[ASMR] 1 Hour Head to Toe Physical Assessment on @ediyasmr | Real Person Medical Roleplay

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today's video is kindly sponsored by care of as I'm transitioning out of a laid-back and slow summer into quite a busy fall season it's more important than ever for me to take good care of myself that's why I'm so happy to be using care of care of is a personalized supplement subscription service that I've been using for the past 10 months I love how my care of supplement routine evolves with me every month I retake care of squids and I select the health and wellness goals that I am prioritizing for the month for September my goals are energy stress sleep joints and Fitness in my personalized Vitamin Pack I have magnesium which supports Muscle Recovery sleep and energy levels turmeric for supporting stress healthy joints and mood and vegetarian collagen for joints which I have been using every day for the past on my and it has been so great for improving my joint comfort and flexibility I love that all of Care's products are formulated with Care by naturopathic doctors caref makes it so easy and fun to get into a healthier routine so go ahead and take care of this quiz and see what vitamins and supplements they recommend for you you can go ahead and click on the link in my description box and use the code sumita all caps for 50 off your first order with care of hi Tia hey it's nice to see you again it's been so long according to my records it's been three years since you've been in the office been a while yeah how have you been I've been good how are you doing good it's been busy as usual but it's really nice to see you so are you still keeping up with your health care even though you've been away yeah I've been doing mostly walk-ins when I need to yeah yeah where are you normally located these days um I'm traveling here and there still okay yeah hmm so it's it's Ontario still your home base are you it still is it still is at the moment okay well do let me know if that changes so we can you know alter our records around that but in the meantime happy to still be your doctor all right so today I have you down for a full um Sam head to toe I'm really gonna go in depth and check all your assistance and see how your overall health and wellness is okay sounds good yeah yeah so let me ask a few questions about your history first of all any changes to your medical conditions I think I can think of any new medications you're taking no medications but supplements okay tell me about which supplements you're taking so I've been using Carol and within the packets currently I have magnesium probiotics rhodiola yeah um are you smoking at all no no smoking okay are you drinking any alcohol sometimes like like a line of class or two every other week oh yeah okay that's pretty reasonable no do you drink any caffeine caffeinated I've been cutting down caffeine which is awesome switching out my morning coffee for matcha yeah that's been great yeah is there anything else you'd like to share with me before we start the physical exams well my sleep hasn't been very good I would say like this year um I mostly struggle to fall asleep that's my problem area um yeah and I used to take naps but that's like not really approachable for me at the moment [Music] um and you said that started this past year so about a year ago yeah it's been like a year I would say a year do you know what triggered that to start hmm because I was so stressed with um you know all these projects I have going on yeah and over exerting myself with some and I've been doing a lot of in a work and sometimes you know that brings up a lot of emotions so it's a lot for my system absolutely yeah I can see how the stresses from different parts of your life can all kind of add up together and then disrupt your sleep as well but you know we really need the sleep in order to restore ourselves and then you know bring raise up our resources again like fill up our cup so to speak so is there anything that you've tried to help promote better sleep for you um at the moment I'm using Kara's sleep blend um it has melatonin and ashwagandha I believe yeah yeah I was wondering what your thoughts were on there yeah I really like that supplement actually I really like their blend of valerian melatonin and ashwagandha so ashwagandha is used in ayurvedic medicine I don't know if you that it's an adaptogen that helps to reduce stress and helps to calm the mind so that it promotes sleep and then melatonin of course also reduces the time that it takes for someone to fall asleep you know it it's um it's very important in regulating the Circadian rhythm so I imagine that could be really helpful for you it's been helpful for a lot of people so far yeah okay good to hear yeah so keep me posted on how that goes for you all right so is there anything else we should address or can I go ahead and get started on the exam not anything and I can keep asking questions throughout the exams and if you have anything you want to just say just at any point you can just share okay that's good [Music] have you placed that under your tongue and then just hold it foreign thank you [Music] 36.99 perfect okay okay so that was 105 over 67 and I have in the records that normally your blood pressure is a little bit on the lower end and that's normal for you okay now have you still been having any like low blood pressure spells I recall happening for you last time no smoke not really not at every singers okay good it's great and then I'm just going to check your wholesome breathing ring foreign [Music] at the top of your head and check your scalp and your skull and we'll move down all right so I'm just going to start with checking for any asymmetry bulges swelling of the skull any areas that are soft or spongy I don't feel that now I'm going to note the distribution of your hair see if there's any areas that are patchy and even signs of alopecia do you have any concerns with your hair idea I actually lost a lot of hair and I would say like the past two years um was I was a little bit concerned initially yeah but it seems to be I intends to be fine at this time okay so did you find that it stopped shedding as much or that it kind of grew back what was what changed there's less shedding now um and I wonder if it's just like you know thinning of hair wasn't getting older hmm or it could be stress yeah normally we shouldn't see much thinning at all of hair until after 35 years old so okay so you know you're not you're not quite there yet so that that is a little bit concerning for me okay I'd probably attribute that more to stress and kind of imbalance in your hormones um so we can definitely I will order up a blood panel to take a look at your thyroid um you can also look at your testosterone estrogen progesterone levels and see where they're at um and where you were at in your cycle have you noticed any changes in your menstrual cycle that are concerning I would say they've actually gone better for me okay in the sense that I don't experience too much um I don't really experience cramping at all anymore yeah so they've felt pretty regular and gentle for the most part that's great I'm going back that's been a positive change for you okay so I just take took a look at all over I don't see any patchy areas I don't see any thinning very healthy and very very full it's like you're doing a great job great level of moisture as well and also didn't notice any concerning like nevae or dermatitis or anything underneath so it's great yeah you're doing great so I'm back here I'm gonna start taking a look at the skin hold up your hair like that and just take a look at the skin I'm looking at levels of moisture the texture any discoloration any nearby that are concerning a few here but they um don't seem abnormal in it let's take a look at your arms also noting the temperature nice and warm down there that's great I remember having my notes last time that you you had to sort of Colder extremities cold hands and feet but it seems like that's improved as well I think so yeah that's great you know cool hands and feet can be a sign of um viral dysfunction could also if that's just always been the way for you so anything too concerning actually when I check her nails too just checking the capillary refill any clubbing knitting looks good okay great perfusion science hypoxia take a look at your hand here a bit more closely in the nails as well yeah it's great calculator we fill under three seconds smaller there full have you experienced any eczema at all on my neck on your neck yeah okay the front of your neck yeah just the front over here especially when I put perfume on they're quite sensitive my neck is quite sensitive yeah and um but it comes and goes eczema okay so I've just been you know making sure that I put moisturizer on every evening yeah to keep it moisturized over here so if it's in response to the perfume that might be more like a contact dermatitis yeah if it's just reacting to what you're putting on um eczema tends to be more from more like allergic autoimmune sort of standpoint um and I find a lot of my patients are really flaring up right now because of Summer allergies the weed pollen Ragweed pollen especially going around have you noticed any signs of allergies for you so if he knows okay awesome and I will take a closer look at at your eyes and yours as well okay let me take a closer look at her neck idea and I also want to take this chance to just check her lymph nodes as well have you been sick recently with cold or flu or anything got a little sick on Monday okay to almost do a fever and then it kind of subsided on its own okay all right let's take a look and see if there's anything swollen your prerecular lymph nodes posturricular something there it's like the occipital back here little Merchants there let's check the posterior cervical camera to go a little bit deeper yeah let me know if anything's tender okay okay now we're just going to I'm just gonna have you shrug up and check my subclavicularly back down for clavicular all right now I'm gonna check on your arms okay Central subscapular nothing more maybe true okay great okay let's take a look at your skin here it's only a temperature and is that something that happened recently yeah a couple months ago like okay fell on some gravel okay yeah did did you like have an open wound I don't think it was too deep a healed with the new weave okay so there's a little bit of scarring left okay I'll make you know a little bit of hyperpigmentation in there looks like it might just be like a mosquito bite or something yeah okay feet are a little bit cold is good and I'm just gonna check to see if there's any edema and blacks no no it's great there's a light there and it looks quite small so it's more concerning all the same color as well borders appear to be regular like your capillary film outside too okay perfect change out my gloves okay all right idea let's take a look at um your face your eyes so I'm just gonna have you close your eyes I want to palpate the lacrimal apparatus see if there's any swelling no and then the gland here no swelling at all it's great yeah okay you can open back up let's do some tangential lighting into the eyes and see if there's any Shadows any mixed hairs discoloration check the other side no Shadows of the iris and cornea is transparent there's no no injuries there all right so I want to check your pupillary reactions so just go ahead and look straight ahead right there take a look at this side it's a direct reaction to light isn't hot now we're going to check consensual that's great other side wonderful okay pupils are equal around and react to light let's make a note of a few things right I'll pay your sinus and let's start the frontal here any pain let me do this any pain or tenderness here no what about over here you know now let's do the paranasal pain or tenderness yeah what about here no here no okay do some illumination yeah I don't see any obstruction of the sinus it's amazing open up your mouth and illuminate it looks good there one more time yeah it looks great okay let's take a look at your conjunctival real quick see if there's any redness there just look up for me good and then look down okay sinuses are clear no pain in this one percussion okay all right okay so so I want you to just look at the tip of this all right and just follow with your eyes do not move your head okay good wonderful let's try that one again looks great awesome okay so I was just testing your cranial nerves um three four and six there it'll appear to be doing well and there's also no nystagmus at the end which is just a little bit of like twitching at the end and I didn't notice any of that that's great now I'm gonna have you take a look there again and just follow with your eyes all right it's going to check if accommodation is working well here wonderful okay dear can you remind me if you wear glasses or contacts I don't you don't okay all right so I want you to close one eye it doesn't matter which one you start way yeah and I'd like for you to read the lowest line okay great now I switch over three nine okay great now switch over to the other eye and read that same line backwards three seven eight two four perfect yeah 20 20 version both eyes okay A little visual fields and then so we're going to be doing visual Fields checking the peripheral areas of your vision so I want you to just close this eye right here and to keep your keep this eye on mine I want you to let me know when you see the wiggling tips in my fingers just say now whenever you see it okay now now great and then just keep that eye closed I react really slowly so sorry the same way yeah yeah you're doing great I can go slower if that helps yeah so now let's switch eyes perfect now now I'm gonna come a little bit closer now good say my name no no no wonderful yeah that's great so all the peripheral fields are attached each quadrant homoscopy okay remember this one I think so yeah so this is a panoptic ophthalmoscope that works great I'm just going to use it to take a look inside your eyes so I'm looking at the retina I'm looking at the macula look at your optic desk and I'll tell you more about what that is so I want you to look straight ahead at the wall and just keep looking at that one point adjust this chromoscope a bunch of eyes here light reflexes present I'm gonna come closer all right okay now let's look at your right eye and just move your head this way we've got one spot again right over there and just reflexes present okay wonderful okay so I've noticed that your optic disc on both sides look really good um clear outline no bulging um the cupped disc ratio is also good under half so I don't suspect any glaucoma or anything like that let me take a closer look at the blood vessels and then I'm going to have you look into the thermoscope for just a second to like take a look at the macaroon phobia I've also noticed that the retina looks a nice creamy orange which is a good color I don't notice any spots but I'll keep looking move on back to this eye and look into it almost go great yeah your blood vessels are not nicked they don't seem to be enlarged and your maculophobia doesn't have any kind of signs of degeneration which is great and I don't expect that at your age anyway let's take a look at the other eye and look into that whole scope okay good same findings on the other side clear out my cake idea I'm just going to do a very basic air exam on you that I do on everybody I recall that you have some loss of hearing on your right hands through it here okay have you been seeing an audiologist about that it's about every five years okay great all right so yeah this is very basic it's just routine but um if I have any concerns I can always just contact your audiologist I think we have him one on our on your medical history so I'm just gonna have you oh let's take a look and see check if there's any pain any pain when I do that when I press on your triggers there pain no what about when I pull on your pen out here other side there no no okay thank you okay so this is the Weber test I'm just going to hit the tuning fork let me know if you hear it first on your right ear your left ear or both okay at the same time yeah like where'd you hear it first but louder in my that makes sense okay now let's um let's check our left ear first and then here right here see the yeah let's do it so there foreign do you hear this and close your eyes if you don't mind just let me know when you stop hearing it great the other side was your eyes let me know when you stop hearing that now hear that yeah yeah close your eyes let me know when you stop hearing it now great okay so now let's take a look inside your ear a little fresh tip there and um start with your your left ear let me know if this is painful at all I can always adjust my technique starting with looking at your external air and not noticing any discharge or redness any nodules lumps they go closer look now a little bit of a buildable serum and wax but not too bad a bit deeper is this okay yeah a little bit of erythema closer to the tympanic membrane yeah just adjust my technique and try to visualize it to the Panic membrane your eardrum okay I can see it is kind of let his present into your upper area and it's a little bit cloudier than normal landmarks are present vessels appear to be a bit injectable have you ever had infections in this ear here not that I remember okay it's a little bit cloudy um underneath the tympanic membrane it's not as translucent as we would see in a healthier so yeah there might be just a little bit of probably some edema build up back there but nothing too concerning especially if it's not bothering you I don't it doesn't look like it's an active infection but um yeah we'll just keep an eye on that one there's no bulging the membrane so if there isn't any swelling there okay external ear s good it's no bumps nodules no discharge just go closer I don't see any easier than wax on this side how many landmarks are present everything is blush colored vessels don't appear to be injected what is present into your bottom quarter I said translucent okay so this area here looks completely like the inside I don't see any signs of redness or any injected vessels any the tympanic memories nice and translucent so comparatively healthier than that one there so just take a note of that foreign all right let's take a look inside your mouth I actually want to take a look at your nose first can you plug one side of the nose and breathe out okay nice and patent other side can't outside I have no discharger buildup and doesn't really be red any issues with your nose at all no okay okay take a look inside your mouth open up like this yeah real concerns no cavities with your teeth how come do you see a dentist idea half a year okay so let me take a look at your mouth your teeth first don't see any signs of cavities or gums look nice and pink and healthy it seem to be receded can't open up good okay can you stick your tongue out please hello oral cancer to one side good other side okay great now I want you to just say ah I'm gonna take a look at the back of your throat um yeah okay so the tonsil on your left side appears to be enlarged and there's also um a little bit of build up back there let me just take over the look more yeah just just slightly and the other side is not enlarged say out one more time but I don't see any discharge right here or redness in the back of your throat it's just that tonsil the gave you a little bit of soreness in this on this side right here okay let me make a note of five and you said you were having a fever a few days ago it's building up to it and it didn't really happen okay just like a white deposit that I also notice and you're saying there's some tenderness tenderness on that side okay like when I swallow okay let's move it out one more time here like when I do that does it feel tender or is it more so back here talking yeah back here yeah I don't there's no enlarged lymph nodes here but definitely something to pay attention to do you do salt water gargles at all so stands yeah too that would be a good idea to just keep that going it'll just help to you know clear and disinfect the back of your throat I mean yeah try to do that um more often is better but at least once in the morning Once a Night and I'll make a note of that for you and we can send you home with like a write-up of suggestions that we have okay great how are you doing good it's a really long exam but you're doing really great feeling very relaxed okay good so I'm just gonna have you turn around we're gonna start listening to your lungs all right so with your hair all the way okay ideas so when the head of my stethoscope touches your skin I'd like you to take a deep breath in and then back out okay okay is it okay if I lift up can you lift up your shirt it's gonna access good I'm just on the side here good can you give yourself a hug I just want to listen here a bit longer good side good then I'm just gonna lift up your shirt go underneath right there great wonderful yeah all the long Fields so far sound clear I want to try um two techniques so we'll start with with whispered pectoral equi and you're just gonna say one two three in a whisper voice and I'm Gonna Keep listening and more two three one two three one to go down here one two one one two two one wonderful so and and that um technique I was listening to see if the whisper sounded louder which could suggest that there's either fluid buildup or a mass in your lungs and that I did not hear any of that I'm gonna go ahead and percuss and so you don't have to do anything here it's going to be percussing around continue to give yourself a big hug there you go I'm going to lift this up and wonderful okay now I'm gonna check for chest expansion take a deep breath in and out great so that's magical wonderful so I'm just going to locate thoracic vertebrae 10. this is on 405 can you bend over for me just a little bit perfect okay you can sit back up great so yeah you probably can't right so I'd like you to take a deep breath in and then hold your breath okay go ahead okay you can release your breath take a deep breath in as well and then hold now you release yeah great okay so now I'd like you to um be able to release a full breath and then hold that can you do that for me okay let me know okay I'm gonna hold great I'm gonna check the other side okay so whenever you're ready deep breath in release the full breath and hold okay great go ahead and breathe normally slowly measure that seven centimeters on both sides which is amazing normally we see three to five centimeters as the range where the diaphragm moves up and down but you've got seven centimeters so you've got really great capacity to take it taking a deep breath and let it out um is it because of do you do meditation and deep breathing exercises yeah so that's good to know yeah it's really incredible and just overall your Fitness your lung capacity is just remarkable keep that up okay all right it's you let's have a listen at your lungs from this perspective in the front so again I want you to take a deep breath in and out one of her my stethoscope touches your skin okay lovely necklace all right another side here now can you lift your shirt just right under your your chest like that perfect okay wonderful your lungs feels on the interior side are also clear no extra sounds so let's do a little bit of percussion here soon for a resonance and just down here inside [Music] okay great let's listen to your heart okay let's start on the second rib area on this side let's breathe normally okay I'm just gonna listen under here down here very strong heart necessary to save memories valve issues good clear S1 S2 sounds no extra sounds no rumors no issues with your valves so listen to your carotid arteries perfect okay just inspect your abdomen Focus guess what's good it looks symmetrical I don't see any bruising or discoloration all right let's let's have a listen abdomen sounds like you're a little bit hungry while I'm here I'm going to listen to your abdominal just palpator can you bring up your legs just bend your knees right here yeah I'll just make it easier I'm gonna feel for your abdominal aorta see how large it is the market okay okay it feels very small to be honest I need to work here it's definitely not enlarged yeah I really I really feel it on this side there let's have a listen it sounds clear listen to the renal arteries great I'm gonna do some percussion let me know if you feel any pain or tenderness at any point [Music] and do your higher bowel movements like you're having them every day um mostly every day like in the morning morning or there's some days when you miss the moments okay now all right so yeah just make sure you stay hydrated it sounds like you're taking magnesium that can certainly help keep things moving making sure that you're eating enough fiber in your diet especially soluble fibers which come from fruits and vegetables fruits like apples and vegetables like onions or a good source as well um yeah but if you ever have any issues with that feel free to contact me I can give you more tips and suggestions so now I'm going to start palpating let me know if you feel any pain these are superficial here any pain anywhere they'll go a little bit deeper there's like you're guarding a little bit is there any pain there at all okay it seems good all right let me go ahead and palpate the liver so I just want you to take a deep breath in for me and out it's not unpoppable okay we can check the spleen here and take a deep breath in and out [Music] okay one more time deep breath in and out okay that's also non-poppable let me just do the Castile sign just to be sure and take a deep breath in and out great their screen is not enlarged at all right so I'm gonna go ahead and check your peripheral pulses down on your legs and then we'll finish up with a neurological exam you're doing great I'm gonna check your femoral pulse here great and I'll check your popular pulse underneath that one's doing good also risk three plus let's do that side here great and now let's check your dorsalis pedis and you can let your feet down great and then your tibialis close to your hair right here good and then I'm just going to do the spinsky reflex good great and to reflex here as keep cut one here good and then let's check the side here okay good okay so I just want to check your dermatones which is the parts of the skin that are innervated by different um nerves liners from your spine so just let me know if you feel the same sensation on both sides or if it feels different at all if there's any strange Sensations that are picking up or even if some sensation is absent on one side I'd like to know the same okay great okay let's see okay perfect all right a deal have you sit up and we'll finish the rest of your neurological assessment continue the dermatome exam on your arms yes keep your eyes closed let me know if you feel same on both sides are different hair back there okay let's see see great thanks let's see perfect while we're here let's check your mild tones so these are the nerves that are innovating the muscles that come up from the spine so I'm gonna have you um resist against my my push okay we're gonna hold it for five seconds one two three four five then back into my hand one two and with just your head yeah one two three four five great and now onto this side one two three four five other side one two three four five wonderful I'm gonna have you shrug up into my hands one two three four five I think I'll drop it's very strong now um your shoulder joined up into my hand one two three four five okay and then one up yeah one two three four five um same now two through five good now we're gonna do some extensions so don't let me one two three two three now don't let now squeeze against my fingers like like this together again don't let me pull my hands out okay one two three four fourth great let's do some reflexes here okay okay I want you to again push into my just at the shoulder joining push-up yes good and then just start the elbow joint push um then push down don't let me move your thumb good don't let me pull out my fingers all right oh God okay keep yourself supported we're going to go one leg at a time just let your hip joint I want you to push up against my hand right there perfect one two three four five and now with the knee joints push up into my hand one two three four five and now with the ankle joints push to my hand one two three four five now down one two three four five push up into my hand with your with your big toe yeah just on this side okay we're at the hip joint push up one two three four five any joints one two three four five back down two three four five ankle one two three four five down okay three three four five and just start the big toe one two three four one great ready to I want you to grab a finger just your index finger touch your nose and then touch my touch my at the tip of my index finger and we're going to go faster and faster and keep moving yeah going good okay okay let's switch [Music] let me go faster wonderful now we're gonna have you alter do this motion and just keep going yeah okay wonderful all right idea so that concludes our head to toe exam today we've got lots of findings here for the most part everything is looking really good um I have made a few notes on things that we should keep an eye on like for instance your tonsil on the left side and your ear on the left side that's interesting to me now that I'm realizing they're both on the same side perhaps that is connected so we'll just keep a close eye on that and see it hopefully should resolve on its own um and we'll also keep tabs on how your sleep is doing and whether that supplement is helping you sleep blend and um and I'll have some blood Labs ordered for you for a more in-depth look at your health and your Wellness um if there's any questions you have for me right now and at the moment no okay awesome so I will see you again soon once the blood Labs come back I'll have you come in again we'll go over everything and go over some recommendations that I have okay all right thank you so much idea take care now foreign
Channel: Semide ASMR
Views: 519,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, semide asmr, semideasmr, ediya asmr, ediyasmr, head to toe, head to toe exam, asmr head to toe, medical, medical exam, asmr medical exam, asmr head to toe physical assessment, asmr soft spoken, soft spoken, real person, asmr real person, real person asmr
Id: 1UySk5u6U1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 45sec (4305 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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