturing the knight because of this pin with the check very close to checkmate i have to go bishop f8 but i am i'm fine not winning a piece here because look at these bishops these guys are deadly so he played queen to e3 yeah he played queen e3 is he threatening maybe to come queen g5 that could be a bit annoying actually if he wants to trade the queens but i'm guessing i just take the knight and that should be fine so it's okay and that just that's just the winning tactic i guess but the problem here is let's say takes takes takes back here and he has no thanks takes takes check there i don't like it i don't like it jimmy so instead we should connect these rooks by moving this bishop so where is the most efficient place we could put this bishop where could we put it where could we put it let's say bishop g4 bishop to g form threatens the knight and if the knight moves then maybe h5 we could also we could also play bishop h3 this also threatens the knight um i'm not exactly sure what to do i feel bishop g bishop g4 is quite good here we have we have some things going on here if the knight moves you're looking at the d4 pawn that'll only be protected by the queen [Music] and um [Music] this is a nice game i'm really in love with this game i don't mean chess in general it should be pretty obvious that i'm quite infatuated with the royal game no i mean this particular game we are playing right now i think my opponent is playing interesting chess um i think the position is quite balanced although i i would take black here right right so he played knight to d2 and um are we then maybe playing just um h5 just trying to soften his his king's position just find a way into the castle because you see these light squares around his king very weak and with this monster bishop [Music] i could get some good checkmating threats going if i just managed to put just a little bit more pressure my rooks are not doing that much which is a bit of a shame because dido's rooks are able to defend his king and then when i can't get in with my rooks it means that he has more defenders than i have attackers boom he lashes out with sea form it was which was the move that that i would have played on move 2 instead of knight c3 he now plays a delayed c form um just thinking if there is any interesting things with bishop b4 takes takes and then claiming these light squares even more i think that could be quite interesting and then just so let's say bishop here playing this takes and takes and bishop f3 then infiltrate on the line squares checkmate there of course he'll be able to maybe play something like after i play bishop h3 queen e2 to f1 to god the checkmating square but then he will have a very passive queen i think i will go for that then i will go for that also because the knight cannot easily move since it's pinned to the rock you see it's pinned alright are we getting somewhere we could be getting somewhere so my game plan it has been and remains to get the most bang for the rock most bang for the buck with this bishop i think i'm thinking that a bishop on one f3 is going to be a positional trump that's very very hard to beat i'm considering even the okay so knight knight c5 threatening a5 so let's say takes bishop takes detail queen takes d2 bishop if three i don't think he has time to go pawn hunting knight takes a6 i think i just even ignore that go queen f3 a5 i mean but the idea to go h3 and just checkmate there is no fork here of course because bishops move backwards that's something that's something a lot of people including myself tend to forget that bishops move backwards that's actually statistically the most missed kind of move on all levels of chess long backwards diagonal moves and can i sack the exchange here bishop f3 knight d7 queen and rook then queen e6 on f5 takes the rook i go here checkmate yeah i think i think bishop f3 is becoming a bit of a problem before my esteemed opponent it's going to be so interesting to go for me to go and watch what he was thinking during the game right right right so where are we okay does go for the for the fork and i'm just thinking about your lego queen f5 or queen e6 um i don't think it matters too much i think maybe queen f5 is a little stronger but i feel that like i think that queen f5 is best but i feel that queen e6 is best and um oh i see what he's doing all right so queen e6 is is not good because queen e6 he does not take the rook he plays knight to [Music] to e5 so if i go here threatening checkmate he can jump off the bishop i think maybe it doesn't work because i take with the pawn and i'm still threatening checkmate but that whole thing somehow convinced me to go queen f5 so queen f5 it is although i would say that um i would say that if you're trying to figure out if you if you should do the move that you think is best or the move that you feel is best then do the move you feel because it is your intuition telling you something and your intuition in my way of thinking about it is pretty smart i think your intuition is all the thoughts that um that your mind that doesn't reach your consciousness so you you can't you don't get access to it like a voice in the head or something like that but you you do get access to it as a feeling that can inform you um about a lot of small details that your rational mind could be missing like if you're biking somewhere you're not consciously thinking i should avoid the car i should notice the old lady crossing the street oh there's a red signal all of that stuff like your intuition is is driving the bicycle does that make sense and so yeah he resigned does that make sense that analogy and by going with what you feel you'll make mistakes bonds your intuition will learn and it will get better and it will get better and it will get better like for instance when they ask who's the best chess player and everybody says magnus carlsen then if you go and ask like the top grain masters why he's so good they'll say that he has the best feel he has the best intuition that is the finest thing for a chess player is a good intuition anyways and here we are for game two sending a rematch and i'll get the pleasure of going first yeah and i'll play d5 yeah i'll play d5 on move one that's white that's very impressive i rpd4 that's better cd5 from dido and i play c4 uh the queen's gambit and he plays the martial defense uh named after named after frank marshall who is most famous for losing that incredible game against joseph in the 20s that i have done a video on on my channel he was like [Music] one of the best players in the usa in the 10s and 20s and he came up with this defense against the queen's game bit and nowadays it's considered sort of a sub sub par defense for black because um and i i played the wrong move by the way here the correct move is takes three for white uh c takes d knight takes and then you try to win a tempo against the knight with e4 at some point maybe right away that's one of the variations so i'll do it now play c takes d after he played bishop f5 so the game went d4 d5 c4 knight f6 knight f3 bishop f5 and then c takes d5 and i think maybe actually the best move here is bishop takes b1 although it looks very strange and here now we are in a theory again my little wrong move order and here the best move is knight d2 threatening e4 forking these two guys and [Music] queen b3 will come probably at some point looking at b7 that was left by when the bishop moved out it's also looking at the weak f7 square all right so he played e6 and we play e4 and this should just win a piece i think and yeah that's one of the uh great advantages of studying opening theory a little bit that you get to play the first couple of moves of the game with an idea about some tricks and some traps you could set and and sometimes you you can get a good advantage before you even start playing really and i mean for players on my level or on your level i i guess that most of you guys are just kind of kind of new to chess maybe i guess that most of you guys are probably like not grandmasters and so when you're just like a casual player or a chess enthusiast uh just theory is something else than it is for grandmasters um if you're a grand master you you know hundreds of opening okay so he plays knight c6 i think we will go ahead and pin that bishop b5 then we can castle if let's just think about if bishop before check i think just knight will fail two takes and takes takes and then i lose the rook so probably just bishop d2 yeah he did play did play bishop before check and i think so knight doesn't work i don't really want to play either knight to d2 so i think bishop d2 this also threatens just to exchange some pieces and since i am ahead in material that will benefit me and if you don't know this concept it's really useful i mean it's really really useful um if you're a hit in material and what i mean by that is if you have more pieces than your opponent then trading the pieces down will enlarge your relative lead in pieces because if you have uh if you're ahead ten to nine uh that's not a big as big a relative difference as if you are a hit two to one so if you just trade one for one from one all the way from ten to nine down to two to one you are all of a sudden all of a sudden you are doing very well you are up you have twice as many pieces as your opponent then my opponent plays f5 f5 f5 what do we want to do about that we could play knight c5 knight g5 knight c3 we can also capture here and then play knight c3 knight c5 i think bishop takes oh that's bad bishop takes doesn't work because pawn takes so i think maybe just take it very slowly here with knight c3 we are getting ready to play the monster knight on e5 then we'll play check if he hasn't castled he came to play g6 because we sag the knight and then takes we win the rock chick king moves we exchange the queens have a good very good position there he has these doubled pawns that we can play against with roxy one looking at those um but i think the most relevant thing here is to get 95 in he castles i play knight e5 threatening c6 and also just having a very nice knight now i'm thinking about playing a3 kick the bishop um if the fish [Music] captures it's very nice i capture with the pawn and i solidify my pawn center which is basically the only thing that i'm worried about um only thing that i'm worried about here um i'm thinking about how he's going to defend the c6 pawn i'm thinking maybe queen e8 defense and then a3 takes takes or bishop drops back if the bishop drops back we are not going to we are not going to okay he pushed i guess that's really clever actually he pushed c5 so i think this is time to play a3 kick the bishop of course we would like the bishop to capture the knight so we can capture with the b-pawn but probably the bishop is going to drop back and in that case i think we can actually win the c5 pawn although although that's not so exciting maybe actually just playing knight c6 anyway because this fork was quite good maybe okay so he plays this is kind of it's getting a little bit interesting now because i'm think so he played c takes d and i'm thinking that maybe i can now play the knight fork knight c6 queen and bishop queen moves somewhere where it's probably attacking the knight so e8 i maybe capture this knight or just because then he captures here let's see this is a little bit complicated knight c6 queen e8 knight takes knight bishop takes bishop it's nice i don't think it's that good actually oh well my takes knight just start that then bishop takes bishop and then maybe night takes we have like night chick we have a lot of stuff going on here we have a lot of stuff going on if pawn takes bishop pawn takes knight that doesn't look good for me [Music] let's look at knight c6 again queen e8 knight takes bishop porn takes knight knight takes night maybe then pawn takes and pawn takes bishop and queen takes pawn knight c6 queen e8 knight takes bishop pawn takes knight knight takes knight pawn takes bishop queen takes pawn i i mean like i win my pawn back but it's not really very exciting and also maybe he can capture the knight like that then take and then take and then take here now that's a little bit of me with getting the bishop on c3 um knight takes knight let's start with that if queen takes i probably win because i take the b4 bishop and then when he takes the knight i can take the rook winning an exchange like that so i don't think queen takes works so i think only bishop takes bishop works and then maybe i play in a minute how about knight c6 queen e8 knight takes knight bishop takes bishop and then can i win the temple again against the queen with knight takes c7 queen take c6 it's it's it's kind of an interesting position but i'm not really seeing my way out of it my text knight bishop takes bishop queen takes and then queen takes my night and do i play it's just then that way he actually he actually gets this d four pawn i think i feel that i should go knight c6 i will go knight c6 but i can't say with any confidence that i'm sure it's the right move it just feels just feels right what if night takes my night then i play pawn takes and then i think he has a problem so i think it's i think it's okay i think it's okay but he managed to uh to draw up some pretty good counter play even though i am um up material i'm actually not up that much right now i have knight for two pawns so it's the equivalent of one pawn and he has a very strong center here if he gets e5 in could be a big big big big problem for me so and so basically the reason i ended up playing knight c6 was that i felt that in many limes lines i was able to to win this d4 pawn which i very much like to do because then his pawn center is not that scary yeah he played c5 i had completely underestimated that move on move 13 that gave him a lot of counter play very good find by dido asmr um all right so he played a move that i had not considered at all but i think works out kind of in my favor because i win the pawn let's see if i wanna if i'm right he played queen d6 knight takes bishop let's say let's say pawn takes knight then knight takes knight queen takes knight bishop takes pawn so we take the knight we take the bishop for me knight takes b5 b4 knight takes b4 alright and do we play do we play knight takes knight he will then play context bishop or do we play ponte x pawn pawn takes pawn could be good bishop takes pawn also quite good the knight takes bishop i think it's fine we win there we get the we get the pawn back that was what we wanted and now his uh without the deep horn his his pawn center is not that scary i can maybe play rookie one put some pressure on the e file on the e6 pawn here maybe let's say knight takes bishop b takes knight takes this error is not working my way i attacked bishop b takes c3 and it's important not to try and flick in uh queen takes queen because he would have id2 check before he recaptures that would be terrible so now we just exchange knight for night and if queen takes we just trade and we have a very good long range piece for a good end game and if pawn takes we will play queen d4 threatening mate he'll have to defend that and then we'll figure out what to do so pontex is probably the most ambitious he could play okay just exchanges that is fine let's claim this file because if either rook let's let's say roman f to e8 i exchange he recaptures and i get the i get the a5 pawn and and if it doesn't do anything about it i infiltrate with rogb7 threatening the nasty windmill check on g7 you would then have to maybe play something like rook f7 i play the other rook to ea one threatening check so i think we have ourselves a winning winning end game here um which is nice because it's like it's a kind of a symbol simple win from here i think oh nice move we played though he's playing he played really nice there uh rook on f to d8 so if i infiltrate with rog e7 he can then play d4 shutting down my bishop so what i have to do is play rook on a to d1 so that i can capture on d4 if you place d4 very nice move messing with my plans so it's just trying to say that the position was kind of simple but of course chess is never really completely simple if your opponent knows what he she or they are doing and i must say titles quite impressed me today let's see now i think he has a problem though because g7 is going to be a bit of a problem on g7 [Music] now so [Music] i think maybe playing g6 is kinda the most ambitious try but okay so check and of course you can't play king h8 so he has to go king f8 then broke e1 then i'm guessing he has to play rugby 8. hmm i'm not sure what he's thinking that much about because the problem here is okay he did play that so either i am missing something or i have checkmate with rock g6 that's not checkmate no because he can play the nice move the form so what i have to do actually is kind of funny i have to play rook g4 he cannot capture that with his f-pawn because he's being checked by the bishop but he only has one legal move in that position that is to play d4 i can then capture that with check and when he captures with the rook i can capture his rook um unless maybe it's faster to actually play i think it could be faster to play rogue if no not rook bishop bishop to d4 here i think it's actually the cleanest way to do this then he won't be able to push there's no way he can stop then he would have to play h6 yeah h6 saves him from the checkmate so is it really rook g4 that's the best one crop g4 d5 rook takes and there's no rook takes because mate and if if f takes g4 i think i have rook takes d8 double check mate yup so we go check i think that's the correct way to go about it so only move now is d5 i then play rook takes if he takes my rook i win with the double check checkmate which would be kind of nice and if he plays rook take okay so you'll see so rook takes if rook if pawn takes rook then checkmate like that boom if rook takes rook then checkmate like that so rook takes an interesting end to the game let's see if i missed something let's see if i missed something or if i get the pleasure of delivering a double check checkmate double checkmate with exactly the same amount of points but you get style points style points nice well that was a nice way to end the game thank you so much to dido mr awesome dido and yeah if i hadn't made it uh clear enough he has a very nice youtube channel he makes chess videos he makes card trick videos that are really mind-blowing and like he makes a lot of stuff he has a really nice whisper voice and a really nice soft speaking voice his production quality is is always top-notch and i cannot recommend it enough so um yeah and of course he you can go and watch all his thoughts on the video over at his channel you can watch it from his perspective over at his channel so um thanks for watching i hope you had a good time i know i sure did now i'm going to chat a little bit with dido about the games thanks for watching see you in the next video bye
Channel: ASMR Chess
Views: 130,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OIutwkYRY94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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