Ask Steve: I'll Kill You!

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hi Steve hi hi I'm the single parent of a seven-year-old daughter and in our house she's kind of a neat freak and I'm the messy one and I brought some pictures okay that's that's your daughter's room yes she has her closet fully organized short-sleeved shirts skirts long-sleeve shirts everything okay dresses pants okay what's the problem the problem is is I'm very messy and wench and she constantly yeah that's my room your room look like my son's room so okay so what's it was well she's really rude to me she's constantly yelling at me like she's the parent now I know she has a good point but how do you deal with her she's yelling at you about what to pick up everything she says things to me like what is the rule what did I tell you she's a sweetheart to everyone else but she's very mean to me okay I tried not to say it let me give you some famous lines that old mothers use if you keep talking to me I'm gonna knock you into the middle of next week that's the famous one everybody repeat after me I bought you in this world I'll take you these are all famous Mama's safe you need to learn these sayings okay I will practice that thank you okay you know my mama was deeper than that you want to go a little deeper okay yes I kill you no one always got my attention because I didn't want to be dead so I immediately that was an immediate attention getter then some of it was just not words my mama could give me a look hmm I want to learn that look he was good look right here this is my mother in church church choir I'm over there talking she see me my mama was in senior citizen choir I'm over there just running my mouth all right thank you very much I'm gonna try that thank you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,122,200
Rating: 4.9544344 out of 5
Keywords: neat freak, steve harvey, parenting, kids, Harvey, tv, clean up, steve harvey daytime, steve, humor, messy room, comedy, steve harvey show, funny, harvey, single parent, Steve, ask steve
Id: Tdapo6VTj3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 59sec (179 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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