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who do you love more like Zilla or Pat oh hey guys everyone Yusuf here I'm Nicolas econ welcome to our crib so live people asked us on Twitter on facebook on YouTube people have been constantly asking us for both of us together to do and ask me anything session it's not the law but okay maybe like five people yeah no no no it's good enough I was not like in laughs you're like thousand question number one I'm so pressured like the first question is so good so very very lucky asking on the YouTube community tab please be on there if you're not if you were a Marvel Cinematic Universe character who would you be and why but you have to choose for the other person oh you would be Aquaman why would I be Aquaman so because you're a great swimmer okay you have a great back yeah great arm because you love Jason Momoa that it's his hero and because you say it all the time Nico Marvel Universe I always say he looks like gambit he'd be a really good gambit gambit okay staff and everything but you want it to be Thor he's not know you're like from Twitter this is Justin Robert I love your picture in a pink shirt ping is from great man and who could bully a lot I wonder Nico and who bullies the most so Ellen and Erin I think Nico is more bullied than I am 100% Elaine is a wash yes she's passive-aggressive she's passive-aggressive she's always on his case he is he is the original bullied husband who does the most bullying is that one I think I do the most bullying yes but in nice ways so you're not gonna be looking at me when you record I look just look at me we're gonna go upstairs to thank the sponsors of this video who brought you these videos but before I do that something really cool is that I'm gonna yeah thank you Sam said absolutely and I'm gonna go ahead and turn on the aircon while we've upstairs from outside how cool is that look at that yeah billionaire Hector 1 it was very important for us to have big open spaces with high ceilings so basically we built the office with two main styles of air conditioners the first one being the Samson 360 cassette so yet we never had one complaint from any employee saying it's too cold or is too hot we showed you downstairs already with the Samsung smartthings app you can actually turn on the aircon when you're not there turning off as you leave because we're people that always move the other one that we have is the Winfrey air conditioner which is probably my favorite and this one it's actually really cool like the air it doesn't flow out straight or it doesn't kind of like you know when you have you have to put the fans up and down and make sure you don't get hit by the by the airflow here it just kind of just seeps out of all the holes that are on there so what happens is you get a really perfectly ambient temperature the real reason because he likes the Winfrey is because he doesn't like to mess up his hair with the win another cool appliance that we have is the samsung twin cooling refrigerator so I've actually tested this but you can actually keep food fresh two times longer than most other types of fridges so that key feature is really awesome because it just minimizes all the trips that I need to take to the supermarket and when I do go out and travel and do all my shoots and stuff another really key feature that I really do enjoy is the vacation mode working basically switch this whole side off and just keep the freezer on so I can just move all my produce to the freezer so that when I come back and nothing's rotten in the fridge which is fantastic finally the last nifty appliance that we have is a complete time saver is the Samsung Smart Oven it's basically six in one functionalities convection oven Grill steam fry make yogurt and actually microwave things and I'm really excited to try out all the other functionalities so watch out for those videos because I'm opposed to them soon but because but that always that does whatever the mother's work without question number three for Nico from Anton and I got it who do you love more white Zillow Mozilla or potato okay of course the correct answer and I ever I'm array wrong because I took time to answer is why Zealand it should have been like into side there was it immediately I just thought about it because you know but Otto gets offended very very very fast okay this is for Maria margarita from from Twitter so it's not love it is like who sports care of spiders no yes the father of an petrifies man I'm scared of frogs and rats those two things freak me rat they get it it's only when they fly its from Mika Mendoza on Twitter on Twitter and as I always say right ok he repeats zombie apocalypse is here pick only three friends you have heard a bit teaming up with to survive and why but cannot be the two of us I choose n because she's my life partner Oh would she love it would she be useful for actual physical survival I don't know but she makes me live and gives me purpose Oh would you think so then no are you saying you would profit or does it for some reason bro purposes yeah yeah cool second teammate I would be you can you say we're now each other so now I feel bad I'm gonna bring you no no you cannot you cannot I will bring her one because he's a great friend and I can have like really good conversations he can cook whatever should we find there why do you want Liza Soberano to be on your team in case we need to stop from Wasilla oh my god no and first of all Liza is way too young for you and she has a really serious boyfriend Roy that was not my point I want it because you do know this whole comment section now is gonna be Liz Quinn fans freaking killing us this is freaking life life yes you have to be kidding me not live there's no cable all right I got a question from Mika Mendoza on Twitter asking if you're gonna be only eating one food for the rest of your life what would it be Nico our about see Kobe steak steak to death me I would be eating potatoes potatoes they're complex they're full of nutrition in their high carb good energy you cannot eat potatoes for more than two days straight you can can you mash potatoes roast potatoes sweet potatoes french fries potatoes potatoes Carolyn Gonzalez Caroline Gonzalez on Twitter asks if you two swapped bodies what would you do and if you could swap bodies with any person who would it be and why so if I swap bodies with Nico first of all I would divorce Celyn because that's freaking disgusting and then what I would do is I would if I would have Nico's body I would buy a Cristiano Ronaldo Jersey and I would flood my Instagram feed with me saying Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player in the world and then I would go to Argentina and get killed okay if I have Aaron's body first of all I would divorce Hannah me because these packages are to be so loose the out of the picture if you swap body with anyone else nervous would it be in white please hand foot I'm so cool like I'm making for like 12 seconds and he is such a cool down-to-earth guy I would kiss him Zeb Chris Albert yeah or or Jack huge man Jack huge man also known as Hugh Jackman thank you John I want to be jeff bezos owner of amazon dude just to feel that power like imagine if you had like that kind of company under you that would be sad look about suck Zuckerberg is also mark second Berg's porn name from Viper house and his twitter name is aiming get high maybe not the best name his name is Weiser house what is your greatest insecurity and why I always have insecurities with the way my chin droop and my nose I believe they are too far apart from my face my greatest insecurity is to not be enough to people no wait you know the guy actually talked about twisty Collins no he just said what's your greatest insecurity my great sincerity is to come short of people's expectations okay my gravy which is a really bad insecurity okay have a nice Nico's Noah's insecurity is the distance between his nose in his mouth no security on my good is not and be able to fill up the purpose of my life see that's why security this guy keep bringing it out what is one thing you don't like about the other person one yeah one thing so we spend like five days a week together if not seven yeah my problem with you and I'm telling you guys that I'm telling you for the first time know my issue and Nico is the same problem that Searle and my sister means and I actually very much like you know a lot of things Nico tends to put out statements to the universe and then expect things to happen and be like why didn't that happen I said you should do it and he didn't say it he didn't specifically ask someone to do it he just expected it to be done for him oh you know oh we're gonna do this this weekend and then you come to the day before the weekend and we're like oh are we still doing that he's like yeah aren't you organising it just like bro like you know that's your thing or that you can't just like speak things out without even specifically asking me for anything and then expect it to be there the next day it's like your your wife is complaining about you about moving into the house don't be okay you know what I actually don't appreciate from you everyone when you have to tell me things you got too much straight to the point right I need you to rub it up a little bit to be nice or to be stuff know who this guy is like he doesn't like somebody or I did something wrong he's not diplomatic when he talks to me that says he was like you wanna get what do you [ __ ] did this and I've never done this no but no because he's my text okay cause my text but I can't see him no you didn't know that especially what do like business together right for CC Co beef okay you're gonna do that I'm sure he does that I don't see him because my dad but I feel it so I would like you to be more cordial more and have more empathy that the worthy I wish you have more empathy okay not everyone is straight to the point of view that I appreciate sometimes but I wish you could identify the moment which should be more empathy AK Akira Kim and Twitter asked what was your first impression when they go when you're first introduced it's a fitting last it's a fitting last question I first saw Nico in the Sofitel I first saw him and ready so then I was like oh my god who's that cute guy and first of all when Suns like that I hate it and I saw a Nico this tall guy hair like today like this that didn't love her shirt down I'm like this guy like this is the guy she finds cute and he was basically just like if you don't know Nico like now like Nico now is super open and funny but before he was kind of like very uptight and then I never really talked to him and then the second time I saw you was at the concert no he was Oh yes I just said how you so when's the first human movie so at that time that you said that I was super macho I didn't I didn't see you why because we never approached and you never took the time to bet he know me he didn't see me just no no he was just far away just judging me from distance because he Caesar had a crush on me yes she said two words to me and ignore me very high bro and then look at an angle to you the conversation and next to you holding hands and left that's how you freaking pissed in your territory you're like a dog you need to piss on territory he knew oh this is gonna be a tough nut you know but you know what no you know what you come across as okay we we we we talked about our feelings already this question was on about her pink we're gonna talk about how you come up okay I think we should say in this video
Channel: FEATR
Views: 666,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erwan, heussaff, thefatkidinside, blog, video, easy, quick, recipe, food, philippines, manila, travel, overnight, vlogs, videos, shows, anne, curtis, office, tour, ask me anything, question and answer, Q&A, nico bolzico, patato
Id: tHgxONWbfcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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