ASMR Doctor Roleplay - Yearly Exam

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it's me dr. darling very very nice to meet you so you're here for your yearly examination yeah I have your file right here and I just want to ask you some questions before we get started on this examination process for you okay your name I have your date of birth your age I have your allergies your height your weight I need to get your blood pressure and I also need your you have any problems or questions you have for me okay are you on any kind of prescribed medication right now okay how is your tie you need to work on that exercise please tell me that's good okay you smoke you smoke do any kind of drugs okay you don't smoke cigarettes and you have the occasional like the wine beer so you'll drink that often okay are you aware of any STDs you have are there any other health concerns that you want to bring to mind okay everything looks fantastic now did get your blood work so we'll have the results for that after okay now let me just examine you I see you have some bruises on your legs is it from any outdoor activities or do you easily okay now I'm going to be taking your blood pressure first of everything okay will you roll up your sleeve for me please so I get into which arm what you prefer now please roll up your sleeve for me because your blood pressure is 100% normal just write that down okay next I am going to be taking your heart rate just relax for me all you would do in the morning dispense Co is going to be gold now just breathe in now for me breathe it out for me nice big deep nice big deep breath to go around to your back now I'll tell you when to breathe it out now your armory and sounds yes your heart rate is 100% normal you have nothing to worry about there next thing I will be doing is I will be putting on some weight Dex cloths and I will basically be examining I'll first start off with your head and I'll be examining your mouth we're closed I can find you there I got arrested sorry I did just wash my hands so you'll not worry about any kind of turns over bacteria or anything okay so I just want you to I just want you to open it for me ah whenever a wide open up a little lighter everything looks too with your mouth [Music] next we will be doing your eye checkup so over here I want you to follow decide with your eyes I found the other glove I want you actually here I actually want you to follow this bigger light I want to see how well your rehab your eyes react to different types of lighting okay okay now I'm just going to simply be touching your face to make sure everything feels tight supposed to and also I will be moving on to your head do you're doing so okay everything feels the wage I think now I will be digging flashlight again and I need to look it in your ear so I will be going a pin there anything I just need to take a quick little beep for you now the other year everything works so far so you're doing an amazing job I think both yours look so your eye line okay now for the last a few steps are couple steps I'm just going to be exhibiting your hands yeah I'm just going to be thoroughly everything looks fine I'm going to be checking his arm so put it out for me okay I think that your arms and your hands are fine and I will be writing it down right now well I think for our yearly checkup for you I have all your information what I need so that is all you can see Nancy on the way out so you can give her your insurance all day thank you so much for joining me my name is dr. darling I hope you have a wonderful
Channel: ASMR Darling
Views: 8,870,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taylor darling, asmr darling, tingles, doctor, roleplay, annual, yearly, exam, check-up, examination, latex, gloves, heart rate, writing, pencil
Id: 8hkGXGZZJpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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