Asmongold Takes The WoW Quiz: Season 5 - Who Wants To Be The Ultimate WoW Neckbeard?

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okay season five brings with it a new addition to the game but before I say more I want to take a moment to give a shout out to asthma gold or essentially triggering the growth of both my channels what he lacks in hair growth he makes up for with a heart hopefully you and your viewers find this game as entertaining as I find you playing it they close to all viewers and subscribers as well okay what's new in season 5 there are two ways you can play this game now the standard mode which is how you're used to playing this quiz if you don't know how this video contains a tutorial and then there's studio mode seeing as several streamers decided to play the quiz live this mode was created to help enhance the experience a little bit I wonder how by introducing the two original missing lifelines for friend and ask the audience I guess the more appropriate term in this context would be ask the chat phone a friend works like this one question you can ask a friend about whether it's a pal on discord or someone you know from the chat it's your choice originally there is a 30 second time limit to this but I personally think that will be too much to handle or deal with so you can skip the time limit ask the chat is easy for one questions simply create a straw poll with a set time limit say 10 or 20 seconds with a chat being able to vote either answer a B C or D chances are that your viewers might deliberately vote for the wrong answer to screw you over but I thought the idea was interesting nonetheless because it allows the chat another way of interaction I've also updated the achievement list for studio that specifically pause the video to check it out if you want after this I'm going to play the rest of the video which is twice the achievement list for standard mode Cheers if you have already played this game before then look for a link in the video description below to start the game immediately all right boys the end of the video do it just give me a second let me go down you're screwed I'm fine dude don't even worry about it start the quiz okay here we go it started yeah intro skip yeah yeah the streamer mode yeah we'll do the playing season 5 of who wants to be the ultimate well Nick beard starting off at question number one which of these chemical elements from the periodic table are not used in game as part of the three basic monetary units a silver all be copper C gold d diamond I'm pretty sure it's gonna be d4 diamond that's an easy one okay the correct answer is easy [Music] okay very very easy the warlock spell used for counting its name inspired by kill rogue dead i see for each organ I be come on nerd year okay alright we're gonna go with a four I easy [ __ ] game I see it's a alright simple already got two of them right which word is used to denote at the tragic event in which Prince Arthas Menethil executed the purging of stratums citizenry slaughter be cleansing see Oh classic er D culling the city must be cleansed alright that's easy it is the culling of Stratholme d wait what I thought he said that is the cleansing should have phoned me dude why you two got that [ __ ] wrong - did he not say the city must be cleansed what do you mean it's called the culling of Strath well that's good but he said it could be cleansed - that's so no dude this city must be cleansed ways it purged well I think I'm actually drawing about that one - that much this this city must speak what do you [ __ ] I think I am wrong yeah must be purged the calling of strife alone you know [ __ ] dude yeah [ __ ] okay golem with stratum I I didn't understand the question what the [ __ ] okay that one caught me off guard on which continent did the Battle of angry Thor the wrathgate occurred Northrend obviously mama's Kalimdor be Pandaria see Northrend oka de Beauvoir obviously northrend easy game the wrathgate is specifically in dragonblight which is a northrend suit okay what color was the shirt worn by a certain fan who during was the red Lord in a queue everybody knows as a state of a character named Gerald hammer a blue obviously red orange see red sea is always the right answer his name is Ian Bates better known as the red shirt guy sees the correct answer okay with the preliminary questions complete you deserve a 50/50 lifeline you can only use it once throughout the game two times our boys cheating all right let's do this you can do it I believe in you I don't know about that which word is used in the catchphrase that refers to a character having been defeated once or more times before various not back merely a hindrance be setback see reversal of fortune [ __ ] D stepping-stone okay obviously it's B everybody knows that okay what a joke what a [ __ ] joke this phrase was made popular by keltus sunstrider who once loudly proclaimed that his defeat and here's a setback easy okay I got it right [Music] in which direction does the large cannon in Bilgewater Harbor Point a South be northeast see east D southeast I think it's at the end points east I mean if I have to guess I think it point T's but it's hard really for me to say I'm gonna go with C the correct answer is C I knew it man I [ __ ] knew it then this is easy in Wrath of the Lich King emblems were a currency serving towards the imposition of new gear which of these never existed a emblem of conquest B emblem of heroism on West C emblem of glory D emblem of triumph its conquest or Nova in bloom of corn there's no one platform there were five types of emblems in WTO K and out of these for the fraudulent choice is the emblem of the glory boys so easy okay we're good what is the family relationship between Jessica and Pamela red path a my sister's be mother and daughter see aunt and niece D cousins I think it's been I'm pretty sure it's B [Music] Joseph Redpath who died at the Battle of Darrow Shire was Pamela's father and the father of Jessica Hayes the correct answer dude [ __ ] I thought that was like your mom so many times in that quest dude come on I never I honestly dude I never even read it I never read it dude Bob you should read path who died at the Battle of day yeah it was Pamela's father father of Jessica Hayes the Prancer yeah I never read the quest text in which zone is the settlement named Sabra chin located a Zanger Marsh the inter let's see tenaris d spires of arak I think it's a man joins I think oh it's a I'm just I'm getting all these wrong this is embarrassing good holy [ __ ] man alright I've got I've got to redeem myself on these hard questions alright yeah I've gotten three wrong dude this is big alright alright okay let's get serious I'm gonna redeem myself on these hard questions okay here we go Boston level 16 you're so close but so far away still whatever happens do not by any means give in to stress focus now and think hard for question 11 [Music] out of these four world events which have the longest duration a Hallows end be midsummer fire festival see lunar festival D Brewfest I have no idea the guy I genuinely have no idea all right we will pull the jack for this one yeah I have no idea what do you guys think if I had to guess I'd say midsummer fire festival people are saying B most people are saying B all right we're gonna go with me all right let's go the correct answer is Brewfest okay okay you guys [ __ ] me over that time that one's not my fault you guys you guys got a wrong answer y'all are so dumb Mac have we thought dumb you guys are is Brewfest like you guys completely [ __ ] me yep okay which of these are not valid transmogrification themes in the trial of style micro event champions of patents in there the magical Mon don't think that was in there see ready for battle dee said I don't even know I'm gonna go with me yeah I'm gonna go with the guys [Music] here's what I'm gonna go for B is that modeling is often correlated with objectification of women and because Blizzard is an sjw company they probably wouldn't put that in the game that is literally the logic that I'm going to use for B there is definitely themes with these words in it modeling battle as a Roth it's also one with the word champion champion of Azeroth is not a valid theme ace god damn I had no idea okay so it's a holy [ __ ] okay holy [ __ ] I'm getting all these wrong goddamn this is embarrassing this is just awful dude there is a difficult guy themes with these words in it job getting some these Rice's battle Azeroth there's also one with the word champion okay champion of Azeroth not a valid theme aids correct [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna get this one right hundred percent Lord Ryland is a boss encounter in the Firelands raid instance who's early design was initially denied a different name this name however related life replaced with Lord riot live instead what name wasn't paying Lord bells a bras the Lord anthros cyst I think it's out see but boss does the seventh D Archlord Sarathy okay we're gonna do a fifty-fifty I think it's B but we're gonna do 5050 I'm gonna go with me thank you see that red to say that the first time thought that it sounded too much like something straight out of The Devil's book so they went for rile if instead rather than gosh Empress's to be okay alright we actually got one right thank God okay now we're making progress good that's not what he gives me the grim rayou is an iron horde armored train located in the namesake dungeon the grim rail Depot how many wagons does it consist of excluding the Leppa motive vehicle four five six seven the last boss and then on the way the last boss the guy before the last boss way okay so to be the last boss then the train before with the fire and then when you fight the boss that's three right there and then two packs of mobs maybe it's six yeah I vm6 alright we're gonna go with C okay guys count the wagons together repeat after me one two three four five six it's C is correct thank [ __ ] god alright last question exactly it's question 15 anyway oh [ __ ] good luck you'll need it in the South Park episode make love not war craft how many Boers according to Cartman were required to be killed in order to achieve a super high level 65 million three hundred thirty thousand two hundred ninety five 65 million three hundred forty thousand two hundred eighty-five 65 million two hundred thirty thousand three hundred ninety-five 65 million two hundred forty thousand three hundred ninety-five [Music] you just lost some time of course while thinking about which answer to choose obviously anyway I want you to win desperately I do but you just made it extremely hard for me that's great I can't come up with anything clever you want actually no you lost anymore and Arbonne to be released in the future I'm looking forward to many of them you will be able to conquer follow me on Twitch where you can watch me being a loser live subscribe to this channel to stay up you have to know one exactly like it was anywhere near bodies thanks guys sure he'll another time [ __ ] man that wasn't even good y'all was even close why didn't you ask McConnell he wouldn't have known he would just looked it up exactly but at least it would have been right yeah what wouldn't have been fair cuz then everybody would even thought that Yui that you knew it ahead of time right you would have been able to look it'll smell fine dude yeah but like whenever they entered it whenever they made Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and nobody had the [ __ ] internet so it's a completely different paradigm now it's right it's son who want to ask a friend it's called Google right I mean now yeah there's no [ __ ] way man like that's [ __ ] okay is it 15 minutes listen well uh say ten times yeah I'm surprised I got the coaling one wrong I just miss remember it I guess the way that it worked but um yeah that actually really surprised me that I would have gotten that one wrong they had a Lions back then listen dude it's that's the way it goes sometimes all right I usually I get these right I get a lot more of them right than I did then but I guess that's the way it goes it's pretty [ __ ] annoying I'm actually kind of embarrassed that I got so many of those wrong but I think I think the worst one is when you tried to blame the whole company for being SJW and it was it was wrong entirely why did I mean yeah I did my DOS a bet like what what would you have used as context isn't that a good is it not a good way to look at it I mean that's the best chance that I've got dude they're not SJW they're [ __ ] progressive okay sure yeah same thing I mean whatever you want to call it it's the same [ __ ] thing it was the best chance that I had all right and obviously it didn't really work that well look I'll look I'll give you a link to the video guys okay just give me a and I don't know that one [ __ ] me up man that was actually usually I get a lot more of those right here you go
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 31,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, BFA, WoW, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, world of warcraft, asmongold watches, porcupine monarch, classic wow, vanilla wow, quiz, test
Id: dPUlplzq0Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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