[ASMR] Real Person Scalp Check & Massage + Chinese Acupoint Neck, Shoulder & Upper Back Massage

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Just take the time to take deep breaths in and out. Just familiarizing each other to other's touch voices sounds It's been a while, hasn't it? Yeah Luckily now that, um, we have this thing called the social circle, I'am able to see you again, and offer you another massage. I'd love that. So how are you feeling today? Feeling good, a little bit tired, so, I'm looking forward to this. Yeah, I'm so glad. And we are near a busy street. There are cars passing by... Right on cue. But try to allow it to add to the atmosphere , Instead of taking away from it. So you were saying earlier that you're feeling a lot of neck pain, is that right? Yeah okay, And mainly the traps, upper traps? Yes, yeah, Okay This'll definitely work on that. I want to give you a scalp check, scalp massage, neck and shoulder massage, as well as a bit of upper back and pecs. And we'll also do some acupressure points that are directed towards Improving pain in the neck and the shoulder , okay? I'd love that. Awesome. so... We're gonna start off grounding ourselves with a little bit of Tibetan singing bowl sounds Just taking it nice and slow. Allowing you to dissolve any negative energy emotions... And allow us to return to our essence... And allow us to connect with our consciousness and each other's consciousnesses which, ultimately are one. Come from this side Okay Usually I use Palo Santo or sage. Today, I thought the sound could be another incredible way to disperse negtive energy. Mmm And replace it with some more positive healing, um, intentions here. So I do have an amethyst and some selenite. This is actually yours. The amethyst is for healing, and relaxation. Which is what we wanna do today. We want to relax you as much as possible, and also help to heal any of these aches and pains that you're feeling along your traps, okay? And it heals not just the physical pain but also internal pain coming from emotions, anything psychological... It's often times when we are stressed. We tend to slouch we tend to tense up and hold a lot of that stress in our traps especially. So it's sort of a two-fold healing that we're doing today. The selenite is very cleansing. Right? You can tell us more about that, actually. Yeah, it's very cleansing, It's usually used to cleanse other crystals, Mmm... and the selenite wand is nice for cleansing the aura Cleansing energies surrounding you Mmmhmm And for tapping into the ground chakras. Perfect, which is right up here, Mmm Okay Just applying a little bit of traction at the top and then back down. Now we're going to do a bit of kneading but before we do that is it okay if I take off your necklace. Ya, go ahead. Okay I'm going to grab some massage oil And this is just extra virgin olive oil But I am going to add a little bit of this Tantra body oil by Sage and this has a couple of essential oils, orange, lavender, it has vanilla cinnamon camphor sandalwood ginger as well as Champa You are the master of Tantra, aren't you? I wouldn't call myself a master But you've been learning a lot about it Yeah, it is a very powerful modality, for healing, for interconnection. Hmmm So here in the west Tantra is often misinterpreted as something that's very sexual and only sexual right? And erotic But you've taught me that there's a lot more to it . Can you talk about that a bit more? Yeah Tantra is a very holistic practice It is spiritual in its essence and it accepts sex as the foundation of life Mm-hmm It's the reason why we're here, Right It's how life is created, and so it accepts it whole-heartedly which I think people misinterpret there are a lot of practices to eradicate shame around our sexuality. Hmmm which can be powerful. yeah Because that's where our creative energy is stored, Mmhmm which can help raise it, and allow it to come into full fruition as creativity or other forms of creativity. And that's really what tantra is about it's full acceptance , it's accepting the whole of what we are. Right And embracing non-duality. yeah, that's my spiel. Thank you So I see it as like Connection in so many different ways. So what I'm doing with you right now, this massage is it's sensual it's intimate but there's nothing sexual about it, right? Mm-hmm And it stimulates your senses. That's why it's so pleasurable. Yeah And with Tantra we talk about like the celebration of senses and you talked about non duality How we're and non duality can show up in so many ways in our life, right mm-hmm ya, when we tap into our senses we allow ourselves to somatically experience life , to be in our bodies and not our minds. Because duality is in the head it's a concept to think something is good or to think it's bad. It's just a concept It is an idea But when you tap into your senses and you allow your body to experience something in that very moment. There is no concept, it just is Mm-hmm It can't be good, it can't be bad. It just is and that's where joy, bliss, love. is found all those unconditional emotions. Right And that can be hard for the human mind to grasp, so mm-hm I think maybe it's best for us not to try to wrap her mind around it but rather just feel this. Exactly Like feel the sensation of my hands moving down either side of your spine right now , and the connection that we are having whether it's physical or mental or spiritual. Yeah And feeling totally at ease. Yeah Just at ease because right now there's nothing to worry about at all is there? All you have to do is feel and just relax into my touch allowing me to knead those traps. Okay We're just gonna start with that bit of massage for now and I'm gonna do a bit of a scalp check as everyone loves that. Okay So I've never done a scalp check on you before Ediya, but I hope you enjoy it. I am looking forward to it. Just clipping the right side of your hair So we can focus on the left side And I do this every time I'm before I do a scalp massage. So I can look for any signs of abnormalities in your scalp. And it looks like you're taking really good care of your your scalp here because I don't see any Irritation or redness. And just working section by section. Just smoothing over the hair a little bit so that I can look more closely. Okay Have you do you have any itchiness in your scalp right now? No It's good. Any concerns at all? Mm, no. okay So this is, it's just gonna be a relaxing portion. I want to make sure I'm doing a good job. Okay Grab another clip here Here we go It's almost like a lice check. Like nits and lice and whatnot. There's a little bit of redness right here but that looks pretty normal it just looks like a little cherry angioma. Okay Oh, sorry Okay Just clip that away too Here you go Your hair is very very healthy . Okay And I'd like to really take my time so I don't miss any areas. It is very relaxing so So you're not complaining just gonna brush you hair off to the side a little bit Oops Clip that Just checking the area of the external occipital protuberance. Finding a few pieces of dandruff here and there but not much. Now that I think of it sometimes I get a bit of itchiness at the bottom of my scalp Mmm, back here? yeah, okay, let me take a closer look yup, there's a Oh, no, that's just another little cherry angioma. Sort of a little red spot just completely benign Okay, let me clip some more hair over sorry just take this section, and clip it this way. Just like that Mmm Is there a little scar here or some scar tissue. Go over here Do you have any naturopathic advice for maintaining healthy hair and scalp ? Well I would definitely say I think you're doing a really great job. But we definitely recommend, I mean I can't speak for all and I'm only a student as well but I think making sure that you use clean products, nothing that has sulfates which can be really irritating and act as almost a detergent. Well, it is a detergent. And you want to make sure that you're allowing your scalp to produce its natural sebum to protect it So I wouldn't wash too often. And try to use more natural shampoos and conditioners. And of course, you can also do hair masks. Like with avocado, olive oil Omega-3 fatty acids can be really nourishing. Umm Even like banana masks. I did a yogurt and honey mask on my sister which really helped her. Banana masks as well? Mm-hm So you mash up the banana? Yeah, you can mash it up with an avocado. And umm, also protecting your hair from UVA and UVB rays cause that can damage it as well. I don't like wearing hats. Yeah Just be mindful if you know being in the shade. Mmm All of that It's good to get sunlight for sure, but just being mindful of your exposure especially if you have pale skin. Yeah Sometimes you forget that our scalp is also covered with skin and just because it's covered with hair doesn't mean that it shouldn't be protected too. That's true. Sometimes, I mean not to scare you or anything, but sometimes you discover melanomas in the scalp and people don't realize because it's not a part of their body that they regularly inspect. That's something else I look for too in the scalp check. Let me iust clip back some more hair. This should be fine. I think you're doing a really great job with your hair and your scalp. Yeah, I really like the the color of your hair as well. It's like a nice chestnut brown with some red highlights in it. Thanks it is really pretty . Just checking the front area. Okay, Looks very healthy. Ediya, it's a great job. Okay Sorry So now we're just going to do a simple scalp massage. Just offering a little bit of traction working backwards. And then just a shampooing motion and a little bit of scratching too. You do have a lot of hair. So, i'm gonna try to see if this will work if not, we may to get a hair tie. Yeah, I think I need to get a hair tie. I'll be right back. Alright So we had no luck finding a hair tie, but I found this. Mmm , hair, um, hair band, head band Just get all this hair out of the way. This beautiful hair. I think it's important that no matter how much hair you have we show it some love. I've been doing that much more often now. Starting every morning, thanking my body. thanking the areas that I may be insecure with which for the longest time it was my hair. Because with PCOS you often experience hair loss. Mm That's something that I'm slowly recovering from. Is that okay, is it too tense or, No, it is perfect. okay So I try to offer my hair lots of love I think your hair is beautiful. Thank you. Okay, so we're gonna Go ahead and do this neck massage, and I'm going to use some peppermint halo. Okay Or would you prefer peppermint halo or pain release? I like peppermint . Okay. Just gonna use some of this. Just tilt your head like that, perfect Good You know it. You're gonna feel a really nice cool, tingling sensation. Perfect in the heat of the summer. Very good. We're gonna use that as sort of the oil that we're using for the rest of the massage. Just gonna hold onto your forehead right here. And working my hands into the upper traps. Just kneading it. you can lean right into my hand if you want, there you go. Good And the smell of the peppermint it's getting into my eyes getting into my nose and my mouth just taste it in the air. I love it. I'm just gonna work up the spine from the lower thorax up to the upper thorax And then do cervical. I really like that. Good And the trapezius muscle is a huge muscle. It's basically (which one is that?) The trapezius? Mmm So it starts here like it connects to your occipital ridge and your um this is I think it's called the nuchal. I forget what it's called, but there's a nuchal thing here and so it connects all of that as well as the vertebrae and then it works down this way. Right, So the traps are the trapezius Mmm-hmm yeah the trapezius exactly and then all the way down here as well. And it goes down fairly low. I think um the lower thoracic vertebrae. Mmm I'd have to check my anatomy notes. Okay, I'm actually gonna work on the lower traps a little bit. So we just Try to support you as best as I can. Umm, just using my fingers and kneading into the muscle. I'm starting to feel the peppermint on my forehead. Oh, you feel it on the forehead? Yeah Is it going into your eyes at all or no? No. Okay, very good. Feels like I a took nice cold shower. It's wonderful. I actually realized that I like working on the ground Hmm Yeah, I usually work on a chair when it comes to massages or a massage table But I found that working on the floor and kneeling in this way. It really feels more grounding Yeah Like having so many contact points with the ground. Yeah, for sure. Very meditative. Mmm-hm And just going back to kneading the upper traps again. And also work into the pecs a little bit That 's nice. So I know you've probably been doing push-ups. Yeah, Good I've been working on that. And I'm just gonna have you lean into my hand like this. Very good I'm just gonna knead up like that. This is we're kind of working into the sternocleidomastoid now. Very good. okay, So now we can start working into the acupressure points. And the first point I want to do it's gallbladder 20 and it's known as Fengchi. This point you can find between the upper trapezius and the sternocleidomastoid. So, right over here this nice depression. So I'll find both of them and just massage them both same time like this You can just lean back again like that. And Fengchi, actually can you tell me what Fengchi means? I don't know what it means. So Feng is wind, Mmm, Chi is pool. Pool Yeah, mm-hm So here's where pools of wind end up getting stuck, right? So in traditional Chinese medicine, there are different pathogens external pathogens that can enter the body and one of them is wind. And we have a wind gate which spans from the external occipital protuberance down to about the second thoracic vertebrae. And in this area, It's most susceptible for wind to go in. And so with acupuncture and acupressure, we usually target this area to expel wind. And so, this point the Fengchi the pool of wind, It's one way we can expel wind. Interesting. Yeah My mom talks a lot about wind. I never really understood it. Mm-Hm Oftentimes in the winter and transitional seasons that's when We are most susceptible to wind entering our bodies. Mmm, And it can show up as wind cold or wind heat. And they're essentially the common cold, but there's two presentations. One more signs of heat and one is more signs of cold. So it's really beneficial to target this area. But It's also really good for relieving pain, neck pain, stiffness. Mmm Okay The next point is gallbladder 21 which I've done this before. You simply work up this trapezius muscle and find the peak. So right here. And just press into it. yeah, mm-hm, I feel that. This one is called Jianjing. It means the well of the shoulder. Which makes sense this is where we find that depression. This one's used a lot for any type of shoulder pain, any stiffness of the neck when you have difficulty turning the neck for example, you can apply pressure to this point or perform acupuncture right here. It clears and opens up the channel the gallbladder channel. Mm-hmm Just applying pressure here I should do this more often. Just gonna stand up a little bit Just a little longer okay? Go in the other direction. Okay, very good. Yeah, breathe it out at all let it all flow out. Okay So the next point is small intestine 14. And for this point, I'm going to actually have you so I'm finding the two prominent spinous processes. And I want you to just flex your neck forward for me. Good And back. very good thank you So this is the way that we've been taught at school to figure out which one's C7 and which one is T1. So T1 is the one that stays put C7 will move with your neck. So this is T1. And We're going to go three cun lateral which is in line with the medial border of your scapula. So right here. Press down into that as well. And again just adding some more weight into that. So the next point is small intestine 15, which we'll find um, when I find your laryngeal prominence, which is right here. we move back and then we're gonna find the posterior border of the SEM which is right there. let's look on this side. And we're gonna follow the lines of your neck. Just like that. And not putting too much pressure here. But you can see there's a knot right there Just help release it. This point benefits the sinews relieves pain. This point benefits the voice and throat. It's really good for ASMRtists. Okay And just going to end off this massage with a little back tracing game. Would you like that? Mmhmm Okay So I'm going to trace something on your back okay? and you're gonna let me know what it is. So, I'll start off with something simple That's a star Yeah, because you are a star. Okay Next I'm going to trace something else. This is more difficult. That is a lot more difficult . A chicken nugget. A chicken nugget? Okay, let's try again. Maybe I'll do it with one of the knitting needles. Okay, so it's as if I'm drawing on your back. A butterfly No. There you go. A flower No. Let me make it simpler. How do I make it simpler? Okay, so it's an animal. Okay Just giving a little hint. A little inspiration from someone downstairs. Oh, a dog. It's a dog. Okay one more, are you ready for one more? Yeah All right, ummm Let's do Hmm, let me think about this one. Oh, okay, this is a fruit, okay? Oh, a pineapple. Good job. Awesome job. Okay, that's the end of your massage, how are you feeling? Good I feel really good. So glad. Thank you so much for spending this time with me. Have a great rest of the day. Thanks.
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 2,370,118
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Keywords: asmr scalp massage, asmr real person scalp massage, asmr neck massage, asmr real person massage, asmr real person neck massage, asmr scalp massage real person, real person asmr, asmr scalp check, asmr real person scalp check, real person scalp check, asmr shoulder massage, asmr chinese acupoint scalp massage, asmr scalp check real person, asmr acupoint scalp massage, asmr massage, semide asmr, asmr real person back massage, asmr back massage, asmr back massage real person
Id: aCRw8QOc9xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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