[ASMR] Daisy's かわいい Maid Cafe! ~

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um when you take this to Table three yeah should I take care of this are you sure yes get a shave my face close your teeth come on how did I do um I'm actually new here just a couple weeks but um my name is Daisy welcome to the doki-doki maid cafe table for one that's perfect huh we actually recommend that so that you can give your full attention to our lovely show and we can't entertain you and keep you company mm-hmm how many see so I'm supposed to sign you up for a membership at the dope dokey maid cafe you never eat alone okay [Music] he's supposed to be your server but it's just your server now I don't don't tell her I did that because we're not supposed to change the schedule too much okay hmm so before we get you seated are you looking for a good meal and a fun experience then you're at the right place ah there are lots of cafes around here but ours is the most kawaii now if you're looking for a coleye experience I would recommend leaving this building at 3 a.m. on your own with nobody walked to your car but Kauai is the name of the game today anyway I will need to sign you up for membership what is your name okay um we're going to call you ghost routine cyma that's your duty and when is your birthday if you say it your birthday today today's your birthday hey I'm me making out of that that's for sure um would you consider yourself a businessman um tourists huh Arnett hospital what says here you have to be one of them well I don't think I'm supposed to read that out loud okay I'll just put down need okay are you from Tokyo Regis visiting I have to ask that yes okay that's what I thought how much Japanese do you know okay do you have any allergies what's your blood type and you're so excellent are you staying nearby um okay you are all signed in um you can actually take a seat and I will be showing you our menu oh but first I'm supposed to give you some ears oh you know what why don't you just take mine they're a little loud anyway they call these knuckle ears I've never heard of an echo before but they look okay here you go look so well the the ears are supposed to have to be experienced okay hmm don't worry I have my hat here so we are doing just fine so here and this is our best sellers on this page our weekly specials the weekly specials are usually inspired by silly fads or you know whenever is hit them in nowadays so this week is yes some are themed she follows me everywhere and let me tell you our specials so we have the finger flutter scotch cookies and that comes with finger mutters while you eat we have bubble tea yoga oppa quite delicious we're also serving raw honey and aloe vera all right well why don't we take a look at our regular menu okay so we have the regular snapless so you have Pocky we have various flavors of Kit Kats chocolates candies we have rocket toast and that is a thick toasted sourdough with the grape and strawberry jam golden flakes on top it's very luxurious then we have our ramen selection and you can get whatever ramen you would like just the pork ones tonkatsu I'm I'm learning still I actually use the duolingo app so I've been learning lots of Japanese I can teach you some liter look perfect okay um would you like to take a look at our drinks instead well what I can do is I can give you the drink and dessert combination so you pick something like a coffee or a tea and then I'll bring out the dessert tray and you can take anything you want from there okay Sukhoi so here we have our copies and plants yeah and you can do upgrades whatever you want in that cinnamon we have our capybara coffee we have our erotica grab this tea selection like some tea okay that's great um once we have our peppermint ice to roughly pee I think I would recommend this one it's definitely got a kick to it let me open this okay listen to your own personal teapot and I'm going to put that in water and let that steep perfect alright next I will grab our dessert chase for you Oh get you a hot towel and a few hot towel hold out your hands and say ah do you got polka dymas teeth now sometimes the Western comes out of me okay I like working here I've had a lot of jobs in the past um but it's nice to do something a little different every once in a while heids I'm getting along really well with with most of the girls here hmm okay so here's our dessert plate and we have black and white cookies we have cupcakes they're very plump we have our mini carrot cake here and we have our cream puffs with the cherry on top you can actually take whatever you want mm-hmm yeah okay well is that here what's up here I think your tea is ready so go to a scene some huh may I pour you some tea you know how to say it to be honest perfect here's your tea and I'm supposed to add in the extras for you so we have our sugar here and what I'm going to do is add some in for you and then stir very gently as to not to make a clinking sound because that would be fun becoming yeah okay stay [Music] and let me get the look for you and I'll do a little design for you let me just add some years and then um maybe some eyes that just take those off the cheesecake it's a bear of course only need sprinkles mm-hmm well let me get some sprinkles for you [Music] five toss them on there all right now here it's your name much better and I'm supposed to blow on it so you don't burn your mouth okay now since you have your hot drink may I offer you a cold one we have this Jasmine green tea um actually my favorite so it's just green tea water vitamin C oh you don't want it you can just I understand you have your tea already so you don't want this go to waste now that it's been opened okay all right so I'm going to sit with you while you eat your food sorry hey your don't get so nervous this is your first time in a maid cafe we just seemed so confident yeah well like I said I've been learning Japanese um I know Nietzsche and sayonara and oh yeah sue me that means please don't sue me I'm trying to say that one a lot back at my other job mm-hmm well I do the app and I just do words every day so that one day I can be fluent and live in Japan forever I could definitely see myself working here for the rest of my life yes absolutely but I know I still have a lot to learn I said people keep coming back and requesting Daisy so what can I say oh I think we should take a picture what do you think okay mm-hmm okay let me get over there but um keep hearing people say it to me so I don't know I think it's pretty okay let's go print this out oh oh um unfortunately I don't think the picture worked out but don't worry we won't charge you for it no no what happened maybe you can try again before you okay no no I like starting to sing dance at them I just do the moves over here really notice I told them I wasn't a dancer I told them my moves are reserved for a certain you know what I mean she's so cute dance alone you can come to the maid cafe for the food instead yeah well you say the magic word it makes your food taste that much better so you go oh I see I see oh yes you have to say that okay ready okay now can I get you anything else I can actually pick up the food and hand-deliver it to your mouth okay well I don't know what sometimes um well ask Yuki if she needs any help because I think you were maybe supposed to be her customer like I said don't don't tell okay no don't help well thank you so much and I hope to see you in a few moments after I go talk to her maybe do it dancer too I'll see you on the stage okay [Music] you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 1,904,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ig0obzIHpFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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