Asking Female Millionaires How to Become Rich

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hey everyone so in today's video we'll be talking with four female entrepreneurs all who became millionaires running their own businesses let's be real there's way too many guy entrepreneurs we need more female entrepreneurs so hopefully this video can Inspire some of you guys watching to go start your entrepreneurial Journey the four entrepreneurs were talking today they're all badasses they're all doing really cool things in business and I'm so excited to learn from them behind me we have the all-new Corvette C8 Stingray so yeah we'll be driving around in this car today I'm super excited let's go [Music] thank you so what's your name and what do you do for a living I am janello Campo and I am the founder of Bellevue wellness and Medical Aesthetics can you tell us a little bit more about your business well pi is a med spa and we provide services such as Botox and dermal filler treatments and laser hair removal treatments or laser skin Rejuvenation brown spot treatments we offer treatments to help boost confidence in others 30 seconds or less can you tell us the story of how this all came to be I was obsessed with the idea of looking younger and so I got my first treatment and I loved it so much that I decided I wanted to get a job in it so I can get a discount I got a job in it and I loved the way it made other people feel as well and so it was the positive impact on others that really got me to stay and grow to where I'm at now if you can travel back 20 years what would you tell yourselves anything's possible and dream big as long as I'm passionate about it and I keep going I will make it how many people do you have working at Bellevue right now probably about 22 employees what challenges have you faced building up your team there is a shortage in our industry of skilled injectors and it takes a long time aim to train people in that type of skill at Belle V one of the most important things is that we provide the best possible outcomes for our patients so we have a really high standard of what that skill needs to look like before they can touch a patient you guys have also built a fantastic like team culture how do you do that to hire slow to try to get to know that employee to make sure that they're going to match with our culture and that they have a passion for outstanding customer service and being a part of a team what is the number one trait that you think a lot of successful entrepreneurs all have persistence willing to work really hard even when maybe other people would give up I think it's related to following our passion that's such a common thing that I think most entrepreneurs will say is they fell in love with something when it got hard they kept going and of course that's my exact same situation what are your thoughts on taking action fearless leader is such a strong statement as an entrepreneur you have to be Fearless you have to be willing to to break boundaries and do things that other people wouldn't do and try it because if you hesitate too much and someone else is going to do it and it's actually so much fun to be Fearless it sucks right before you're about to jump but when you're in the middle of doing it it feels amazing and then when you get to the other side it's even better why don't you tell people that are super scared to make that first move I think there's a certain level of fear that we should all listen to and pay respect to and really pay attention to what they're afraid of because maybe it doesn't make sense what they're interested in doing and they need to visit another idea I think fear is healthy and should we listened to but at some point you're going to have to fight the bullet if you want to open a business in the last year or two what's probably been like the best purchase you've made changing my CPA having really strong people in your corner to help you manage your business and manage your money is so important by me changing my CPA I save the business and me personally so much money that my biggest regret is not doing that years ago I know I lost Millions because I didn't do it sooner what is the most rewarding thing about entrepreneurship I absolutely love that my time is mine I could take a vacation whenever I want I can be with my family whenever I want I don't miss anything when it comes to important events and that's so important to me how do you balance your life with work I just make sure that my family is first and I'm there for everything that's important and then the rest of the time is for me whether it's a business or my personal time a goal that a lot of business owners have is to eventually sell their business and I know you guys are currently in the process of selling how's that been I think you probably need like 10 YouTube videos to discuss selling a business it's been a completely different ball game a side of business that I had no idea what it looked or felt like it's been really stressful and one of the most stressful things that I have ever been through as a business owner but it's also one of the most rewarding things that I've been through and I'm so thankful for the experience and I've learned a lot yeah sale of a business is just like a whole different Beast if there's one thing you changed over the last 20 years of your life what would it be I would work on myself more to be a better parent and spouse I would love to learn skills to be more patient and less reactive how do you invest your money we invest our money in some real estate we have rentals and we also have some money in the stock market sale a good chunk would be the S P 500 and a lot of treasury bills nice is there any final advice you want to leave to any aspiring female entrepreneurs watching this video or even any entrepreneurs in general don't be intimidated especially women we look at how many entrepreneurs are out there and most of them are men not that long ago I joined an entrepreneur group and it's over 80 percent men join the group even as the minority we belong there and we deserve that type of learning and those types of relationships so we can grow as the entrepreneurs that we are so I want to give a shout out to earn in who's sponsoring this portion of the video paychecks typically come every two weeks but life happens every day and earn in is an app that makes sure your money keeps up with your life earn in gives you access to your pay the day you earn it instead of days or weeks from now it's like your pay your way just download the app connect your bank details and where you work and ban earning verifies your paycheck and you can access up to a hundred dollars a day of your pay best part no mandatory fees no interest and no credit check you can just tip what feels right to you but like I said it's completely optional we chat on this channel about how important it is to avoid stuff like getting to credit for debt and really why wouldn't you want to use your own money so if you're ready to shake things up and make everyday payday hit up the link in the description and download Earn in huge thanks to them for sponsoring this video and supporting Financial momentum for all of us and now back to the video what's your name and what do you do for a living my name is Sam and I am SF based entrepreneur so right now I'm building a new startup called fetty but prior to fetty I was helping fintech companies like Unstoppable domains advertise in 30 seconds or less can you tell us how you got to where you are today I think just starting really young I started working when I was 15 and then just continuing to build upon the skills that I was passionate about so that was mainly marketing starting company after company I was going through a lot of trial and error and that ultimately brought me to what I'm doing today which is building fatty my startup so as a woman in entrepreneurship what challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them I think the biggest hurdle is actually overcoming self-doubt and then overcoming fear of failure but one thing I quickly realized in my career is that a lot of people they're busy with their own problems so it's okay if you fail and you embarrass yourself most likely people won't remember right can you tell us a little bit more about your company the company I'm currently building is called fatty so we're connected acting gen Z or just young Talent with jobs when I was in college I had a really hard time finding a job it was because I didn't know what the proper way to present myself in an interview was that's when I teamed up with a team of recruiters that were from Fortune 500 companies and we just started building fatty and our mission is really to just help young Talent figure out how to get a job building improves businesses what are some lessons that you've learned just keep iterating there's really no such thing as failure you only fail when you give up the second thing I think is just business is supposed to be fun so have fun doing it what do you do on a daily basis that you think everyone should do so I think the first one is reading I read a lot probably two to three hours a day I think it's the quickest way to grow because it stops you from making all the mistakes that other people have made the second thing is podcasts I love different podcasts can you recommend this some of your favorite books or podcasts how to win friends and influence people that's a great book I think influence that's a great marketing book can you tell us about one of these struggles you faced in life and how you overcame it having really bad dyslexia when I was young I started my first business when I was 15 and that was really because I wasn't doing that well with school but I knew that I could do something good in the world I feel like I had something to contribute to the world so I just started kind of going down this different pathway I knew that I probably wasn't going to succeed in the traditional method so I might as well try another way how do you invest your money I've been a long time investor of crypto of stocks and then also private Equity so investing in different companies primarily in fintech or growth stocks if someone just doesn't have any knowledge in investing or building companies but they want to do this stuff what are the first steps they should do go on YouTube I would start absorbing all the information that you can and then start taking small risks when I first started my first business at 15 I actually I had no money and I had no idea how to do marketing no idea how to do sales but I actually started making websites for local businesses I would just go to different malls every weekend and just door knock got kicked out of most of them we got a few yeses and then they started referring each other and I grew my network that way how do you get the confidence to start doing that to be honest it's just really desperate I need to find a way to survive in the long term for six months of building that business it was definitely a struggle I think I got one or two yeses during that time and then the next six months after that one was much better what's one of the most important lessons you've learned in the last five years everything is possible but it just takes a lot of work time and dedication what would you say is the most important trait that you personally have that's helped you become successful persistence and ignorance but persistence is definitely number one if you keep going eventually Something's Gonna work out I know Luck's a big part of succeeding in the entrepreneurship and all that stuff how do you get lucky every time you try something it's almost like you're buying a lottery ticket and you just might get lucky that time if every day I'm trying 10 things right I could yield some sort of result well I'm probably gonna get lucky on some of them I see that's how you can create your own luck any final advice you want to leave entrepreneurs especially female entrepreneurs if you have any idea just start today younger you start the better because the less resources you have and the less resources you have the less risk that you are actually taking just start really really early if you fail that's totally okay everybody that I know that's an entrepreneur fails on a daily basis so before we move on to the next entrepreneur I do want to say if you guys want my free affiliate marketing course we'll leave a link to that down below in the description it's completely free to sign up and take the course so if this is something that interests you I highly encourage you to check it out what is your name and what do you do for a living my name is Kyle I am a fine jewelry brand owner in 30 seconds or less can you tell us how you got to where you are today so I actually have a background in Tech so I bought the very traditional corporate route but I have a family history and jewelry covid naturally brought me back to helping my parents and we started making engagement rings for a bunch of our friends and our family and realize that we love doing that I love being a part of like people's stories and creating something unique for them and so we decided to kind of dive in head first and here we are can you tell me more about your company we really specialize in Diamond Jewelry so we do a lot of engagement rings a lot of wedding bands a lot of wedding jewelry as a woman in entrepreneurship I'm sure you've experienced some like hardships for struggles can you tell us about those and how you got over so the jewelry Industries it's predominantly older men when we first started I think a lot of times like people didn't really want to take us seriously it took a lot of educating convincing that like hey like we belong here just as much as you do and I think that was one of the hardest things for us when we first started for a lot of people I've been super tough especially if you aren't super confident in yourself or your abilities what would you tell those people don't be afraid like the worst thing they're going to tell you is no every five knows you get you know there's one yes waiting to happen you know be confident in your ability and get them to a point where realize like yo like I also know what I'm talking about what advantages do women have over men when it comes to building businesses I feel like women communicate better I mean granted it's me and my sister so you know there's definitely a different standard when you work with your siblings we don't give up so I feel like we are always finding new ways to kind of combat something or learn a different challenge that we weren't prepared for in the beginning but we communicate all the time we have morning meetings we have weekly like touch bases on like our orders and what we're doing on our advertising front our marketing front it's a lot of just kind of making sure that like we're on the same page and working through those issues together without us like butting heads all the time can you tell us about one of your biggest wins over the past one or two years we were given the opportunity to create the engagement ring for Indian matchmaking on Netflix we pitched ourselves we got in touch with like the production company and four weeks later we had a ring in hand and we were filming dang yeah what are some daily habits that you do that you think everyone should try doing started listening to CEO school by sedera madani she provides a great like 20 minute clips of like you know how to properly pitch yourself or how to create a PR deck learning all those new skills is really important because I need those so podcast girl and taking the time to like make sure that I get a workout in in the morning can you share like one piece of advice that you learned from the podcast or anything else that really stuck with you knowing what you have and basically giving three before taking one you know building that Network and making sure that like you're not just asking and asking and taking and taking but you're also providing value back you know you're giving out you're extending a hand three times whether it be in your industry or someone that's starting up and then asking for you know the piece of advice that you need some help on if someone else wants to start their own jewelry business what should they do look into Gia it's the gemologist Institute they have a ton of free information on their website about jewelry manufacturing whether it be gemstones if you want to get into diamonds or even like CAD designing for jewelry what's your opinion on having a important or is it not important I think it's important important I feel like if you're trying to do everything you're not doing anything well right you can always grow what that Niche offering is I think it's important to figure out one thing or a couple of things that you're really passionate about and you feel like you could really do well in and then you know kind of grow from there but if you're trying to do everything it's like throwing something to the wall and like trying to see what sticks right like you're just kind of playing a guessing game more than trying to perfect what you're doing what is your definition of success being able to grow to a point that it's sustaining itself so I think like I would consider myself successful if I'm making someone's life easier any final advice you want to give young entrepreneurs especially those who are women learn as much as you can now work as much as you can you know they always say you're only as true though are the people that are going to be there to offer you advice to be able to introduce you to the right people so networking and learning never stop what's your name and what do you do for a living Carla Dennis I'm the CEO Carlton's Associates Inc and I drive the vision of the company we do tax planning for advisory all 50 states and 30 seconds or less can you tell us about your whole story how you got to where you are today I work nine to five from a law firm which was really nine to nine I quit that job when I got pregnant with my first son started my business on my kitchen table and grew it to what it is today how did you discover your passion for taxes I hated taxes Charlie to be honest with you when I went to school as an undergrad I didn't take one tax class when I graduated college I went to work as an administrator for a law firm I was like an administrative assistant paralegal loved reading the law that's how I found my passion for taxes and tax research strategy it was never really about tax preparation until I really realized how important the law was and how much I just loved analyzing the law and applying it to people's situations can you bless us with like one cool tax hack or piece of advice this is a profession go to somebody that knows what they are doing and that they really break it down and analyze your situation somebody's going to lean into you now as a female entrepreneur have you faced any hardships my industry is dominated by Caucasian males so you really have to know what you're doing to be in this industry so for me I never really use it as an excuse I just say you know what I am going to have so much knowledge that they're going to give me an invitation to the table can you tell us about a previous like struggle you had and how you got through it I'm not a licensed CPA I didn't work in a CPA firm and so in the beginning that was sort of like a roadblock for me but then I said you know what Carla don't try to Brand yourself the same brand different the fact that you didn't go through a CPA firm makes you really unique you can relate to the average entrepreneur that bootstrap their business and lean into your brand lean into who you are and people will just come to you the reason why you're unconfident is because you're comparing yourself against somebody else you only need to be a little bit better than you were the day before what is a daily habit that you do that has really contributed to your success I work out at the top of my day I don't jump in emails or anything like that lane by hijack my day top of my day has to be pouring into Carla Dennis I'm going to read I'm going to physically work out I'm gonna get my mind right so that I could go serve others how do you invest your money I invest in real estate I do invest in the stock market I invest my money in education building me up I think that that's one thing that people don't realize that's an intangible investment that's going to pay you dividends year over year when you invest in education for yourself so what type of education for yourself reading that's first thing but even more important than that if I see somebody that is doing something that I want to do if they have a program I'm gonna go invest in the program I remember when I dropped 50 Grand I was a shy girl I'm still a really introverted person I was never confident to speak in front of people so when I invested in Les Brown's program he said you know Carla the only difference between you and the other person that's speaking on the stage or has whatever is your confidence to believe in you and he goes do you feel like you know what you're talking about go absolutely he goes and you go out there and you tell people what you know and don't look bad that was the best fifty thousand dollar investment that I ever made I know you do a lot of speaking events now and you're on TV and stuff like that well you learn from doing that you have to have control over your mind you got to be confident in what you know and you got to be confident in what you don't know when I go speak I don't need to be scripted because you ask me a question either I'm another answer or I'ma say you know what that's a great question I literally don't know the answer to that question I could get back to you what is one of your favorite books go givers give more Rich Dad Poor debt the art of not giving up in the last five years what's been the worst use of your money investing in crypto that I really don't know anything about out this is an awesome job marketing your business what's your marketing strategy we want to educate taxpayers and really Empower them give out as much knowledge as we possibly can be a giver of knowledge so I want to empower people with knowledge content to help them they'll reach out when they need me and that's the way that we've marketed how do you balance your work and personal life it's all about prioritizing time management my highest orders take care of me first if there's something I need to do for my family I prioritize that next and then business drops in next do you have any advice for how to learn faster or better or more efficiently we want to consume knowledge overnight but you have to realize knowledge comes in a couple of different ways knowledge comes through experience time it comes in educating yourself reading and it comes in hanging out with like-minded people so where can you find like-minded people I think you see people doing things on Instagram I think we have such an opportunity to surround ourselves with people doing great things by watching what they're doing reach out to them you got create groups don't wait for the groups to come to you reach out to them and say hey would you like to get a mastermind with me plus them with something be a giver they will then turn around and give it back to you how do you actually find your passion enough if you're struggling to find your passion just start maybe taking some classes trying out some different things go volunteer in somebody's office before I opened up my office I went and volunteered with a lady I gave her 60 days on my time it was the best education I could have gotten but it's been the best hire you've ever made my assistant she was older than me and what I liked about her not only did she assist me but she used to give me life advice any final advice you would want to tell aspiring young entrepreneurs especially those that are women believe in yourself don't compare yourself to anybody else don't compare yourself to a man in this field people would say to me all the time Carla do you know this tax person that tax person no I've never even heard of those people because I don't focus on other people because I want to do what I do and focus on me lean into who you are if you a mother lean into the fact that you're a mompreneur other mompreneurs will resonate with you so just live Your Truth live your passion and it will come to you so there you have it talking with four really successful female entrepreneurs I really hope you guys learned a ton from this video I think it's so important to share different perspectives on entrepreneurship I'm really all about helping aspiring entrepreneurs get started I was in the same boat before I really think that it's so important to find people that we can relate to because that was definitely the case with me finding Asian entrepreneurs that I could look up to was pretty tough and so I really think it's important to empower people through content like this so hopefully you were less inspired and if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe for more content just like this I make ton of videos about personal finance entrepreneurship and investing thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 17,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asking entrepreneurs, asking female millionaires, what do you do for a living, how to get rich, how to make money, how to start a business, how to get wealthy, asking strangers, millionaire entrepreneurs, start a business, entrepreneur, female entrepreneur
Id: DEd1VId1NuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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