ASMR Mean School Nurse Brittney Takes Care of You

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[Music] so so why are you here oh you don't feel good that sucks what's wrong with you no what do you what are your symptoms okay okay so you have a headache some body aches are you sure you're not lying trying to get out of class where'd you just come from oh history didn't history have an exam today 10th grade right yeah i could tell okay name that's your name you must have some unique parents grade 10th symptoms headache body ache anything else you just don't feel good just doesn't feel good okay i want to go home i don't want to be here should i go home have a glass of wine watch some bridgerton nice and sanitized you know it stupid whatever so because you have a headache i guess i can start whispering finally another one of course the school makes us do this okay i'm just going to listen to your heart there goes my face mask put it back where it belongs breathe in and out deeply again okay come on bigger breaths gosh so annoying there she goes again now i'm just going to be taking your blood pressure just lift up your sleeve for me please thanks okay i guess it's all right so just writing your information down so i love signing my name perfect yeah i gotta take care of you should be taking your temperature this thing is taking forever okay oh honey you have a slight temperature a slight fever slight temperature slight fever so i'm gonna have to call your mother tell her you're skipping class and she needs to come to get you and i'll tell her about your history exam too you're welcome hi i have your child in the nurse's office yes that child and they said they didn't feel good i know right i totally agree oh so you knew about the history exam yes exactly yep they came from that class okay take care thank you bye bye now so i talked to your mother and she said she's gonna be here in like 20 minutes to get you yeah she didn't really sound that concerned so must not be your first time doing this anyways i'm gonna check you for some more symptoms i'm just gonna feel around your neck area make sure you know nothing is swollen so just relax for me okay okay okay now i am going to take off these gloves first so now i want you to follow this light for me with your eyes obviously oh yeah just open your mouth for me please oh my god when was the last time you brushed your teeth okay close your mouth okay i'm gonna look in your ears look in this one look in this one okay just finish filling out the rest of your form open your hands do it rub them together gosh tell you have to do everything i guess you're stuck with me for like another 20 minutes 15 now i hope so like i know you said you had like body aches and i guess i'll try to help you because it's kind of my job so i have this heating pad you can use on wherever you're hurting [Applause] so i guess i'll look this up for you okay so it's next you just use it wherever you want would you like some more water yeah okay here dang someone was thirsty he finished the rest of this and i am required to give this offer it to everyone that comes in if you would like a lollipop um you know you see all the colors here but you get to have an orange one because the red and the blue are my favorite so here you go yeah so yeah enjoy that lollipop oh what's on your arm you have a nasty cut it looks like it's getting infected here you need to put some neosporin on it and a bandage keep it covered so no germs or anything can get in it here put the neosporin on yourself would i look like your mother okay very good so yeah i'm bored now i want to go play games on my phone no you cannot play games on your phone no i'm an adult you are a student you cannot have your phone out because if a principal walks in i'm gonna get in trouble not you so no phones i'm gonna go play on mine though your mom will be here soon just relax go to sleep
Channel: ASMR Darling
Views: 479,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taylor darling, asmr darling, tingles, tingly, whisper, sleep, relax, bitchy, brittney, mean, bitch, unkind, rude, roleplay, character, doctor, office, nurse, school, class, heart, beat, blood, pressure, cuff, pump, stethoscope, whispering, talking, soft, speaking, taking, care, of, you, nail, nails, filing, gum, chewing, writing, pen, clipboard, gloves, lotion, hand, sounds, flashlight, follow, light, scratching, fabric, bandaid, crinkling, wrapper, cosplay, medical
Id: mKKmcQ1X5Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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