[ASMR] Scalp Check & Massage @calmmoonasmr Tracing the Back, Gua Sha & Feather Work (Real Person)

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hi everyone thank you so much for joining me tonight I hope you are taking good care of yourself especially now that we're moving into a busy holiday season as you may know over the past month I've been traveling California and I wanted to share with you a few tips on how I've been keeping myself healthy and well first of all I have been cooking for myself as much as possible choosing fresh Whole Foods plenty of fruits and vegetables and staying away from from sugars and refined processed foods even with a healthy diet I do find that I need extra support through supplements to feel my best and my favorite supplement company which I have been using for over a year now is care of who is also the sponsor for today's video car of's daily vitamin packs have been super easy and convenient to travel with and take with me on the go these vitamin packs are personalized for me and and they change from month to month depending on my health and my goals all I have to do is take a short quiz on care of's website update my preferences goals and health history and care of recommends the best supplements for me based on scientific research care of sources the highest quality ingredients all supplements are rigorously tested and the Vitamin Pack film is compostable currently my vitamin P pack includes a multivitamin with iron in it I've also included turmeric omega-3 fish oil and vegetarian collagen in my vitamin pack to help my joints feel more comfortable and less stiff so that I can move around with ease and enjoy my daily walks with my boyfriend's cute little Corgi Zelda and of course like many of you watching I also struggle with sleep especially when it's a new unfamiliar environment I'm under stress or there's jet lag involved and that's when I turn to carab sleep blend which is a gentle blend of melatonin ashwagandha valan and passion flow extract that really helps to relax my mind before bed and help me fall asleep for my viewers carab is offering 50% off your first order all you have to do is click on a link in the description box the pinned comment or scan the QR code right here and use my code Sim all caps for that 50% off discount okay for for just applying some firm pressure to your upper trapezius helping to ground you and relax you and sinking in with your energy so that we may bring you deep relaxation calm and hopefully plenty of tingles welcome to your massage Natalie thank you so much thanks for being here so happy to me too it's such a dream come true I want to start off with lighting a candle and offering you some sweet grass here's some sweet grass that I harvested from my school's Garden a few years ago it was lovingly planted and maintained by the students and the gardener then in the fall we harvested it braided it this is all I have left and it's unraveled from its braid we're just going to twist it lovingly off to you thank you so much you're so welcome close your eyes and breathe in the sweet Aroma of the sweet grass it brings in beautiful positive energy makes you feel warm and safe and at peace it helps to integrate the mind the body and the Soul all together it a little bit more raise your arms to cover you in this sacred smoke okay may let your arms back down you also want to smudge your back beautiful spine offering it healing vibration your Lifeline your backbone we thank you for everything it does for you we're keeping you well and now let's go ahead and smudge your crown where you receive insight and wisdom from your higher self and from Spirit and then all the way down third eye to your throat spend some time with the heart your source of Love unconditional love and compassion and all the way down to the base of your body your sacred connection to Mother Earth your womb one more time thank you to go ahead and blow out this candle and move on to the massage going to apply some of this Tantra body oil from Sage it's a lovely floral scent and I find it's very sensual as well for today's massage is going to be slow and very intentional there's no rush and I'll be learning insights about your body as I touch it so that I can provide the support that you need the love that your body needs the care as a mother you don't have a lot of time for yourself to give yourself the care that you deserve and so I'm very happy and grateful to be able to provide that for you start with just gently kneading your trapezius muscles and let me just clip your hair up so it's out of the way for just twisting your beautiful hair into a bun perfect hair tie very gently securing the hair perfect I want you to go ahead and lay back so I can support your weight so you don't have to work so hard holding up your body you can relax a bit further definitely feeling some knots right here in the front the sternal cadal mastoid it's quite tight so I encourage you to lie back even more just apply a little bit of massage here very gently especially at this insertion point the clavical coal going to apply a little bit of friction to help release this knot this trigger trigger point invite you to give me feedback about if it's too much pressure if there's any pain feels great okay okay let's get that a bit of a rest also work on the upper trapezius a little bit [Music] more using my thumbs to search for any trigger points here there one right there and one right there so let's go ahead and do a little bit of a friction massage there as well I think it may be helpful to use some gacha tools I have a jade Crystal and rose quartz so use one on each side and just going to let me warm it up a little bit just going to apply a bit more pressure here go ahead and lean back a little bit there you go we're just using these gacha tools to break up adhesions in the muscles and creates a little bit of bruising which in traditional Chinese medicine is a very good thing means that toxins pathogens are being released for I'm going to use the pointier part of the guasa tool to apply some acupressure here this is governing vessel 21 which you'll find right at the peak of the upper trapezius muscles it's right there it's a wonderful point point for any pain in this area it also benefits the lungs descends lung Chi using circular motions and release good I find this point also helps with this feeling of like you're carrying the whole world on your shoulders you're carrying a lot of Burden by using this point we can help to release some of that burden and return it to Mother Earth where she can transform it into beautiful things so one more time take a deep breath in and out okay great you did wonderful just let that go right into the ground thank you but goodbye to all the burdens that have been weighing you down let let that go wonderful you're doing amazing going to massage the back of your necking pressure to the forehead I can already feel the muscles loosening is very good and grab a little bit more oil play it to the back would you be interested in some peppermint Halo okay play a little bit on your temples and along the interior hairline to the other [Music] Temple then just going to lean your head this way reply up and down your neck and shoulders other side perfect also apply some on either side of the spine and you'll feel a cooling tingling sensation go ahead and rub that in and just using my fingers to apply some pressure on either side of the spine beautiful spine carry so many bundles of nerves and blood vessels you should start feeling that tingling sensation okay now I'm going to release your hair beautiful hair and I want to do a little bit of a scalp check before we move on to massage start at the crown of your head the to your hairline so important to check your scalp for any concerns any health concerns tells you a lot about your health and also your nutritional status your hair and your scalp can tell you a lot about that whether you might need more healthy fats in your diet especially omega-3 oils like fish oil or whether you may be low on B vitamins or iron so also if you're protecting the scalp from UV ray we can take a look to see if there's any concerning Nei so far it looks very healthy do notice a little bit of dryness but nothing too concerning so it may be helpful to include some more healthy fats like avocado oil extra virgin olive oil fatty fish preferably Wild Card like salmon and ancho mackerel very good for your skin in general as well as your hair the moisture levels let look on this side here when you find that you aren't able to get all the nutrition you need from your diet there are gaps it can be helpful to supplement with high quality supplements that are preferably ethically source sustainably source S I really like using care off which is also the sponsor for today's video and you can check out the link below in the description in the pinned comment for more details on that and 50% off your first order let's take a look at the back here I want to just separate the hair right at the midline for okay it looks really healthy back here don't notice any aemma any subaric dermatitis or aema any Nei at all moisture levels back here look good as [Music] well so so you're doing a great job beautiful I'm noticing that your hair is very evenly distributed full beautiful on this side a little bit long amazing you're doing such a great job Natalie taking good care of yourself just part the hair again and let a bit of a scalp massage shampooing motion just to stimulate the scalp's apply a little bit more peppermint Halo into your scalp maybe back here as well and massage that in find that applying essential oils to the scalp diluted in some carrier oil helps to stimulate blood flow to the scalp area this can often help to stimulate hair growth as well for for and just going to comb out your hair as well for for for I want to use this beautiful iridescent Stone let me show you what that looks like you want to use that to massage your back as well and I'm working on the erector spiny muscle at this time tends to get really tense just with having to hold ourselves up let's keep some focused attention to this area apply a little bit more oil for for and I want to work on the levator scapula muscle which often is very tight just from us shrugging her shoulders all the time it function is to elevate the [Music] scapula let's apply some pressure here and on this side right there right to the superior medial border of the scapula it's where it inserts and just running it along the medial border of the [Music] scapula to release any tension in this area noticing not right here so let's just neede that a little bit more good other side it's the same spot that feels tense here and now moving on to more light touch for Natalie as we close this massage tracing our lovely back in a exact motion yeah it's a little bit tickless thanking our beautiful heart all the love she offers to her family her friends and the world through her also incredibly relaxing videos if you haven't checked out her Channel yet please do the calm Moon ASMR have no doubt you're going to love it love every single video and you can tell that they've all been created from her very generous loving and empathetic heart so just offer a little bit more love here and I'll Place one hand the front of her chest and apply some pressure and our beautiful lungs enable her to breathe and talk and [Music] sing and provide ASMR videos for all of you in CS offering healing light through my hands so that your lungs may be well healthy and the Le offering healing light to the liver as well as the spleen for all that they do thank you then the kidneys let's give some love to the kidneys filtering blood take away toxins and waste metabolites for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body thank you the spine again I always come back to the spine thank you and now some light feathery touch with these magnificent turkey feathers from a beautiful wild turkey on our land ask the turkey to invite in gratitude unconditional love and takeway shame guilt insecurities so that we may be able to receive the love of others and of ourselves and love of Father sky and Mother Earth fully it's the shame the shame that blocks us from that so we let that go sweep it away sh thank you turkey and last but not least going to apply a wet towel just to cool you off and wipe off any excess oil and just a friction R here perfect thank you so much Natalie for joining us today and I'm so happy to have given you this massage thank you so much you're so welcome for everyone watching have a beautiful night and sweet dreams and be sure to check out Natalie's Channel comun more for more lovely relaxation and tingles thank you and good night
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 713,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, semide asmr, asmr real person, asmr gua sha, asmr feather work, asmr massage, asmr scalp check, asmr relax, asmr video, scalp check, massage, semide, calm moon asmr, asmr collaborate
Id: MGywnpxTTJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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