Asking Business Students How Much Money They Make

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I'll tell you how much the company makes a year I know I'm going to be a millionaire I want to be a billionaire by 30. I how do you think you're going to accomplish that hey man what year are you my name is Jackson I'm a junior my name is Soren Peterson and I am a freshman I'm Kayla I'm a freshman I'm Grace I'm a freshman I'm Lena I'm a freshman I'm Christina and I'm a senior my name is Jose and I'm a senior my name is Demari Johnson and I'm a junior my name is Brandon Shore I'm a freshman my name is Emily traskowski and I'm a first year I'm Gabriella Sally and I'm a sophomore my name is Vanessa Reese Gardner and I'm a freshman first question is how much do you value money as a college student yeah I value it a lot I mean it's just a tool to get things that you want if you don't have money it's hard to have a good time in life honestly I don't value it as much as other people I think that if you have enough money to do what you want I don't really think it matters that much how much does it mean to you less than my joy and happiness but more than anything else I I think about it a lot it's something that I spend a lot throughout my time here people call me money Mari really yes yes oh yes I wake up I think about it I go to sleep I think about it I don't value money I value what you can do with it I'd say I value it pretty highly I'd say I value it below time money is a big tool because it's going to help me support a lot of the important people in my life send my kids to college have a nice life with my girlfriend things like that I try to be pretty independent for my parents so I'm pretty conscious about my spending but also a little irresponsible I'd say it's very important because I'm a big shopper big shopper yeah so do any of you have jobs on campus any revenue streams at all no I applied for one and they didn't answer me I don't have a job either but I'm working on it how do you make money as a college student so I work on campus as a quantitative research assistant for a professor here and I get paid so that's awesome the first year how did you get that I guess I just nailed the interview I work right now the same internship that I worked this summer at Wilson group real estate so I'm working as a real estate agent for Coldwell Banker and Wellesley so I run I call an AI app that's really a web app that uses AI to help professional investors find stocks research so we help Brands connect with creators and run Creator marketing campaigns I do Consulting I do random stuff like newsletters I edit videos I'll run a zoom meeting like you name it and if somebody that's old they know how to work on computer they need some done I'll do it like bookkeeping Financial strategic Consulting like the whole range of things which I think is in my Spectrum I don't have a job right now to be honest I'm like kind of living off the savings which is not ideal I actually was working at the Country Club but I just quit but I also run a little clothing business as well on the side have you made any money from your business yet I had my first pop-up shop on campus and I'm made around nine hundred dollars in three hours I have five jobs okay list them off I work at the skating rink as an assistant coach I work front desk sometimes I make tick tocks for the college and Instagram reels teacher assistant for one of the classes called FME here Mentor for orientation I also do photography for my financial life goals I guess the Baseline is like Financial Freedom get like it's close that cancer perfect credit score I think it's a big life goal credit is key I want to be a billionaire by 30. how do you think you're gonna accomplish that I'm going into Quant Finance I'm gonna try and break into Investment Banking but on the Quant side I'm gonna work in it for two years get out of the industry start my own sustainable private Equity Firm then I'm gonna rack up a lot of money and then start my own offshore sustainable Wind Farm off the coast of North Carolina wow very ambitious thank you how much money do you have now 2121 how many more zeros do we need on that four no six six sorry I don't know I just said four so that's okay I believe in it when do you think you're gonna be a millionaire if you're not already uh I'm not already hopefully as soon as possible by the time I graduate that's so cool oh wow hopefully more but we'll see how much money do you make in a month two to three grand right now I'll put it somewhere between 1.5 and 3 a month the most I've gotten is probably like four thousand five thousand a month everything is total I would say like five thousand a month five thousand a month yeah yeah I'll tell you how much the company makes a year okay okay we passed six figures a year so all in I make on the high end about ten thousand dollars a month on the low end zero to 100. it depends between like investing internships how many newsletter subscribers I have that are paying so you said your income varies a lot but do you mind saying the most money you've made in a month 16. that's pretty good kind of awkward how much money do you think that I make per month so you get paid based on your views right and ads do you let ads play in your videos okay so sorry I can actually place where the ads go so I can place one right after you save me you should do that that would be so funny videos at least 1K so 100 a month um like 500. you can't even make a lot of money like 2 000. I'll change it right yeah I'm gonna say 1.5 I think you're a millionaire you think I'm a millionaire if not now very soon for sure I'd say eight grand fifteen hundred fifteen hundred yeah more it's higher oh my God look at you how long have you had the channel less than a year less than a year I think that in September you made four thousand oh my goodness you wanna okay so I'll show you there's this finance app it's called Clio it shows you how much money you make versus spend per month which is super important because it's kind of hard to keep track if you have multiple jobs multiple things you spend on you can see this month I made just over 4 000 I spent about 16. I think that's really healthy beyond that it also shows exactly where your money's going it splits it into categories like eating out Transportation shopping so if you see one that's too high you can spend less than next month and also roast your spending habits no way actually you can also ask it questions like how much money can I spend for dinner tonight and see whether it's in your budget that's actually pretty useful because for my business I need to track my expenses you just link your bank account to this yeah exactly yeah do you want to download it sure I'll check it out I tried another app like this before but it was kind of complicated to get it all set up but this like knows it right away which is pretty cool I thought it was going to take a while to set it up okay Cleo y'all really went out your way to make this such an easy process not gonna lie the roast thing is kind of funny try it let's see what you get roasted for do you spend a lot of money thousand dollars in two weeks oh man well that's okay that's that's fair it's only halfway through the month but yeah you're probably spending a little bit more than you hope yes that's true 500 oh last weekend I'm pretty sure all right better than I thought I mean for the most part I said that my spin limit was a thousand dollars this is like 700 over so maybe I got something to work on for the next month thanks Cleo that clear is going to keep you aware I've only spent 66 dollars oh eating out 850 dollars what where are you eating for 850 Sushi I spent um like 250 on Sushi and then another 500 on another Sushi plate five star review star Cleo download it Link in description last thing last thing besides download Clio do you have any other Financial advice for people watching you might die tomorrow so it's probably worth it to go out for dinner okay before you check out whatever you were thinking of buying on Amazon wait for a day and then look at it again and see if you actually need it unless you're gonna end up like me if you're trying to buy something really expensive save up for it don't just like bring your bank account to like double digits and then hope you're fine definitely save your cash pull out an envelope throw it somewhere don't play poker don't play poker do you yeah I do you lose uh yeah I've lost a little bit of money recently eat at the dining hall yeah don't spend a lot of money on food don't shop in class money's all about a mindset so like I know I'm Gonna Be A Millionaire if you have the mindset that you're going to be a millionaire and you do things every day in order to achieve that then that's where you're gonna be if you don't want to research stocks I'll give you the same advice like Warren Buffett and everyone else gives just buy the SB 500 however much money you can spare into that leave it in there for 20 to 30 years and write me a thank you card I think if you're going to invest out the nsri investing it was SRI socially responsible investing so make sure your Investments have not only an impact on your wallet but the Earth as well college is fun and it's not funny if you're broke download Clio subscribe to Kobe Mortel comment and turn on post notifications
Channel: Colby Martel
Views: 408,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: college, interview, money, talk, graham stephan, billionaire, dreams, goals, finance, financials, jobs, job, work, balance, school, tips, advice, youtuber, salary, cleo, app
Id: kODzNeA9jYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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