Asking College Students What Their Side Hustle Is

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what's the dumbest purchase you've ever made what would be your dream job if money wasn't an issue do you have any advice for incoming college students how much money to quit college right now what's the craziest thing you've done to save money do you have any tips for college students that want to save money in most ways I spend money is going out to eat buying drinks like alcohol that's kind of it honestly didn't you say you're 20. uh hey guys so today we're at Cal State University Long Beach and we're asking students what their side hustle is any advice they have for saving money and a bunch of other questions I'm super excited to see what they have to say let's get started [Music] thank you foreign [Music] major my name is Chase Higgins I'm 21 and my major is Communications what do you hope to do with that degree with that degree I'm hoping to get out of Long Beach in two years and then come back to school to get my teaching credential what would be your dream job if money was an issue probably like be a lifeguard because I love the beach I love being outside do you currently have a job or a side hustle I currently do have a job I work for MOD Pizza in Huntington Beach I'm actually repping the shirt so because I got a work this afternoon but I really enjoy it and it's really fun how much do you make at MOD Pizza at MOD Pizza we make 17.50 an hour that's really amazing do you have any advice for people that want to budget better it helps like talking to people that have been there and like are in financial crisis I went to my parents for advice and they kind of sat down with me and they made a plan about okay so if you get paid 600 a paycheck then you got to put x amount of money into gas x amount money into activities so that way you still have like lots of income coming in but you're budgeting that money in case something does happen what's your biggest expense right now probably School but luckily I've got family and friends along with my financial aid so it's not that big of a burden but that is definitely my biggest expense how much money to quit calls right now oh no I need college I don't think I could put a price on that I need an education I think I could go far with that what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money my friend offered me 20 bucks to jump off the pier at Huntington I just did it it got pretty easy 20 bucks so worth it it was worth it what's the crazy thing you've done to save money when I was coaching basketball at Huntington Beach High School this past summer I would ride my bike so instead of taking my car and being there in five minutes I would ride my bike and be there in like 30 minutes what advice do you have for incoming or current college students it's all it's been very helpful to find a nice club trying to be an extrovert even though I'm very introverted I just got to talk to people got to make friends I love playing basketball so luckily here at CSULB we got that Rec Center what do you think is a perfect side hustle for college students part-time job I think just getting out there whether it's on campus to make it easy so that way you don't have to commute or if it's off campus somewhere close as long as it's part time it works what's the dumbest purchase you've ever made at Target with my girlfriend there was this pencil holder we found when we were going back to school shopping and it was like a shark and you put all your pencils and stuff in the shark's mouth they'll hold it and I think that's pretty dumb but she wanted it so I got it can't argue with a woman happy wife happy life that's right what's the most amount of money you've ever spent on a meal it would be Chipotle when I get the quesarito because it's like four dollars extra but it's bomb so instead of like a 10 or 9 burrito it's like a 15 burrito it's worth it 100 what's your name age and what's your major I mean Yuki I'm 21 years old my major is International Development studies so how do you make money I'm more focused on like saving money I guess I actually graduated like school out one year early so that like you saved me like around like 45k of tuition where are you from I'm from Japan did you find College was worth it yes and no so yes because like it opened up a lot of doors but I also no because like there's a lot of jobs that you don't really need valued College names and you still can make a lot of money especially in the U.S do you have any advice for international college students pick a measure that is useful because I pick like International Development and there's not much job for that how much money would I have to give you to take away your college degree I don't know only 50K what's the craziest thing you've done to save money the graduating one year early was a little tough I only had like 90 units 90 quarter units and I had to finish up like not another 90 quarter units in a year do you reckon all college students graduate early no I think because like it's a very like Precious time like during college you you have lot of time free time so you know you can do like side hustles or like do a lot of like social stuff like go to parties make friends and like have fun like you know maybe start new hobbies what's a daily habit you do that everyone should do go to gym yeah I think uh discipline is like a very key to be successful and like going to gym every day like make you realize oh you can do things you know I love that yeah how many times you gym per week obviously now um I go only like two three times a week it was because like I'm working full-time and I'm taking like four summer classes but I shouldn't like make excuses all right so you're gonna start gyming four to five times a week no sure sure thank you so much what's your name age and what's your major I'm Harrison Bingham I am 22 and my major is English education what's your side hustle my side hustle is I run a sports book my sportsbook's located in Costa Rica so it's an offshore sports book so it's legal it's a loophole in the law through California there's an article written in 2012 called the Costa Rican Gold Rush and explains how if there's a sports book in an offshore place and and it's kind of a loophole so how'd you get started with that I started about four years ago I was bartending guys were yelling about sports and I met a guy who ran this website and we just became 50 50 Partners so why are you still in college I'm still in college because I want to be a teacher and have a white picked a fence in a house and the reality is if I want to get a loan from anyone like being a book even though yeah this is legal is still like a loophole it's still kind of like a weird Shady way to make money so it's like if I want to get a loan from A bank for a house or if I ever want to do all that I need like a structured job so how much money to Quick calls right now probably upwards to 10 million dollars five maybe five five million all right do you have any advice for incoming college students don't stress out too much stuff like everything in life everyone wants to figure out right away but things figure themselves out like no one really has life figured out like it just kind of happens and I feel like that's the number one thing is everyone's like rushing rushing rushing rushing to like get to like their end goal but it's like take a deep breath and enjoy the moment because you're only going to be young like this for so long what do you think is a perfect side hustle for college students I'd say like get into something that you like like I also collect sports cards like high-end sports cards I think it doesn't matter your side hustle as long as you're into it because it is a hustle you can't just half do it right so it's like you need to be like happy to do it what's one daily habit you do every single day that everyone should do I brush my teeth twice a day maybe you do that I've never had a cavity wow that's impressive I've had like 20. appreciate it so much what's your name age and what's your major my name is Richard Ramirez I am 30 years old and I'm majoring in finance what do you have to do with Finance be either an investment banker or do financial planning don't eye Bankers hate their lives well that's like what a lot of people say but uh I don't know like I'm a grinder so I don't mind putting in all those hours and just seeing where it takes me I don't know I I hear you know you do IB for a year or two it's just basically set you up so that's that's the plan with IB what's your side hustle prior to going back to school during covid I used to work as a assistant manager at a bank how much did you make at that job 60 base plus bonuses quarterly I was making about like 70 mid 70s that's amazing do you have any advice for incoming college students go to school make it worth it do something valuable and worthwhile with your time and what things are you doing currently to like make the most of your college experience I'm the president of financial management association I'm involved in the beach Investment Group do you have advice for college students that want to save more money learn how to budget a lot of people don't know about this resource but there's a financial literacy one-on-one it's available to all Cal State Long Beach students and it basically gives you courses on how to basically be financially responsible how to manage your loans too what's your typical monthly budget looking like I budget about like three 400 for food gas I put about like two to three hundred because I commute a lot and gas prices are kind of crazy rent I'm paying about 800 right now what's something you do every single day that you think everyone should do wake up in the morning set up my bed brush my teeth just have a routine how much money it's a quick college right now a couple hundred grand I probably start a business or do something with it what type of business would you start if I wasn't in finance I'd be in a restaurant for sure what's your name age and your major my name is Jacob I'm 19 I'm an engineering major what do you have to do with your engineering I agree well I'm looking into like structural civil engineering so I hope I can stick through all four years and get my degree for that how are you paying for college loans my parents are really nice to me and then I'll pay some of it off myself okay do you think college is necessary depends on what you want to do plenty of great career paths that you can go to without going to college but there's some where you know I mean you know you need some schooling degrees for all that do you have any advice for incoming college students save money be outgoing you know try to meet new people how much money to quit college right now it's kind of have to be a lot because you know college is going to determine how much money I make for the rest of my life 10 million I'll be greedy 10 million oh okay why do you think your college degree is worth that much money I don't know I don't know exactly how much to weigh it right now but I mean with a college degree it kind of will help decide how much money you make for the rest of your life so without a degree I don't know there's not much you can do depending on what you want what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money my friends paid me like a swim in the ocean naked one time how much they pay you 50 bucks was it worth it I mean yeah I didn't have to go in for that long I started running run out so what's your biggest expense right now as a college student probably books how much you spend I bought one book it was 150 bucks but I have to buy a few more that are going to be around probably four or five hundred bucks do you think college of textbooks are a scam yes makes no sense I'm already paying to go to school here and I gotta pay even more just to get my books for the classes yeah that's messed up what's your name age and your major sure I'm Jonathan I'm 21 and I'm biomedical engineer what do you have to do with that degree maybe work with prosthetics trying to develop help someone who like lost a limb or something do you have a side hustle right now I just work at Sprouts around like three days a week how much do you make at Sprouts 16.50 how many hours probably three working three full days yeah two to ten thirty what would you say is your biggest expense right now as a college student right how much you pay like almost 900 is that your own room or yeah my own room yeah so do you have any tips for people that want to save money while in college look for textbooks online don't go out too much manage your money I know it's nice to go and have like fun with friends but I will say like know when it's time to do and when you should prioritize school yeah what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money I think it just I donated plasma ones how much money can make from that I think they gave me like 150. how much time does that take three or four hours I think that's really good then right yeah that's really good how much money to Quick college right now no I've already invested too much I'm a junior like a million five five million dollars a million dollars maybe yeah so I can invest in a business or something to make money after a year and if money was an issue what would be your dream job I'd probably do something with political and like like learning about law something that I really like to learn more yeah what kind of business would you start my mom loves cooking so I'll support her in like a cooking restaurant opening a restaurant for her yeah so like what type of restaurant oh where's Salvadoran so it would be like making pupusas or making like something she knows how to make it what was your first job ever I used to work at Subway that was there my first job seven months there how much do you make that I was making 13 do you have any tips for people that want to get the biggest sandwich possible I would say be nice put a smile and don't ask for like extra like be nice and we'll give you extra yeah what do you think was the best bang for your bucket Subway the rotisserie chicken six inches don't get foot long it's too much what's your name Asian what's your major my name is Alexis Johnson I am 21 and my major is public relations what do you have to do with a public relations degree I kind of just want to like influence like an audience like attract an audience to a company I'm not for sure what company yet but I kind of just like engaging you know the community and people and talking to people and it's something that I want to pursue in the future do you have a job or side hustle I have two technically so I model so I'm signed to an agency and then I also work for an now Burger's corporate office how does someone get into the modeling industry just put yourself out there with like social media there's a lot of like platforms that you can use like Instagram start with creating a portfolio just take basic pictures of yourself headshots and then just send it to an agency honestly so what do you hope to get out of you know modeling I want to be like a Tyra Banks I want to be like a supermodel so I'm hoping to kind of just you know be a high fashion runway model and pursue that in the future how much can models typically make it depends on if you're doing like print work or if you're doing commercial work or if you're doing a runway show I've gotten castings that could pay up to like two thousand three thousand so it honestly just depends on the client and it depends on the company how much money do you make in now starting is 2075. that's really good yeah that's pretty good considering where we are how much money to quit college right now enough money to where I can invest in something so I can potentially make more money because college is an investment so if you were able to give me a certain amount where I can invest and make more money in the future I would say that price but I don't know what that price is to be honest what would you do with the money like what type of business would you start aside from modeling I love fashion so I could potentially be like a fashion designer and like create my own like high fashion brand what's your biggest expense right now my car how much is your car payment 576 what kind of car do you have it's a 2022 Honda Accord Sport what's your dream job if money weren't an issue it would still be modeling I'm going to school kind of as a backup plan just in case modeling doesn't work out but no matter what modeling is always a top goal for me thank you so much I wish you the best of luck thank you appreciate thank you yeah what's your name age and what's your major my name is Andrew my major was mechanical engineering so what do you do right now right now I'm a police officer it's on to the SWAT team can you say how much you make around like 130 140 000. that's a lot so do you have any advice for people that want to get into that oh yeah for sure I mean they sometimes hold like recruiting recruitment fairies here for law enforcement reach out to recruiters they'll walk you through the process also it's paid of course they yell at you but you know you're doing push-ups in front of lapsing getting paid for it so it's good what's the most number of pull-ups you've ever done the most average down was 25 but I was I was lighter at that time do you have any advice for college grads I'll say uh send out your resumes to wherever be very adamant and be be on your purpose in regards to like trying to put yourself out there what's something that you wish you did differently in college I also explore more of the campus you know exploring campus and taking advantage of the resources that are already offered here what's your biggest expense right now how much should pay about uh 16.85. do you have advice for college students that want to budget better it's discipline I think the biggest expense that people could get would be food for me it was food it's easy to get K away with like you know swapping car and not looking but I'll say start saving you know I mean whatever I want to save I believe I'll go to the bank and I'll pull it out not stash it because uh if I can't see it I can't spend it what's your name age and what's your major Aaron I'm 18 and I'm a molecular bio major what do you have to do with a degree trying to get into PA school or Pharmacy working at a CVS right now I've been working here for like a year now how much do you make as a pharmacy tech I think starting off it's about 17 an hour I'm up to 19 right now okay yeah and do you have any advice for people that want to become a farm Tech right now I think now is a good time because a lot of stores are going into flu season so you just find a store that's hiring they're pretty desperate so just go for what type of stuff do you do I help fill prescriptions I process them help call patients how much money to quit college right now like at least 100K kind of planning on doing a lot with this degree so if I gave you 200k you would quit yeah I quit what would you do I'd probably invest get into like stocks and stuff hopefully make the most out of the 200k what's your dream job if money wasn't an issue I'd still say it's like something in the medical field because just because like my background I want to help people is that like an innate passion or did your parents like I wouldn't say my parents really because they didn't really want to force anything on to me it's just how it came to be because like I saw a lot of people around me get sick I wanted to be there what was your first job ever above Barista how much do you make as a bob Barista it's like 14.50 what's the craziest thing you've ever done to make money finals last year I was writing people's essays for like 50 every 500 Words so how much did you make from that I made about 350 that's an interesting side hustle what's the craziest thing you've done to save money I just lived off of like instant noodles for like a whole month was your health okay like I feel like it was fine just because I wasn't like only eating that it was like like once a day and then I would incorporate some like veggies and stuff and go to the gym so it wasn't that bad what's something that you do every single day that you think everyone should do personally I just take time to myself every morning I wake up a little earlier calm down just think of it what's the dumbest purchase you've ever made I already have a pair of Court shoes I just came from volleyball bought some for 300 in my backpack right now that's a lot what's your best Frugal tip not one to say this but just if you think about buying something just hold on to that thought for a couple days and then figure out your whole financial situation after that because it's gonna it's like an Impulse for like one night when you're bored hold on to it for a couple days and you'll be fine what's your name age and what's your major I'm Aurora and I'm 24 and I'm doing marketing what do you hope to do with that degree I hope to market for a company that I believe in and has the same values than me so like a sustainable company do you currently have a side hustle or a job so I was working in like a kids summer scam in this school like this summer but now I applied for Student Assistance job but I didn't don't know yet if I got it so how much did your job pay fifteen dollars do you have any advice for college students that want to make money everything that you spend money on how much you spend per month on rent 850 for shared room shared room yes is it like a luxury apartment building no oh wow that's really expensive what's the best purchase you've ever made tuition is a money you well spent I've gotten so much out of studying here so how much will I have to pay you for either quick college right now no amount of money what about like a million dollars No 2 million I don't think so because I value the education I want this I've worked so hard and I came all the way from Finland I really want my bachelor like maybe like maybe two like maybe okay I wouldn't be happy about it cool thank you so much thank you what's your name Asian what's your major Autumn Hernandez 20 computer science what do you want to do with your degree I want to join like a fan company or they say mang now or something like that because it meta do you have the advice for people that want to join the main or Fan Company you really got to get really good at interviews because like Tech interviews are like the craziest like most difficult thing right now but if you pass those like a six-figure job salary so would you say that computer science is like your passion no I'd say no but like I think it's definitely what I want to do for a career I don't think career is the same thing as a passion though why not because you could have a passion that doesn't make money if that makes sense but obviously like everyone wants to make money so that's why I chose computer science because I feel like it's the best career to have to make money how much money to quit college right now enough to start a business maybe like a million dollars a million dollars 500 000 maybe no I wouldn't even quit college for 500 000. enough to be financially stable I guess yeah what would you spend that million dollars on I bought a car I'm honest what car I buy a race car buy like a GTR or something and then I'd spend the you know the other on the business do you know that there's businesses you can start with zero dollars I don't know about zero dollars but like copywriting right like you probably have a computer you could just like write emails for people or a copy and it's just like a service based business no that's cost money to get the computer though but no I get what you mean right here what business would you start I'm into like Fitness so I saw like a supplement business or something like that like a social media like coaching do you have any tips for college students that want to save money don't go out to you I would say work on the weekend and then save your money the most ways I spend money is going out to eat buying drinks like alcohol that's kind of it honestly didn't you say you're 20. uh do you have any advice for incoming freshmen make friends I'd say join a club as soon as you join if money weren't an issue what would you do um I'd be like a fitness influencer I'd just go to the gym and like just record like videos and like do stuff like that like make content gym content coaching stuff like that yeah nice what's the cheapest thing you've ever done I snuck into a festival once what festival Vlog now how much you saved just 300 bucks almost get caught or no I'll go to concerts and you instead of paying for the mosh pit in the front and there's like seats so I'll pay for the seats and then you just like sneak into the mosh pit the mosh Pit's normally more yeah save like 100 bucks that's pretty smart cool thank you so much appreciate it what's your name age and what's your major I'm Sophia I'm 18 and my major is public relations well you have to do with that degree I hope to become a public relations manager and what's your current side hustle I work for a yoga studio in Downey and I'm also looking to gain another job here at the library how much do you make at that job 16 to 17 an hour and how many hours are you working per week 18. so that's pretty solid then what do you think a perfect side hustle for college students for sure something where you are Your Own Boss because as a college student you don't really have a lot of time on your hands like that so when you're Your Own Boss you get to create your own schedule I have yet to have a side hustle like that but props to anybody who is Their Own Boss do you have any advice for college students do not procrastinate try to work on your time management and stay hydrated why stay hydrated because it's hot and we're at the beach what's the daily habit you do that you think everyone should do say five things they like about themselves and at least two things that they want to work on so that way it builds up your confidence but it's not too high where you think you're above everybody else how much money would I pay you to quit college right now you have to give me a billion dollars to quit college a billion why so much because I'm in college for the outcome in the long run what's the crazy thing you've done to make money I used to sell lemonade when I was a little kid and sell churros too how much money would you make the lemonade was like 50 cents for a cup and then the churros were like a dollar because they were pretty big so like what was your profit margin on those churros probably like 500 a day where would you sell the trails at so my mom used to work at Albertsons and because like she was really cool with her manager I asked if I could sell them outside of the store and they said yeah that is amazing wow I feel like everyone should try selling churros or something something yeah at least something what would be your dream job if money wasn't an issue probably helping with kids because I know that teachers don't really get paid a lot so like if that wasn't an issue I would probably do something with kids or I would even volunteer that's really respectable what do you think is your biggest expense right now food for sure how much do you smell in food per month for sure more than 70. 70. that's not that much to me it's a lot it's not like two meals out I eat at like fast food restaurants so they're not that expensive thank you so much so there you have it asking college students about their advice for making money and saving money if you haven't already make sure to get your free stocks from Rebel and MooMoo we're giving out a ton of free stocks for a limited time so make sure to take advantage of that and yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure to like And subscribe if you want to see more content just like this do a ton of videos about personal finance investing and Entrepreneurship thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music]
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 183,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asking college students, side hustle, whats your side hustle?, asking students, street interviews, csulb, cal state long beach, california, entrepreneurship, college, make money in college, how to make money in college, college side hustles, should i go to college, college side hustle, jobs for high schoolers
Id: M8eatjI--tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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