3 HOURS of Relaxing Chess for Sleep ♔ ASMR (soft spoken, danish accent, whisper)

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hello and welcome to three hours of a ASMR just I will be using my trusty chess up board in my trusty chess up app let's get that on screen to just play a lot online games against people on leeches random people be random color random opponents search for a game and we got one very quickly and I hope that you are supremely relaxed and ready to just relax even more or even I even fall asleep during these next three hours oh wow that is interesting so I'm pla I'm trying the Bishops opening because I made a video about it um and by opponent is playing this very interesting Queen G5 it doesn't look like a particularly good move I mean could I even sort of try to threaten checkmate right away I mean this is beginner chess I mean I'm not a grand master or anything but usually I don't go for the scholars made but uh may may actually be the best move in this position so I'm of course threatening Queen takes on F7 which would you going to see it because Queen takes on F7 that is uh check there is only one move King here and then I capture the bishop with chick so this is probably going to be a pretty short game King goes here um I could I could try something like Queen check on F7 or I could try Bishop F7 with the idea of going Queen E8 check that looks pretty good also D4 takes the queen is pretty good but I'm not sure exactly how they are going to defend this [Music] um so the thread is simply Queen E8 check and and yeah I think I caught the video about okay Queen takes T2 I think I caught the video about this Bishop's opening I called it like the the best opening for beginners or something and uh it will this is why and then we get the cool animation and if you want to get the cool animation and if you want to play on this border and you want to maybe support this channel a little bit while getting a cool chessboard slash super cool chess computer then you can go to the link I have in the description it will take you to the chessop website and if you use the promo code ASMR chess you will get a 10 discount just for you thank you now back to the video I hope you are so so and I hope that you are just enjoying the beauty of these delicious pieces the Symmetry and the patterns the beautiful patterns of Chess and I hope that you are having a great time that you are allowing yourself to let go so let go of the stress and the anxiety and everything everything that can fall for all of us came so I am playing with the black pieces now and I'm playing a sicilian here I think I'll just lit I'll just lit the pieces be like this so and they play D3 they play very very quickly not sure if there is a reason to play that quickly probably Knight C6 while they are really really playing quickly here what sort of setup is this could I go for a dragon kind of setup could I go for Bishop G4 taking this bishop here putting it on this square right here G4 it's that a good idea they can kick it with by playing F3 that looks like their dark squares could become weak or I could play G6 Bishop G7 that's kind of like a dragon Sicilian I could play D6 Bishop E7 which I kinda like but I will go for G6 here this opponent may be really tough and I'd like to have a formation that I'm very comfortable with Bishop G5 where I don't have to reinvent the wheel Bishop G7 getting ready to Castle protecting the Knight getting the bishop on the long diagonal if you are a regular viewer of the channel you of course know the secret name of this awesome piece this is the one-eyed super monster sniper Bishop also known as the dragon Bishop in this Sicilian dragon okay they Castle seems like a very good idea I guess we Castle as well I am so supremely supremely relaxed right now that I'm actually kind of kind of finding it a little bit hard too calculate but now we have sort of nice standard chest position they are playing F4 I think we our opponent in this game is significantly significant and their opponent in the first game where do we put our pieces they want to play Pawn to F5 should we try to stop that by playing E6 that looks pretty good I guess and I think just E6 stops F5 okay they are maneuvering their Knights Knight G3 so sort of reigniting the threat of Pawn 2 F5 can we Maybe try to get some counter play I would love to play a move such as Pawn to D5 the problem is this Knight is pinned by the bishop problem so they couldn't respond with Pawn to E5 maybe we can try something like Queen two B6 maybe that is prudent in this position quite okay Queen C1 looks like a mysterious move but it is forming a battery with the other with the dark Square Bishop so the complete Bishop H6 and re-exchange the Bishops um if I play D5 Pawn takes Pawn takes that I think it's a pretty big problem that I I don't think I can actually play that I think my position is actually not very good because of course with Queen C1 they also protected B2 so I don't have Queen takes B2 can I maybe play maybe 95 trying to go after this bishop here which is a Strong attacking piece I also have Knight D4 but that doesn't do that much play Knight E5 and now I will play really quickly because I've spent so much time so I will not commentate that much on the next moves I'll just play as quickly as possible because I do gain five seconds on every move and if we do lose this game on time or on position then that's absolutely fine be we are not playing for some Grand Prize or two like any sort of big change in our lives it's pretty inconsequential really if I win or lose in in this it's all about being relaxed having a good time and chilling out so so what will my opponent come up with most moves I will probably just play Knight takes Bishop either on C4 or on B3 if we see something like Bishop takes Knight here I'll play Bishop takes Bishop if we see something like E5 I'm guessing ponte's pawn pawn takes Pawn in Knight G4 okay our opponent thinking that they really need to come up with the correct idea here they just play this we capture they recapture and I play Queen here this is just to gain some time on the clock maybe I can now think about playing a move like A6 to take away okay they do this we absolutely have to capture that you like so let's try to let's try to activate some more pieces this diagonal here the light Square Bishop could be pretty good I'm thinking they should play night the bishop takes Knight Bishop takes Bishop Knight D5 monster Square for that Knight f4king Queen and Bishop then Queen d8 Knight takes Bishop Queen takes and then Pawn takes G6 because that forces that now maybe I have Queen D4 in that position check and then I can recapture with the pawn that could be could be a way out right now of course Knights B5 maybe that can be made by something like Queen C6 oh no maybe we are getting back at our our clock here even though of course we are still long way behind okay they do capture to recapture you do this this is the whole line we were looking at and then Knight takes Bishop was what I was thinking they would do and then Queen takes and then I was thinking Pawn takes and here I was hoping that Queen here check meant that I could play something like Pawn text poem here and maybe the position is not that bad anymore I just need to I mean just need to sort of activate this bishop here okay how are we doing in time we have these 20 seconds is it possible we could be cheeky and play Rook h8 go for an attack against the king it could be kind of funny they clearly want to move their Queen because they protected B2 with by playing Rook B1 okay like so I'll try this actually just because just because there could be some threats there could be some threads okay Queen here I'm guessing Rook here is a move so that okay Queen here Rook here now I do thread and some stuff here Rook takes pawn queen takes Rook takes not completely sure how they offending that okay Knight here I think we'll try this book check Queen takes Rook takes so King takes check they go back I guess check what do they want to play should we go for a draw friendly draw they go here check here let's just Advance this poem kissing something like Knight F3 could be interesting for them kissing something like Queen here Maybe maybe we will be threatening some Bishop H3 okay here I guess we try to threaten the night here let's just try to keep everything control it's not necessarily super easy to play this position with very limited time I think I'll try to close the structure maybe these backward pawns are a weakness who knows okay they activate the Rook should we just chop this off I mean Knights are tricky pieces right okay they didn't capture that that is that is very weird um that is extremely weird to me I mean they do gain this but I mean now I should be actually winning what's the time always because they are low on time as well and then we got the we got the animation because we won on time so the situation there were like I had 20 seconds left and they had four minutes and then I started playing fester and then they they didn't find the right plane I think they had a very very good position I was probably positionally completely busted but they made some changes in their attack that sort of took out the gas gas a little bit and then they allowed me to get the Rocks here on the open file and allowed me to start attacking and then they got in time trouble and made a lot of mistakes the time trouble particularly not capturing the bishop was a big mistake so let's reset the board and then just play another game so let's take the app let's see if we can win a third straight game here we will play as random we're not going to have any hints with people online you'll pay five plus five I think that works pretty well play on leeches play against someone random right and let's see if we get the white pieces or the black pieces and yeah of course there's a link in the description that you can buy the chess board you can support me on patreon uh or you can just watch the video or even just listen to the video you don't have to do anything right now you can just chill out you don't even have to think about the moves you don't have to do anything this is your time and I have a game here I'm white now and yeah I'll be doing all of the all of the thinking you are invited to think along if you want to and if not then okay we have the Pedro of the event that's interesting I don't know anything about the better of this defense what's the rating of our opponent 1500 so I guess I guess they know what they are doing should we just sort of challenge them is that correct to capture the pawn I don't I have no idea about this I never studied the Petrov I'm playing Bishop C4 allowing them to capture on e4 and if they do that I'm thinking that I can capture on E5 with a threat but maybe it's not a threat okay they play D5 wow so I'm guessing I will have to capture that okay let's see if our opponent can teach us a little bit about the better over here so I guess they now play E4 that looks very natural no they capture here on D5 well that I was not afraid of I'm thinking I could maybe capture on on E5 um could be some Theory that I don't know about and so maybe I should Castle instead say castles Bishop T4 is that a problem it's kind of a problem if if point if Knight takes Pawn so it's like it's probably some it's probably going to be some queen move right like Knight takes pawn queen G5 I think that's there's like some some opening like that but Queen T5 Knight takes F7 though Queen G2 or I could be like super boring and play H3 to take away Bishop G4 or I could be even more boring and play Bishop takes Knight H3 I guess I guess I will play the super boring H3 just because I have no idea what this position is um yeah they play E4 so they they know about this position I'm guessing 95 is sort of the only move or maybe Queen E2 could be good try Queen E2 or Knight F4 I have Queen takes Pawn check okay if five so here I may be able to Castle maybe I can get away with that maybe I can play Ponto D3 I think I'll just no they now they want to play I think I'll play point D3 because then there's no Knight a F4 because I have Bishop takes F4 and then I can castle and I think I may be surviving this very I think maybe it's too busiest way my opponent played this attack here I'll just go I'll just go back maybe I would have even had D takes okay what is this that can't be this is completely not so what my opponent is doing here vontex E4 Knight here and saying that Bishop takes Knight is probably quite good to play Pawn takes do we want to play Queen takes check that looks pretty good check okay now just speed up here a little bit okay this is a huge blunder chat I played this of course oh okay so I have to go back I thought they blocked with the Knight the block with the pawn I do have to go back they kept you like this recapture like this check and block with the bishop I I finally Castle it's kiss I have a very very good position Maybe here that's the blunder I can capture this Pawn now I have both like okay check here and I guess here oh wait a minute that was I could just capture that that was ridiculous I have I had in my mind that that Bishop was you know defended somehow it's not I could just to capture that okay but now I can check should be able to finish this game in short order here and Checkmate Okay so spend a lot of time in the opening there I didn't mean to but I'm not that experienced with playing Eva I've been doing all these opening videos where I've been learning about all this stuff about E4 so uh I wanted to try it out in practice all right um and actually we have the same Scholars made type made on F7 but uh yeah but of course E4 is a huge huge area of Chess and I've been playing having been playing D4 for so long there are many standard things in E4 territory where I don't know exactly the correct plan so I have to spend some extra time figuring it out let's reset the board once again one I think three games in a row now which is nice and I think our opponents have been you know the first one was quite a bit below our skill level the channel but um but the second opponent was quite good I had a winning position I think against me and this opponent posts on problems for me in the opening but I managed to navigate it and managed to win the game okay so let's go for see if we can make it four out of four wins shall we okay we will play against someone random on leeches we will play five plus five and someone random let's go like so oh we got an opponent right away and I'm playing with the black pieces here let's go for the Sicilian again if we can get into the dragon Maybe a video on that a long time ago I think it's the most popular video I have ever made here on YouTube and they are playing what is known as the open Sicilian so the game so far has been E4 on C5 Knight F3 D6 D4 C takes D Knight takes D4 now we play Knight F6 we can go into many Sicilians here but we are now choosing to play G6 after Knight C3 and this is going to be the Sicilian dragon very standard opening looks like opponent knows the theory this could be dangerously playing Bishop Bishop 3 we play Bishop G7 I guess you're about they're going to play something like F3 they're going to go for the Yugoslav attack they could also Play Bishop C4 which is known as the Fisher Bishop opening and the Fisher famously said that it's very very easy to get I play F3 is consistent with the yugoslava tank I think I'll hold back on castling I'll play uh Knight C6 after F3 well pitcher said that against the dragon all you had to do was open up the H file SS white and then sacrifice sacrifice and then Checkmate which is of course you know a little said for us Sicilian Dragon players that the dragon can beat dismissed so easily but I would like to note the castle that Gary Kasparov defeated vishwata vishwan anathan in the World Chess Championship in 1995 in two games as black with the Sicilian Dragon so if it is good enough to beat Bishi Anand who is one of the greatest chess players to ever live okay they cast long this is all consistent with the Yugoslav attack if that's possible then we play Bishop D7 then it's it's good enough for me the humble as much as pets room okay they do go for Bishop C4 I'm pretty happy about that um actually because I fear the lines with Bishop E2 a little more we now play Rook C8 guess they will play King B1 this is a very theoretical game no okay they play the other one uh yes of course you have to play Bishop B3 first and now you should consider a move such as Knight E5 which we will play here because we want to be able to play Knight C4 forking the queen and the bishop so that they will have to play Bishop takes Knight we will then recapture with the Rook this is a common theme um white has some very very good Bishops in this opening and if we can get rid of one of them exchange one for a night then that's really good for us okay they go for standard attack I can't remember if I'm supposed to play H5 right away or if I'm supposed to play Knight C4 Knight C4 Bishop takes Rook takes and then can they maybe then play G5 Knight E8 H4 not sure I think I'll just go for night um I'd see four here we are going to see Bishop takes Knight then we are going to say Rook takes Bishop and then I'm guessing they can play G5 and maybe it's a maybe it's uh a big challenge for me but I I will be able to maybe play Knight H5 there okay so they try to go for changing Bishop right away and I think the correct idea here is something a little I think I have to be a little courageous here I have to play Bishop takes Bishop Queen takes Bishop Brook takes Knight Pawn takes Knight and then try to attack I think that's what we are going to go for so they play here Rook takes here let me just check the time we have two minutes we have two play a little faster and now Queen a five I believe is the move so we have planes like Rook C8 trying to attack the king okay that's interesting King B2 Rook C8 immediately going after C3 and we could we could be doing okay here we could also be losing this could be a well-known theoretical position that you know some super Grandmaster would just say oh it's a false draw I have no idea but we have given up um quite a lot of material so now we have to figure out a way to activate some more pieces for instance this Knight quite nice to get into the game somehow there's not going to be some Bishop takes Pawn on G4 Pawn takes Knight maybe Knight wow Bishop takes Pawn takes Knight takes E4 Queen takes Queen takes check are that defense here so there you go back with the queen and I don't have a follow-up okay but it is it is an interesting idea lurking in the position politics Bishop takes Pawn takes Knight takes E4 Queen takes check Queen takes check King B1 and then we don't have anything check okay so I guess I'll just have to play a move here I spent all the time trying to find something amazing and I didn't and now I'm okay night goes back we play Queen C7 I have a I have a troubled feeling about this position but it's all good it's all good we are not you know this is not a money match they play H4 we play H5 we may have like if we can just find a way to distract this queen we will be so happy because we have this battery of the queen and Rook if they play okay they go here kept oh did I lose on time oh yeah I lost on time guess it's only fair that we lost this one on time our opponent played very well I think we may be doing kind of okay we could have maybe something like Pawn takes Here pawn takes because I think we actually got what we wanted after this I think we are actually very very heavy here they have to stay somewhere where they keep protecting this so maybe going here or something and and then Knight here and we are pretty happy I think so yeah so you can't win them all um but you can win some of them and now I'll just have a little break and you can just relax because you won't notice the break because I'll edit it out we are in game five let's try a default opening and see what we can do now okay while they play been only old benoni I hate playing against it I'm going to play C3 and go for a collie setup or maybe something resembling a London system going to play picture before E3 try to avoid Theory here just play Bishop F4 E3 Bishop D3 castles okay they know what they're doing our opponent here just alarming but we will try to be play quite quickly not not spend all of our time in the beginning of the game for this one so okay they do capture I think that's a little unambitious of them because now what Bishop B4 though what is that supposed to do we could start by kicking that so they go here and I'm actually quite comfortable just playing Knight C3 if they want to capture that armor super happy about that so oh and it's okay the castle so they we play Rook C1 you can see I don't know the strength of my opponent it's because I'm playing these unrated games and I'm not looking too much at the app I'm just here with with the physical board which I like very much they play A6 um I think we should maybe start thinking about some kind of attack Maybe this Knight is not doing so much we will play Knight E5 our opponent it seems that they also they were unsure about our strength so they just played a lot of common sense moves but seems that they have allowed us to get two very good Bishops and their own pieces are a little a little underdeveloped compared to ours okay they now capture the night I think I may consider recapturing with the Rook since I already have the bishop threatening this Square here but on the other hand being able to play a move such as B take C and then C4 so the big questions becomes if I play B takes equal they play B5 I think they will so we kept you with the rook and they play Knight here this sonite E4 attacks The Rook if I play if I play Rook C7 they may try to distract the bishop by playing F6 Bishop F4 G5 it looks like it it's very very weakening for them so I think actually I will try this okay so here the idea is that my row could be exposed to some attacks by them but I think they would weaken their King so much in that process that it would be well worth it also I can sort of bail out by just playing okay Knight hear that an interesting way of going about it so they now want to play Rook take Queen takes Rook because the Knight is obscuring but I think a move like Queen G4 could be good here because it's a threatens mate and if they try to play F6 it still threatens me because of the Rook like so that was a pretty smooth game yeah you know I do this a lot when I I don't know my opponent's strength I just play Common Sense moves develop pieces follow like a pretty standard struck Chuck at the king castles let my castle let my pieces do something and it just wait to see how the situation develops and often it works like a child like you don't have to force the wind sometimes you you don't even have to win you your opponent just has to lose and a lot of times and just your opponent are perfectly able to lose the game themselves you don't really have to do that much so let's reset the board okay now I'm thinking we should rated game playing Pawn to E4 our opponent we will play the Sicilian Defense I'll turn this around but this is a rapid game and they are playing this with more against us wow so we are capturing that I just did a video on this a video on this okay they play this weird Queen takes so that that is not the main move in the Smith Mora game bit okay so I was thinking that we would get as strong opponent by playing a rated game but this my opponent is doing looks kinda [Music] kinda of what they did the spot that I was threatening to play Bishop B4 they did spot that I guess still I guess we are doing quite well they're Queen seems quite misplaced Knight F6 here but at least we're not winning in in two moves and yeah we are we both have 15 minutes for this game and wow they play E5 so we play Knight D5 attacking the queen I think we will be able to maybe capture the E5 pay on Pawn after this whatever the case we have 15 minutes each plus 10 seconds for every move so we have plenty of time I thought we would try that maybe get some deeper games but um our opponent is playing a very funky very very funky style of Chess here they are protecting their pawn and maybe I think we'll just play Queen C7 because they are also threatening on G7 so if we play some Bishop Bishop C5 or whatever uh it it could be the case that they could play Queen takes on G7 how about Knight takes Knight takes and maybe bishop Bishop D6 that looks quite good so if Knight takes Queen takes Queen takes Knight takes that's less good so what are we doing here in exactly position should be very good but maybe it isn't maybe it's an optical illusion maybe I played D6 Pawn takes Bishop takes Queen takes G7 maybe I play F6 I think F6 is pretty good F6 now the only move I am concerned with now is that they could play C4 attacking the Knight um that may actually be a problem is that a problem not necessarily because I can play the in-between move Knight takes E5 so their development is very questionable if they play Bishop F4 I think I'll just capture that be quite happy if they play C4 Knight takes E5 Pawn takes Knight probably Knight takes Knight check first queen takes and then Queen takes a C1 so okay okay okay um very happy about this game because it looked like okay they play a bit before it looked like we were going to get an easy game when they when they played this weird variation with the with the queen but then I was pleasantly surprised um that it was not going to be that easy but now well after Bishop if four we play Knight takes Bishop on the phone case they will have to play Queen takes against which we can play Knight takes or Pawn takes they're thinking an awful lot he said because they are considering some something a little crazy like Pawn takes F6 they are okay now let's get thinking let's get thinking we can play we have there are many things we can play here you can just play G takes or we can play Knight I can't really move the Knight because then I just pin to the queen but we could play Knight takes G2 check then if Queen takes we then play Pawn takes on F6 which looks pretty good I think it's also winning a pawn I think we'd I think that is what we are doing unless it helps them develop let's say we play Knight takes G2 check if Bishop takes then Queen takes Queen Pawn takes and still we have Pawn takes and it still looks quite alright we also have Queen A5 check which looks quite interesting as well they play C3 you have no follow-up checks because there's no check on E5 because tonight covers that I think we are just capturing here check if they play Bishop Jake we play Queen takes if they play Queen takes we play Pawn takes and should be we should be probably going to text then we play Pawn Pawn takes and this whole thing has been about me or us you know because you're all on the team I hope you know that you're all on this team team a as much as it's all been about us being really creamed and we want to play D5 okay they play this C3 and can we play D5 immediately unleashing our pieces um we could also consider playing B6 Queen Bishop B7 in order to look at this diagonal here but I preferred playing D5 here just to get some control of the center which my opponent has relinquished or not been able to to get in okay so they play Bishop B5 I am not necessarily that afraid of that move we could consider just playing Bishop D7 and take Castle that is of course allowed in this position although I would say it does look quite risky we are going to also castle and the fact that we capture their g-pawn means that this configuration of king and queen are going to be potential liability for them because we are going to move this bishop on f8 somewhere then the Rooks will be connected and protect each other and then it moves such as any Rook to G8 will be a big problem for them and I think we may actually be able to just capture that pawn actually because Bishop takes B4 Pawn takes and then Rook G8 is winning I think and I'm not sure why but I don't want to do that I only want to play D6 Bishop to D6 also forming a battery looking at H2 I guess I could have won this Pawn on B4 but this looks this looks like a clean easy win where they don't have any counter play and let's give a shout out to the stereo microphones while we think about what our opponent could do in this position they do what could they could they do they will probably need to play King H1 which is a not a very nice move to play and I think our advantage is very very very large we can play Pawn to E5 Pawn to E4 just have these two monster Bishops pointing at their King side we have these Rooks and I think we have a winning positional advantage of materials he is almost equal but we are upper Pawn they have lost three pounds uh because we won opponent G2 and now we will win the queen I believe I'm not sure how they are going to defend against like what work should we do always move the other Rook always move the other Rook so I like in instinctively I want to play Rogue on age to G8 but why would I why am I interested in having a rook on D I don't know but this is this is what I will do and that's a huge problem for them and I think we can we will win the game in short order pretty sure both Rook moves were winning we can now play Bishop take H2 Bishop takes H2 check Queen Kent capture that because it's pinned to the king and there is no real way to even Save the Queen so they they play Queen takes Rook we play Rook takes queen that is check King will have to go to H1 I just noticed that there is a knight on on F3 which means that there is no Bishop takes H2 um but we can try to open up for this light squared Bishop try to get that in the game by playing Pawn to E5 we are now thinking about Bishop A3 Bishop G2 okay they try to exchange some Rooks do I want to play Queen d8 Rook takes Rook Queen takes Rook Rook G Rook G8 Queen E6 get the queen here or is it better to just play Rook takes Rook they will respawn with a rook taked Rook now they are threatening Rook G8 but they would have to play Bishop takes C6 first and then after that we can recapture with the pawn on B7 um so I'm not too afraid of that really do I want to even play but I don't want to play E4 because Knight D4 it's good in some World in some way could be a problem and if so if I play I'm not entirely sure actually I'll play Basics and if they capture I will recapture with the pawn having a very simple position if they play Rook G8 I will play Knight back to d8 because I have this winning Advantage but it's okay they do capture okay so and then I I play Pawn takes B7 keeping my king an escape Square on B7 so I play Pullman B7 takes C6 now the queen can now the king can go to B7 so I'm even less afraid of takes on uh G8 and now what they want to maybe come to A5 with their Knight but it's not really dangerous at all although you know what I'm going to do this is going to be really annoying for them I'm just going to play Bishop E6 because it covers G8 and I'm just going to sit here on my advantage um everything is protected this Pawn Center is so dominating the Bishops are way better than the knight in this sort of semi-open position and of course the queen quite a bit better than the Rook so okay but that's the problem you see I just defended that so they play Rook G8 and we play Bishop takes Rook on G8 and I guess it's time for them to resign the game because and they did they resigned the game so that's that was fun let's do another one of those so now we are searching for another leeches rapid game 15 minutes plus 10 seconds and we got the white pieces let's try an E4 opening because I have made so many videos on e4 they play C5 we will play Knight F3 hoping for the Magnus Carlson trap and we do get the Magnus Carlsen trap I have a video on this and the Magnus Carlsen trap is you play B4 here and this is a very very fun opening that I'm very happy that we get to play so they play Pawn takes then the correct move is D4 this is all Theory then okay they play the boring one which is E6 the fun one is if they play D6 and against this it's Bishop D3 it's yeah it's just Bishop D3 if they play D5 we can play E5 and okay Knight F6 I guess we just Castle oh I am out of a theory here I guess I guess I move such as A3 a move such as C3 against the C3 they can probably just play A5 so maybe a move like Bishop G5 could be really interesting or should I play oh okay of course here I play C4 I play C4 and if they capture ampersang I will recapture with the Knight and if they don't I have a really strong Center C4 we did give up a pawn in this opening probably stockfish will tell me that black has slightly slightly better here but I do like my position if they don't capture that pawn we have a lot of control of the center they don't they don't capture armpit sound so what do we do I think we may actually be able to play Pawn to A3 here we could play Pawn to D5 we could play Pawn to E5 because it sort of traps their Knight where is that night going so point to E5 if Knight G4 then then just H3 Knight H6 probably just Bishop takes Knight so that would be Pawn to E5 Knight Here pawn here threatening the Knight Knight has no good squares or not back to H six and we can probably just play Bishop takes Pawn takes they have a ruined Pawn structure but they make it uh play counter play here along this file so I don't feel I want to do that quite just yet then we can consider playing Pawn to A3 which I quite like if A5 just Pawn takes but they may be able to just play Knight takes probably not that then we have moves like Bishop F4 and we have D5 if D5 e takes d c takes D probably Knight goes maybe to A5 I think I will I will play Bishop F4 and then I'm thinking I will play D5 because then I would potentially be threatening to go all the way to D6 now backed up by the bishop um so I think this opening game bit has wind has gone very well very very well I'm very very happy um we have this nice under control okay wow okay so this is probably a really good idea for them um but it it might it could be a problem still so so they play Bishop A6 the Ada is D5 e takes DC takes D Bishop takes Bishop Queen takes Bishop Knight Knight A5 and Knight B8 and then D6 then Bishop back and then E5 that looks very good so we will try this D5 idea trying just trying to stifle them just trying to box them in completely we have this all like they do have this extra Pawn but we control so much of the ball right we control so much of the board let's see how they react okay they play Knight here at A5 so that threatens to capture on so that that does threaten to capture on C4 but we could consider just playing point of D6 because they would have to react to that and then after that we can probably play E5 and then we are just then there then they are just so boxed in so I think I think this is too good too this is too good to to pay us our bond like this Pawn to D6 is just if if this works I mean what are they going to do now because by capturing the picture I'm also threatening the queen and uh yeah we got this very nice space Advantage out of the opening oh wow wow what wow that is such a cool move they did there that is amazing that is now pinning this Pawn to my Bishop which is really crafty of them and it's actually they are actually now threatening to play Bishop takes so I guess we play E5 now they will play Knight H5 because it attacks the bishop but I think we even though we are actually giving up another Pawn here I think we are giving up another Pawn so maybe not maybe not can we even play like this position is so it's so cool I love this position so they are threatening the bishop but if we just play Bishop G3 that should be very good they still have to move their own bishop and we can consider trying to attack their Rook we could also try to preserve the bishop I I like just Bishop G3 I just I I'm in love with this position I'm not sure it's necessarily winning because it's quite complicated but look at the positional factors here look at those two pawns like that is those are worth much more than one point each that is for sure and like we our Center control is so so great okay they they save the bishop like this but that gives us time to play a move that we are really we really want to play which is night on B to D2 I think I'm not blundering anything here because now we are protecting the C4 Pawn twice um and we got the last Light piece out of the back rank their Knight is a little funky here on H5 it's interesting that they didn't want to capture the bishop on G3 maybe they will do that very soon we can now also Play Moves Like Rook C1 if they play Bishop B7 we play probably just probably just Rook C1 and then wait to play Bishop B for ourselves okay the castle I mean Bishop takes 87 check King takes Knight G5 check Bishop takes Queen takes age five and Bishop to H6 because otherwise they're losing that as well and that may be a little bit too much so how about a move like night a D4 attacking their Knight where is it going okay Bishop takes H7 checking takes Knight G5 check Bishop takes Queen takes so that's with weakened a piece so we down we lost two points of material they have to play Bishop H6 we have the queen here we could play a move like Knight if three that could potentially be threatening move like Knight G5 check but King can go back and maybe it's not that big a deal King will have to go back to G8 though because otherwise Knight takes an F 7 will be too strong yeah this is an interesting interesting one we could also just play Rook C1 and say that their position is they they can barely move but probably they want to play Pawn to if four that is probably their big plane the Knight G5 training day and night they played G6 maybe bishop takes Pawn takes it doesn't do that much it doesn't do that much how about Bishop H4 if they get F5 in if if they do get a five in that could that could be a problem but this is a difficult difficult one they are playing it quite well we could the problem is that Knight D4 is just not doing that much they will play G6 protecting their Knight but it is still a weakness I guess we'll also have to play a move so Knight D5 The Queen Is Now attacking their Knight they will probably have to play G6 if they play Knight takes I think I should be very heavy Knight takes Bishop in that position I may even consider capturing with the pawn to open up the Rook um potentially even though my inclination is to play the age the age they play point to F6 and I thought that would bang the Knight and we threaten Checkmate like so maybe they missed that I don't think they missed that because they've been playing so well I mean everyone can plunder of course and now they are in very deep trouble because we get to infiltrate I guess we just play Queen G6 threatening some nasties on H7 they can try to run to F7 but we have this extremely strong d-pawn covering D6 so Bishop G6 will actually be Checkmate there so they have to now play F5 and then our Knight will be doing something on D4 because we can then play light takes on D4 upon takes Bishop takes and we should be doing quite well there so this this game was a thrill and it's not finished yet it's not finished yet yeah they do play F5 so my idea was Knight takes I could also play Knight takes on E6 because D takes and then Queen takes that check and then I can probably also win the other Pawn so I think this is very good because now these two pawns will become even stronger and it's of course threatening Checkmate here so on on G7 I mean so they do probably have to capture that and yeah they do capture that just check me not just check that we are not losing on time and we have a good three minutes so intakes here let's check King goes to h8 I guess and then probably Bishop takes on F5 yes okay they go here and then Bishop takes only five should be good because um because we're actually not brown during the C4 Pawn because the queen is kinda neatly okay they gave up the exchange sacrifice in order to get some counter play here we will recapture that so so now they can get the the pawn bot I mean like these two these two are quite strong and and we are even threatening to just advance them we have check on f8 if we need that um we have moves like E6 D E7 E8 with another queen another queen another queen that would be cool okay they do capture with the Knight foreign I think we will recapture that so they can capture with their Bishop and then then actually we are probably just going to click onto E6 and and it's a okay they capture our exchange here I don't think that's too much a problem I will recapture and it's finally that means the position like materially we are about equal although we are ahead a poem but uh of course the quality of the pieces they have these three on the back rank and they have these pawns here that's aren't doing anything and this Queen check I should just about decide the game King here so we either play E7 or we play Bishop Bishop two E5 threatening checkmate probably there's only one move there which would be Bishop here and then Queen takes Rook takes Bishop takes Pawn takes but how about just E7 if Bishop takes Queen takes now we are have this simplified position and we are up a bishop and we have this killer Pawn on D6 and we are going to play Bishop B5 threading Checkmate and our opponent has zero counter play their Rook is terrible the queen is okay but and their King safety is also very very questionable so yeah we're having a good time in this game we are having a good time in this game so okay they pointy AIDS maybe just I think I'll actually okay it's because they want to play Rook I'll play I'll play Pawn to uh D7 just to take away Rook E8 so that they are not evicting Our Queen they'll do this I will do this now actually threatens queer Bishop takes um Bishop okay they go here but I was thinking that Bishop takes G7 because if Queen takes then Queen takes Rook so that looks good and unless I missed something we are doing quite well having blood quite an advantage here and also a good time you know you are having a good time wherever you are I hope that you are relaxed I hope that you I hope that you are finding some entertainment in this fixation that you are just melting into the surface you are lying on or sitting on just letting your brain tingle tinkle tingle all the wind just getting that nice nice Asm as I'm feeling this is all for you this is just your space it's all for you if you want to sleep you can sleep if you want to calculate moves or evaluate positions you can calculate moves and evaluate positions this is all for you and there is no requirements you are actively already doing a fantastic job just by being there and with that our opponent we signed now that was a very enjoyable game let's have another one okay we are playing Another a rabbit game we have the white pieces again let's open with Pawn to E4 again they play Ubuntu E5 should we try should we try The Bishop's opening or should we try Knight I feel like Knight F3 because we already had one game with the Bishops opening and this is also it is a better move what Bishop D6 that is not a very good move I almost almost want to play D4 I'll just play let's just play Bishop C4 why are they playing their Bishop to D6 that is the weirdest way I have ever seen anybody defend the E5 Pawn um don't think this is a Cutting Edge opening Theory I think we are just playing against someone even though it's a rated game I think we're playing against someone who is new to chess there's no shame in that by the way if you are like I have some comments about people say I like watching the videos but I you know I'm not good enough to actually play chess like if you can if you know most of the rules you can have a grained nice great time playing chess and you know it's not our job to play chess it's not you know you don't have to do it super well it's and the thing you do for enjoyment just you know have a good time find out what you like in chess and just do that opponent is deep in the tank after E4 E5 Knight F3 Bishop D6 and C Bishop C4 and our opponent is just thinking how are we going to to turn this around so why is this bishop D6 such a bad move well first of all it is it has no threats it has it's a purely defensive move with no other you know no other ideas except defending the E5 Pawn how they play Knight F6 second of all it blocks in the the seven Pawn so it cramps Black's development and and it moves a bishop out before a night it just breaks all the rules should I Castle here if I Castle there like for sure going to play Knight takes E4 pish maybe rookie one but then their Bishop is actually doing something because then they can play Maybe F5 I mean we just castle if they want to if they want to play Knight takes E4 here I think we should let them Knight takes E4 rookie one F5 D3 Knight okay they are they are not taking the beat then I think then I think I move such as Pawn to C3 could be good so that we can play Pawn to D4 supported by the C3 pawn and now they maybe it was a mouse slip that they went to D6 airplane Bishop back to E7 I don't know if I can play D4 or if I should play D3 first D4 Knight takes E4 Rook rookie rookie one F4 D3 Knight somewhere Knight takes Pawn Knight takes pawnbroken it looks pretty good I'll just do it I'll just do it Nike just do it and maybe okay deeply Pawn to D6 so I will click onto H3 so that there is no Bishop G4 and okay they play pontex Pawn the idea was Pawn takes Pawn okay now they do play Knight takes so we have game pitted this Pawn and maybe we are being really Reckless here I was thinking that Rook E1 would be pretty good but of course they can just play Knight F6 and see that we have just given up a pawn for no reason at all now this this Pawn to D5 not too sure about not too sure about that move how about we just play Bishop B3 but I must say that we have played this like quite badly I think I think I played this quite badly we are down a pawn in our like in our opponent is actually not really behind in development or anything Knight C3 if Knight take Knight one takes okay Bishop B for their opponent started playing much better all of a sudden it's a little curious maybe they are threatening on C3 so what do we do here Bishop takes D5 doesn't work because I don't know because Knight takes Knight how about a move but I think Queen D3 is mid accurately by Bishop F5 we could play Bishop D2 but then they play Knight takes and that's annoying we could play Rook takes Knight Pawn takes that's not good so yeah what are we doing I guess we will just play Bishop to D I guess we'll just play Bishop D2 just take care of the problems and it's curious how our opponent played on the second move a an absolutely howler of a horrible horrible move that sort of showed that they had very limited understanding of chess and then we were relaxing and having a good time and playing some easy moves not maybe the most accurate but they were playing what looked to me like they were playing perfectly and I think black has the advantage now so that's that's quite curious that how that could happen so what will our opponent do now I guess Knight takes Bishop we play Maybe Queen takes they are really thinking here great long think I think we may be threatening to play uh Knight takes on Eid on D5 here maybe threatening that not completely sure and I think if they just play Knight takes Bishop they just have an excellent position I have no particular compensation for my pawn and like I don't think I'm losing necessarily but I will be in the position will be like minus one or something I'm pretty sure our opponent however not moving refusing to move did they disconnect let me just check they did not disconnect but what could they be thinking that much if I were back in this position I would probably just play light takes on D6 because then if Queen takes the queen is now pinned making making White's position a little harder to play I don't know Queen takes Bishop Queen takes Knight or maybe move or move like almost like is it is it because they are concerned that we are attacking on on D5 is that the whole thing we are attacking on D5 if if they are okay they play Bishop takes Knight that's quite a surprise but it does solve the whole problem I guess just maybe I should actually play Bishop takes but now I'll play I'll play B takes on C3 and and yes we are down a pawn and okay Knight A5 that's a pretty good move I would say but on the other hand if I play Bishop C2 and they play in Knight S Knight C4 which is a good Square for the Knight we will then be able to play Bishop takes Knight Pawn takes Knight and Rook takes so I think actually and that this is okay and if they if they play okay Bishop if five now okay so if I play C4 and they play Knight takes that's just bad it's it is quite disturbing how well my opponent is playing this game it is quite disturbing I will play Rook B1 um covering B2 so that there will be no Knights Knight C4 Knight B2 okay activating the other Rook here they play Rook E8 and I guess Knight E5 so the idea here is Knight and C5 is defending C4 okay they they play all these super principled moves they play C5 but if I play Punch C4 Knight takes Pawn Knight takes Pawn that could potentially be good let's see if we can make that work Pawn to C4 but there are so many things they could do they could play Knight takes Bishop Queen takes Knight Pawn on C takes Pawn on D but then also after C5 they are defending the Knight but I would be attacking the B7 Pawn maybe it's time to try to get rid of their Knight Bishop takes Bishop takes or maybe something wild like Queen F3 Bishop takes Knight Bishop takes Bishop maybe there we could play something like like Queen H5 threatening a potentially dangerous chick Bishop back to G6 it's crazy how well they are playing this game if if Queen F3 Knight takes D2 I think queen of three doesn't threaten much after night after Bishop back to G6 but then maybe bishop F3 Knight takes Bishop Queen takes Bishop potentially threatening on each seven let's see Queen F3 Knight takes Bishop Queen takes Bishop Knight takes Rook Queen 87 check king f8 queen h8 King and then I discovered I think we will try that Queen F3 Bishop G6 Knight takes but the problem of the Knight takes is light takes on D6 it's unbelievable it's unbelievable C4 Knight takes what about G4 Bishop G6 I've spent so much time here probably we'll play G4 onto G4 processed like um I think this is this is a pretty weird game our opponent plays so so so badly on the second move like demonstrably bad and then they are playing all these all these amazing moves um are we playing Bishop takes Bishop are we playing I think we're just playing Queen takes then they're playing Bishop takes Bishop no they play but that does give the pawn back it looks like so let's try to let's try to get some get back in the game little bits like I it's pretty crazy I can't play Rook takes I can't play Rook takes on e4 because they play F6 so I play Rook E3 let me check on the time and they play Rook takes which is of course shows that I was playing a blunder and you know what I'm not sure I really want to finish this game to be honest I feel that I'm not you know I don't want to be one of those guys but I'm not sure my opponent played this game too fairly to be honest so I think we will resign this game and go on to a different game okay left let's have let's have the game let's see if if we can get an opponent with um a playstyle that is more understandable for me and so we we are playing Black now it seems deeply D4 we will play Knight F6 I'll just keep ing this okay they played the London let me just actually turn this around let's try for some D6 just some something simple Knight F3 is that the Joe Barber London what is that move much about that we will play G6 like so Bishop G7 welcome we'll probably put the Knight B to D7 they play D3 it does look like a two power London type of setup we play Bishop G7 they will play Knights two if three maybe they will put it on E2 they are thinking here they are playing Pont G4 okay I will capture that that was a very surprising move this is like this move was played by a guy who has a 300 almost 400 points no about 400 points higher rating than than the guy we played in in that other game curious uh Okay so so they play H4 I guess we just Castle we want to pawn I'm actually thinking that we want to open this game up quickly we could sacrifice a pawn by playing E5 point a E5 Pawn takes pawn pawn takes pawn bishop takes Pawn we could play C5 we could play Knight C6 with the idea of going E5 C5 D5 replay C5 they played D5 and then we play E6 that looks pretty good so C5 what if they play D takes C then we play D takes C it doesn't look like it's I actually I don't particularly like like this Knight C3 move because I hate blocking in my c-pawn with the Knight but I just I just wanted to see what happens so if I play E5 now this is just an experiment probably E5 then D takes and then and I think I'll actually I just want to try this out so if they play with if they play D takes E5 I will now play Knight takes okay they do this instead they play Bishop G5 I think it hangs the pawn here on D4 Pawn takes and then I was thinking that we could play Knight takes on the phone um and it looks like our opponent may be collapsing here we can consider playing a move like rookie 8 that would be check um we'll check there I think we will try to get that check in so they may have okay that is not a very a good move Knight E2 because Knight takes on F3 is check and also it picks up the queen so so I guess we will see a resignation here perhaps and yeah no okay then we see King F2 then we play Knight takes Queen on D2 then I guess Bishop takes Bishops and G takes back on D2 then we can consider Knight G4 check if they play that um with ideas of coming back to E4 ideas of going to D4 with the bishop oh but we're not getting any of that because our opponent resigned the game okay okay okay so for the last stretch of the for this video I'll be playing some faster rated games we can play Let's Play D4 we have white against somebody now we can get a proper Queen scampered I'll just turn this around okay they they play D takes and I always play E3 just so that they may fall into the elephant trap or whatever this is called and they do they so the game is D D4 D5 C4 D take ce3 B5 that's a mistake because we play A4 and then when they play uh C6 to defend the pawn we capture that they recapture and then the magic moves off I've won I have won so many games like this is Queen F3 so if if you want to employ this trap in your own games D4 D5 C4 D takes C which is absolutely fine then you play E3 less than pitches than E4 but it has this idea here and if they play B5 you play A4 and against E6 you just takes you just take Pawn takes and they can't recapture because it's pinned to the rook and against C-section play Pawn takes and then Pawn takes and then Queen F3 and uh yeah sometimes they'll defend with the Bishops you still play Pawn takes Bishop takes Knight C3 Bishop back to A6 Rook takes uh Bishop I take Bishop Queen F3 I think like it it's all very good let's see did my opponent leave the game our opponent is taking a good long thing here is it going to be an abandoned game I guess if if they are going to abandon the game it's going to be easy ELO for us not ECE like from NWA by DC ELO easy ELO could actually be kind of cool hip-hop chess name what other what other names could you have as a as a rapper there is n't there a guy called young ELO um oh they wow they are playing E5 okay so it's not an abandoned game we of course just capturing The Rook I think because we are threatening the night as well so they don't have time to play any he takes wow they really did play okay so we capture the Knight I mean if they play D3 they they play the case so they they play D takes E3 we could play Bishop takes E3 we could play Queen takes um B5 chick Queen takes B5 check Bishop D7 Queen e 5 check I think we'll do that check Bishop D7 only move Queen E5 check if Queen D E7 there then Queen takes Queen Bishop takes queen or Knight takes queen or something and then Bishop takes Pawn on E3 opponent good good long think here I don't think there's too much because if Queen D7 we just play Queen takes Queen Bishop takes Queen Bishop takes E3 if if King E7 we play we still play well then we may actually okay they do play King E7 then we may consider playing Bishop takes E3 right away because that now threatens stuff like Bishop Bishop C5 check we could have played Rook takes A7 check as well uh that would have probably been pretty good so we will play that now check probably have to play kicking here but that is going to be Checkmate like so that was a quick game shows the power of this little trap here that I that I played um I have one an unbelievable amount of games but that that and it's if you are playing the Queen's game bit accepted which is what they did then you absolutely must know that trap you must know that in the Queen's game but you just you just cannot try to hang on to this Pawn you can just play Knight F6 and give the pawn back and it's fine fine but don't try to hang on to the phone don't try to hang on to the Bone searching for some more rated games on leeches our opponent was rated like 1700 or something in that game okay we have the black pieces the play Knight F3 let's play D5 I'll turn this around [Music] they play D4 so now we are in so I'm D4 type opening let's play Knight F6 let's just play some quick moves intuitive chess relaxing okay Bishop Bishop G and Bishop G5 if I just guess we just play E6 have a relaxing time here just play some intuitive moves what if I try to play an entire game without calculating just playing whatever comes to mind as the first move just purely intuitive what happens what happens so it's also interesting to not like verbalize out loud what I'm thinking about just just playing moves so so [Music] like I think our opponent got a little worse after we started playing rated games which is weird not sure how that works but it's something about that the rating system on leeches is much more forgiving than it is on chess.com that you need much higher rating on on leeches as compared to um to chess.com so if you are like 1700 on chess.com it's absolutely not the same as being 1700 on leeches what's the rating of this guy actually let's check okay this guy is all is rated a little less than 1100. chop chop chop chop chop chop chop just playing intuitive moves the castle that's fair these intuitive moves they are fast I'm not sure they are that good like the Knight just goes to B4 okay like why am I doing that it's not necessarily completely clear but but it is I needed to figure out something to do with that night and it was a bit awkward so I created this route intuitively yeah now I I gotta develop the bishop but I kind of promised myself that I wouldn't verbalize my thoughts because I'm supposed to play just completely intuitively so but I don't know what to do except verbalize my thoughts um it's too hard to not to not do it so I'm concerned with the Queen Brook situation here so I don't want them to play D5 where there could be some problem with this pin um let's put the Rogue opposite their Queen let's consider actually playing the Knight back to D5 if they don't play C4 now if they don't play C4 we could constant okay let's try to put it here so okay take takes now this position is going to play itself almost we have this extra Bishop we just need to activate it um where and how will we be doing that I think we need to create some weaknesses so let's just put it on B7 or A6 and then try to get them to make some concessions with their Pawns okay they are going for some attack here okay and I see what you're doing I see what you're doing so they want to play Queen takes H6 great idea we want to defend H6 with our Queen and then we have this very very significant material advantage but they have they have so much they have so much counter play now they are going to play will give three that may be a problem we'll play H5 so we can meet meet Rook F3 by playing Queen H6 sort of trying to defend everything and also buy ourselves a little time so the idea was this oh Can you spot foreign a problem with that move I played that was a bit too intuitive I think but okay this is three hours of chess and I think we should try to end this on a wholesome note everybody makes mistakes and sometimes we should just laugh at those mistakes some of the lights have gone out as well so I think it's time to end the video and I would like to say thank you so so much for let's just give them the satisfaction of um of check meeting us and uh like so we lost the game we got checkmated that's fine sometimes we should just laugh at our mistakes we get tired let's be let's be nice to ourselves and forgive ourselves and I I hope that you had a great time watching this I hope that you fell asleep or whatever your goal was watching this I hope you you got it thank you so much for watching and I hope I will see you in the next video thanks for watching bye okay let's have another game one line on leeches so let's do rated five minutes plus five seconds against someone random so let's see let's see who we get paired with and we will let's see who we will play okay we have the black pieces they open with C4 let's do Knight F6 if they play D4 we play The Budapest if they play Knight if okay they play Knight E4 so we can't play E5 let's play G6 here okay they play so here we can here we can play D5 get into the Greenfield defense not that I know so much about it okay but they do the correct move there is absolutely to play Pawn takes Pawn Knight takes E4 um and then actually it's not a green felt because they would have needed to play Knight C3 so I had I had to be able to capture on C3 so there I would go back and maybe my position wouldn't be so good now I will play Bishop G7 and I think this advancement of their Pawn is not so good I think I so what will they come up with they play Bishop G5 we will just Castle and probably will try to undermine this Pawn chain this Advanced Pawn chain they have we can maybe consider playing Pawn to B6 okay so they play Queen C1 Queen C1 with the idea of Bishop H6 should we be should we be slick try to be so I try to get killed and play Rook so e eight so that after Bishop H six we can play Bishop H eight and um I think we are doing quite well here I think the opponent structure is potentially quite bad we may have ideas of playing point to B6 trying to undermine if they play B4 trying to solidify they will open up this very dangerous diagonal the one-eyed monster sniper Bishop they play Pawn to H3 not sure what that move really is let's play B6 if they capture we just play a ticks and they do play at this pawn move here where two against which I think I think we'll not even sure I want to capture that I'll capture it just feels like the easiest way to play the position then I can consider Bishop A6 they recapture um let's play Bishop a six makes it maybe a little hard for them to play E3 we will then want to play maybe Knight C6 or just Pawn to C6 and Knight D7 our plane is of course to break with Pawn to e 5 and an opportune moment I think moves like Ponto C3 Queen to A5 check Knight to E4 are all interesting options for us um we could also consider Knight C6 Knight E4 threatening something or I think we'll just do that Knight C6 to begin with now we are thinking about clean id4 we have plenty of time so they play Rook G1 that is interesting let's now play Knight E4 without ideas like Knight takes D4 Bishop takes D4 uh E5 I think we are I don't want to say that uh this position is winning because that seems like hubris but H4 but I mean we are at the very least doing extremely well here so let's play Knight takes pulling on default because then they have a very big problem because if they play Knight takes Knight we will play Bishop takes Knight threatening the rook and F2 which is here you're going to seed it here Bishop takes D4 simultaneously threatening on F2 and The Rook on E1 and now I'm confident this position is winning if they have and they can't even stop me the position is it's just super good for blank okay they play E3 I capture the rock I'm now up or we are up bunch of material going to play seasicks Queen A5 chick and that's that's going to be game over I think Pawn to F3 is this the kind of moment where we I think something pretty simple like Pawn to E5 here so they can capture the Knight but Queen takes H4 that is chick that'll pick up the bishop like so you're going to see that now Queen takes H4 let's check now the king will have to move not sure where so maybe we can even win straight away it goes to D1 I think we just play Bishop takes Bishop so that after Rook takes Bishop we have Queen takes Bishop on H6 like so and Bishop takes he a queen takes H sticks like so so we are up a full Rook now which is very nice also our position is absolutely crushing um so yeah okay they play Pawn takes don't think that really works we play so they played Pawn takes d uh D5 you play Rook d8 they came to play E4 um but they can but I was thinking that Queen takes Queen there is makes my situation very very easy okay they do play that so we just play Queen takes Queen let's check foreign just shift our Focus back to the B file Rook B8 and okay night D2 Let's Play Bishop E4 not much to do for white here no attacking chances just double Rock it's just pretty nice and playing very very simple chess here probably just trade off some more stuff night B3 I mean we could capture that and then capture on C6 tool make absolutely sure that there is no counter playing that there will be no counter play so Rook takes Knight Pawn takes Rock and Bishop takes C5 and now we have six pawns versus four pawns and we have Brooke versus rook and we have Bishop versus nothing so Rook too F6 I'm sure that is supposed to do something but I'm not sure what so let's play Brook B8 and King C2 Rook P4 threatening on E four there's no way to protect it if you want to protect on B3 so I'm going to win a pawn there pretty sure and yeah will they resign Maybe well they resign nobody ever won a game by resigning and it is not unfathomable that I will blunder this position although it is quite unlikely they play Rook C6 threatening the bishop and I'm thinking just Bishop B6 takes care of everything they still have the same problem they can of course hang on to that pawn by playing uh Rook C4 but then Rook takes Rook Pawn takes rook and then it's going to be really difficult to just have four points left against six pawns and a bishop that's not they that is what they do so we this game I guess is sort of just a study in in um in simple chests have getting a material advantage just straight down look how easy it is now let's just play H5 just make a new Queen there's nothing they can do about it the king can't be on both sides of the board so I'm just advancing this Pawn the king isn't even in the Square so they can't even get to the pawn I'll just Advance the pawn here very very simple and this could be a spot for them to resign I have the queen ready here to to make a new Queen if we need to and they did resign okay thank you for the game we were playing against pair two or big six with a rating of 16 42 in that game let's reset the board and have another game I think we got somebody rated a bit higher there and it wasn't a very challenging game but I think they ended up in a pawn structure that they were not really comfortable in with their advancement of the pawn there so so yeah and I should remind you I probably said this a couple of hours ago as well but if you want the port here you can buy it and I get a my channel get support from Jessup who makes the board and you will get a 10 discount if you buy it so just be sure to use the link in the description and use the promo code also in the description if you want to buy the Border let's do a new game play any color on leeches let's just do five minutes again and see who we get will we get okay we are white against silchuk poo with a rating of 1532 let's play E4 just see if I can okay they play E6 so we play D4 let me just turn this around and they play D5 okay let's see what we can come up with here maybe I should actually have played the two knights version of this I will play Knight D2 that's the terror Edge I think this is called I think I think being in the ponyachi played this in the World Championship and here what was the continuation um it's just night if three right here I think it is protecting the Pawns this is okay and now we see Knight C6 so I have to look out for my Pawn do I play C3 I don't think I play C3 do I play Bishop B5 let's do that be prepared to give up this light squared Bishop if they play A6 this is an opening I know absolutely nothing about I just I I think uh I think neponiachi Yan the punishi played winning Loren with English in as you see so when he played the French against him he he did this set up here I believe that was how it went and and I'm completely out of my depth here but now I know that I have to play Knight takes Bishop takes Knight [Music] um because otherwise I me get in trouble now they see e-pawn is threatened um I'm not sure what I want to do against that how about e takes D5 trying to keep it a little bit simple if it if they play Bishop takes they do Play Bishop takes here my idea was to play C4 and they you'll see how these two knights are working together in this opening now [Music] but I think what they can do but I'm not sure if it works is what they are going for here now this is the wrong way to go about I think they should have played C takes D first because now after Knight it takes F3 they played Bishop takes F3 I play Knight takes F3 and now we get this situation where I can play Queen takes backed up by the Knight and if they try some check on E5 or B4 with the queen of the bishop I have just Bishop uh okay so now they play Knight F6 and I think position is pretty simple I'll just Castle get out of the way and I think I got out of the opening I made a mistake but it wasn't punished I think it was a mistake that I allowed C takes default but they didn't punish it now they play Queen takes Queen I play Knight takes Queen and okay they play Bishop C5 Maybe maybe Knight B5 is an idea but I could also just play Bishop E3 because Bishop B3 protects the Knight and now it's um kind of more fully developed not sure what this night move does the plane ID fall not exactly sure what that does I think I will consider kicking that Bishop I play A3 the point is B4 then hopefully Bishop takes Bishop they played prophylactically right away and then Bishop takes Bishop and I'm okay I was afraid I was missing something with that knife at night don't think so so should we play Rook if D Rook fd1 and in principle we should have a good position here the Knight should be a little worse than the bishop in this end game and this three against two majority over here should also be quite good um and here I think I would go for exchanges with symbol move Bishop E3 they played Rook fd8 and I think I'll just try to make this a very simple situation they play A6 just a simple move to improve their position a little bit um I will play H3 I also have I am also in no rush now I can't get background checkmated that easily they play Rook on 8C 5. and that me that may be a good move I will have to protect my Pawn and I think the first thing I should do okay I will play Pawn to B3 I will play point to B3 hoping that this all holds they play Rook takes Rook I play Rook takes Rook they can play now Knight C3 and that is what they are doing but is that a big problem is it threatens The Rook but does it do anything else 92 is check but is that dangerous doesn't seem like it so let's try to infiltrate with Rook D7 now the bishop is threading on A7 and The Rook is threatening on p7 and I kind of hope at their night is going to be embarrassed on this adventure you know Knights Brave nights sometimes go on adventures but it doesn't always ends as in A Knight's Tale where the Knight wins everything because after Rook after Rook B8 is what they played I can play Bishop takes a seven I think and the point is Rook A8 and the bishop would move and they would be attacking A3 but I think I can play a blue to play Rook A8 I think I can play Bishop C5 which protects A3 and okay they played Bishop F2 check I will play King F1 I don't have that much time in this position so let me make some quick moves here um night they played 94 I played Rook takes B7 now I just need to not blunder too badly everything should be good foreign let's see what we can do here 95 F4 to play some quick moves time try to protect everything can we are we close to embarrassing that night we are so they capture we recapture with the pawn and they can play Rook B3 but C5 it's pretty good and C6 and C7 and that is the game because check and um that is all she wrote we have a new Queen it's a very simple nice game here just a matter of technique but no fancy wow they don't even okay they allow us to checkmate and these couple of games here really nice because it's just not a lot of fancy tactics or anything it's just simple just get some Advantage push the advantage win no fancy fireworks no sacrifices no deep calculation or anything just safe simple just like a good pupil of capablanca had some comments that people say that they like the way I see and I should do more videos on that guy because that guy was coolest chess player in all of history he was like this supreme gentleman and always extremely well dressed always extremely well-mannered and and he played like he's one of Magnus carlsen's favorite players because he played even a hundred years ago he played very very correct sound chess and he always strived to play even simpler chess he always strived to just keep it as like learning he felt basically that the more simple the strategy you could have if you could make it work if you quite if you quite have a good strategy that was simple then you would get closer to closer to the truth of Chess which I think is quite quite interesting now let's have a new game kinda like this what we're doing with playing on leeches um and we play rated five minutes plus five seconds so let's do that again and um maybe I should okay they play D4 let's play Knight F6 we haven't had a Buddha paged defense yet um should I turn the okay we're not going to get a Budapest defense they play Knight F3 so we play G6 I'll just leave the boat here no reason to turn it around now let's turn it around they played Bishop G5 Let's Play Bishop G7 and then let's turn the pawn around turning the board around like so they play Knight if three let's play D6 thinking about castling they play E4 Castle if they play Bishop C4 Bishop C4 we're going to play C6 with the I they do so you'll get to see this the point here is C6 we want to play B4 can I can I do the fork trick here I think I can so here I the castle so I and I actually could have done that the move earlier so I play Knight takes on evil is that what I want to do I takes E4 and I can they play Bishop takes F7 so the idea is Knight takes E4 Knight takes D5 they're going to see that that's what I want to do so let's say 94 Bishop takes F7 Rook takes and then Knight takes so that's an even exchange um I think we'll go for it Knight takes E4 either they will play Bishop takes F7 to get out of the fork or they will play Knight takes E4 in which kids will play D5 forking the Bishop yes they do this they play Bishop takes an F7 Rook takes an F7 Knight takes Knight and probably here D5 is good um or Bishop C5 could also be okay um it's a little more flexible Maybe okay Rook e one protecting the Knight Maybe that allows me to play something like this first play Knight D7 which is that is a blunder now because they have and they missed because they had Knight takes D6 which they missed locally for us um we still we are still in a little bit of trouble but we can manage this so let's play Bishop to Let's Play Bishop G5 G4 here they kick that Bishop right away but that's a problem because we now play Knight takes a bishop takes Knight and they have to recapture with the pawn so now their Pawn structure is not so good and we can play we can play Queen if seven that should be pretty good targeting that F3 Pawn okay they protect with Rook to E3 playing they seem to be playing pretty well let's improve our Knight um I think the Knight looks pretty good on D5 but it can't be kicked so let's say Knight F6 and they play C4 uh that's so maybe we have to actually play B5 first so they came to play C4 okay play Queen E2 trying to put a lot of pressure on the pawn on E7 but I think it's pretty good for us if we just play E5 that should be quite good and this is a more much more tactical game than what we have had the last couple of games I think our opponent may be pretty strong what's their rating 16 1649 is their rating and here I think that Knight takes is potentially a pretty good move Knight takes E5 because now we are dribbling the attack on the F3 they play King wow wow so we have some options I don't like all of them we could play Knights C4 we're taking the Rook we would then maybe see Rook E7 I think actually that Bishop may be trapped here so I think H6 potentially a crushing move because I'm not sure where the bishop is going because if you go to F4 like they did we just capture it and we are now winning I was feeling my position looked okay they play Rook E1 should we try maybe just Queen F7 with the idea rook f8 and just trade everything off on F3 with advantage probably that is pretty good they play Rook E4 no they don't they play nighty night E4 takes a lot more sense that is of course threatening the pawn on D6 so let's protect it with oh I I lost on time in this winning position which is okay um so what are they going to do here there is not not really anything for them to do but of course if I chill so much hang out so much and just have a good time to the point where I lose some time that's a way for them to win and that is completely completely okay with me I had a good time in this game Let's have another one I have another one a bulldog put all the pieces back in place like so and like so and let's have a new game let's do online leeches random leeches rated game let's do a five plus five again against someone random and let's see who we get and the biggest and most important thing for me after playing for some hours here is if I have to turn the board around or not I think I will actually rather have the disadvantage of playing with the black pieces then I will have the disadvantage of having to turn the board around on a time now let's see who we get and we are facing D4 we play Knight F6 we're playing yes chick C4 yes chick has a rating of 1469 and we can play the Budapest defense or the Budapest Gambit and they capture let's see if we can have some fun night to G4 do they know this opening will they play E4 that is sort of the modern way of dealing with this or Bishop to F4 which is also very solid we play Bishop B4 check okay they play Knight C3 maybe they have been watching my videos let's play Knight C6 now we have two attackers on this Pawn here okay they play H3 they have not watched my videos kick the night but the Knight wants to capture on E5 anyway so the Knight Will capture on E5 and and we are actually out of book they play Bishop takes night night takes Bishop and we have maybe like a little Advantage here okay they play Queen D4 that seems a bit much I will play Queen E7 threatening like a million different things um I think Bishop C5 may be one of the strongest threats right now okay they play E3 so do we play C5 or do we play Bishop or do we just cancel in fact let's just Castle I don't think I mean you know Russian anyway I can reserve moves like Bishop C5 okay they play Bishop B2 um so how about how about a move like D5 Pawn takes I mean it doesn't look particularly good what about something like C6 with the idea of preparing D5 that could maybe be something also allows me to potentially play Pawn to F5 at some point okay interesting kind of idea they have here Knight or Bishop to F3 which I'm very tempted to just capture are they but that number they play they play Knight F3 um so I guess just Rook E8 just rookie eight here and um what do you guys think of my position oh are you fast asleep okay the castle let's play if we play D5 C takes C takes Knight takes that's not so good let's see if we can Let's Play Bishop C5 the rest is Queen a little bit if we see something like Queen E4 we're going to play okay this queen already all the way back to D1 okay um now I'm thinking that just D6 is pretty good opening up this bishop and in The Budapest events you often have these Bishop takes H3 check sacrifices for some Tech they play Knight okay that's a good move I like that move by them Knight to D5 taking this D6 Pawn which is weak um and attacking the bishop um but maybe I can play Knight takes C4 that temporarily defends and when they play Bishop ticks I can then play Queen takes Knight so let's try that see if that works no it does not work or maybe it does but it's very risky what I'm doing because now they can play Knight takes C5 that is also their choice so now my knight is attacked and I don't have any Queen takes here so now I have to play Knight takes two um with a thread on the queen so I won two pawns for my blunder there um that's at least how it looks to me they Queen C2 and I guess I have to I mean can I try to save the knight in any way is going to be extremely difficult it's going to be extremely difficult so I could play Pawn takes Knight Queen takes Knight or I could play Queen E5 Queen E5 maybe Rook I can't play Queen E5 I have to play in Pawn takes okay they will play Queen takes we will play B8 so that we can play activate the bishop and our position is is very very very bad we have to admit I have to admit the position is extremely bad but um we play A4 let's try to activate this bishop Bishop F4 F5 they play A4 they played A4 now now what do we do Rook fd1 Maybe Bishop B4 does a thing or maybe it doesn't who knows Rook a c h maybe against this whole thing B6 is okay let me just play some quick moves now so I won't lose some time is there a way to activate it's going to be really difficult activate anything here okay Knight there so I think they are Maybe maybe allowing me into the game a little bit too much here with these checks and stuff that so it's still still very very problematic for me but maybe possible to save Maybe saying it is but it could be here that's interesting check there let's do this I guess Knight if one is the move now yep yep we're still trying to play Bishop takes H3 but we are not we are not really happy campers here but it's a bit it's a bit of a struggle and I I kind of think that's interesting okay this move is quite nice but how about here Queen G5 still with the idea of takes H3 now we have a thread made a thread mail Checkmate thread that they may have to meet like this and can we take Stakes no that does not work so let's let's play H5 and we are pretty close to losing this on time and but now I put my queen on pre because I was so low on time so they capture that and we will lose on time and that is fair so that is it's quite rare I lose in The Budapest can we do a rematch no he got he lift us it's fair enough [Music] um I just plundered a piece I was trying to get clever pins particularly when we relax and that is just absolutely okay and the thing also also that my intuition said that there was something wrong with the move and usually I just always try to go with my intuition because it's smarter than I am and I didn't hear and now I think next time I am in a similar situation my intuition will be louder because it really wants me to listen to it and that is also a good thing I actually believe that getting good at anything is more or less just learning how to listen to your intuition and now I'm playing a rapid game 15 minutes plus 10 seconds for every move and I'm playing against su-008 FX with a rating of 1587 and they play the C3 Sicilian I don't know much about this opening but I do have this system where I play D5 point is the point is if they take okay they don't they play E5 that is surprising that looks like it could be a little dubious I will play Knight C6 the point was if Pawn takes pawn queen takes they can't play Knight F3 to chase the queen because they already played F3 so they played like this instead and can I just play they play Knight F3 can I just play D4 because if I can play deform which I did I may have gained some Advantage here the opening see let's see let's see they play Bishop to e to Bishop to E2 Bishop to E2 I will like am I playing T3 here there's no way to really win that pawn back for them it looks like so let's play D3 and they have to play Bishop back that's fine so let's just play C4 nice and easy solidify this so if this if this works out for me this is going to be a positional Crush I actually didn't I have a game like this earlier in this session like two hours ago or something crap where I was doing kind of the same thing except I maybe had the white piece in that game with the whole like getting a protected Pawn to cramp their position like this is a huge problem for them if if they don't find a way out it's very important that I have this Knight here the block checks on e4 because otherwise Queen A4 chick defense somehow and picks up the C4 Pawn they are having a great big think here what could they do let's say they play B3 trying to undermine this I just play P5 I'm okay with that let's say they play G3 trying to play Bishop D2 castles against G3 Bishop G4 could be good pinning this Knight um what other moves do they even really have I here it's a move Knight A3 that is the kind of move that they want to play because Knight A3 threatens on C4 and I cannot play probably cannot play B5 against that move because we could then see Knight takes but I may be happy to give up that pawn let's say Knight a3b4 Knight A3 B5 Knight takes B5 what kind of have there we could have a move like Queen B6 that threatens the Knight but the Knight can then go to D4 Knight takes night night takes Knight and that's so we so we I think we can rule out B5 against Knight oh they resigned they just resigned the game crazy but but let's say Knight d83 I need a move against this move maybe like Bishop B6 could be that could be a possible move but then B3 so I'm not sure I like Bishop B6 I'm not sure I like that foreign way let me just turn the board off for a moment here so it doesn't so it's not flashing like that how about a move like Queen D5 that could be good usually I would be loathed to play this move uh so early but what are they going to do now centralizing the queen extremely this looks like a killer blow oh it may not be but it looks like it let's say they play E3 and the thing here is now I can play B5 um yeah that looks Queen D5 against that A3 that looks like that looks like the designer they just they have so few things they can really do here so cramed like what what could they possibly do because okay let's Queen D5 is an amazing movement they let's say they try this in order to play Bishop G2 I think it'll get castle but then this looks really good or maybe maybe I just capture the Knight uh to capture the pawn here um because sorry um because if if Knight takes then I'm not sure if it's even best to capture The Rook I'm not sure if it's best to capture the Knight maybe the best is night or queen E4 check and if they interposed the queen I just capture the queen that's easy if they interposed this I capture here I go back I go here they go here and I capture this so yeah okay so maybe they were right that the game was the game was done with and with that I will leave you if you are watching all the way to this point I will say that you are amazing how cool is that uh I kind of hope you are asleep but if you are not rock thanks for watching I hope I will see you in the next video bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ASMR Chess
Views: 409,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 19sec (10819 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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