Asmongold's First Argos Clear [Lost Ark]

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uh i guess i'm just gonna find party great lobby okay asmon gold arg ass uh abyss raid argos minimum animal 1370 yes we're going to pug it applicants let's go what do we have like let's make sure we have a bardo yeah we've got to make sure let's invite the bardo for sure a gun lancer okay yeah let's get gun lancer for sure alrighty and how many do we have now we have all right we have two more people uh we'll get a death blade and we're going to get gunslinger or shadow hunter what do you guys think gunslinger or shadow hunter gunslinger okay all right let's go with it you'll be clearing argos on normal difficulty here we go [Music] oh okay it works like that okay i didn't expect that okay it's okay guys remember um oh did somebody else die okay we're doing great guys keep it up oh [ __ ] okay all right let's talk about that what the [ __ ] happened we're doing great we're doing great oh my god dude i got hit by that while i was still knocked down oh wait oh okay nobody dies nobody dies son sonny boy sonny boy remember i said nobody dies that means don't die all right all right all right keep it up keep it up oh my god you keep killing party too i don't know how that happens i don't know the mechanics [ __ ] man we're getting better how close were you guys we don't know because they had the the the brilliant designers with this game thought that it would be better to not tell people how much health the boss has it's just it's such a cool mechanic that you just don't know wow keep going well yes it is annoying is not the reason why we're wiping okay [ __ ] it doesn't really matter how much health he has one way or another we still have to do the damage despite how annoying i think that it might be so like also that means that the more damage that we do during this phase the more damage he takes during the last phase because like basically if he um uh pretty much like okay so all right let's go ahead and do it there we go good this is like we're really really close guys we are really close to a kill i i feel like we are just like we're really really close but we just need to make sure that we don't get hit by uh oh we don't get killed by that one mechanic that nobody understands that kills us like if we can avoid that mechanic we'll be fine i i don't really know what it is though so i think that probably will be a uh that will make it harder for sure okay i think also like another big factor is like just staying alive like the longer that we stay alive the higher the chances are that we can finish them off with like less people so it's like just just knowing what to do ahead of time okay where is here okay i don't think that's gonna hit me no it doesn't all right so yeah you you can't be in the line for that it's a lot bigger than what it seems it's bigger than what it looks like for once okay here we go nobody gets hit by these nobody dies to this good balance all right rez palace shawn sonn and pal ash just res just res it's not a big deal [Music] okay stop attacking okay okay i'm gonna stop so it's whenever we have the lines over our head right or that the thing's over our head is that it [Music] yes [Music] okay sorry i had to i had to do something go dps now okay all right i'm dpsing now sorry okay he's gonna do three times no only two okay just survive guys just survive that part is scotty just rest again scotty just rest again it doesn't matter we can't level we can't have anybody dead we're also going to have our awakenings coming up really soon use it whenever you feel like you should use it okay i'm just gonna get out of that it's so much damage okay big dick damage here massive dick damage massive dick damage there we go there we go nice job nice job nobody dies nobody dies how many people die nobody nobody [ __ ] dies let's go stay smart guys stay smart play defensively we've got nine minutes and everybody's alive let's keep it that way let's go okay good job keep it up remember the easiest part of the fight is the entire thing okay good job good job stay on them don't get hit by those balls remember if you if you're like the red guys or some [ __ ] you have to get on the balls or like i don't i don't really know what i'm talking about all right let's go i think that's how it works or like uh [ __ ] uh it's ideas like goes to the like basically um all right all right let me start over yeah get the balls that's what i'm saying get the balls see how i just got the ball that's how to get the balls that's how to do it okay okay massive dicks this is easily the kill we've got eight minutes everybody's alive [Music] okay it's probably gonna be another one of the circles yeah [Music] okay nobody dies nobody died boys wait a second nobody attack nobody attack don't suck just don't hit the boss just don't hit the ball so like if you're going to just like don't like just just don't hit them and that way you just won't like you just don't hit them pretty simple so this is the uh this is the reflect uh this is the reflect damage phase now how does this work nobody really knows keep that in mind nobody really knows how anything in this game works [Music] everybody in chat who's saying they know they don't know am i gonna get him with that i did all right seven minutes guys seven minutes stay frosty let's go literally zero mistakes literally zero mistakes okay oh i've got the sun one oh no wonder i was taking more damage i got the wrong debug okay let's go keep it up remember this is the easy part of the fight okay here we go [Music] let's go to red good job good skill excellent skill remember nobody else can die i mean you can but like we don't have anybody else like you can't res just don't get hit okay get out of those get out of those remember that's the that is the elite goat beam you can't be in front of him whenever he does those balls because then uh he does that other [ __ ] thing that's like bad so just please pay attention to that [ __ ] ass keep it up five minutes left five minutes left guys let's go okay here we go pay attention [Music] pay attention good job nobody's dead keep it that way [Music] keep it that way let's go we've got one more awakener did i hit him with that probably [ __ ] not because i'm an idiot okay just stay out of that stay out of that for now now he's gonna do this is the empowered yeah okay that's the charge actually i do think i [ __ ] that up i'm like pretty certain i did bro he really loves to do that huh let's go everybody stays alive everybody stays [ __ ] alive four minutes nobody dies who's it lowest south badly super don't die badly do not live up to your name okay uh i i guess i must have messed that one up i've got five potions i'm gonna just take a heel right now that way i can't take any risk badly remember i said not okay all right you did but like it is what it is man holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god all right come down in here come down here don't take loot if you want phase two wait how does it work yeah how does this work you can only get loot from one phase okay give me a second where can i see where the loot is yeah where can i see where the loot is anyway phase two is higher yeah we can't do it we can't do phase two yet just try phase two okay let's try it let's see what happens like yeah i mean i'm curious to see what happens let's go okay no don't well i mean let's find out let's find out again like this is a game uh this is a game where nobody knows anything so let's figure it out okay okay so this is all right he's not happy and he seems to also still be a goat okay that's the worst of both worlds oh okay so so all of our attacks get blocked okay so i have a feeling that this one is going to be harder because like everything is what all right let's just just do the attempt though yeah let's at least do the attempt okay yeah see what he does it's 1385. yeah i know that i i know that we can't we literally can't do it like after this we have to take a screenshot okay okay just gonna use a potion to stay alive as long as i can man he really does do a lot of those things huh okay i feel like we could just kill him though like oh the only thing is like we'd have to do like way more damage and um like our attacks wouldn't have to get blocked that's the worst part how does this work okay get out of that oh wow that's a lot that is a lot this one doesn't seem as bad man like at least i'm sure it probably is worse because it's harder but like it just doesn't seem that way to me okay actually no never mind that shit's hard okay now what is it same general mechanic so the people with the sun debuff have a special ad that they have to kill i'm assuming right okay yes okay all right we got him it's pretty good keep it up keep it up we're doing really well good job good job okay i tried to parry him it didn't work okay um okay okay all right well we learned something today give me a second let me look at so so they're they're still fighting mr boss okay and goku over here is fighting this the ad has 230 million health no i'm not sure yeah i'm not sure how that works okay so he does that okay that's interesting and he also does the charge oh he's okay does this kill everybody if he uh if he goes over there i wonder 2.3 billion health yeah that's fine like uh damage now is like getting really high anyway like i'm hitting for multiple millions at a time so like if you have four people doing hitting for multiple millions of time that's he's like going down probably like three million health a second that's like a five minute ad yeah there's a white gimmick there yeah it's not that bad okay so you should try to get to the mechanic well i don't know what that is yet all right guys let's get a screenshot let's get a screenshot come over to here well to be fair like my character you don't really get to see my character but um it doesn't i feel like it doesn't really matter because um there are more important characters in there asking for a sniff yeah i don't think so okay um yeah really great job guys i i'm happy i think that we can easily do the next one honestly all we need to do is listen everybody i get these out all right i i know that you've you probably already have this out and your bank's called you three or four times uh because you're past your credit limit um we just have a little bit more to go okay it's just it's just a little bit more to go and and that's it and then we'll be totally fine okay here we go again yes absolutely absolutely here we go again yes okay honing's hard in the [ __ ] boss no i mean this is the first version of the boss all right i'm gonna stop the raid yeah really really good job guys excellent skill and now by the way i can um i can restart it right yeah i can restart it whenever i want right loot no we're choosing to oh did i did i [ __ ] up there [Music] oh [ __ ] haha [ __ ] okay i didn't know that oh i thought it was like you vote to end the raid oh my god okay all right that kind of makes sense there's two votes yeah i don't know let's see what we got okay um box with a captured spirit do i click on this box wait oh is this the one that i only get per week so do i open this box or not okay i'm gonna take the bonus here we go nice okay so what do we get we actually got legendary items here now if you want to get phase two that's too bad that's really good like that's a three and a three but it's just not the right stats that i want come on please mayhem please it's [ __ ] defense reduction three and also mana increase oh my god dude mayhem three right there again but it's domination mayhem three curse doll two with expertise holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] look at that ring look at that ring expertise sucks though yeah it does but i bet it'll still sell think about it if you're dumb enough to be 1370 you're dumb enough to buy anything like you've already spent thousands of dollars on this game already you'll buy this ring in a second okay it's gonna be no problem yeah we're totally okay guys it's it's not a big deal whatsoever all right let me zone out of here um give me a second let me see what i can buy with this argus blood oh it's probably on the other vendor that i get the gear from let me check over here okay uh harsh oath gear yeah here it is okay each one's 250 gold we are pre-ordained diligence gear huh okay so there's two different sets and this is the selection oh wow um okay so we have to decide which set we want so there's heart what do they look like i guess they look the same right so let's look and see what we've got available to us pre-ordained diligence at five step bonus at five stacks of solar power again mid-day which one's better guys yeah which one's better chosen you guys say the chosen set is better [Music] pre-ordained let's see so i'm gonna have to figure this out myself [Music] you guys are gonna make me figure this out myself you [ __ ] kidding me this is disgusting so you get the chosen gear from doing the orphee as well so here's what i think i should do i should not buy any of this until i finish orfee as well and then i should mix and match them because i can't get all of them i only have 30 argos's blood so like if i can only have i basically have i can only get two pieces you can mix yeah what i'm saying is like i i only have 30 argos's blood total and if each one of these is 12 that's 60 plus 20 that's not uh that's 80 80 of them so you would need three weeks of clearing argos and getting loot from them in order to get all three of these uh all three of these pieces you see what i'm saying argos is two weeks for full set so like what i have to do is next week i have to do it again two two two isn't that good um two two two let's see yeah i actually think i should go with two two two because with two two two you get you get crit rate and you also get crit damage and what do you get with this movement skill mayhem 15 damage suppose for 20 seconds ah that seems pretty good yeah that does seem pretty good but let's go with all right so this is what we should do so i'm not gonna buy anything yet because let's be honest i don't need to so here's what i need here's what i need to do uh yeah so i'm going please don't two two two well i'm gonna look it up too like i'll look it up off stream and just figure it out myself and that way i can i can make the right decision uh independently but uh yeah i mean i'm glad i got a lot of these items man [Music] oh my god oh my god all right all right all right i will cut this tomorrow that's like 100k i will price check it okay it was cursed all in masters tenacity right ability stone all okay let's just look here and advanced search ability stone overall rank we're gonna look at legendary tier three engraving effect engraving effect masturbation tenacity and let's see here curse doll [Music] [Music] [Music] that is big money [Music] that is big money but you know what would be even bigger if i did it myself and i cut the perfect stone and that is exactly what i'm going to do whenever i start this game tomorrow
Channel: Lost Ark Highlights
Views: 17,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1qjYn6fBhck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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