Asmongold Reacts to "We need to talk about YouTubers promoting this..." by PewDiePie

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special news segment special special facial facial okay good evening I'm poppy Harlow here for your special new sets not a super mention in this video it's just for context I am NOT dragging that's a disclaimer it's just so we can talk [ __ ] full disclaimer guys just context no for real it is just context okay I think if this story goes mainstream we should very likely will it will have a negative impact on youtubers what am I talking about well of course better health you've already heard about it from your so this is the thing that our help better help you better help better help the better health better hope better help better help better help better help better how wow they got a lot of people to show for this oh my god that's crazy all overrated my separated I always see these ions try online therapy try remember seeing the guy with the beer and grow my own beer just like this guy what is better health well it's been marketed as cheap affordable and private online therapy with a professional that's right hooray that seems unlikely us better help in a previous video okay I first heard about it and I was cautious about calling it a scam because I've seen not just youtubers but actual therapists chilling this service will be really really good you're a sociopath by the way this video sponsored by online therapy so what's wrong with better health then you can have a while in therapy without leaving your house you're gonna have they're up for you at home that's great that sounds almost too good to be true go do the trash little bosses we swear to see new bosses the to mass-produced therapy they pride on having 4 million users and they've gathered this many waters by saying this if you sign up for better health you'll pay only 65 dollars whereas if you go to an actual therapist and meet face-to-face you'll be paying one hundred and fifty dollars so look how much money you are saving by using better help instead of face-to-face therapy okay in their own terms of service they acknowledge that if you are using this site it is not a complete substitute for face-to-face examination and the session by a licensed qualified professional wait why it's marketed as a cheaper substitute for therapy because the people are not even luxury it's an addition but they're not even look how much money you are saving by not going to their there are they outsourcing therapy when you subscribe to better help let's say you pick the most popular one okay any five dollars per week but you are billed monthly so when the seven-day trial runs out you immediately build two hundred and sixty dollars so let's say you sign that's smart but for a seven day free trial as soon as that trial ends you are charging me yeah but one month not three tries of a month two hundred and sixty dollars and even if you mean that's not consumer unfriendly at all the full amount for a month that you will not use and there's a lot of reviews that reinforces better help says how long will I use his service just as long as you need it you can cancel the subscription of the service at anything as long as we can make you keep paying for it do the other track now I'm seeing comments saying that if you contact them they will pay you back so if you lost money signing up for this please do reach out better help that's good online therapist role that you just do this quick questionnaire and we'll find the right person for you but Terms of Service they also say we cannot assess whether the use of the counselor is right and suitable for your needs so what do they do they don't take accountability for anything you can find a therapist that does phone calls or texting by yourself the next thing so you can have a therapist through texting us to give advice they can make no warranty whether what they say is even relevant useful correct relevant again satisfactory or suitable to your needs so they don't take responsibility for anything how convenient on review sites it says that better help is 69 percent positive and 21 percent negative someone says better help really work for me that's because they had a good therapist not because it's better help provide a good service because they don't take accountability for any of their counselors which then leads to a lot of people having bad experiences they say themselves that they don't diagnose the platform is not intended for diagnosis but then you have broken several videos of youtubers saying I suffer with binge eating which I do want to talk to you guys about yeah I was officially diagnosed with binge eating disorder by my therapist look at that voice specially diagnosed by their therapist okay who diagnosed you if you have ever heard of Tom oh really you were officially diagnosed by a therapist therapists should not diagnose you by the way and better help themselves say that but still apparently it happens I never actually received any therapy we just kept setting appointments and he just kept missing them and not giving me any warning or any real reason and was really unprofessional and his messages so I'm seeing better help everywhere and I'm getting flashbacks obviously if you meet a therapist face-to-face you can still have bad experiences but y'all better help themselves doesn't take any accountability of finding you the right therapist or any accountability for the actions of their therapist then what's the point what do they do besides charging you it just came to my attention and I miss a port besides charging you money this one is deeply concerning and guess why I missed it wait why did it what's the Fox ago how convenient this one says that they don't guarantee the verification of the skills degrees qualifications certification credentials competence or background of any counselor with better help you'll be talking to professionals just beware that it's there might not be ability to determine whether they are or not it's your responsibility to determine whether they have any degree or qualification or certification or all these things what does better help do besides selling you a product that doesn't exist that they don't sound a lot of reviews have spoken about who is really their counselor from hell with all kinds of crazy stories I kind of want to read the reviews actual therapists using better help against pain it's obvious that you're not gonna get the best service people are even saying that they most likely just talk to another seven or eight counts or so second one left in the middle of an online chat they is our brawler dude like I know how I know how your dad raped you but I've got to go man why there's a football game once you do that I'll see you later neither of the good reviews are legit either if you go to better helps own websites their testimonies they are filled with testimonies most of them showed up with texting Joel was excellent referring to their therapist Alex a broker in too much food y'all piece Jerry is empathetic while you scroll down and you find this guy Julian says that better help calm is a reliable online platform to receive therapy it can be easier and safer to communicate with a licensed psychologist from home than at an office a therapist if there's Lauren McCoy is attentive and does ask the right questions you needn't stay alone you needn't Jesus you know what that means stay alone I don't know and notice how he says Julian Sands Julian says who's Julian his therapist is Lauren is he Julian is he referring to himself is he reading the script so badly wait what the [ __ ] what is this sign what is going on here the cherry on the top here is that in their Terms of Service they can share your data and hahahaha mental health related that's that's really not a problem if that's public information Oh God online therapy with an online footprint is this a bad idea general Wow that's my accent so wrong now this is some of the reason that but yeah that better it's not what they are saying it is there's a lot of more information and a lot of more crazy things that I I don't want to bring up but there's a lot of washis activity how of this for me where this whole thing gets the most messed up it's the marketing when I first heard about better health I was immediately skeptical because I've been approached by a similar wait the review guy was from fiber refused to like that people told me Felix this app is not what they are saying it is luckily there I love it there this is great Lenny for the promo for some reason I recognize that it was a bad idea taking money for a mental health issue and how so many youtubers failed to recognize this it's just beyond me well maybe shouldn't be theirs over it's not tubers who have promoted better health but the most concerning thing about this is not that they're getting paid to promote it I think that's fine but they are paid per person that signs up to better health and not just a little the more [ __ ] up the audiences the more money you may pay to $200 per person that they get to sign up for better help $200 that's a lot of money just get a thousand people signing up you just made two hundred thousand dollars so obviously you're highly incentivized to tell people to sign up for this service in my video when I mean listen guys I know a lot of you out there have a lot of problems and a lot of concerns of your own you need somebody to talk to you if we need somebody to reach out need somebody to confide in let me tell you something right now better help calm number one best place to go you're gonna go there you can't necessarily guarantee that you might talk to a physician you might not really guarantee that you're talking to a psychologist you might not guarantee they're even there it could actually just be a bot AI program that's designed to respond your questions in a different way which ask them back to you but if you sign up right now you get a seven day free trial and then after that it's $200 and I get that $200 so please guys go sign up okay banner have I was just joking by the way guys me to enter the code Shane for your cheaper online therapy today I would never have guessed it will actually this was the case so this leads to a lot of the sponsored videos of these hundred hundred of youtubers being about mental health use coke scam may be a good thing but they are made so that people sign up for the website I'm Scott it's Scott for depression to expression if you're looking for anything to miss out on don't miss out on this welcome to Express whoa I actually messed up their mess up like three times and cuz it's a joke yes before we start I have so much respect for each and every one of you for watching and being why do you ask for my payment information now okay as we know I've been in therapy I've been just dealing with a lot of stuff that I need to deal with and I feel good anyways I feel good that's what is that probably about so you can access professional affordable and convenient counseling I just hit a wall work it was it was gotten so bad that it was basically either stop making videos or disappear also this video is sponsored by better help more information about that at the end of this video I believe having a healthy mind to be a top priority at least for myself another point healthy line leads to a healthy life before you guys go I just want to share with you better health it may seem like you are unable to gain a clear perspex is this you no longer need to feel what is this you're gonna show me a dying dog counselors better come on on your side probably pulling 790 our work leaks which travel in between of course she got them out in light of this video I'm working with better help to help provide another resource for you guys to be fair I don't think these youtubers know what they're promoting and damn I'm Fischer's crazy thing if you can help people and get paid at the same time what's the what's wrong with that I don't think everyone is completely innocent but I don't think there's any point in faulting anyone too much either recently there's been a big topic on YouTube about mental health 10 you Joker's fighting mental health stigma YouTube is failing its creators and why youtubers are feeling burned out I've talked about this topic because I don't know I used to like doing YouTube videos they were great the only problem is I never made any money think that they wind by acquiring wealth and fame this is such a common misconception that somehow if you get rich and famous all your problems are sown when in reality these are just cravings that everyone has that will never leave you satisfied that makes me feel happy and contained if a service like better health existed they should take accountability for their counselors actions it should be in there yeah interest to make sure that anyone that signs up gets a good service but in their Terms of Service they say that they don't I can't believe how PewDiePie the racist is criticizing an organization that's just trying to help people make money man wait [ __ ] via Slee because they're mass producing it and they definitely should not market themselves as a substitute for therapy and and then at the same time say that they aren't won and hidden in their Terms of Service and youtubers should not take a deal that gives some money per sign up if it's for mental health or at the very least then disclaim that I was slammed by mainstream media a few months ago for the bridge controversy gay guess the big thing that I did that well the British are an Amazon referral links in my descriptions which I've never even mentioned that's right everybody I linked to my equipment and I got a ten percent I know I'm little scumbag so what is this hold Wow PewDiePie so awareness angle I mean we can't just treat your fans like dollar signs what kind of person would do that it's disgusting and I don't understand why anyone would do that my fans I treat with respect and I would never sell them anything ever check out the bars guys link in her description please the campaign is only nine days left wait no I was gonna do that now it's not funny if he does it oh that was it that's the whole thing okay so there's a lot to unpack there's a lot to talk what do you guys think but yeah it isn't you so in my mind like I don't think it's necessary like I mean because so this will be the first thing that I want to talk about right because I think this is something it's a little bit more controversial but I'll say I don't necessarily think that it's a bad thing to make money off of helping people with their mental health I mean is that do you guys think I'm off-base there or no we're known as better help contract yeah yeah dude oh why don't you offer health services to us I do because if you watched my stream you know that there's at least one person in the world that hasn't worse than you do literally Satan what yeah I mean like cuz you have you have like psychologists that make money and I mean like I think it's also different so if you can make money doing something that helps people I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing but at the same time I can see how people would be concerned if you know he is a component so it's like kind of it's a very delicate balance and I don't really know it's just therapy remember we pay doctors yeah we pay doctors we pay a lot of other people but I think the difference here is that you're not really talking about paying somebody for the service you're talking about somebody making money for referring to you to a service which is it's not a big difference but it is a difference so that's what I think the what the conversation is about in my opinion I don't think it's necessarily like bad for some why does it go on me dude like what it hit me five times like what do they expect me to move my character now this is [ __ ] ridiculous pull the why are these mobs here go kill these guys better help is for crazy leftist I don't know about that man I feel like it's just it's a scam bro like it's not even about any of that so I also think that a lot of these like it's the same thing that a lot of other I guess like companies and [ __ ] they do is they'll have these disclaimers that basically makes it to where it sounds like they really like they can [ __ ] you in the ass and you still can't sue them and it's kind of annoying that they do that and I feel like there probably should be some protections on people for that because it just seems a little bit ridiculous no I'm serious like there's a lot of them it's the same it's like with boys or like Blizzard has a good cause and like their contract with Wow that they can delete your account for no reason whatsoever and it doesn't matter and you have no recourse at all obviously like a Warcraft account is a lot less important than like mental health right and like therapy but it's the same general principle and there's a lot of other come companies that do the same thing possibly win on court if they do really take this I don't know if you'd win I have no idea but the point that I'm trying to make is that it's obviously disingenuous and also you have to combine this because it's very hard really for me to see if I kits a legitimate bad service or not and this is one of those things because you can have certain people to have negative interactions and those interactions might not necessarily paint the entire thing as negative but it seems kind of obvious that taking money and doing sponsorships like this this is a big issue right because like we've had people on Twitch this has been a thing on Twitch where why people will take sponsorships from like gambling sites and stuff like that I know this happened with like csgo ATO and like that whole world where people were taking these sponsorships from companies that were very predatory and they were basically created around making kids use their mom's credit cards to waste all of their parents money you know what I mean and that I mean that can't happen like in my opinion I think that like people that do that knowingly like twitch really needs to get on top of them people thinking they actually want to help well I think that there's a point where you can want to help somebody else while at the same time wanting to make money and I don't think that wanting to be able to support yourself in helping other people is necessarily a bad thing the only issue comes whenever people were doing it for their main primary goal was money I think it should also be you know it should be 50/50 at least I would say company targets role models who target wheat into bins they can target weak individuals and sell a product but rule out any responsibility in the TOS how many clients would go through so that's a pretty that's a pretty real way to look at it man I don't know dude just like giving asmin goal here no no that's completely different if you're giving me gear that's like a public service it's completely different it's a very very good thing to give me here
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 139,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold reaction, asmongold highlights, twitch chat, pewdiepie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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