ASMR | Cozy Library Assistant | Labeling, Scanning, Book Sounds 📚

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oh hi are you the new assistant perfect timing i am so happy to see you yes you're in the right place it's nice to meet you so today we are just starting to input some of the new books we got into our library system is pretty straightforward work a little tedious and much better with company so i'm glad you're here is this your first time working at a library i've been here for a few years now came here all the time avid reader and i figured if i'm gonna be here might as well put some work in so it's been a pretty good job honestly i've really enjoyed it are you part-time that makes sense absolutely well if you're ever interested in a full-time job talk to me i'll let you know all about it so i just had a few more children's books to get through and our process for the children's book just involves one more step than the adult books and i'll let you in on it so we do everything on the computer here it makes it nice and organized it keeps you know everything keeping track of stuff is a lot easier when it's digital you can search things people's library card info shows up books that are overdue etc etc however for the kids we really do like to make it more of a tactile experience less about the digital side no ipads well you know they can be educational of course but we don't want them to miss out on the you know the physical feeling of checking out a library book so we ordered these card holders sure you've seen them before and we just have the title and author to fill out all the cards we'll have them write their name on when it's loaned to them we give it a little stamp and then we actually scan it digitally so we do both um but again the kids absolutely love filling the cards out so we felt you know like we should keep it going even when we switch to the digital side so we'll be adding in these little pockets to the backs of the kids books and then we'll also be printing and filling out the barcodes as well that's what we're going to need to be able to scan them so we'll fill out the barcode if you read the numbers to me it's a lot easier we'll scan the book into our system and we are on our merry way wonderful ready to get started okay i was just about to dive into this one i was showing you wild cats loved anything big cats when i was younger so we just take a little envelope and feel free you can start working on the books there too if you'd like you can watch me help me out a little bit or just go on your own we can work together um just keep each other company just got two sticky tabs on the back we'll make a little neat pile there maybe we can pull over the trash can later if it gets too big okay and then we're gonna stick on the inside back we put it on the outside of the book it gets um a little messed up right to the back of the book make sure i'm not covering anything super important otherwise we could put it in the front this one's pretty good i'm just gonna lay it down and press it like that okay make sure that the card goes with it so we're just going to fill out the title which is wild cats and the author is mary batten and we want to give it one stamp for today's date just so we know when we put it into the system and uh just gives a nice starting point so i'm just going to use our little stamp here and you just turn the wheels like that to adjust the date and the month and the year you want to try yeah what's today yeah yep perfect let's see there we go okay so you can just give that a little press on the oh ink pad careful with this i'm just gonna go rock it back and forth sometimes makes a little easier like so and then make sure it's right side up stamp the date i know very complicated so we're going to go ahead and put that card into the little pocket sometimes it can be a little tough to get them in at there we go that one is all set and now we just need the barcode so i do have a system i'm going to go ahead and write in wildcats batten and could you just read those numbers for me um perfect good so i'm going to use my little printer here print one label there we go we have our label and this is actually going to go on the back cover all right this one we scan in using a scanner easy as that and it's in our system time for the next one that's right we keep going books on books on books okay this next one isn't quite a kid's book i would say it's more young adult but um if it comes into the pile i'd say we just put a pocket in the back anyway no more dead dogs mm-hmm did you have to read the red foreign school old yeller terrible terrible okay so this one i'm going to try to avoid the author has this biography in the back here nice and easy and press that great no more ted talks author gordon corbin get that little stamp perfect okay now you go ahead and read that number for me in just a second okay all right i am ready when you're ready okay good perfect print that out good we're going to get into a groove here bennett surfs book of animal riddles so it looks a little bit older we get our books from a decent amount of sources donations we can purchase them sometimes other libraries have multiple copies and you know the the demand just isn't there so i don't need that many so to do book sharing there we go title book of animal riddles we'll call it animal riddles author good should we read one put three ducks in a box what do you have a box of quackers well this one truly surpassed the test of time comedy is ageless okay okay go ahead and find the number for me if you don't mind ready okay okay okay very popular books about ancient egypt as well as any book with miss rizzle and the magic school box okay so you can call this one well we'll figure out the author when we get to that all right nice big space on the back here i try to open these envelopes a bit more there we go perfect now i think we should probably say miss frissel's miss frizzles ancient egypt otherwise there's a bit too many books in this library with a similar title um author cole and deacon just do the last names when there's more than one we have to give it a stamp you're absolutely right catching me already it's good you're here there we are prepping the pocket did absolutely nothing there we go okay go ahead and read me that number good okay then we have miss rizzo's ancient egypt it was illustrated by deacon written by joanna cole that's okay well this should have made that more obvious okay oh one is a mouse nice counting book beautiful pictures so lovely okay so this is by jonathan hunt jonathan and lisa hunt now did one write and one illustrate you know i believe they may have both actually done both so a true double author here okay put this in the back and when there is a dust cover on it obviously be sure not to put the envelope on top of that you just kind of lift up the side there place it in title one is a mouse author jonathan and lisa hunt stamp here so for the children okay all right another copy we lose this one often people take it home forget to bring it back it's a little damaged very popular where the wild things are people will be excited to see a very good conditioned copy of it okay i think the movie came out when i was in gosh i was in high school that was an interesting time a lot of those movies had a very like kind of empty feel to them the era of juno okay marie sendak title where the wild things are you know i do know this book quite well i don't have a very distinct childhood memory of it do you know what's your most memorable book it's hard to think it is some of them will just come to me or if i see one i haven't you know revenues okay here's the code right there okay okay yeah these hardback books can definitely run you run your pretty penny perfect okay finally we have bad kitty by nick bruhl i don't think i've ever read this one maybe i'll take it with me on my lunch break a little light reading bad kitty you know maybe i'll fill the envelope first that's a good one check out the back cover i love that purple we put the card in before we stick oh now it's such a shame that this was our last children's book before i figured out this lovely system there will be more don't worry stick that on oh we're always learning here always learning number there [Music] okay go ahead printing and get that little stick on the back here bad kitty is in the system okay the next books are actually the dungeon masters guide and the player's handbook two dungeons and dragons now do we think that the dungeons and dragons players would appreciate a little pocket in the back of their book we'll give them one so we have the dungeon master guide who's the author of this i'm guessing it's not one individual but more the company in charge we have a credits a very long list of credits oh we could simply write wizards of the coast give that a stamp pocket there and get right in the back good these are the last ones i'm not sure how my nail polish would handle much more it's going to write dungeons and dragons ready for the numbers okay very good player's handbook right behind handbook okay these are brand new but someone's going to be very happy i think these are a bit on the expensive side fifty dollars come to the library okay the back there here for the sparkle [Music] just going to write the player's guide there okay okay and scan it in perfect all right we already got through that nice big pile thank you so much so next we have just a couple of the adults books it's just a little small pile right here i just wanted to get labels on these and get them into the system then i'll be able to walk you around the library and show you everything you need to know great devil raise prada up first no i never actually read it did you i'm curious how different it is from the movie and the barcode on that thank you and what we can do is print all of these and i'll just scan them at the end since this is a smaller pile the kids books sometimes they're so bulky i like to move them out of my way but this one we can start a nice neat little pile there weathering heights that is a thick one no i was assigned quite a bit of reading in high school but i escaped wuthering heights okay that is emily bronte okay and ready for the code i quite liked gulliver's travels i enjoyed reading the shakespeare um i actually love seeing it performed reading it no idea what's going on hearing the inflection of the actors priceless west with the knight sarah wheeler ernest hemingway said it was written so well and marvelously that i was completely ashamed of myself as a writer that is top rates i was wondering if this was about amelia error but that's not at all barrel markham a british born kenyan aviatrix adventurer and resource trainer i might have to be the first to check this out okay that is the best part about doing the intake of the books to get birthdays so this is the limware uh written by wheeler okay oh you've got the hang of it now this isn't a terrible job at all like i said just tedious but you get in the swing of things kind of relaxing last book for today we'll do our tour come back this is the silent wife by asa harrison looks like a nice short and i'm sure exciting read better than julian flynn's gone girl you don't have to put other books down to raise yours up okay i must read for anyone who's occasionally ruthless reckless or loves clever books with depth and heart well you'll have to let me know how it is there we go okay now we scan these in and we're all set good all right go ahead and lock myself out here and all set thank you so much for helping me out this is a lot more fun with another person you ready for your tour okay let's go you
Channel: Gibi ASMR
Views: 731,076
Rating: 4.938839 out of 5
Keywords: gibi, gibi asmr, asmr, library, librarian, book, stamp, ink, scanner, printer, label, stickers, pencil, for sleep, relax, relaxing
Id: qgwnH0FRtSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 22sec (2122 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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