[ASMR] @ChelsASMR Scalp Check + Light Touch Tracing Back and Face Massage (Real Person)

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Hello friends welcome to another ASMR massage video this video we have the beautiful ch's ASMR and I will be massaging her back shoulder and neck and doing some tracing just a really fun tingly time I hope you enjoy it so on the farm here in eastern Ontario Canada it's been very cold but we enjoying this wonderful winter season our land is covered in a thick blanket of snow it's all white and it looks so enchanting I love to walk in the woods with my dog Ash and we go all the way back to the creek which is all frozen over except for one spot where there's a babbling Rush of water and that's all you hear it's totally silent otherwise is and it feels so Serene it just feels like Ash and I are the only ones awake and the rest of the world is asleep it is so incredibly magical with Mother Earth Frozen and rusting there are far fewer chores for us to do on the farm so we've mainly been retreating into the home feeding our fire cozing up next to it my cats have been staying in the barn for most of the time the cold nights I invite them into my y to stay extra warm and our chickens huddled together on the roast trying to keep each other warm as well one of our hens yo-yo has gone fruity meaning that she wants to know hatch some chicks in the middle of winter so we decided to honor her wish and bring her into the home so that she can hatch her chicks in a nice warm and private space so hopefully we'll be getting chicks in about mid-February nowadays it gets dark by 5:00 p.m. so the nights are very long so I've decided to embark on a journey of learning a language and I chose French my goal for 2024 is to be able to speak French confidently with locals and actually understand what they're saying back to me that would be such a dream so in order to help me do that I have downloaded the app bble which is also the sponsor for today's video thank you bble bble is one of the top language learning apps in the world and I am loving it so far my experience in high school learning French was difficult and teacher was always judging me it was really scary but Babble has been such a different learning experience it has been so much fun currently I'm going through the refresher course one let me show you right here I love that Babble teaches real world conversation skills the lessons are designed by real language teachers and they teach me practical conversations that I can use with French speakers that's what I need are also podcasts everyday conversations games these are really fun come on I did it there are 13 languages you can choose from including German French Spanish Italian Portuguese Indonesian Turkish and more let me know in the comments below which language you'd like to learn and click on the link in the description box or the pinned comment to get 60% off your subscription at baffle now let's move on to a relaxing massage with gel's ASMR for e for for for for for welcome Chelsea to your massage thank you so happy to have you here today the intention and prayer for this massage is for you to be deeply relaxed to feel peace and deep relaxation so that you may be able to fall asleep easily and sleep through the night so today's massage is going to be more playful and consist of light touch I know you like it when someone touches your face so we're going to do plenty of that we'll also do a little bit of massage and attention for your shoulders your upper back trapezius muscle area around your clavicles your neck of course your scalp your hair and then at the end of the massage we'll have you flip over and we'll do some back tracing how does that sound sounds amazing okay good so starting off just just running my fingers through your hair just getting you adapted to my touch and we're stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system to begin the process of relaxation so there's nothing you have to do but just lie back enjoy let your mind go blank we're going to use this beautiful wild turkey feather to help us calm you down and to help your mind feel at ease for any worries and distractions to melt away just lower this through a little bit so we have a bit more access to your skin just gently using the turkey feather stroking it across your face and down your arm wiping away anxiety any nervous tension you've been holding on to [Music] today I know it was stressful for you this morning getting here thought of meeting new people being in a new environment is not easy you're so incredibly Brave to come out here and experience something new and exciting even though it's outside your comfort zone I'm so happy to be here with you and so honored to offer you this ASMR session we're going to work on this side now just again gently stroking your [Music] face and just sweeping away any tension at all that you've been [Music] holding in your face in your brain any of your [Music] muscles [Music] especially any any of the muscles that control the jaw such as the temporalis muscle right here ask that muscle to relax to be at ease you're safe you're protected and this time is especially dedicated to you now paying attention to your masser muscles just at the angle your mandible asking them to relax and be at ease sweeping the tension away again Medicine of the turkey is one of freeing yourself of Shame and guilds any insecurities you may have about yourself can allow the turkey feather to take it away it's not needed here returning to a place of self love acceptance compassion [Music] recognition that you are a miracle brought into this world we thank you for all the souls that you serve every single day and gently turning your head to the side I want to pay some attention to the acial region of your skull the hair here noticing that the hair is a little bit Tangled so let's go ahead and comb it out there we go now a more delicate comb with thinner or or narrowly spaced teeth go through your hair again this time a little bit more pressure to massage the scope for just working on the ends a little bit more here we go perfect lovely I'm simply tracing your face beautiful lines from your chin to your jaw up to your [Music] temple tracing the circumference the [Music] ear just small delicate little ears [Music] and each part of the body that we're paying attention to and touching tracing we also offering love and appreciation going to place my hands on your sternal CL mastoid as well just Trace from sternum up all the way to your mid process we we tend to hold a lot of tension in this [Music] muscle as we hold our head up throughout the day has to work against gravity so we just offer this muscle some love and gratitude for what it does for us every day there's a second head that goes to the clavical as well thinkk it as well thank you tracing your clavicles where so many muscles insert into tracing all the way to the AC chromian down the humoris and back up thank you so much for taking care of Chelsea today for I'm going to go ahead and roll on some of this peppermint Halo start out your left temple and work through this anterior hairline all the way to the other Temple here also going to apply some your recipal region and down the upper trapezius towards the acroman and down the humoris and your deltoid muscles just the same thing on the other side perfect we can gently use circular emotions to massage that in to your skin into your blood it's going to feel really tangly it acts as an analgesic to take away any pain and discomfort any tension and it also has a cooling sensation I want to apply a little bit more into your scalp massage that in as well now I'm going to use this pair of knitting needles to apply some head scratching massage in your hair here I'm really trying to stimulate the scalp bringing blood flow to the surface this should feel really Pleasant as I'm doing this I'm also checking the scalp and seeing if there's any areas of concern noticing a tiny little Cherry angom here but it isn't concerning it's a [Music] nine otherwise color looks uniform and flesh colored by now you should be feeling the the cooling sensation of the pepper and Halo I don't notice any lesions in this area that's good hair also looks uniform and full moisture levels are are good as as well let's take a look on the other side here also a very healthy scalp on this side nothing concerning scratching a little bit more good very good okay all right applying a little bit of traction to the neck decompressing the spine releasing tension applying pressure right here upper trapezius for now I'm using this terahertz facial roller from ASMR twixes line please take care of me and gently rolling it all over the face helping to cool it down and from the interior hairline the midline all the way down between the eyebrows along the bridge of the nose to the tip pay a little more attention to the nose offering gratitude for everything it does breathing smelling what a miracle it is to [Music] have these sensory organs from the [Music] eyes the [Music] nose mouth the tongue her sense of taste the ears to listen listen to the voices of our loved ones to listen to the song of birds the flow of water in the ocean sensation of touch experiencing touch how wonderful okay Chelsea let's have you turn around all right so for this last part massage let's go ahead and give some attention to your beautiful back skin is very soft and moist smooth there's no dry patches very lovely healthy skin no dermatitis okay just going to move these straps a little bit so I can access more of your back perfect and to start with some gentle tracing up and down the back I especially love to pay attention to the spine our Lifeline our central nervous system our backbone we can offer thanks to each vertebrae can often find C7 right the base of the neck where it meets thorax and T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 t7 which often corresponds with the base of the scapula T8 and so on so forth all the way down to T12 then L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 and and the sacrum we'll focus on the upper back today I want to apply a little bit of oil [Music] using the entire surface of my hand to apply the wheel on your back and your upper arms some light scratching and then smoothing it out and then some light touch we trace a heart the back of your heart this is right where your heart is actually a little bit more to the right side just give it a little bit more love thank it for the hard work it does every day pumping blood throughout the body to every cell of your body and pulling waste blood back into the heart taking the blood to the kidneys which are on either side of your lower back where the blood is filtered so incredible thank you we thank your lungs for allowing you to breathe so that oxygen may be sent to every cell of your body to make ATP for energy let's give some love to the liver as well liver is such an incredible organ and Metabolism digestion detoxification producing enzymes absorption as well thank you going to use these turkey feathers again to gently sweep the back and again sweeping away any shame any insecurity any judgment whether we've placed that on ourselves or whether it was from somebody else sweep that away so that All That Remains is gratitude love unconditional love and compassion for ourselves and now both feathers either side very gently down the spine placing my hands on your back sending in so much healing love and light prayer that you may continue to heal yourself and those that you serve that you may be happy and in love with the world around you you may always find joy and peace even in the the most difficult of times thank you Chelsea for joining me today thank you I hope that this massage has helped you enter into a deep state of relaxation so that you may sleep well and have very sweet dreams thanks to everyone who's watching I hope you sleep well us also and we'll see you again the next video bye now okay that so amazing yeah
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 224,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IYf2BgjuNPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 58sec (3358 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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