Asking Harvard Students for a Dorm Tour

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can we have a dorm tour oh actually yeah thank you for doing this what is your name and what he's doing at Harvard my name is Xander I think I'm going to concentrate in sociology and film my name is kashish and I'm thinking of studying history and literature my name is Khalid Abdul and I'm going to a life science I'm a pre-med track my name is for short and I'm studying psych maybe it's Tori Ruffin and I'm most likely going to study sociology with a secondary in econ I'm Elena and I'm studying classical language Helen and I'm studying Neuroscience I'm Thomas and I'm studying economics I'm Caroline and anyone concentrating gov gov cool how do you like the dorm life at Harvard you know I had a lot higher expectations for it considering you know highest Endowment in the country we can't even afford AC oh yeah accommodations it's nice there's there was no AC so the beginning was rough we have like the fans in the windows okay I think people expect like Harvard the dorms are going to be super nice but they aren't all of them are very old most of the dorms have burnt down multiple times before they don't have AC like the first two weeks that we were here it was terrible dorm life is super nice really yes I live in a suite with one other person and we both have our own bedrooms and we have like a really big common room upperclassmen housing is a significant upgrade because you get better rooms I really like the community in the houses how many people do you live with I only have one roommate right now we both have singles so it's really nice oh wow yeah what do you think is the best part about your dorm room elevator wow elevator your hardwood floors is it wait if I say the people no that's fine you can see the people yeah I think it is the people I've met some of my best friends in my dorm so it's nice I think it's in a really good location also just more space in sweet bathroom I love it it's close it's got a good location I can wake up at 8 50 go to my 9 A.M I've gotten into people watching recently and it's really nice just to see the pedestrians the first week some of them even saw me change so we're very close yeah my friend is in Weld and they get people like that come up to like the windows and stuff like people take pictures outside by their door oh it's like it's awkward yeah it's a tourist attraction here there's so many people and none of them are students what's the worst thing about your dorm it's so it's so interesting living there especially on the first floor because that's where everybody kind of like walks and one of our blinds doesn't close so everybody walking on Mass Ave can see in and out of our dorm at any time of day it's very beautiful and we are also in the entryway that got broken into last year and me and my roommate have four fans going on in our room day and night like constantly because it gets so hot in wig but no it's cool it's it's so great wonderful we have five people living in a three bed kind of arrangement it's pretty nice actually I feel like I got more space than these guys but my cabinets don't actually work and the bedroom next to me is not as nice I think Harvard really likes like roommate conflict like I'm really like with my roommates but yeah Harvard just knows that like hey these don't forms are not equal and good luck like just figure it out yourself the one thing is that the building has five floors and we don't have an elevator but I live on the second floor so I'm fine no AC no AC yeah oh yeah it's not my own accommodation what accommodation do you need I walked into a room and it's like a fridge sometimes I wake up and I'm a little too cold terrible do you have roommates my roommate is so nice her name is shanasa I'm really really shocked by how our schedules just like work perfect it was a random assignment so actually we had to write these essays before we got here wow and still like answer all these questions about like your favorite genres of music and like exactly what time you get up in the morning and then they take all of it into account and I think what I normally hear is people are either really really happy with their roommate assignments or they're like pretty satisfied with it which I think is a win that's awesome um they're all very nice but I have five dates and I feel like that's that's a little too many for my taste I love them Harvest a very good job apparently people they're all musicians yeah they pair the musicians together there's like music they put the stoppers together yeah no literally don't just say they put the fappers together oh yeah oh sorry yeah you guys are from Harvard what does that mean so fap stands for first year arts program it's so insane though they go we all fact together real fasting especially the acting like the dancing our hands got really tired from all the fappings cheese guys last question can we have a dorm tour oh actually yeah oh yeah of course I mean I can't I was actually gonna offer that I'm like a quick phone call I'll give you some time to think I'll be here all day my roommates are two of them are fully knocked in my dorm right now I'm gonna say no because things are not tidy okay there's like this YouTuber who wants to fill my room yeah it's fine I won't bring them in wait what was the answer oh she's at office hours we can go we can go yeah yeah I mean unless my roommates there but I think she'll be happy to be in the video okay let's do it okay we're not gonna show where you live but we're gonna cut to there oh oh it is Big whoa it has like a steak [Music] Escape thinking of getting some sort of mattress topper yeah to make it like comfy this is her roommates this is nice it's small but make use of the space got the fireplace here yeah it's all like blocked off this is your beautiful bed and your your baby teddy it's literally older than I am what's their name Alyssa this is a common room of our dorm and I live here my bed's right there this is my game day top I'm on the dance team yesterday was our first football game and we won and it's hanging on a lamp it is hanging out proof that you got Harvard proof that I go to Harvard the fire alarm and the electricity right next to it oh I need this this is actually really cool my roommate brought that so that's our custom sign and age look at our initials I was talking about this oh that is King Kermit drinking some lemonade pink lemonade I like it yeah I think that's it I need to do my own dorm tour everyone stay tuned for my channel um I'm gonna be posting a dorm for this semester okay cool we're down check it out Link in description this is the common space where you all work yeah so oh that's interesting and then this is my desk okay you got the nice view yeah what are you working on just math Visa that's like all I do there's like three a week oh man yeah what about your bedroom do you mind showing that okay this is cool it's like a sleepover which one's yours this is me I live near Buffalo and everyone hates the Patriots in Buffalo so yeah we're gonna be a Patriots fan oh you're like that you got your own closet yeah you got here first and then this is like to the washer okay we're not gonna go to our bathroom you need a key to go to the bathroom yeah oh wow there's like one stall one shower two seconds oh interesting but there's like six of us and we all share it how's that um some mornings you have to like wait and it's like oh I'm gonna be late I like that the bedroom is separate from the work room because in my past dorms it was all in the same space awesome let's go see her room now okay have you ever seen it no oh wow it's candy this what's his name you're not like that comment below who is this minion this is your desk yeah we got the Fiji Water I do I'm more over there do you play piano I mostly go into our piano room yeah in the basement oh here in the dorm yeah okay so like I mostly go there to practice I'll take my seat [Music] like you make your bed or did you no I made I make it every morning actually I didn't start doing that until I got to college what are you working on here uh I don't really work here you know I don't I never work in my room it's just different so I work in the library I like the sign thank you are you staying humble of course I don't know anything about shoes what's the brand those are easy okay I thought so yeah are these not easy those are these are yeah [Music] okay that's cool we got your desk yeah this is my desk there's a lot of things on it that I don't use because I have an iPad so I don't use any of the station right let's just push out who decided on who gets the view when we go into my bedroom you'll see that my closet is like bigger so I tried to be fair and give her action with you it's really nice I'm also a boring person so like it's really really helpful for just like getting you need the light no exactly what are you working on this is Latin it's a bunch of nature poetry I just learned the Latin word for fox this is what I do with my life now it's actually really really fun and my sister's sleeping there right okay sorry I thought she was actually sleeping there I was like I got scared for a second she was visiting for the weekend of being an extra bed oh cool this is this is my bedroom it is a single which is really nice pretty much everything here is kind of a remnant of my high school days do you like it I actually really really do I did get covered the first week though um I got covered in my first week so I had to stay in here for the whole week so just in this closet yes I can vouch for the fact that you can live in here for a week and survive off of this yeah okay you wanna go to your room yeah okay oh this is so cool this is kind of like my vanity area where I get ready um all this this is your favorite movies or so my friends back home ridiculed me for not seeing like a bunch of movies like I hadn't seen Titanic until like two months ago and so I've gotten into movies now what are your favorites my favorite is inception and the sound music uh I'm a big fan of Olivia Rodrigo what's your favorite song in the album favorite card or once upon really that's kind of interesting I feel like that's like most most lists have that at the bottom I love that song that is like the one song that I will like specifically go to them okay anyway I'm exposing myself oh cool oh that's awesome oh and it makes a rainbow there are different settings so it could like go in and other colors wow so thank you for the tour this is awesome yeah so much
Channel: Colby Martel
Views: 340,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: college, harvard, students, life, dorm, tour, room, harvard university, vlog, interview, suite, dorm life
Id: hTzGmo0OtO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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