[ASMR] Head to Toe Assessment 🩺 Part 1: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat Exam Roleplay

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[Music] hi there hi sorry about the long wait okay i see you're reading a book what is it called how to meditate wow i've read this book actually pima children she's definitely an inspiration thanks for sharing that oh goodness i don't know what jackson's been doing but i'm everything is a mess these days i'm just going to grab an intake form all right okay so it looks like i have some information here but not very much your name is oh are you nervous or anxious at all uh just a little bit how come i'm not used to intake forms doctors asking me personal questions i can understand that especially since um you're a new patient and i'm a stranger um maybe i can offer you a little teddy bear to give you company thank you i'm awesome does it have a name yeah i call him boo boo bear he's been sitting on my desk for a while but you can heat them if you that'll make you happy oh thank you thanks no problem so marika is it how do you pronounce your name all right so it looks like you are here for a head to toe assessment are there any health concerns that you have well in 2017 i had ibs i still have it no it's not as bad and i have really bad timelines cramps and migraines menstrual cramps all of that start in 2017 yeah my post-secondary school was very competitive and i was really stressed out i think that was the main cause of that thanks for sharing that i can imagine it must have been really difficult we'll do our best to help you here and we'll definitely have that information whether it's through physical exams or through lab tests and whatnot to try to figure out what's happening in your body and what could be contributing to your cramps your migraines as well as your ibs okay um are you still what are your stress levels like nowadays books not that bad but there are times where i definitely feel the anxiety approaching and the stress and how would you rate it um from one to ten one being very little stress and ten being the most stress you've ever felt i would say about a four right now okay which isn't too bad but there's definitely still a bit of stress okay and what is your job oh i'm a receptionist i book part-time i i'm nothing like stacy don't worry you heard about stacy huh i did uh sorry about her yeah that's okay and half the other half of the day i'm a elementary teacher very cool so stress levels four out of 10 right now um are your ibs symptoms how are they now compared to back in 2017 when they first started i've been on a pretty good diet my best friend's helping me a lot and i wouldn't say my ibs is regular occasionally when i go off my diet it happens and i think that's my body telling me that there are certain foods i must avoid what kinds of foods anything too rich too creamy or fatty oily have you experimented with taking certain foods out of your diet like dairy or gluten or anything like that for sure i i became uh gluten-free recently and that's helped a lot i'm also lactose intolerant and i completely cut out any milk and that helped immensely so any anterior products okay have you seen any other practitioners and md for this or perhaps um any other practitioners like homeopath or a traditional chinese medicine doctor or anything like that for this condition not for this condition i went to a a doctor about this and he didn't really give me the best advice so when i found out about you and your practice i was really intrigued and i wanted to try it out oh thank you so much for coming um so yeah we here we practice naturopathic medicine do you know a little bit about that yeah so with naturopathic medicine we kind of combine conventional medicines so we do the physical exams the diagnoses the order tests and all of that but on top of that we also practice other medicines like traditional chinese medicine acupuncture botanical medicine and we also have a very big focus on diet lifestyle and counseling so we try to take a holistic approach and really put the patient first and create a individualized treatment plan for each patient that sounds incredible wow thank you all right so hopefully we're going to be able to help you out with all the health concerns that you have brought up today all right thank you is there anything else you'd like me to know before we begin our physical exam oh i had lower abdomen surgery in 2018 okay okay so i do have um some of your medical history here from your medical doctor so i see that that you had a inguinal hernia surgery okay and are you taking any medications or supplements it looks like you're only naproxen are you taking that currently yeah okay for my menstrual regression okay okay any other medications or supplements no no okay all right just looking at other things that would be helpful we can also dig into this a bit more in our next visit as well um what are your energy levels like these days they're pretty good i'm not too stressed but i do feel myself getting pretty tired after work sometimes i'm not able to enjoy like going for nature walks seeing friends because i'm so blunt out so you do feel burnt out okay do you feel that you have enough energy during the day yeah i would say so but you get tired when you get home yeah all right okay and i'll ask you some more questions about your digestion what now when we get to the abdomen exam definitely want to explore that a bit more so let's talk about your sleep how easy is it for you to fall asleep um rate it out of 10 one being very difficult ten being very easy how would you rate it oh a ten a ten out of ten anybody who knows me i fell asleep pretty quickly that's really amazing um definitely envious of you in terms of that i do have trouble sleeping probably because of my profession um but you know it's been better than before so anyway enough about me and do you wake up in the night at all sometimes it's funny i can sleep really quickly but noises like a door opening and closing i'll wake up to and that will interrupt my sleep schedule okay how often do you think you wake up during the night on a good night two to three times on a restless night from four to five huh okay do you feel well rested in the morning if i get 10 hours of sleep yes if i don't it's really hard for me to function i see if it's less than 10 hours then you have difficulty functioning normally i do okay do you have dreams yes some of this information is also helpful for um traditional chinese medicine which i really enjoy practicing do not during the day at all i used to a lot but then i wanted to appreciate each and every day so i tried to stay up as much as i could and then just sleep early if i was exhausted okay how is that been working for you right now pretty good i like it okay great what time did you say you go to bed um pretty early around 8 30 amazing well i live really far away from work so the commute is over an hour so i have to go to bed pretty early yeah and what time do you wake up to get to work six six a.m okay okay so that's um about nine and a half hours of wait yeah nine and a half hours of sleep does that kind of work for you yeah okay all right and i'll keep asking you questions throughout the exam but i do want to get started so i'm not super late for the other patients okay all right just move these flowers [Applause] hmm okay i'm just going to take your temperature and place this under your tongue once you just hold it with this hand over here okay in the meantime i'm just going to take your paws okay great 36.74 okay if you don't mind can you take off your jacket i'm just going to take your blood pressure okay sorry i don't want to get your hair caught in i'm just going to move it to the a back [Applause] can you please raise your hand all the way up and pump your fist 10 times so your blood pressure is 100 over 55. if i may ask are you quite athletic yeah yeah i thought so very impressive blood pressure do you ever get low blood pressure symptoms like do you get up and um you know get dizzy or your vision goes black any of that sometimes if i'm lying down for a long period of time and i get up if i get up too quickly i get a bit dizzy okay um how much water are you drinking every day not enough how many glasses would you say let's say if um how many of these are you drinking every day would you say a one only one okay everybody kiss you with work and i forget to drink water i know that sounds so silly don't worry i need to definitely try to drink water yeah i would definitely um what size is your water bottle it's just a little bit bigger than yours about that big okay i would encourage you to start with drinking four of them i know that seems like a lot but start with four and then we'll see from there okay okay so okay marika so i would like to do a scalp check as well as a skin exam if that's okay all right do you mind just scooching a little bit closer okay thank you very much okay so let's take a look at your scalp okay i'm just looking to see if there's any indication of lice or knits i'm also looking for any never so any um any moles on your scalp as well as any kind of irritation or infection inflammation of the skin [Music] it's all really important to take note of okay your hair looks really healthy so that's good it does also um tell me quite a bit about your nutrition status as well as your hormone status okay any issues at all with your scalp or hair okay great so now let's take a look at your skin okay okay all let's right a look at this side here okay all right i'm just going to take a look at your legs as well oh did you fall somewhere here i did i was playing soccer with my students and i thought some grass i'm sorry to hear that seems like it's healing quite well though yeah okay good it doesn't look like you have um excessive bruising or anything like that and i haven't noticed any lesions of your skin no inflammation redness i haven't noticed any suspicious moles either so that's really good do you have anything concerning about your skin that you'd like to let me know no okay just take a few notes here [Applause] okay all right i realized i forgot to take a look at your nails let me make sure to do that carefully and also check for capillary refills so we can see if there's any um vascular issues but now you're doing really well and i don't see any pitting of your nails i don't see any signs of infection or anything like that so that's really good do you mind if i take a look at your toes as well okay let's take a look here it does seem a little bit cold okay okay looks great wonderful okay monica so i'd like for you to place your hands together like this and pull on them and count from ten to one okay ten and so i want you to count ten nine all right looks like yeah i actually have the same exact problem where no one can get a reflex out of me because i just can't seem to relax um my my leg and it's totally okay i don't you know i'm not suspecting any neurological issues with you so don't worry i'm just going to check for that one good good those reflexes are intact okay all right so just gonna do some tests with your eyes okay so i want you to just look straight ahead okay all right all right just gonna check your pupillary reaction great wonderful do you wear glasses monika you do you do okay and are you wearing any contacts right now no okay i will go ahead and not do this test because we'll have to do it with your corrective lenses on so if you do have any issues with your eyes i would just make a referral to an optometrist for that okay so we'll skip that part i would like to check your peripheral visual fields so for this test i want you to cover this eye this one right here okay i want you to look straight at me and this side so turn around to face me please thank you very much all right and i want you to look directly into my eye over here okay don't let that eye move at all and i want you to let me know when you see the fingertips the wiggling fingertips so if you see my fingers it doesn't count only when you see my fingertips doesn't count okay so you just let me know when you see it a little bit closer okay i can see it trying to find an area where my eyes cannot see it okay i can see it good i can see i can see it so i need to switch eyes okay i see it i see it i see it okay great now i'd like you to follow um the tip of my pen all right yeah now i'd like you to follow the tip of my pen this is called the h test with just your eyes don't move your head it's just your eyes look at the tip of the pen okay follow the tip of the pen good great wonderful wonderful good i don't see any signs of this darkness okay um there's just one more test i'd like for you to like to do with you so i want you to again look at the tip of the pen but then look behind me at the wall there back at the pen actually sorry i'll do it this way look at the pen and then behind the wall back at the pen behind the wall and keep looking at the pen okay very good all right so for this exam i'm going to be taking a look inside your eye actually at the retina um as well as the optic nerve which is really cool and this is going to show me if um there are any issues with like the pressure in your eyes if there's any issues with the blood vessels or sometimes it can also pick up things like diabetes um and also infections and that kind so i'm just taking an overall look all right so again i want you to just look at that curtain right there and just keep looking there okay okay how's your eye it's okay all right i'm just going to give that eye a bit of a rest i'm going to move on to the other eye okay i'm just going to look at this eye just one more time if you don't mind great i don't see any issues at all um your optic disc looks great your retina all the blood vessels um there's no issues of hemorrhaging or nicking or anything like that so yeah looks like your eyes are really healthy okay now we're going to be testing your hearing i'd like for you to close your eyes close your eyes and i'm just going to plug this here right here okay and i want you to let me know what you hear i'm going to whisper a two-syllable word okay pumpkin great bowler pola yeah i wanted to say polar bear but then i noticed that was in two syllable words i said polar but you got it perfect okay so now we're going to be doing a hearing test um i'd like for you to let me know if you hear the sound on both ears or only on or only on one side or if you hear it on one side before the other okay okay do you hear on one side before the other or at the same time around the same time do you want me to try again yes okay different times at the same time at the same time okay great now i'd like for you to close your eyes again i'm just going to move your hair back if you don't mind and i'm going to strike the tuning fork place it on your mastoid process back here behind the ear and i want you to let me know when you stop hearing the sound and then when you hear it again and when you stop hearing it again i'll guide you through it do you hear the sound let me know when you stop hearing it okay okay stop okay do you hear it yeah okay let me know when you stop hearing me okay great okay same drill i want you to close your eyes please do you hear this yes let me know when you stop hearing it okay do you hear this yes let me know when you stop hearing it i can hear it very good any pain no any pain no any pain no so okay all right a little bit of ceremony and the panic membrane is perfectly intact coat of light is present enter your inner here a little bit of information a little bit vasculature have you ever had an ear infection before i did when i was really little two years old i had a really bad ear infection but since then no okay all right let's get to here any pain back here yeah any pain here no and what about like this no good let's take a look there's a little bit of redness here also membrane but the cone of light is still present i see the bottom have you ever had any issues with this year have you ever cleaned it out a bit too far or anything like that i stopped using q-tips when my sister had a really bad ear infection after using q-tips so i i don't so not recently do you mind if i take a look again yeah okay a lot of signs of infection but it does look like it does look like there might have been something there before that left to mark possibly from your old old ear infection there's quite a bit of redness more so than the other ear i wonder if this is the ear that um had an ear infection in the past that was pretty bad and it left um a little bit of inflammation some some scarring in there as well yeah but otherwise it looks great there's no active signs of infection um the tympanic membrane is fully intact and there's no bulging there's no um cloudiness or anything like that so it looks really good yeah is it okay if i continue the examination of the face a few things i want to check for if you could look up for me great no signs of anemia or jaundice there great okay very good signs of inflammation i'm going to take a look in your throat as well okay so i just want to take a look inside your throat um if you could please just open up your mouth and say perfect i can see your tonsils just fine great just one more time okay is it okay if i um use a stick to examine your teeth in your gums okay just open up your mouth i'm just gonna slide this right in i know it's a little bit uncomfortable okay and just down here good and if you could just raise your tongue up to the roof of your mouth okay great sorry i know it's very uncomfortable but it looks like your gums are in great condition and as well as your mucous membranes i didn't notice any um ulcers or anything like that and it looks like your teeth are in great condition as well i do want to just look at the top of your teeth quickly if you just open up your mouth when's the last time you went to a dentist i've had three dentist surgeries in the past year so quite a few okay see open your mouth again do you see um one of your molars in the back here the third last um second last molar back there it does have a little bit of a dark spot um and it doesn't look like it's food or anything so it might be good idea to get that checked with your dentist see if it might just be like a cavity in the surface or something sorry to alarm you about that but it's a good idea to maintain your oral health so that um you know the infection doesn't go anywhere else in your body and doesn't exacerbate anything okay okay all right
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 497,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: semidecoco, semide asmr, head to toe, asmr head to toe, asmr medical roleplay, semide medical, asmr medical, asmr, asmr doctor, asmr semide, asmr sleep, asmr medical exam, asmr real person, asmr head to toe assessment, head to toe asmr, exam roleplay, asmr relaxing, sleep asmr, doctor asmr, semidecoco asmr, asmr semidecoco, throat exam, head exam, toe exam, eye exam, ear exam, nose exam, asmr roleplay, real person asmr, semide, medical asmr, relaxing asmr, doctor, sleep
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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