Ask Steve: I would have denied you!

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I see I have been trying to convince my husband to renew our wedding vows so we've only been married five years we've been through a lot but he's Hispanic and he tells me renewing our wedding vows is a way person thing yep only white people do it not yeah not anybody else does we know you what he so he doesn't want to renew his wedding ah no no he does that because it's a white press away for something wait a minute you can use that me wait the larger ask me for something maybe I want a summer home hell not you please I'm going shopping you Mon shot me what's your white lady now he screwed up I would have denied you I would sit over there long I got I know you after this joke of it I joke with her all the time but I tell she those white people stuff all the time all the time hey Joe I'm half sneaking to half white so I got a better a reason listen to me easy she knew white people stuff all dressed because she's white so how do I convince them to renew his vows so the Manchu this man yeah if she just wants to renew her okay I really know why you don't want you not that I don't want to I just think that she wants to do it a little too soon how many years is uh well we've been married five years I'm not trying to do it right now but like a Chinese we're blood work room we're totally different than we were when we come renews the vault at five years when I find a man MANET some white people stuff right here [Applause] you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,355,897
Rating: 4.9437838 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), 5069, ask steve, interracial realtionships, marriage, love, relationships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2017
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