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hey guys welcome back there's nothing I enjoy more than a good fail cuz it makes me feel better about my own self I think the funny part about that joke is the fact that it's true it's not even really a joke it's just just facts now I pride myself on being able to flirt over text messaging I feel like that's one of the things I do best in the world that is to say I don't have many talents otherwise and this is just one of the few things I do okay so that gives me the opportunity to look down on people so let's look down on some people who said some stupid stuff how do you want it baby shirtless picture kind of want those pop-tarts Wow eagle eye over here [ __ ] spotted the pop-tarts from a mile away what I want to focus on here is the fact that I don't know when this person sent the picture but the person responding responded at 12:50 p.m. so that's 1250 in the afternoon who sends shirtless pictures in the morning nobody should be doing that also I know why this picture is cropped it's not so that he can keep his anonymity it's to hide the fact that he's scrunching his face cuz he's flexing so hard like he's got the camera and he's like how do you want it baby I want a picture for my birthday guy sends a picture of his face happy birthday of you naked guy says has a picture naked but it's only his face below the belt okay and this is where it gets clever he sends a picture holding up a belt what I want to know is how that belt has such a lateral like wouldn't it dangle how did this guy do it look at look at the SAG look at the SAG on the belt how did he how did it okay okay bro I know your tricks you hold it from the side I was thinking you were some sort of [ __ ] wizard nope you're just good with belts are you a monster embedded winky face I don't like to brag but that's a picture of clef from Monsters Inc I don't know his real name but I feel like it's something similar to cliff this picture actually makes me cringe though because there's pizza directly on the sheets and that's gonna stain that's gonna be a problem even then tipped over cam that's a problem for me how do you sleep like that how do you sleep with pizza right next to you you wake up with sauce all over yourself I want to see you go on my Instagram whoever responded go on my Instagram I wanna be friends with you because that is so genius night don't spell night like that don't just don't do it you're gonna be tempted to to shave one letter off but don't do it love you love you too in bed now send me a dirty pic need inspiration and ice sarah sends back a picture of a dirty bowl Oh see this is the kind of person I don't want to be friends with I hate dirty dishes and now that's just in our text thread forever that's just gonna be there every time I want to scroll up I'm gonna to see that god damn it Sarah you home ye I want to be friends with this guy now you it's not yes it's not yeah this is ye can I have the thing the thing but all this person wanted was the history notes how sad is that send me a dirty pink my dirty sink get off what are you doing lying in my bed naked yes show me it's dark I don't care pot big shirt yeah sup sup sup sup suck suck suck I mean dude is committed I mean over a three-month span July September August October over a four month span he said so seven times with no response and if I could draw your attention to the bottom of this picture looks like December 11th he sent another message I appreciate your commitment to sing what's up to people but I think at a certain point you've got to take the hit bro just to warn you I'm we're turning pretty sunburned promise not to make fun of me too much hey sorry to do this but I kind of randomly met someone yesterday he's separate from OkCupid we hit it off and I kind of want to see where it goes no worries thanks for letting me know and good luck what do you mean you randomly met someone on OkCupid you go there to meet somebody so it's not random but I really really feel so bad for the person that texted this because they texted them back after some sort of vacation and they're like how odd please don't make fun of me let haha we have our insight thing and the other person's like I got someone new so the first person can only be like yeah no no it's not like I was thinking about you all vacation and couldn't wait to get back and text you and it's not like I've been thinking about that message for days haha no no I wish you all the best yeah that person that you met they're probably better than me anyways it's fine it's fine good luck thank you again for an amazing first date smiley face anytime winky face when's the second date I can't wait to see those big beautiful nipples of yours no I'm so sorry I meant dimples my phone changed it I did not mean to right nipples if I was the guy I would have let it ride just go with the nipples and then if she's like oh really then you're in but if she's like Oh what the hell you're like oh no I'm so sorry autocorrect you played your cards too soon there my friend you should have held on to them with the autocorrect excuse so that she's not receptive to the nipple thing he could be like up autocorrects here you go see that's not what I meant but if she's into the nipple thing then you can be like that's what I meant the whole time I would really appreciate it if you would stop texting my girlfriend I would really appreciate it if you would stop cock-blocking me blocking I mean again another let's let it ride baby that way if the guy texts back something like what you can be like you heard me just really create this person out so that they don't want to [ __ ] with you November 24th Happy Thanksgiving December 14th what's up cute stuff December 25th hey I know you're up and unwrapping awesome gifts a very Merry Christmas to you and yours Chris December 28th hey how was your holiday Chris is just the worst kind of texture he's the person that texts you when it's holidays trying to get in with you you know you're trying to like start a conversation using the holiday as a reason to text you but you don't want to talk to Chris you know are you really dumb I guarantee you if this picture was bigger there's a text on the 31st saying hey Happy New Year's Eve we got plans and then a subsequent one on the first that says hey Happy New Year's Day how was your New Year's did you get drunk Chris just knows this is a failed gambit he's now it's not gonna work how do I know this cuz he literally puts his name at the end of a text message you must think that there's a chance that they don't have you saved as a contacts that you're just a number that's embarrassing Chris Chris give it up how do I tell Chris I like him though these things are hard you just did le winky face oh my gosh I'm so sorry that was - Jenna her name isn't even close to mine though did you send this on purpose to me don't worry if you did winky face maybe winky face what's up with these people I hope they don't get together cuz this is too many Winky faces for one short interaction does that mean that you like me - no period come on Ellie you gotta be more subtle than this Jenna Chris there's too many letters in between you gotta go by the one letter rule if the name starts with like a B you can go a or C but you can't go D there are rules to the game Elly learn to play that's why you get rejected because you don't know the [ __ ] rules did you get my snapchat what was it my dick oh I thought it was your thumb oh yeah it does kind of look like a penis same size - good afternoon beautiful no I'm gonna be honest man I'm glad this person got rejected because that's too blunt of a compliment you can't just you can't just from the jump start throwing cobble it's on the other person good afternoon beautiful like how you doing gorgeous stop stop it get some help you can't just swoop in with the compliments man you gotta be smoother you gotta you gotta just kind of slide them in when they don't expect them send me a pic of surprise me how dare you ruin ariana grande's beautiful beautiful head Wow I'm disgusted she looks like a like an uncle I like you do you like me no sad face you never asked me if I loved you oh do you love me know what I like so much about this one is you got the roller coaster going man do you like me hopes up no we're at a real low here but you never asked me if I loved you all the hopes are going back up no want to hang out tonight what time any time I'm free whenever I'm gonna invite you to a group setting because they don't ever want to be alone with you and give you the idea that I would ever date you ha ha why don't you say like yes but I only see you as a friend as are you cool with that instead she's got to go for the jugular by saying I don't want to be alone with you friends can be alone with each other what the hell Mindy and give you the idea that I would ever date you so not only am I not interested in you but I'm so uninterested that there is nothing that you could ever do that I would ever be interested in you someone sends a picture of their dick on a toilet double gross you like not even a question mark you lack they got the banana cutter seems like it would be about the right size undeterred they send I shouldn't say deterred because they're on the toilet they send a second dick pic how about this would person sends a picture of them cutting a meet Wow bye yeah they're the one that you need to run away from not the person sending two unsolicited dick pics Hey message me back when you can I have a boyfriend congratulations which part of the PowerPoint should I do I feel like I know this girl's name it's like Fran something really uptight Fran thinking about you send a dick picture who the is this it's Vincent with the ellipses in the question mark I feel like that's the face people make after they send it it's Vincent I don't know any Vincent's also I showed this to all my friends and they laughed and she sent a picture of her friends all going like this dudes you got a tiny dick your dick is so small that she literally covered it up with a mustache I want to be more than friends you mean best friends no more oh my god mega best friends yeah way to shut that down speaking of shutting that down ha ha ha that's funny I wasn't even wearing makeup today well hey they have good taste at least I know right yup so how's your day going beautiful mmm I hate that too I hate the colon and the P that sound dirty it's good do you need me to walk you back walk me back back to the friend zone you just tried to escape from oh just shutting it down good job good job don't try to slide in but you're beautiful or you're gorgeous or you're attractive at the end of how's it goin I oh that's one thing I hate so much how's it going gorgeous get out of here leave now in the comment section down below share your rejection stories I think that'll be fun to read for me at least and for some of you guys as well so go to the comments section and let me know if you guys been rejected or if you've done the rejecting and what happened here's some more of my content great video here and a decent video here am I gonna oversell it it's a decent video I love you guys have a great rest of your day
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 705,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, rejection, reject, text, fail, rejected, text fails, compilation, 2017, 2018, text fail 2018, prank, laugh, haha, rejection text messages, reaction, rejection texts reaction, funniest text rejection
Id: 31RHJSV9nXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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