Asmongold Starts Over In Lost Ark | DAY 1

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i've held off on this for quite a while i'm gonna let you guys decide which one i'm gonna go with now the choices will be limited however i am not going to get picked into playing a bard it's not going to happen now there are going to be three choices that you guys can decide and i'm gonna let you pick them out [ __ ] that everything's on the table i'm not playing a girl character i'm not playing a girl character it's not gonna happen actual [ __ ] no the three choices that we're going to have on this poll choice number one [Music] another berserker choice number two another berserker no i'm just kidding choice number two a gun lancer choice number three is going to be a paladin it's going to be one of those three and you guys are going to decide then you're going to choose right now gun lancer is ahead by 60 percent holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my [ __ ] god gun lands are at 66 percent wow all right it's time let's do it let's customize the character here we go and uh let's go boys yep we have our gun lancer right here all right i'm gonna make the character right now there it is so i'm gonna try to make this guy uh i don't know what i should go with yet bald i don't know if i want to make them bald man i'm pretty sure i don't want to do that it's like i could go with something like that like i just don't know which one of these would be good maybe i went with this one here what do you guys think about that one there is that one any good or not a bald lancer all right you know what since you guys have been talking [ __ ] a whole lot i'll do it i'll do it why not yep we're gonna do it that's fine we're gonna there it is he's bald all right now what about the face zoom in maybe a little bit yeah there we go okay that makes it easier no maybe this one i kind of like this one what do you guys think about this all right let's look at all the other ones real quick before we decide okay guys um let's see that guy's [ __ ] pissed uh this guy just is an old guy hmm that one looks okay i'm not really a big fan of it though that's the one that i already had hmm yeah i think this is guaranteed like this is a hundred percent it like i this is 100 what we go with guys yeah you know it i know it everybody knows it okay eyes let's see eyes i don't really think the eyes matter that much uh we'll just go with the uh with average eyes i think this is pretty much fine let's go with that uh oh my god what the [ __ ] okay we don't want to do that and let's go about right yeah we're just going to go right in the middle i think this is what's fair and then i color uh we'll go ahead and go with a little bit more oh okay he so he can be like high as [ __ ] okay uh let's not go with that um iris color okay uh brown eyes i think it's about like yeah i have like kind of like darker browner eyes i think this is somewhere about like right there that should be good okay and now we want to look at one eye we're gonna do beard okay let's look at skin wrinkles that doesn't really change a whole lot like we'll just have like i think this one i think that one kind of looks cooler the shine on his face okay this means it doesn't shower so we're gonna put that on uh that looks kind of dumb we're not gonna give them freckles okay um let's see skin let's see i don't know like i don't want to have it be like super bright i would spend so much time figuring out like the perfect color then yeah i don't know making like kratos like oh super white or something i don't know okay maybe i'll just put it like somewhere right in the middle you know it's like greenish i don't like the greenish either i think maybe like uh maybe like right here or so i think we just go with this yeah let's just go with this color this one's pretty much fine for me i don't think it's that big of a deal it's very very close like they're very very close to each other i think this is fine now let's look at the uh the other stuff here uh the eyes blush makeup yeah where can i look at beard yeah hairstyle hair intensity okay uh does this really even matter if he's bald okay yeah it just really doesn't [ __ ] matter all right so it's an extras okay extras okay this is the beard all right so he's clean shaven he's got the little weird baby no money mustache this is just basically kind of like mine okay schlatt kratos rich uh annual beard winning competition guy civil war uh corporal amish scheming french villain in my mind it's between these two yeah it's either this one or this one a lot of people want to see the kratos beard um can i change the color of his beard at all yeah can i change the color does this yeah it does work okay oh wow you know what that looks kind of cool yeah that actually looks really [ __ ] badass man what do you guys think about this yeah this is like you know like uh thor in the uh in actual norse mythology had red hair french villain no i don't know if we're gonna go with that or not okay let's see two-tone as well let's see can i change any of this is this even matter is this affected at all seems like it doesn't so it doesn't really do much of anything for two-tone at all okay so there's no reason to worry about that and extends okay what does that do it doesn't do much of anything okay so this just purely changes the uh the tone here all right let's look around um green beard no that looks stupid blue beard purple beard this looks like a guy who's too old to be streaming on twitch um i think we go with a just an average let me see here i could also go with a white beard too or bl oh a black beard that could look good hmm trying to decide here maybe it should be a little bit brighter and then move a little bit closer to the red i think this looks good what do you guys think it's just kind of like i just don't know if it looks good because like what do you guys think it's it's too red i could make it more red like this that's just too much it looks like ronald mcdonald ah we could just go with the white beard the white beard might work actually it looks a lot better from a distance yeah this looks a lot better from the distance what do you guys think about that looks better black beard black red i don't know white beard a gray beard okay let me see about graybeard uh this one here that kind of looks good too i can't do two-tone it doesn't work that way yeah it only works for the hair okay um maybe that would look good because he has kind of like a black beard but it's it's got like some gray in it what do you guys think about that that actually looks decent enough yeah that looks badass yeah let's go with that boys yeah there we go okay now let's it's about what it was right yeah that's about what it was okay that's good enough all right no it's lost forever guys it's the exact same as what it just looked like okay it's exact same what it just looked like don't worry about it okay let's see no it's not yes it is yes it [ __ ] is oh my god okay scar no listen yeah that's wait guys that's actually good yeah you ruined it forever no it's not check the vod do you really want me to pull up my vod just so i can see the hair color of his beard really yes okay can some can somebody do that and check for me because i want to look at this i want to do the other stuff too okay uh we've got to look at special all right makeup let's see eyes okay these are his eyebrows um let's see oh that looks way better bro that looks way [ __ ] better god damn that looks badass yeah that looks [ __ ] awesome okay there we go good and let's look at uh eyes okay uh let's see we'll go with uh dark eyes as well okay and eye shadow color let's see i guess we're gonna make this dark as well that's good oh yeah now he looks way [ __ ] cooler man okay give me a second let me figure out what this is all right you guys have found it [Music] okay the color again is going to be id number three f three a three a it's the exact same [ __ ] thing same just shut the [ __ ] up it's the same exact thing okay whatever let me look at this here again okay so i've got that one there this one [Music] i think i'm gonna go with that one that one looks badass it's either that one or this one what do you guys think um maybe that one what do you guys think this one the last one the aquaman the last one yeah let's go oh the last one here [Music] okay yeah i'm fine with that that's good enough okay next all right now for facial scars oh okay it's a rock high got it that's a big [ __ ] one i don't know if i want to go with that that looks kind of cool like if this was red holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that's brutal man oh my god it's too red yeah yeah i feel like it's too much like kratos yeah that's too much like craters i don't know if i want to go with that okay next that one's weird uh i don't like that one that's stupid that's kind of cool too um i don't like the that's interesting that's stupid okay so basic fixed oh wait oh we've got even more okay so we've got these two and that looks kind of cool right there too look at that oh [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god okay i don't really like that one makes me think of a juggalo not gonna go with that not gonna go with this that's kind of cool i feel like we should go with this i un-ironically think that we should go with this that would look really badass yeah like that's so [ __ ] cool okay let me see are there any more of these okay you can't have more than one right okay no you can't alright so let's just stick with that that should be fine and extras all that set up okay guys i think that we have our character what do you guys think yeah this guy looks [ __ ] awesome yeah 100 this guy looks [ __ ] awesome let's go with that the voice okay okay okay it's between one and two i think we go with one because like all right two sounds more badass but i guess i mean he's a gun lancer right so he's got to be pretty beefy yeah that's a good point yeah he is a gun lancer so we could just go with that yeah that i think that makes sense all right let's do it now it's time for the name what should we call the guy bald lancer is already taken what a surprise bald mon gold that's that sounds like something that's probably already taken too it probably got taken on the first day asmond bald that got taken too i guarantee you bold gold bold gold is going to be his name that's it i think that's the perfect name i took that out of chat i think that's perfect alrighty guys give me one second i'm gonna take a drink and then we're gonna start this he got it yeah i got it all right let's power past this [ __ ] okay you don't have a what what wha how i not have a pet what the [ __ ] i thought i had a wait what i've got to go on my character and use it okay all right let me get on my character real quick that's not a big deal i just get on my character okay let's do that change the wallpaper i will just kidding i thought about it for three more seconds and i decided against it i'm not going to do it okay let's see if i can check this and where's my mail login reward would it have a phanons i did it didn't get deleted did it oh my god it didn't get deleted didn't it i did i'll be i'd just one second okay let me get this straight uh uh um check universal storage what is universal storage is it this here yeah where is universal storage page three it's not this it's not that um press escape menu okay universal storage oh my god it's actually deleted it it's actually deleted it's deleted you cannot delete power pass i never took it out of my mail it's in the mail no it's not in the mail i looked in the mail it's not in the mail if it was in the mail i would have seen it mr roy for pubs don't get you started training process and stronghold thank you what kind of dummy i didn't delete i didn't delete it i it's gone it's gone my pirate my power pass is going 600 what is this here 600 gold and eight hours to boost to 302 it's gone man it's at top of your screen notification three this one here well where is it then where is it huh system mail these are it's not there guys i left it in the mail and it expired physical mail is different all right all right i'm desperate i'm desperate guys i'll do it i walked right past it i don't i'd never look because i always just do it through my uh through my cat okay it's not there it it it's not it's it's unironically not there it's actually not there guys i i lost it it's gone the three icon what does that mean this one this isn't it this is the login rewards this is not it what are you doing like that's not it look i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna log to character selection screen again okay let me log the character selection screen again choose your class first okay so i log back on this character and i choose my class okay i have to pick the gun lancer class first okay power pass available and i cannot power pass you do not have a pass and therefore cannot use one so that means that i can't use one and i don't have one log into the character okay all right i'm going to log into the character for the first time let's go here we go let's do it mr papaya well wait well i'm not stupid like how am i stupid whenever i've just taken 50 different bits of advice and every single one of them has been wrong but i'm the one who's dumb how does that make sense how does that make sense by every single bit of advice that i've had has been wrong it got lost so this is me that's me right there okay let's see what happens all right wow wow look at that dude imagine that's crazy isn't it guys nobody knows what's going on people are just giving me [ __ ] advice i'll just do the knowledge transfer or something like that of your destiny yeah people have no idea what they're talking about they're just randomly spamming me to do something that they don't even know if it will work okay so should we go with berserker again guys what do you think could go with berserker does that seem good we go berserker again it's a good idea right all right attack power look at that i mean this is obviously like much more of a support class shields and gun lances for bombardment now paladin this is just for losers so we're not gonna go with that now i think we go with this one here okay bro i'm not doing any damage this character sucks i choose this destiny damn bro look at that [ __ ] look at that weapon holy [ __ ] oh my god that is a big boy look at that [ __ ] dude wow here comes the champ true okay so [Music] so now what do i do so wait i can't roll power pass will work now now power pass okay so i now i should log off let me at least get over to like i'm actually being actually in the game it won't work well let's try it let's see what happens i mean of course it's gonna work i mean people wouldn't say it's gonna work if it's not gonna work right yeah skip prologue i will ride home is next okay let's skip prologue and then uh skip prologue on the server list it says you have a powerpress available if it's not there then you don't have it well so i don't have it then what the [ __ ] is this so i can't roll what the [ __ ] i've heard of him too what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] how but what if i want to stand in a mechanic does this character just not take damage and it doesn't matter is that it like i don't even know put your mouse behind you yeah i guess so okay i mean this is not really too bad i i generally understand how this plays okay i don't know what any of these buttons do i need to look and see what the best uh the best ability is okay and then what if i use this damn that killed all of them god damn okay we gotta talk to this guy just delete the character thank you for saving me at the pride home right in the village of my wagon yeah yeah sure whatever okay hopefully nothing bad happens to this wagon guys i just we have to watch this bro watch this horse man watch this [ __ ] horse here it goes done absolutely [ __ ] gone man holy [ __ ] try power pass now i'm gonna get back to the town first okay yeah i'm gonna get back to the town i'm gonna see if it's gonna work there okay i think that's the best idea so we'll try that out and uh if it works it works new login reward i know so let me see so i have all the same okay i'm trying to just look and see what's even available so can a gun lancer do as much damage as a uh as a [ __ ] berserker or not or does it just suck no it can't okay so like i'm just simply inferior that's all there is to it but it at the same time i can also survive more damage lancer is uptime god lancer's role isn't damaged you tank it's the best stagger i'm a staggering god you have no clue of course i don't i just started i don't know what the hell i'm doing man i'm just chilling okay so i've got to figure out a lot of this [ __ ] oh my god uh so i need a title too uh i'm gonna do mocako hunter yeah i think that's a good title to have right back to pride home baby i like this area this is a nice place yeah this is good enough you also have to keep bosses looking at you pretty certain you can put the power pass in your stash whenever you got it yeah but i never got it that's the difference gun lancer can do insane damage you will the berserker at real end game really no way bro no way no way i don't believe that i don't believe that like yes really so like is all right so whenever you guys say real in the game like what item level are you talking about like 1400 1600 1500 what uh like sixteen hundred fifteen hundred okay so maybe i could get up there like by the time bolton comes out or something like that t1 in game chat yeah look the tablet it is what it is all right let's talk to this guy real quick go through all this yeah yeah yeah who cares okay so if i look at i just want to see how this works speed run to knowledge transfer that's what i'm going to try to do stagger damage is unmatched well staggered damage doesn't if that's in a number on my screen okay i want to have a big number on my screen that tells me that i'm a good boy okay uh we probably didn't go with the white house uh we probably didn't go with the other brown horse last time let's go with this one okay there we go and where's my mounts and let me see here click that to close mounts wait how can i open this up it's not letting me do it but i can't fault v oh well why the [ __ ] would i want that bro like i guess i'll put this one on there for now great i got a horse that's super cool yeah i don't give a [ __ ] about this horse this is a stupid [ __ ] horse it can barely even jump okay and uh check mail all right i'll check my mail normal mail only viewable in mailbox lovely weather we're having today bro this is crazy i forgot how much different it was okay let's go inside here and talk to the area summon the pet yeah i don't know how that works so how do i summon a pet all right let's summon jambo nice okay got him mail gun lancer op don't let these plebs tell you otherwise gun lancer is meta op giga chad big damage all right so thank god guys thank god i checked my mail for that one okay yeah i really am so glad i did that okay so what am i really waiting to do here am i just trying to get like the uh the stone tablet in the cathedral yeah what am i really doing f2 okay let me try f2 right now f2 doesn't do anything i'm pressing it nothing happens three more quests okay let me try that bro i'm never gonna get used to not being able to roll like this is actually the worst thing about the game like i love being able to roll and the fact that i can't do that is very upsetting okay let's go let me see how this works and if this is uh you know difficult or not to do see i already have that okay so how much of this okay so all this is counted right yeah like all of this is counted this is totally good um i have more health too because of my roster right bots incoming are those bots nothing to report wait are those actually bots aren't those wait those are just players like how do we know that those are bots why can't we be sure that those aren't just players yeah those are probably just players man the piece of tablet oh [ __ ] let me go and pick this one up okay good watch them they're teleporters well i thought everybody played berserker because it's the best class you think if there was a clue yeah i mean that's obviously why it would be i think after i make this character i think i might make a paladin and then after i do the paladin i'm probably gonna go back and do a uh uh i'm probably gonna go back and do uh another berserker i think that would be a good idea okay so now i go from hearth and home right f2 now all right let's go over here destroyer uh no i probably actually i might try a destroyer yeah you only get one knowledge transfer wait what check for power pass okay all right we're gonna go back i'm gonna go to character select just because people are spamming me about this and i think that it would just be easier for me to just simply show everybody that it does not work that way and it's a waste of time to even ask but let's go over and let's check it out for ourselves okay all right ready guys power pass available and we're using it doesn't work all right so let's log back in good talk guys yeah very good talk just ask amazon for power pass i probably will do that yeah we'll probably will do that right to support i will do that i will put in a ticket tonight to make sure that i'm able to get it back i was waiting for you yeah i bet you were okay with your approval so this is where it is right training camp in the office let me make sure i uh i know what to do here is it the training camp control one okay what do i do knowledge transfer transfer target ellen's gift so i click on this right okay let's do it transfer target is bold gold all right perfect and there we go knowledge transfer is happening previous transfer of knowledge to bold gold you can play the game as normal even during knowledge transfers region completed using knowledge transfer do not provide story express event rewards i don't know what that is okay you can do a higher tier let me see if i can no because i have to have a um so basically it completes all the quests for me but i don't complain i have to be a certain item level for it to happen yeah so like that's clearly what it says right because this is 10 item level all right let's go ahead and do it there we go bold gold is going to be incubating so can i use that on as many characters as i want the power pass i just keep using it over and over and over the knowledge transfer yes holy [ __ ] that's really good so this character can go up all the way up to 960. so do i have to do the punica quest line one at a time you get it for two alts okay nine for 302 oh [ __ ] okay let me see so you still have to do that one every time it gets more expensive yeah that's fine just buy gold who cares there's no point in transferring after 50. well wouldn't you be able to skip the quest though and that way you could sail around and like because i know that the ocean liners don't work for certain areas so yeah yeah you still want to do it main story skip yeah i'm going to do it a hundred percent man like absolutely so can i complete unas tasks now too as soon as i get to 50 like i can complete three more on each day as soon as i'm 50 right yeah i can okay so like if i had four characters and each of them are doing three can i complete 12 per day or is there like a hard cap yes so i could theoretically just have each i could have like a bunch of characters just farming out the reputation and then your reputation is account wide so i effectively am doing the same daily three times that's really [ __ ] overpowered holy [ __ ] once per day per quest oh really okay okay all right never mind then okay and i should also do this one down here right reduce required experience for tier two honing because i did the other ones research has started you cannot cancel the research okay there we go we got it so that's completed right now all right good level 10 stronghold i just started working on my stronghold a couple of days ago so you can't get the same quest done twice but you can do different quests on each character so logically what i would want to do is i would want to do the tier three quests on my main character and i want to would want to do like the tier one quest like the tukey island quest on my alt character that's logically what would make sense okay yes all right that makes sense okay all right well that's all i have to do so i just wait for eight hours this character becomes max level and then i'm good to go that's [ __ ] easy yeah that that's that's no problem at all wow okay check my mail for power pass great idea let's check my mail again yeah that's a great idea let's check to see if they sent me the power pass again all right let's see the mail um knowledge transfer takes eight hours um ignore dumb asses and chat here's some gold towards knowledge transfer same as power pass but it costs gold in eight hours the power pass isn't a big deal nut man gold thank you starting to see some gold nub don't go too crazy with it thank you power pass go to your main character use power pass on that character thank you so much gun lancer build summary thank you so much i appreciate that guys i don't want to look and be told what to do i think that we know what to do now all right check for power pass again i do not have the power pass now i did say today i would play more elden ring i think that it's time for me to get into that i've been playing this for quite a while i held off on this for quite a while so i think it's time for us to do elven ring we sit and we let this [ __ ] incubate we let this thing happen i log back on in eight hours and i have a brand new [ __ ] character ready to go big dick i think that's definitely it that's what i do does that make sense yeah there we [ __ ] go chat's heart stuck t1 so should i start buying things off of the store for tier 1 and tier 2 gear on this character like actually i bet a lot of people have tier one and tier two materials that they'll just give me right yeah like you guys would just give me all this stuff right everybody's gonna give me a bunch of stuff yes okay great i was so worried there for a second i'd have to earn it but i really appreciate you guys being able to come through and make sure i didn't have to actually do work okay give me a second here do the research in stronghold for your alts i'm begging you thank you so much i really appreciate your advice that's such useful advice it really totally changes everything okay don't waste your crystals dude yeah it's all right guys stream to win yeah so what i'll do could i do like a speed run could i do like a speed run of like tier one and tier two like how fast could i go from tier one to tier two that'd be a good idea yeah that'd be a really really good idea because all i needed to do all i would really need to do if i have the research yeah i'll have all the research done i only had one more to go and i just go on there and that's it streamer perks yeah no it's okay because i bet a lot of people have tier tier one and tier two materials just sitting around and it's like they might as well listen guys they might as well trade it over to me that's the way i see it it's like it's just easier for everybody if they give it to me that way think about it like this it's not holding up space in in the inventory for them uh they don't need to worry about that kind of stuff all they have to do is just relax and watch me use their materials yeah i think that's a great idea get t3 research now you're 385 yeah i already have it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 384,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold lost ark, lost ark asmongold
Id: EKo5lqXVy7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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