[ENG] MOVE-IN VLOGπŸ“¦|ν•˜λ²„λ“œ κΈ°μˆ™μ‚¬ λžœμ„ νˆ¬μ–΄ν•΄μš”!|Harvard Leverett House tour🏘

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Hello! Izi here! Today is the day when Nadine is moving into her dorms (With her best friend Ashley) So I'm on my way to Boston to help her move! We're driving to Harvard University right now We're almost here, right Nadine? Parking spot? This guy's gonna get it... Nadine's supply of.. Unni, this is embarrassing What do you mean? This supply of dolls (They call dorms "houses" at Harvard) This is my house everybody! This is Nadine's house here~ On the left This is where I'm picking up my key This is where she's picking up her keys What am I doing? So.. We're super excited! (Where Nadine will live!) Welcome to Leverett House Hey everybody! This is my house~ Nadine's house here I'm picking up my keys right now! There's your key! Thank you~ I want candy... If you want a moving truck, feel free to use it Okay! Do we need one? Sorry, I was looking at the candy.. hehe Let me take one, is that okay? Thank you so much! I got the jelly~ Thank you~ Okay did you get your key? Let me see! Which room? What room? C, I think It's D! Oh my god! Wait, I think it's C! (EXCITED) Wait! I wanna eat this~! Unni, I'm starving~! So hungry... I'm hungry Sigh.. I'm already exhausted.. I want these.. I didn't have breakfast.. So I need to eat these jellies right now MUKBANG This is Dunster House What do you think you'll have? What number? Hopefully D, or C! I wanna see what D is Common room~ Gosh, it's so nice Say hi to the camera~ So this is Nadine's room~ The bed... The desk... The drawer... Kinda of a large closet And a mirror and~ a lamp, and a view of Harvard Whatever this part of Harvard is, I don't know And the Charles River So yeah Very nice! What is this? Open it! I'm opening the thing~ Oh they gave you disposable masks! That was nice of them~ Oh.. COVID tests... We thought it was a gift lol (We had high hopes...) These are COVID tests everybody Nadine's room is here But there's like another single Another single... Another single.. And another single.. Another single And then the common room that they all share! Should we just eat food right now? I'm hungry... What should we eat? I didn't eat breakfast, I had the jellies.. Wow the sweat right now... It's pretty bad, but it's fine It's ok~ Back to the first floor lobby Harvard vibes~ Dining hall~ It's pretty! OMG, this is super pretty! Nadine! This dining hall is so nice! Unni, can we eat? - What? - Can we eat right now? No. You guys can't eat food You're kidding.. Wait, that's like starving me.. That's discrimination That's discrimination against people who aren't Harvard students So this building right here is where Nadine used to go to, used to live She doesn't live there anymore, thank God Okay so we got home hungry... So we came to Cambridge Common restaurant I got the grilled chicken burger Ashley got the Blackjack burger And Nadine got fish and chips! So now we're gonna eat Bon appetit~ We'll be back after we eat (Couldn't get the audio due to the subway noise) Next bus comes in three minutes! We're going to go back to my dorm after eating and getting some Kung Fu And we're gonna unpack! (DANCE TIME) I don't like this one It's like coconut Your rooms is gonna be like squished This is an issue guys It's about 7PM, 7:30PM We finally finished Nadine's massive pile of things~ The desk, so we're gonna come back tomorrow and try to organize that Yeah! Pretty nice, really nice! I'm gonna die... I'm exhausted....~ My makeup is... (Smudge party) (SHOCKED) Now I need to walk back home~ I'm about to die... (Wahh...) I got back to my house! It was an exhausting, yet a very fun day! You're gonna help me when I move, right?!
Channel: λ°˜μ§μ΄λŠ”λ‹ˆλͺ¨μ”¨
Views: 194,130
Rating: 4.9680567 out of 5
Keywords: 아이비리그, ν•˜λ²„λ“œ, 유펜, λ°˜μ§μ΄λŠ”λ‹ˆλͺ¨μ”¨, μƒ€μ΄λ‹ˆμ–΄, μ°¨μ½œμ œλ„€λ ˆμ΄μ…˜, 이지, λ‹ˆλͺ¨, λ‚˜λ”˜, harvard, UniversityofPennsylvania, shinior, charcoalgeneration, izi, nimo, nadine, μŠ€μœ—λ‹ˆλͺ¨, sweetnimo, sisters
Id: dKboJwF4Kg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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