How I Made 300 Gold in 10 Hours - Season of Discovery Mage AoE Gold Guide - Classic WoW

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for the past 10 hours I've been AOE farming the hillsbrad miners with my Mage the new runes allows the Mage to take a different approach to AOE grinding from a range technique to a straight up face tanking Strat making AOE viable even in tight spaces such as the azur Lo mine with decent gear and the correct runes you can pull up to 13 mobs and clear them in a matter of seconds after 10 hours and 3,600 mobs cleared I can say that this spot gets the seal of approval the items we're chasing at this spot are silk and wool cloth vendable gray items green items with good stats which sell for a lot on the auction house and the occasional rare item there's also an alliance chest we can loot it has a total of four spawn points one outside and three inside it will be hard to miss three types of mobs we find at this place hillsbrad Sentry hillsbrad foureman and in larger numbers the hillsb miners just like in our previous video we tried to sell everything on the auction house if the item didn't sell after three listings it went straight to vendor I tried this enchanting but it seems like on my server due to the price of dust and shards it was not worth it now let me show you the spec and runes I use for this grind and after we will dwell right into the seven pools I do to clear the entire mine under 7 minutes two points into Arcane subtlty which decreases the magical resistance of your Target by 10 three points into Arcane Focus which gives me 6% heit with Arcane spell such as Arcane explosion but also living flame two points into one spec Five Points into Arcane concentration which gives you clear cast three points into Arcane explosion and the last Point goes into Elemental Precision for more Frost and fire spells uh hit when it comes to runes uh we have the living bomb obviously we have the living flame and the Regeneration of the chest all three of them will be used on every pole so whenever I arrive to the spot my first bullets outside they're about 8 to nine mobs outside they're called heels bre sentries you just come down here you pop regeneration you take the first one take the second one you can apply a couple of living bombs if you get this that's okay cuz we're going to Blink here you want to make sure you get all of them you don't have to apply so many living bombs and then you put on the ground one living bomb and since you have a regeneration on you all the Arcane explosions and every KCK off living flame is going to give you a heal make sure you loot all of them drink as fast as possible and move to the next pool second pool is going to be inside just go inside a cave apply regeneration on you and start applying living bombs on the first one or two mobs you don't really have to put on all of the mobs living bomb but make sure before you blink or move forward you do another heat on the mob so they won't unleash from you once I get to this point I like to put a living bomb on the ground and start to do a couple of more hits while I pull the mobs from there too I'm going to have a healthy pull seven seven to eight sometimes nine mobs there's one more deep down there but I think we're going to pull that one later as you can see the heals are going quite well cuz we're keeping all the mobs above the flame you always have to jiggle the mobs so they wouldn't um go outside of the flame cuz if they go outside of the flame you stop getting heals and you will eventually die and do a corpse run third pull is going to be you're going to pull the mob right here in the corner before you move forward apply regeneration and do another rank one arcan explosion while they're trying to gather more mobs apply on the ground living flame and try to put the mobs on top as you can see I'm losing a lot of HP but as soon as the mobs are above the flame and I start spamming arcanic explosion I'm getting healed from different sources and the mobs die quite fast having a healing potion would help in this situation for the forth pool I'm trying to get some mobs from the next pull so it would be easier for the fifth pull so I get two mobs from that side once they get close to me I do a r quad explosion into a blink inside I try to apply a living bomb on a mob here and then try to pull the guy in the corner with another one we you have to come back fast so you can uh make this sure mobs don't unleash cuz you have to hit them every 10 seconds or else they will evade and run back um this pull is like pretty fast and cool again sometimes um next to the pool can be minor hacket a level 29 mob make sure you pull him as [Music] well six pull we're going to pull one two three mobs here so we're going to start with the one in the back one two three into regeneration oh and to whatever we can here try to put in the middle l living flame here make sure you don't put it next to those cards cuz if you put them next to the cards the mobs will climb on the cards and then the mobs will no longer get like the Dot from the living flame and you will stop receiving heal and you will die always try to put the living bomb on open space and if possible try to select the lower level mob to apply it on the level 27 one cuz or the 26 if you apply it on a level 28 or 2 9 it might resist and you will die for the sixth pull we come back here where we did the fourth pull and we try to jump down from here as we don't want to Agro fourman bonds he he's a mob that spawns two extra mobs and it's not impossible to kill but it's just a a chance to die so why risk it we apply Regeneration all the way up here we do one two potentially three living blonds into an arcan explosion rank one blinking right here and trying to apply the living bomb this is a big pull so be ready to have a potion all the time ready I'm going to try to apply there we go if the mobs are correctly situated on the living flame it's not going to be a problem there we go minor hacket has random spawn points so this time it was here but it can be in any of the previous spots that we did think it has like four spawn points pool number seven is from uh pool number six you just move ahead pop regeneration fly one two living bombs maybe a rank one arcan explosion to keep the mobs leashed into a blink and um we have another six mob or seven mob pull same thing kill them as fast as you can and as soon as we finished the seventh pool we cleared the entire uh amount of mobs in this game we're about to re R and repeat as we go to the back exit we're going to go back outside to pool number one and the mobs are already respawned pretty simple isn't it a couple of tips and tricks to make your grind more enjoyable and better the first one is to buy level 25 Water I've been using three stacks of level 25 Water per hour which costed a total of one gold 20 during the 10 hours I spent about 12 gold on water alone but it definitely speed up my grind by a lot the BFD World buff helps quite a bit because of the 20% uh speed which will allow you to clear the mobs faster but also it seems to give two more healing per living flame and one more healing per Arcane explosion which will help you stay alive for long one more tip which is quite important if you see people questing that try to help help them to kill like either minor hacket or Forman bonds the faster they move out of there the more mobs you'll have to clear and the less the pools will be like disorganized also help the Warriors that are on the brutal helmet quest line they need to pick 10 items from the mobs just let them know that you're going to take all the loots set free for all and in 3 minutes they should be gone from your cave there are a couple of cons because this spot is not all sunshine and rainbows as this video would make you believe you can die here multiple times in the corpse it's one of the longest Alliance will often gank due to the advantage of mobs being friendly to them and since this is a known Quest Hub you will have to share the Mobs with your fellow horde nevertheless consistency and long sessions will reward you with a decent amount of gold started this grind with 20 gold in my bag at hour one and after 5 hours I made a total of 140 gold this included the rare yorgan bracers which we sold for 45 gold it's true that the first 5 hours we grinded mostly during PE times and being new to the Grind did not make me very efficient however the second 5 hours I went up to 300 Gold without getting any noticeable rares the highest green sold was about 20 gold and found a couple more worth between 5 and 10 gold out of 3600 mobs we got a total of three rare items from which only one was valuable as we speak I still have items in the auction house waiting to be sold the total gold per hour after 10 hours is close to 300 give or take which makes quite a rewarding experience for phase one in season of Discovery compared to our previous video 10 hours of hbert Helm this spot is less reliant on RNG thus making it more consistent if you're looking to get into season of Discovery or return to rat of the Lich King level some new alss and so on I highly recommend getting the rested XP add-on the add-on is free and all its features and the guides are available up to level 20 making your leveling fast but also a efficient since now it incorporates Rune guides making you obtain all your runes as you level up without the need to go back at a later time and if by any chance in the future you think about making an upgrade to a full version use my code frostadamus for 5% off the grind was done entirely live on stream if you have some questions want to pop and hang out find me at frostadamus where we have a beautiful community of classic wow enthusiasts I'm aware of the lack of Alliance guides on the Channel recently because of that I am working on an alliance alt so we can remedy this for the future with that being said may your grinds be consistent and your bags full until next time stay frosty bye-bye
Channel: Frostadamus
Views: 47,494
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Keywords: Frostadamus, burning crusade classic, tbc classic, burning crusade classic guide, tbc class pick, tbc arena, tbc gold, best game, console game, xbox, ps5, expensive items, tier 6 item set, best arena gear, best mmo 2021, best new games 2021, official release, patch 2.4.3, black temple, guide for tbc, classic era servers, how to prep for tbc, tbc items, tbc pre patch, best items tbc
Id: 4mFqZIyW2W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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