Ask ONLY in JAPAN Anything | Food, Hotels, Trains, Travel

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[Music] all right that's pretty good introduction how you doing everybody good evening from Tokyo Japan and in this episode we're just good to be doing ask me anything basically we've started the livestream welcome everybody in this episode because it's raining outside there's no midnight snack run or anything like that we're basically gonna be watching me deja vu on the screen to the right now I've asked you to ask me questions and by doing that we're gonna hopefully cover some subjects that and by doing that we're gonna hopefully cover some subjects that might be interesting to you about traveling to Japan things that you might either share that you air that you view because you traveled in Japan before or something that you're interested in coming here to visit places to stay what do you want to do here I got that knowledge it's all in here I've been living here for 20 years so it's kind of asked me anything gay I did well while we're waiting for everybody to get online right now we have a hundred and ninety two that's pretty good numbers going up as the notifications go out I have 192 that's pretty good numbers going up as the notifications go out I have right here patreon page and I've asked people what questions do you have so for the first couple of minutes I'm gonna answer some of the questions from our patreon supporters Eston Kiger writes in what is the hardest thing about living in Japan I would have to say I don't know I don't really think about that right now because I've been here for so long I've been here for 20 years I kind of just I'm so used to living here that I don't think of what's hard and what's not anymore so I guess I go back 20 years ago the hardest thing was just getting used to the culture when you come here you are no longer in your home country you have to assimilate to the culture that's here you cannot expect this country to change its ways to do things your ways and I think in the first six months everything was pretty new and then most foreigners that live in Japan have something called like a six months blues I guess where they just stop the honeymoon period is over and now they really have to learn on how to be citizens or residents of Japan so that was pretty hard for me about living in Japan recycling is also hard you have to know what to recycle to and I'm gonna be doing an episode on that really soon that's a great question Sharia aka me may may may may Ranga lot what is your sweetest memory of from living in Japan thus far apart from cannot and what's your most sour memory wow this is like asking a guy you know 20 years of history to reminisce I don't know the sweetest memory probably would be completing the first hitchhiking trip and making it to the other side and that's when I knew you know after that that I wanted to stay here that was way back in 2003 that was a pretty sweet memory pretty sweet memory starting my own business in Japan was a pretty sweet memory and yeah seeing the success of this channel has been pretty sweet and the sour memories also is this channel in some ways because it's really hard to manage a YouTube channel this it goes like this there's sometimes you're like yeah look at this room we're going up we're going up and then all of a sudden the algorithm kicks in and things don't work out the way it is it's like what did I do wrong and you start to self-examine it the first couple of years of youtubing was pretty challenging to grow the channel but I don't know sour memories I don't really have any I kind of look at the bright side even in the worst worst of situations because there's not much I can do about it if something is really bad I kind of go the opposite way to try to balance it out and if something is too good I'll live in the moment and then my expectations come in and sort of balance that out a little bit because you can't be happy all the time but it's those times when you're not happy that make being happy more more while so I don't know that's a good question but I don't I can't recall any sour moments I'm Daniel Daniel Audie Ritz and how does a normal home meal and cooking table set look like in Japan I showed that in them a couple of videos but for typical Japanese they usually put the they have lots of different bowls on the table and then there's everybody gets their plate or a little plate and you just take the way they take what you want so usually the chopsticks are set right in the front of you and then you'll have a little thing a little saucer for soy sauce and then you'll have it it also depends on what you know your your what your cooking when I cook I typically don't cook traditional Japanese food like that I'll make like don't booty or everything is on rice kind of a deal and yeah Japanese families make more the mother will cook several different things sometimes the father the father should be cooking a little bit and then they will pick a little bit from each one and then there'll be a rice bowl as well sometimes the rice bowl is what you will put stuff on at least that's what I do that's a good question and maybe I'll see if I can do a homestay and have like a home-cooked meal just to give a look inside that's a pretty cool topic Danny writes in hey Danny despite the fact that you did not speak Japanese was it difficult to find and rent an apartment find an insurance company back nah when you come to Japan this is important for all of you with not getting a job here or who will be moving here the vast majority of you you need to have a visa there's a select few countries that can get by on work holiday visas and you are the blessed as so to speak I was not one of them so in order to come to Japan you need to have the proper visa first of all you cannot just come here and look for a job and get one you have if you find a job you're gonna have to leave the country if you get a job and get hired by a Japanese company you will be taken care of in fact they almost baby you might the company I came into 20 years ago was an English school they did my taxes for me they made sure that my my rent was paid through my salary they kind of did everything for me they took care of the health insurance I didn't even have to think about this stuff and the companies have these kinds of services that make your life so easy it's almost too easy and then and then I left that company and started my own business and then it just became really really hard and I had to learn the system and then after you learn the system it's not too bad Japan is set up and this is such a great question Dani Japan is set up in a way that once you you learn the process it's just so easy you don't need lawyers to do your taxes or accountants you can pretty much do all of that yourself I think that in that way living in Japan is so easy but if you're a freelancer or you're doing yourself or you have a your own company it's a little bit more complicated and I own my own business here and it's registered in Japan and it's pretty complicated sometimes but now after so many years in it's it's it's a lot easier but it's still very important because I have to get everything right so tax season in February I do not look that happy Joe what that Takashi in Hawaii we eat something called Opihi it's the Lim fost of that people die from yeah I've heard about this I've never had it in Japan but I I believe they eat it but I've never had it in Japan the most notorious food is fugu but that's not that dangerous anymore yeah I don't know anybody who's died of fugu and if I did they'd be dead so I don't know but oppa here I don't know too much about it Joe at that but I'm thanks for bringing that up it's something that I'll look into cuz deadly foods of Japan would be a pretty cool topic for or title for an episode in the future Denny writes an hi John which is better place to see autumn leaves for tomorrow tomorrow so Denny's already in Japan Kyoto or Kamakura and you know I don't know yeah I killed though is so crowded right now in rain today so I don't think the weather's gonna be very good it's supposed to it's supposed to rain the next couple of days but I would say come makuta maybe because kyoto is beautiful but it's so crowded it's like waiting in line at Disney you just you it's like you're not going anywhere for hours and it's not I don't know I was there in kill tougher for the autumn colors the for fall a couple of times usually the third week in November and it's really just too crowded and it's more stressful than relaxing but you know everybody has a different different take on it I would recommend Kamakura our Nikko would even be better Nikko is beautiful Haza dzong hi John Haase here hey Hans is the jet program the best way to get into Japan to learn Japanese there's no best way if it depends on how old you are if the best way would be like work colony visa if you can find a job there's no best way a jet program is one way and the jet program has some some great positives and some negatives and some pros and cons - like you cannot pick where are you going to be a jack you could be stuck in the middle of nowhere and the school that you go to you might not know what situation you're walking into the last teacher could have been a disaster and the teachers just hate whoever comes in it's just sort of really it's tough if you're a jet you could be walking into a fantastic situation or a really tough one you could be living in the city or you can be living in the countryside you could be living in a place with no other foreigners or a place this or too many foreigners or there's just crumbled foreigners or there's foreigners that only want Japanese friends there's so many different things that make life really hard so um yeah the thing about the jet program is you can't you can't really control rows 50 everybody this is from my patrons I really appreciate what you guys do for me supporting the show I have to plug patreon right now if you join in the next two weeks you'll get this Olga's Iwata postcard that I send out to people if you're part of the postcard club or the Dinos so I appreciate the support guys let's go now we have four hundred and sixty people online right now so on Andreea on rights in here hey Andrea John we recently had a close family member pass on their pass and on their last night we stayed up with them while they faded we played your videos to lift our spirits your positivity energy brought us all comfort wanted you to know that Andrea thank you so much for sharing that yeah I'm like I'm conflicted with this because I'm really sorry that you first of all lost somebody close to you but I'm also really happy that em all way that the videos could help yeah I get a lot of people will ask me about that my whole philosophy to life is pretty simple um just if you have a choice on whether or not to be positive or not it's pretty simple what the choice is and you have to kind of change the way you think a little bit meaning that things are never really as bad I've seen a lot of stuff in my life I've travelled a lot I think I've been to 70 over 70 countries I can't name them but I can tell you that I've seen people that were in really really tough situations people that will never be able to visit Japan people that will never be able to live the way that I have or have the same kinds of experiences and it makes me reflect on my own life the first world problems that I have it's not something that I really that really bothers me too much I just move on and yeah being it's I don't know just everybody's feels different inside but I'm just really appreciative that that you took you took away it's something positive from them and and that makes me very happy to here so thank you thanks for that now I've got this feed here it's going by pretty fast we have a new moderator in town it's RAM cellent he's been Tim has been with us for a while and he does a really good job and he wasn't a moderator so we've elevated him to the rank of mind-reader and I think it's well deserved our other moderators in OSHA broad and Jim also approved so we've got a very happy family I'm looking for people in Europe that are would like to take on the task Europe and other time zones might it would be nice to have someone who is not a dude as well to be a moderator just to keep things balanced a little bit but I'm cool you know it's always the best person in there just because I think sometimes I go on at different time zones and to have more moderators different time zones keeps the stream friendly for everybody all right let's see we got here questions tourists hey from Slovenia whoa I you know what in 1980 was it 1998 I hitchhiked from Zagreb to Ljubljana with two Croatian girls and we spent a couple of nights in Ljubljana where there's these three beautiful bridges I don't remember too much about it but Liliana and Slovenia is one of the most beautiful cities when it snows oh man we had such a wonderful time and I didn't never the first time I ever hitchhiked to from Zagreb in Croatia Slovenia but why is the there no episode on Mount Fuji and that's such a really good question um Mount Fuji has been done by so many different youtubers I don't really think I could do a better job that's number one number two I've already climbed Mount Fuji twice and I really don't want to climb it again but I will do it for you I will climb it for you but I have to come up with something that's different than what everybody else has done you cannot just keep making the same episodes over and over again I don't really do travel videos tourist videos I try to look for a story the last one in Kyoto was more of a travel video I just I do do them but that's not really what makes a channel popular it's mostly about the story at least that's what I hope you take away from it so that's why there's no my Fuji episode but there might be there might be moving along yeah nobody ever goes fishing in Japan and streaming it Robert that might be because nothing there might not be a signal out in the middle of the countryside sometimes it's not a really good 4G signal for streaming and the second one is I think there's a couple of people who do have really good YouTube channels on Lake Biwa be well cool that have fishing channels they're quite popular and I would love to collaborate with one of them and do some fishing so maybe we will I you know maybe we will I don't know how exciting will be I I can't promise we will catch something right away but you'd have to watch for a while you'd have to watch for a while let's see what else we got here um will you be going on a sleeper train again Darren writes in Darren there's a lot a new luxury train that opened up and I'd love to have access to ride that one and do a video on it but right now there's no other sleeper trains that I know about other than the sunrise Izumo and the sunrise set though the sunrise Izumo and the sunrise set to the sunrise train splits at Okayama one train will keep going to Shikoku and the other train will split and go towards Izumo and Yun agua and I think a lot of people have gone towards that that way not a lot of people have gone that Shikoku way so maybe the sunrise set off I will go towards the Seto side and that might be something that I do as well it's a good suggestion I really love the night train it was pretty cool experience is the karst scene still big in Japan this is synth awesome the car scene is pretty big in fact everybody that's watching this right now I'd say maybe 90% of you really are if you came to Japan would probably ride the rails and Japan has the best one of the best train lines in the world I mean it's just it's just extraordinarily efficient and with the Shinkansen it's super fast but Japan is not connected everywhere with train and Japan makes has maybe just as many car makers as as the USA and Germany maybe I don't know it does a lot of car makers in Japan major car makers that big sales so Japan is a big car country as well the population isn't as big as the United States or Europe but it's still it's still pretty big it's we got 130 million people decreasing but there's a lot of people who buy cars and there's a big car culture and it's something now that I have a license I'm gonna be getting into more and more car culture is big here we're just just scratching the surface I'm not talking about drift and stuff like this things from movies I'm talking about like there's a subculture many subcultures and cars that no you don't even know about that I'd love to cover I got look guys I got no end to ideas for show I will never run out of ideas I just run out of time and resources that's why you know 2019 I'm hoping that I can grow the channel by by bringing in some people living in Japan to help me out so I will be hiring I will be hiring but it'll be from people who are already living in Japan because that just makes more sense with the flow of things it's harder you know if you're not here sorta actually to you it is the biggest car maker now in the world wow that's pretty big this is the biggest in the world let's see here the next question oh here's one Lannister I will be a month in Japan alone I have never been before what cities do you recommend Lannister writes this in Lannister that's a good question first of all travelling alone in Japan is a little can be fun but I think it's a little bit tougher because Japanese are shy and it's hard to make friends right away sometimes you can feel alone I'm just saying from experience cuz I've been out there a lot so no being able to know a little bit of Japanese will be very valuable to you but traveling alone is still a good experience because it's the big biggest chance to meet people what cities do you recommend I recommend you know I always tell people if you have to choose between Tokyo and and Osaka this is an important question I'm surprised nobody asks this one maybe you did I missed it with Tokyo or Osaka I'm always gonna say Osaka Osaka Kansai Airport is it's it's pretty convenient usually the the deals might be better there I don't know but Kansai has so much stuff to see and you can do day trip to Tokyo and and just you can do like a week or two weeks in just Kansai alone it is not a it has Osaka it has Colbeck it has edema onset it has him age it has cute oh it has Lake Bui has me a has the ninja Castle it has Wow Matsuzaka what wagyu it also has only one you in Chiba Prefecture it has not too far away it's Kanazawa it's it's kind of kind of in that area from Kyoto it's it's a couple of hours to Kanazawa yeah in this whole area there's just so much to do in the Kansai area I think I think Kanazawa is the Hokuriku area I could be wrong but there's just so much to do there and in Kanto that's the area of Tokyo you might not even know like just Kahn sign then there's Kanto Tokyo is part of the Kanto area and there's a lot of stuff to do here too but just just constantly stacked you know and so I would recommend to just uh fly into Osaka and then do a day trip to Tokyo or something or do a couple of days here and then just stay in Kansai I always recommend that my friends in Tokyo are gonna be happy by that the second thing is that there's too many youtubers and Tokyo by the way everybody is doing YouTube videos here there's Tokyo is a is a big part of Japan but it's not I wouldn't even consider Tokyo Japan I think it's like Japan is is there's Tokyo and then there's the rest of the country Japan is just so unique in its in its own sense that in its own right that what's out there in the countryside is it's just such a different experience to me that's like saying with the United States just in New York and then there's like everything else I think Tokyo is kind of the same way these are some great questions here love from India I'll be in Mumbai on December December 11th to December 16th yeah I'll be in Mumbai December 11th and look on Facebook for meetup if you have a chance to meet up I'm actually looking for people to help me out with assisting with the meetup because I don't know places to meet up in Mumbai so well so if you're watching from India send me a message via Instagram or on Facebook see here would you do a video at huaca yama stay in a temple anyway this is when Goten yeah you know what um I've been thinking about that in fact there's an American guy who runs one of the temples and he got so angry at some of the criticism this is a big story in Japan last month there's an American monk Buddhist monk living at one of the temples and he I guess the temple he worked in was criticized by a foreign foreigner who complained about the food or something I forget and he just went off on that review like using the f-word for a monk and then he was criticized in the Japanese media but the Japanese media let him off easy because he was pretty much right and I guess he was just frustrated at all of the that's not monk Lee that's not monthly of him to do but waka ama is a place where a lot of people do that and there's I'm also gonna be going to oughta wait the city is also a place that had that's famous for having stays a temple or at least the cuisine Buddhist cuisine is very famous there so we're gonna I forget the name of it there's a specific name for thanks for asking that question you have already documented the Kisha whadda ya see here nagoya Toyota museum so yeah I'm so you're the museum is one of the attractions sure and yes monks are still human we cannot forget that although there to be peaceful people you're still human and feel and feel a wide range of emotions that you must sometimes you know project let's see here Faudree can you make a video about green tea culture in Japan yeah I'm I'm planning on doing this visit Anejo and Ida and she's oka and can I help you because I live in Shizuka send me a message send me a message via Instagram or Facebook or tag me the best way to get in touch with me is to tag me in a photo I always go and check those but yeah let me know and get in touch with me because I in the spring thinking that's when sorry sorry the TT season and the green tea foods and desserts start coming out in a spring and that's a good time to start to make an episode like that when it's warmer now we're already in fall so autumn so winter topics are coming up IgH from Norway hey any tips on what to do as a couple in Tokyo during Christmas and New Year's Eve it will be our fourth trip to Geneva but the first winter trip Wow so gh that's a great question for couples I'm gonna tell you to go I know yeah I kind of have have talked about this a little bit not not so much in particular like with couples but this is the only Japan YouTube page the main channel and I made a video in January this video there's two of them actually there's there's three of them this one's called Japanese onsen bath experience this is called Japanese Inn and Keisuke cuisine there yokan stay these two are kind of together and I would recommend watching both of them and then there there's one in 360 I highly highly highly recommend that you stay at an onsen preferably in Tohoku but anywhere that has snow there's just something magical about being naked in the snow outside in a bath it's cool and it's sort of and there's also konyaku baths where couples can be in them usually the women will be in a robe and depending on the dude you just hold a towel there and hope it doesn't fall or maybe it does fall but people you know even in the opposite secta don't really mind about the nudity if you do something you know bad then you just can get kicked out or arrested nobody let's see here the one I have one image of of this I want to show you this came from a video and a lot of people ask me where this is it's called Japanese public bathing exposed the naked truth and in this episode in this episode this is the one I go to the snow onsen and people have been asking me about it you can find it right here alright it's one of the most romantic experiences this was in this was years ago it's absolutely beautiful um that's me waking up opening the door just watching the snow fall outside you can see the snow and and the water is warm and then you get wake up this is dinner time you're eating Japanese Chi second yo D which is really good see here they I show that while you're eating they'll set up the futon for you the service is impeccable at Japanese of yokan or traditional Japanese sense it's just it's the best they're not cheap but if you're going for a romantic trip spend two nights and then go to another one and spend two more nights that's what I would do umm let's see here at night it's really you can go at night if you stay there look at the snow around me it's just beautiful this is in the morning you have access like I go at five in the morning when there's nobody around and then if it's co-ed like this one is Takata gawe on Sun I recommend this one in good MA you can go in with your girlfriend or your wife and if your woman with your husband or your boyfriend and soak together see if I can get that image yeah - just just soak this up it's beautiful that's me down there naked in a hot bath in a snowstorm that's me that had people ask me why I used yodeling music I just thought it seemed really fun what's wrong yo dling you know me Rhonda Cogan how you doing hi John would you ever come to Perth yes I totally would if so what would you document our culture or food Miranda I will go to Perth just to have fun and to be honest with you I don't know what I would document what do I need to document anything because it's not really anything like only in Japan worthy I don't know but that's one of the places that in the world that have not been - I've been all over Australia I've been to Darwin I've been to Adelaide I've been everywhere in between on that side I haven't been a Tasmania but Perth yeah yeah I'd love to go there I don't know what I would document maybe the food and the culture and everything only in Perth that would be a series that could be let's see here naked in a hot bath in the snow Francis is awesome you have the child enthusiasm and curiosity which is rear rear and beautiful thank you I don't know I never really look I used to teach kids I think some of you know this I used to teach kids that were between the ages of zero which is weird they were we called them prenatal stimulation classes where the mother would take classes and we would teach them how to sing in English and and kind of teach their kids and it was it was something it was good because it was something for the mothers to do with other mothers because mothers from others brothers I don't know I'm talking about jin-sang rights and Jon love your videos I've been to Japan five times in the last two years well and it all started with watching your videos initially whoa June so basically what you're saying is you you've cut you over the last five years you've been watching the show and you came to Times it's a five years that's a long time I've been making this show you sink let that sink in for a little bit Wow thank you I got a question for you John what what was your favorite episode this follow-up question and maybe you'll be able to catch it in the last Jim you don't have to do another super shot but what was your favorite episode in the number-5 over the over the two years oh wow five times over two years June what was your favorite episode which one was most useful for you and one in your five trips what did you see that I didn't cover in only in Japan that you think would make a good episode I think June has a lot of could be doing this live stream instead of me five times that's that's a lot okay I'd love to hear from you and thank you now I am watching here Toby Oh anyone with the name Toby gets a special shout-out any tip for disabled travelers traveling to Japan um see here Toby that's a great question ii-i've been I've been getting this asked a lot and I totally want to make an episode about getting around in a wheelchair and I have some friends that I I know somebody who makes wheelchairs so I'm gonna see if we can collaborate with the wheelchair maker and maybe I try for day get on I think there be a lot of fun and this would but and by doing it and I always thought by doing it you will learn what are the weaknesses and the strengths and what are the good points and the bad points about the city of Tokyo getting around on a wheelchair so um that's that's an episode I think is in the works oh thanks Toby Toby for that hey I see professors in the house how you doing long time no see professor hey John it's been a month since I was in Japan it was amazing spring 2020 will be my next trip um where should I go next up towards Almaty in Sapporo or down to Fukuoka in Kagoshima wow that's a good one that's a good one so you're coming I guess you're saying spring 2020 professor you could do both you could do both and you know why because there's so many low budget airlines popping up you could just do whatever you want and just take a flight and then go down to Kagoshima or something that I mean right now you can go Tokyo to Kagoshima for $35 on a jet star or one of the other local low-cost area carriers jet star or sky mark it's like 35 dollars like I don't know why people get a train pass cause it's just so cheap to fly the low budget carriers Wow you know what professor let me let me think about that I'm gonna have to say though in the spring I really love I really love to Hoku and I love Homme woody I would say up towards Almaty it just depends if it's March I would go down to Kyushu if it's April I would go up to Elmwood ëcoz hero Saki was just beautiful for the cherry blossoms and Haku dot Davis is an amazing if you have been Jaco dot Dame professor trust me how could a big bead recommendation the seafood is beautiful it's so good it's cheap the view the night views so impressive the people are friendly and it's relaxed and the city is just so well planned it's it's it's a wonderful city well I see Jen left a comment here Heinrich Weber you're not going mount Dyson we're great awesome honey thank you very much thank you very much I'm glad to hear that I highly recommend mount Dyson and you're not going I get a lot to say I'm also looking forward to going to visit eunuch in I'm being Munich December 17th I'm the planning to do a meet-up in marienplatz in Munich and can I will be with me ya see here I saw Joe jen-jen rights and gin from before my favorites were all the bento box unboxings yeah they were my favorite too cuz I got to eat them but when I saw the the peach Fanta livestream it made my mission to fight it even whatever was there I found it they sell it at a time at the Sega arcades yeah that that peach Fanta was the best Fanta that I've ever had and I don't like soda but that was one that I could actually drink and be satisfied and and Fanta is pretty good here I guess cuz they use real fruit juice or something but I'm always that what that was I actually bought that more than one soda the sodas I don't drink too much but that Fanta was good the peach one I'm glad I did that episode yeah that's one of my favorites let's see here Alex can you go camping with a tent our forests public yes you can go camping with a tent I recommend camping grounds there's some sites in English forests are not all public you can but there's an unwritten rule that if you put your tent up at night if it's public just get up by sunrise and you'll be fine it's like an unwritten rule I usually camped in parks like a homeless person because is because there's also public baths entos all over the place so you can take a bath and be cleaned and just stay in a tent in the park that I don't recommend for everybody but you want to put up your tent late and then get out early because it's that's polite thing to do and keep that keep the noise down it's a great question I saw Ashley had a question I'm it's it's hard to see cuz I'm losing losing the feed it's a lot of questions coming in ashley andre Wrightson hey Jon I'm such a big fan watching your videos for two years now my favorite is the one with mangaccat manga cafe at IKEA haven't seen it when I speak English to go manga and I speak Japanese they go manga and it's just hard manga anime anime a manga cafe Nike Hobbit at right it's one of my destination sixth year you should definitely check out manga cafes are pretty fun especially if you can read Japanese is it's hard to find English manga at cafes but it's a pretty neat experience usually they're places if you if you like miss your last train to place you can crash because it's the services are pretty simple but it's kind of a neat experience in Japan because they're very very it's it's just part of the culture the modern culture to crash your places like that so one night is enough I don't think I can do more than one night maybe maybe two maybe two see here John have you visited Yonaguni underwater pyramid no I haven't visited that yet did you sleep well as a homeless man um yes I did it was in Kanazawa I I think I told this story in a live stream you guys can go back and check it out I was in Kanazawa and when I was hitchhiking and by the way I have a message about the DVD I'm gonna be selling the DVDs to everybody else next year but I'll be talking to everybody else who who's part of the DVD project will soon be in Kanazawa on that trip I set up my tent in the park and a real homeless lady said of her tent next to mine this so this is it tells you a lot about Japan okay there are homeless people in Japan usually they're there in tough situations where they cannot rely on their family and usually the families responsibility to take care of people that are not in good shape the family helps or the community will help but she I don't know what her story was friends have told me that her situation could be that she lost she didn't have any other family and then she was divorced or she lost a good favor with her husband's family or something and then she's just on her own with no money but she had a bicycle on the back was a bunch of cardboard it was just it was beautifully like very neatly placed she looked really clean but in her late 50s and she just started to put up cardboard and asleep on a bench and I remember looking at the angle she's gonna be okay wasn't that cold it was but it was um I was following that cherry blossoms but it wasn't warm either so in the morning early early in the morning I got up early that's what I do when I'm camping and she was putting her boxes away so I talked her for a little bit she couldn't speak English she said but that was okay because I could speak Japanese but I had some I had some bananas so I gave her a couple of the bananas wait a second oh no it's the other way around no I I had meat cons they're a little bit more expensive so I gave her to me consignee a banana and we and for like I give us like ten fifteen minutes i sat there just eating my other meat content and I eat a banana and she sat there smiling eating the meat cons that I gave her and then that was it she got on her bike and left and I never saw her again but she was staying in a park in Kanazawa not far from the station and I didn't mean you don't know people you don't ask personal questions in Japan it seems like a bit much I didn't want to ask her about a situation but she she's very she was a very nice woman and I left a pretty unique impression on me because I'd never you know been like to see a female homeless woman who is still quite I guess 50 she was still quite young and seemed mentally okay I didn't know what like what what can I do to help her but I was gonna leave town there's not really much you can do you don't to offer money because that's also insulting it's just a hard situation I'm sorry to ramble on about that it's just one of these things um I'll give you I'll give everybody enough take really soon I also have some other news that I can't tell you right now something that is not so happy that has nothing to it that project but there's there's something else out but I can't tell you at this moment yet Betty Boop rights in are their charities for homeless or soup kitchens not too many I saw many in Japan last month and winter would be difficult yeah you know there's really not that much support I don't know too much about it other than what Greg from life where I'm from made in the most thorough video series on it you know in Japan families take care of the elderly families will take care of people that are sick family takes takes care of their family and Japanese nuclear families often have the grandparents living with the parents and that's just part of the way Japan is structured so when the system Falls or fails I this is just coming from my opinion now I don't know for sure but it just people can get left out of the system and Japan is such a polite society in the sense that they keep to themselves and not to get involved in other people's businesses it's it's a good thing and it's also sometimes a bad thing maybe we can ask more questions I don't know it's not a topic that I know too much about I have to be honest with you but it's one that I've experienced you know camping in parks in the city and it's still safe I plan on marrying in Japan next you whoa oh this is from Jessica or hey are there mentionable privileges gained after marriage in Japan will I be able to purchase a home so Jessica asks a really good question are you I don't know if you're Japanese or you're marrying somebody who is Japanese Jessica but you'll get a spouse visa and that doesn't really give you it doesn't give you that many rights other than you can pretty much do anything you want workwise you don't have to work in a specific field anymore you're a spouse but you're sort of it's it's like you're being sponsored by your husband's family or your wife's family and yeah you know you have some rights but you can't vote you're not a citizen you're not you don't have a green card you have a work permit it's a little bit different if you become a permanent resident which is age again then you have a little bit more rights but still um unless you're a citizen you don't have too many rights can you buy property that's a great question and I think you know wow I think you'll need to have a Japanese cosigner I mean it's not impossible but it's it's not as easy as you think in fact even for Japanese to buy land it's not that easy either this usually comes with all these all these strings attached and that's it's just these things like land purchase in Japan it's such an old country there's so much so many little rules but you can't I believe you can't it's a good question how much do you earn from YouTube I'm not gonna tell you that some people might gasp at it but you don't ask how much you don't really answer questions about how much you make because and you don't ask other people either because I don't see anybody I'm not everybody everybody sees and I'm gonna answer this in an honest way it's because it's a fair question I think you should ask it you can't ask it I wouldn't ask it but people ask it I don't judge people by how much they make or how little they make I don't judge people by what they look like I don't judge people I don't ask questions like what's your background I don't ask questions like what's your ethnicity I don't ask questions like what's your religion because I don't care people can bring it up and then maybe I'll ask questions but for me I make I can do this full-time and that should be enough for you I can do this full-time but I'm I'm very far from rich and despite what people may think I do I do enough to be able to do this full-time that's all I can answer I think I don't make as much on the main channel as you think I do and I don't make as much on the go channel as you think I do but it's enough so it does pretty good compared to a lot of other people it's a hard question I don't know any other way to answer it but when you do say that then people start to see you in a different way and compare you like oh you must be this and you must do this and I don't ask do you still do TV work mark asked me yeah actually mark actually um we should I should be checking and that's another thing I wanted to go I'm gonna be in a show called journeys in Japan which I've done I think this is my fifth one I love this show because they make it so beautiful um maybe it's the next one I don't know no I'll be doing one it's either gonna be this week or next week and I did it in Mule Naugle which is right here in this area of Japan Japanese in Japan is one of the most beautiful shows it's an NHK shoe and there's not as many reporters and there's no host or anything like this no studio shoots it's just you go out there and you and you do the story and I've done five this is the fifth one that I did and it's always an honor to be able to go out and do do that I'm in fact I think just there's still a couple of them available this one which other ones have I done I've done a couple of them and you're not gone most of them have been in yanaka what am I talking about on this earth wait this one's called me oh no Seki Jon Bob kind of small but that was it that was a fun one I didn't want to even argue prefecture I didn't want an Wow I was I get asked a lot but I cannot do as much TV work anymore because as I said like my my goal or my priority is only in Japan now and I we have 522 patrons right now people are always coming and going and I kind of like having a community of people on patreon where I think I kind of uses sounding boards and communicate with because they all seem to have a really great love for Japan and the show so for me it's almost like a full-time job to manage that and the channels but it's a lot of fun you know I just I do TV work in fact I'm gonna be doing it a Tokyo FM radio interview on about Japan and and only in Japan when is that it's at the end of this month so I'm gonna go to Tokyo at Pham and have to do the interview in Japanese live and I've done that before I used to get Yui you guys actually you you guys want to see it - yeah well we're talking and I'm taking questions I'll see if I can find yeah so I used to do this this live TV show and I don't wanna talk about myself too much okay maybe a little one of the most things that made me the nervous nervous the most nervous was doing a Japanese news program live in the morning then millions of people who watch here in Japanese I was freaking out but you cannot not you cannot say no to that experience you have to do it and they've called me a couple of times to do interviews or to be on the show but I just I haven't been able to do it because why is it coming up I'm telling you Apple is really good sometimes here we go I'm gonna show you clip alright maybe I'm speaking Japanese I can't remember Wow that's all a part of a clip here we go I don't know if I should show you this this is embarrassing check over by a vehicle m0c dependent acting dude Japan - Japan you have to do you say oh qoodles I typed inside against a machine took this on a cake cake can wait don't do some guys know they do any good Monica Seles one lucky soldier a big dragon cancer any man that keeps on pushing ahead in my first class on an airplane or a Japanese toilet stool can stay G dude if Naraku so stay misses another cigarette jaunty [Applause] tsuyosa see I was really boring I don't watch for you is it like five her people watch this crazy kind of it but yeah it was probably one of the most nervous experiences in my life because there's like three million people watching this show in the morning and if you make one it's live you make one mistake it's like yeah people jump on you and start bashing you with yeah bananas Miranda Cogan writes in here I got onto you by what's inside whoa hey Dan and Lincoln and Dan oh there's that they're two of my really good friends did you did a video with mark Wiens not yet do you still stay in touch with him and yang I haven't done anything with Mark I I think we did communicate like years when the channels are a lot smaller I remember yeah and I've been in touch with I think I said I got a message from food Ranger years ago I wanted one of the other ones I know that they watched a series and I watched theirs too because that they do a lot of stuff then be fun if they ever come to Japan all they need to do is let me know I'm Mike Chen from Strictly dumplings we did an episode together and I don't know maybe you can show you the thumbnail for that that's gonna be coming out soon and that was a lot of fun because this is what I think it's gonna be the thumbnail that's Mike and this is that's me right there right in the middle that's like probably what the thumbnail is gonna look like we ate model and he his was eating sushi for the first time at my favorite place which is a lot of fun yeah hopefully you know this comes out this comes out soon and I like collaborations but I don't know too many of them I just wanted to do it because you know the channel is gonna hit 1 million subscribers soon and I'm so thankful for that and one of the one of the things that people request or they like the Seas then when people work with other youtubers that they like and it's kind of neat to for the viewers to do that it's not that great for the channel I don't know but I like I like being friends with other youtubers but it's neat for you I think and that's why I did the collaboration with Mike and I did one with Scottie and I did one with what's inside because they're like just nice people you know I loved it those guys Marc and Dan and Lincoln or just there's so much so nice in person they're like family when they're here I like that [Music] AG writes in here hey John we saw you in wano the other day oh but my husband chased chickened out saying hi what chase what are you doing man thanks for the tip on the creme brulee doughnuts in Akihabara oh those are so good next time say hi don't don't be even when i'm live-streaming and you see me you see hi it's kind of fun and even for the other viewers you don't know what's gonna happen it's okay to break my train of thought because that anything can happen in a livestream and that's what makes it fun like right now cuz I can come out here and say keep it down every kind of fun Robert writes in Tokyo drew Toki drew it was nice he he kind of been hey enhanced the livestream in way no because he gave us somebody else to talk about and Tokyo drew shared is a point of view and that was neat you know it made the it made the stream more memorable for people that's always a good thing Simon and Martina from eatyourkimchi there's very very nice people I don't like to talk too much about other youtubers I guess but and I don't watch a lot of YouTube believe it or not I'm a creator so I'm always trying to research new topics but I do watch my friends and yeah they're nice people you guys know who my friends are what's Jennifer's secret to keeping so young and energetic this is Jim Bailey I don't know Jim you're gonna have to ask Jennifer I don't wanna give away your secrets and she wouldn't tell me anyways I might have asked already and she would she isn't there's some things that Jennifer won't share with me one of them is what what keeps her so young and beautiful and energetic I want to thank Heiner these Thank You Heinrich these are so good these are called marzipan they have almond almond in them and they're so good these are from Germany dumb person I'm gonna drink Heinrich gave me a whole box full of chocolate I got to say Heiner that it was a lot but I will finish it I'm Peter psyche Park is wonderful for the cherry blossoms oh you're right um he knows sake Park YUM mmm I don't know that one the Peter does not live near me as a result um doesn't he'd happen we'd have to like crash together somewhere either his place to my place to do a midnight snack run he does have a motorbike but Peters look he's a really good friend of mine but he's also very very busy and YouTube is just like a hobby for him he's one of the most he's one of the busiest one of the busiest people with his job narrating voice artist than I've ever met and the guy is so good he's always working let's see here in a commercial I can't tell you this though my mom Peter Peters now the voice of a a so if you fly if you guys fly na you will hear Peter's voice saying fasten your seat belts in case of emergency I mean I'm not joking guys if you if you ride a na I believe it just started you're gonna hear Peter's voice it's gonna be pretty freaky I'm gonna be playing an a sometime soon and when I do is I'm gonna freak out when I hear Peter's voice like I'm probably gonna start getting angry and disagree with everything that that he says and I'm not gonna buckle my seat belts but Pierre is the voice of a a as well as many many many other brands I don't know if I'm allowed to say that and I would say Peter my loud to say that I'm airline they have a channel oh here it is in a global channel of Japan inspiration of Japan s up here okay but if you do come in with with Indiana he'll be doing the flight buckle your seatbelts that's pretty cool but he look he's got his own channel and he's got his own things so if you guys miss Jennifer Pierre or Kevin check out their channels and one day we will do another live stream but I think that's one of the reasons they're not on it too much I'm scheduling and also I think from my friends a lot of them have come to a point where they have to start to grow their own identities and I guess there's a lot of people would go into Jennifer's dream after watching this one and then talk about me and the people were talking about her on my streams and like yeah you know what we were happy about that but I think jennifer has her own identity and she needs to grow her channel herself so it's also important for me to give you viewers of this channel different kinds of points of view and Jennifer and Pierre and Kevin's points of view are awesome but there's also other people and there's also different opportunities I don't know we'll see what happens in the future hierarchy sure good thank you for this next question I don't take a couple of more will you ever make it only in Japan podcast yeah it's in the works mmm nobody these are easy answer okay speed around you plan to make and sell only in Japan merch yes Munich is far from here to travel to meet up in greetings for Berlin I know people in Berlin and Hamburg and Hannover everybody in not Hannover and in the north of Germany is complaining that I'm doing in Bavaria I'll be back to Germany I would love to meet everybody though and they're not complaining I just know it's hard John what do you what do you feel about seeing yourself on camera um how do I feel I I never really watched back what my work but I don't think about it when I watched myself speaking Japanese there I was a little bit embarrassed but I don't really I don't think about it too much anymore um you it's it's it is good though to look at your work and when I edit the videos I look at myself over and over and over again that it's when I now when I make the shows I kind of have an idea of the way I should do it better because I edit the videos a lot myself I've got added them all myself but I don't know so this is not lightning round is really getting cold all right we're gonna speed this up are you prepared for a two-state solution world war now I'm not prepared for any war that's easy question amount to cow this is a question mark yes is it I don't even know if that's a yes/no question only in Japan do you have any recommendations for those learning Japanese yes study hard move to Japan learn katakana and hiragana first I think learning the alphabet first memorize cut the cutting hit Agana and the sounds and the syllables ah you a oekaki ku ke ko and then it will cut at the time for you to learn in half because you know the flow of the language do not learn Japanese by romaji or Roman letters you will it will drive yourself crazy and you'll learn it'll take you four times longer to learn that way I'm just making up that number by the way it could be half um how often do they ID for alcohol never I've never been they just ask me if I'm 20 and I say yes but I look like I'm 40 so yes Carter who's asking me that high school kid are you scared for the article 13 you copyright directive I don't even know what that is am I scared how do I feel no I'm not scared will you ever do a video in Hiroshima made me about the tram system um Gordon I've done a lot of videos in Hiroshima at least at least two or three on the main channel and at least two or three on the on go and I'll be back in Hiroshima I used to live there I lived there for about two years in a little town called Yokogawa I'm about 18 years ago John best place to stay in Tokyo for American expat Asakusa Asakusa ah sucks ah I don't it's quiet and cultural and you'll have a better stay then if you want to go to Shuba you could just go there by in the line no change this trance this should transition to midnight snack run it could it won't I got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow I might have missed them I have a look alright good oh my god I have to hear Peter's voice oh my flight to Japan in April you will if you fly a na you will and and no nose no offense to Annie I prefer GL I prefer the colors I'm I like red better than blue just say nothing there's anything wrong good John are you planning to come to Bhutan no but not right now are you planning to come to wait have you watched Japanese pro wrestling I have see here will you visit Taiwan in the near future I almost went through Taipei to go to India for this trip instead I went through Sri Lanka I should have gone through Taipei yes Taiwan is in the is a destination I might go do in 2019 maybe I think I think I'd love to go I've been to Taiwan twice by the way and Sony high if you can say hi to my friend she Tom hey she tell ya ok I think you brought this - before she tall hey she tell she's traveling back to the USA today she tall what are you doing how long have you been here why am I using this voice I feel like I should appeal to she tell not to go and we love your program and what's your favorite kanji what's your favorite kanji I don't know I would say I just love maybe cuz you know it's love for crying out loud Sora I like soda which is Skyy yeah I like soda soda is it's also a nice name um one of my friends has a daughter whose name is Sora s so RA in Roman letters and it's kind of a neat naming sky key is also good right the kanji for key yes Sarah that's right you guys got that um what's your favorite shrine trying I don't know o in Miho no Sachi in in the Shema day near yonago city it's you're not going to talk to tea but it's also on the border of Chaumont prefecture this is on the Sea of Japan side there's a place called a mijo mijo shrine mijo Ginga I really liked Miho ginger and it could be because my my Japanese family so to speak that I I guess did home stains with they live in yonago so I have a big connection to there but they love Miho shrine mijo mijo Jinja so if you got a mijo no Seki and you should if you go to that area I like I like mio shrine it's a fisherman's village that hasn't changed for hundreds of years and the shrine is really well preserved in the center of the town and I like that it's my favorite shrine don't tell anybody though because I want to keep this up to myself I don't want a bunch of chairs go there Ramadan if you need more 7-eleven late-night snack runs I might I might do that not tonight actually actually I think for the next one I'm trying to get if you guys like that idea click the like button and if we get like thousand likes on this live stream then I can just say look a thousand people said they want you to do the midnight snack run can i you got to do it with me then she'll do it she doesn't like to stay up late I know we're not Universal peace we're never gonna get 2000 but you can't like twice by the way no someone's gonna ask that yeah but UFO behavin UFO that's a great idea 1000 likes everyone yeah but you can't like twice and don't make fake accounts and like it too cuz Google knows this stuff probably watching right now Big Brother watching YouTube are you watching algorithm are you watching if you are I just told people to do the right thing click once are you planning to do anymore hitchhiking trips to Japan in the future I might max I have a project that is seriously delayed just because I I've had so many different challenges with it and I might do a short hitchhiking trip to try and make something buzz for that next year one of my biggest regrets in life is that project and I'll tell the people who backed it more but it's it's the video is good it's just one of the biggest challenges I've ever had in my entire life it was not the actual hitchhiking but the actual physical making of so many DVDs with so much data with 45 days of data I was it's yeah but I think I will do a short hitchhiking trip in 2019 to try to and psych people up for that to be released but I'll let you know but hitchhiking is just fun because you don't know what's gonna happen and it's usually it's it's good stuff that always happens well you make videos about places and attractions of Japan known for science and/or technology yes done Jim this is a great question thank you for asking that I met a guy named Scott Scotty his channel has strange parts awesome awesome guy we did one collaborative video and we're gonna be doing more in the future I think so whenever he comes in Japan I really want to help him I don't even have to be in the videos but I just like him he's just I think what he's doing is such a wonderful idea and I just want to help him in some way there's there's it was like with what's inside with Lincoln and Dan I just wanted I didn't even care if I was in the video or not I just wanted them they're just so nice and I wanted them to be able to make a good show and that was yeah and then they came back into the score watermelon this summer like literally I said hey guys we got square water halls and they flew from America to come here for just like one night to cut open the watermelon there that's what friendship is man so I love those guys and I do hope I do hope I can see them again Singh cuz it just it's just one of the nicest families can we still buy the TV they won't be on sale next year for sure it's yeah it's WL sells it for next year I'm just I'm making like a thousand of them okay everyone will get a chance to buy one have you read about five key tests that will happen yeah I'm very up-to-date with the technology of what the cell phones what's happening because we do live streaming using 4G LTE and I you know I upgrade it to where is that phone I upgraded to the iPhone XS and this has been a big big mistake the iPhone XS where is it hold on a second guys but the iPhone XS it's it's a beautiful phone but my problem with it is that it um it has an internal stabilizer okay and the internal stabilizer when you use it with the gimbal it counters the internal stabilizer so it looks like you're walking like this that goes like this when you walk because it you have to turn the internal stabilizer off and the iPhone doesn't let you turn off the internal stabilization it creates really awful video so I've had some problems with the XS it has stronger stabilization so what I'm what using it with live-streaming sometimes it's awful video it's smooth but it's it's like you're on a boat this the iPhone 7 plus is much much better than the new phone that I bought and I regret buying the iPhone 10 s but it's still a good phone it's just it's not good for live-streaming because of that you use the magnet Rick nosh I saw that too but look you know whenever you get into having to do 10 steps in order to livestream it just takes the fun out of it this is something to talk with Peter I'm a long time ago if I got to put magnets and I have a wide-angle lens here I have a counterbalance I have to also like magnets and do it kind of takes the spontaneity of it is the attraction to me as someone who makes does this kind of substance by the way nice as he could get not nice to see you here Rams lens taken taking care of some of us some of the comments she's cool but I don't know I like to keep it real simple you also introduced me to another gimbal nosh pumps me out with he's very much in touch with a lot of the technology and new stuff and I got my eye I got my other eye on on it too so it's I got it all I'm all over the place so well um I'll figure it out I do want to I do want to wait I use what's called an OL oak lip for this lens here this olloclip it's not bad it's not as the image is not that clear because sometimes dust will get into it if it's not an expensive lens by any means but the olloclip is probably the best affordable solution that's not too heavy that's another weight is also a problem but the problem is the olloclip does not have or the ole ole lens I don't know what it's called does not have one for the iPhone 10s because the 10s has a bigger more protruding lens so I can't attach the 10y lens to the new phone that I have because they haven't released it yet so I cannot recommend their lens an episode on cycling if it does happen it'll just happen cycling is something else I've been thinking about doing doing something as soon as I can I release finish them up this project to do something like that where I go out for like four or five days and just live stream somewhere but do it on this channel and not on the main channel so I'll be doing something like that what is your favorite city in Japan and why Ryan Wow Ryan these are big these are broad questions you want me to paint with like a roll or paint brush and not one of these fine precision ones that's a tough one favorite cities hitter Shima why I lived it for two years food is awesome people were friendly beautiful see there I just like the vibe everything was close together if I needed electronics if I needed shops there's one Street one Dodi which had everything it was perfect Miyajima nearby um a little bit cheaper rent was cheaper John did biking on the island recently yeah I was on oh that's our water there's another video on that coming M maybe before I leave for the u.s. what is your favorite city in Japan let's see here come on guys you got some better questions what's your favorite type of noodle so no no no no who don't don't don't I think it back who don't what's your favorite spot in Tokyo I'm a Yoko that just came out I'm Yoko I guess did you plan on raising a family in Japan no um which places do you recommend to going do you plan yes did I did I plan no it just sort of I didn't I didn't plan to be here for 20 years we William which places do you recommend to go to in Shibuya I don't recommend going to Shibuya at all it's just too crowded this is a guy from who's been living for 20 years I have avoid Shibuya but if I had to go I would say she Brya station is being renovated I kind of definitely want to go there there's also um across the street from Shibuya station behind hatch go underneath the Yamanote they line there's a little area oh my gosh I forget the name of it there's a little area that has these little teeny restaurants I don't know how long how much longer they're gonna be there because I have to be honest with you the situation in Shibuya is always changing you don't know because there's so much construction going on for 2020 locations are being torn down all the time let's see what is this so here she bring a station I know you're just looking at it it's hard here's Hotch go here's hot just go scramble and then it's here's the tracks and it's right here right it's right here it's called Shibuya number yokocho now number you could show you could show is always like an alley and this alley has lots of little bars and there's one called Kinoko that I did for NHK like 10 years ago I did I was an NHK and I did this bar called kinoko where it's I know it's still here the owner was so friendly I think they can speak a little bit of Japanese it was expensive though it was it was about forty five fifty dollars a person with alcohol but if you want to have like a really Japanese experience you want to go maybe to Nambe yokocho it's still kind of um was it not go me no apparently was not go me I think it was closer to the center it might have gone out of business I don't know but I'm pretty sure was called Kinoko which means mushroom a Japanese mushroom hmm it's a good place I recommend all right one or two more questions this is great thank you for the answer you're very welcome do you dream in Japanese or English whoa um I started dreaming in Japanese about about three years after I was living here and I didn't even know what they were saying I just kept dreaming it um I dream in both and Kenai speaks to me she's speaking in Japanese she always speaks in Japanese to me we speak Japanese like 85% the time and recently she tries to speak English and then she and then and then I speak Japanese and then it becomes a match of wills who will break first is my Japanese better than her English where she just gives up her is her jet her English better than good enough that I will just give up and she always gives up and and she relents and we just continue in Japanese not that that's any better any tips for traveling in Japan in December that's a good question that's a legitimate question because it came with a super chat so I could see it real clear um this is from cool fire seven one nine thank you for traveling in December I'm gonna say go back and look at the episodes I made on this in January a year ago this one's called Japanese names and kaiseki cuisine this one was called Japanese onsen bath experience and there's a 360 video watch these two and in December it's a great it's the perfect time to go to a Japanese onsen it's the perfect time to go to a Japanese joke on and spend some time inside because neo-cons themselves are almost like museums because we have hotels in the United States and in the West they're nice and said you a five-star hotel they're very nice inside but they're very Western - they're not there our culture when you go to yo con it's Japan's culture and and it's cold outside and the days are shorter you're gonna be inside more you want to be inside of a neocon so I think you should at least plan depending on your budget at least two nights in a neocon at a nice own set the question should be which no one asks is like which one sentence should I visit never mind kawashima or Almaty which onsen should you visit which area has the best deal Khan an on-set you should be asking that but since you didn't ask I mean I'm asking myself I'm not gonna count that this question you guys have to answer faster um does it snow in Tokyo and it's like unzoom is asking all these quiet really good questions um not I don't think it's ever snow or doing doing Christmas last year was it hey I'm not always here for Christmas but usually will snow once or twice and it always melts the next day like almost always almost um JD writes in and it really enjoyed that name booth the museum and alimony good any chance that you'll be revisiting the area for content soon um I was in talks with hey Sascha is here greetings from Ireland hey um you know I wish I almost flew through island to go back to New York for Christmas but we found Icelandic air but we were this close from from flying through Dublin which would have been awesome cuz and we would have been a couple days there and then we could have hung out Ireland but thank you for that wait what was I talking about again oh oh oh it was the question see here have you visited the instant ramen museum before yes I have twice do you like dr. slump manga um that's from Shu Asia's Shonen Jump and yeah I don't not like it but I I don't I don't read it very often you can read it twice to be honest with you I do not not like it I like it what time do you go to Germany Philip I'll be on marienplatz with Kani on December 17th at night we're staying in a hotel in the area and we're gonna be going there for the market and on Facebook I will be putting event pages for all of our meetups and I would love to meet as many people as possible that'd be pretty cool yeah which onsen is great in Sapporo I don't think support Sapporo has some onsen but there's not a limit you don't go to an onsen in the city you can Leo's world but when you go in an onsen the onsen is the attraction there's you can't have it's very rare to find the best of both worlds a really good yokan onsen inside of a city is like that's like the dream man but it doesn't really exist the best place is um hiding it hi Newark from Germany went up to Sui so onsen which is in this in this reason the onsen bath video if you want up there [Music] hey he went up to sansweet onsen let me see like him find a clip from one of the most beautiful I hear this is Sochi one sent a scenic lonesome town that is just perfect when the snow is falling this isn't fukushima surprise it's one of the most beautiful places for onsen in Japan and it's far away from that other stuff look at Heinrich stayed here bring water and he said he had a pretty good experience I would say you know Sapporo doesn't really have on some culture I mean they dude they have a bath culture but it's not really um I don't know are you want to stay in yokan in an onsen town is the attraction not the city that's my advice to you new zoomy sixty-six five pounds oh that's your question actually if you turn the pounce on you could get kind of a question thing thank you thank you for that neither me I appreciate it very much John if you're going towards Munich try visit Salzburg in Innsbruck to really miss ah so difference engine wants me to go to Austria I've been to Salzburg in Innsbruck a couple of times before Vienna many times it seems like a dozen times I've been to Vienna I had friends in in a town called Graz and grass and he moved now to different different country he's Austrian so I would go and visit my friend in Graz so I've been Ostrom many times I've been through Austria to to go to Budapest and to hungry and visit my friends in Romania I had a lot of friends in cluj-napoca but I'd love to go to Salzburg in Innsbruck um one of the reasons we're going to Munich is because it was just convenient to fly from India through through to Munich and just worked out that way Berlin was a little bit harder and Munich has marienplatz which has a really nice Christmas market but I'm kind of going to see the Christmas market so if you guys know any if you know any good Christmas markets around Munich that could be day trips we could do to that on the 18th and then be pretty cool to go maybe nürnberg up north is good or salzburg is a possibility as well as even down in the south there's some places in Switzerland Basel Bern I don't know we're looking at it let's see here by the way he could definitely click the like button because I said if we get a thousand likes on this then can I will do a midnight run with me she said well I said I said I can't say she said that anything you recommend to do in Shinagawa I don't you know what there is a really cool Nikon camera museum that a lot of people will miss if you ever had a Nikon camera this museum probably has it inside there and it's free and it's really cool if you like cameras and I was fascinated because Nikon had one of the first cameras ever and just some of this crazy lenses that they made over the years were in there to me what I was fascinated by that and that's it that's right next to Shinagawa station shin Agha was a place mixed feelings for me because that's where immigrations is to renew your visa and that's always yeah not a happy place shutting out it mean means immigration and immigration is like a boring building where people don't look happy you know any off leash dog parks in samhita um if you go along the Sumida River there are actually on the banks you'll find several dog places where you can release your dog and they're open the hours might be inconvenient sometimes I think they're they close early maybe a p.m. but I've seen when I run I run along this meter river now I see a lot of these little dog with astroturf in there and dogs can run off leash it's kind of gated off but they're on the riverbank where there's more more open space for this kind of stuff they're longer of course than than they are wider I said I was gonna do one more question 15 minutes ago this is crazy do you recommend doing Tokyo in December yeah there's there's four seasons there's no bad time to do it there really is no bad time to visit Japan four seasons each season has its own unique cuisine Ezra has its own unique aspect to it so you probably have to visit Japan at least four times to get the full effect or just stay for 20 years and then you get it top row versus Kenan versus ah he'd go right now I like Sapporo red label Saburo sorry sapporo with the red star in it is my favorite so there you go but I'll go for a sake right now but I used to drink eating all the time 20 years ago John here is a little help for you guys next food run hey thank you please get something awesome thanks cat and when we do that when we do the food run you'll know the first thing I get will be dedicated to cat okay I'm gonna do no I guess I'll do another food run I don't know if it's gonna be a midnight food run but I couldn't do it an afternoon food run some time this week I'm thinking of some locations too and seeing if somebody another youtuber will come with me to come and he'd you know Mathias helped me with them than me oh there's a big festival I can't I can't tell you yet because I don't want other youtubers to go there but there's a big festival a food festival I'm going to later this week I think so stay tuned I think it'll be in a couple of days but you will see the live stream there I'll be one of the first people so cat we're gonna put put it to good use in a few days okay that's gonna be fun go collab with ramen adventure I've seen some of his episodes actually when I was researching things in ramen his stuff always comes up I don't know why his channel doesn't grow bigger because I think ant think of anybody more and more knowledgeable about the topic than that I guess YouTube is a is a weird place we discover so many awesome channels there's so many awesome creators that don't break out and I can't really explain why and that makes me wonder like how did my channel grow so much and the only thing I can think of is when you make when I make content I make content that I think I would like like people to watch more than once and I want to tell a story that brings people in to it or feel something and when I edit it I know I know and I know if I've done it or not if you show beautiful images and you narrate something that just sort of floats off the tongue and can give you a feeling with sounds what makes the Fukushima wants an experience so amazing but I kind of want to give you a feeling or challenge your senses or introduce something to you and that's why that's why I make the show and now I do it for you know to live as a career but those are the those will always be the factors in the way I do this so I'll never it'll never get old it'll never run out of ideas and if favortie your love your videos thank you any favorite tea this from Kay oh gosh I don't know um I've been drinking a lot of ug matcha from Kyoto and it's just because that's what can i has I like Wow the royal milk tea is what mr. sage he liked and Wow would which is the sixteen judoka cha wouldn't be child I forget I guess it I don't know why maybe it's because it's like 1:00 in the morning but I forget there's a lot of really good teas and in fact in Japan has so many teas not like China but there's so many teas out there it's like can just blow you away nosh is donating gosh gosh I don't know thank you I cannot say thank you enough for nosh-nosh I should be donating to you brother hahaha should we donate to you see here Manny writes in here you Charlotte Chris Rachel and Jun are some of the biggest look I'm gonna say something about Rachel and Jen I'm gonna say something Julian is he might be one of my favorite youtubers that Jin's kitchen what he does with that is just incredible and I'm June's kitchen is I can see so much of Japan and I I'm not going to talk about other youtubers channels ever not really I don't want to do too much of this but I want to tell you something about during the kitchen and it says this is something that I learned about Vermeer and I'm comparing Vermeer the artist to Joon's kitchen because right now I'm making a video about Vermeer let me see if I can get this here is there is there a title sequence I could show you this tape ok so right now I'm doing I'm doing a video on Vermeer and you can see this is Professor Fukuoka let me tell you something about what I learned watching Jun's kitchen and what I learned about Vermeer I wanted to know why Vermeer this artist was so popular in Japan alright he's a Dutch artist this is considered the Mona Lisa of the north of northern Europe and when I watched Jun's kitchen I see no ego in his work that means he doesn't really put he I mean he's in his work but his work is very much like a Vermeer he doesn't put his ego into his work he doesn't project himself into it you don't see his face it's very it's very neutral and I like that it draws people and especially and especially for Japanese that's a Japanese way it's very humble it's a very you know Liz is writing in June's kitchen is very humble it's very simple it's so successful in the storytelling through food I cannot say enough when I watch it I'm just in awe because of how simple how beautiful and how much like what I've been learning about Vermeer Jen's kitchen is like and in that sense and there's no ego in it right I like and that's why gin you know and when I didn't I only met him once and when I maybe twice I wouldn't met him it's like it's like talking to a genius you're in the presence of greatness I I don't I don't want to talk about people too much but I guess if you have good stuff to say about them then it doesn't hurt I can't I cannot I can't say enough nice things about the work that goes into each one of his episodes and the lack of ego and keeping it simple that he puts into it is such a trait here in Japan that I learned about not being Japanese by watching his show which he shows to people who are not Japanese that I thought was pretty ironic and funny because I don't think it's target is exactly just Japanese but most of his audience is probably non-japanese but he's so many Japanese traits in the show that for me I can I learn him back from him the things that I've learned about Japan over the last 20 years and it is incredible all of the stuff if you don't know Japan and by living here you'll miss a lot of this stuff in Jin's kitchen and maybe you won't what I don't know maybe you won't mind listen Marty buy yourself some beer oh my gosh I wish I had one of the refrigerator to drink it's been 90 minutes I can't I can't stop I hope we can meet again before I leave in December that'd be great keep up the good work thank you very much it's awesome um yeah I'm almost tempted to go to the convenience store but I gotta have so much stuff to do um let's put let's put a ribbon on this and end it I want to say thank you to everybody definitely click the like button if you want if you're still watching this give yourself a hand a round of applause that's impressive I don't know if anyone can watch this for 90 minutes but if you have reached in the playback at this point give yourself a round of applause because that's you just marathon yourself into history because who watches 90 minutes of the livestream I don't know I I do hope that there is some useful information here and that you guys learned something from this and we'll do more of these there's only reason I'm business because it's been raining today and I couldn't do anything live shrimp tonight and I think this is pretty good where you can just ask me questions I do this with with everyone on patreon twice a month by the way hint hint these postcards are still available from Albert from Ogasawara on the patreon postcard club and RAM cellent puts it in wonderful look at that alright last last question this is it now whoa and Sony that's a good question how do you spend your weekend with a Kenai how do I answer this without giving you clues on what we're doing together because sometimes I just want to I just don't want to do anything except just hang out together you know it's a good question um so Kenai likes can I like we like to go to like she likes to go out to eat of course this is Japan everybody does but we go out to restaurants for dinner and to go on dates I think I should do more of those and yeah I like to take we like to take walks to go around the neighborhood at night but we live in the center now so it's kind of neat we can just go out and get Robin or do something but to get out of the house and to go out yeah oh diamas is not too far away and I really like Odaiba but there's no Toyo su is a nice place to have a little beach there not a beach but you can watch the boats go by Shinagawa the some of the places in 10.10 kind of tennis Iowa's nice and on the water restaurants she loves cafes I try to do stuff that she likes to do she wants to go see this movie I guess it's the Freddie Mercury movie that's just started in Japan so I might go see it might go see that yeah we're trying to do you know dates and stuff I tried to take her out to like hotel breakfast I like to go to the different hotels and try the breakfast is sometimes and it's just like we cook a lot but when we go out it's like you want to try something nice and the one thing that I think I totally I totally agree on with my friend Simon and Martina is that when you go out and you eat and when you go out eating look you should spend your money on certain things but people sometimes don't spend enough money on the fun eating and when we go out we like to spend money on eating good food I think food is something that you can't take it with you but it's an experience and you know III don't like to skimp too much on food I will pay a little bit more for good food and I'll skimp on haircuts and buying clothing and shoes I can skimp on these things but I can't skimp on food food is it's 90 percent of the budget as max appropriately fights it that was a great question what do we do for dates and that might be an episode I think I think that is a great episode idea because yeah and by the way guys I'm happy that you've been really kind to Kenai and encouraged her being on the show I think she's starting to grow and like being a part of the live stream so thank you for that um Oh Bohemian Rhapsody that's it yeah this is from Edwina thank you very much Rhapsody thank you for that very convenient sir favourite convenient sir oh my gosh 7-eleven right now 7-eleven it could change thank you I'm going to bed but I want to say thank you to each and every one of you for for being prizes channel and yeah this is fun let's just some more of this you can leave a comment in the comments below and I usually try to go and look at it probably tomorrow morning and I might answer the good ones and if you leave it the best comment I will pin to the top and you will become famous with other commenters which could be which could could potentially give you like maybe someone will like your comment 25 times so ask a questions um will you do Christmas episode on KFC turkey cat I won't be here for Christmas I'm gonna be in the United States now I'm gonna do a Christmas episode underneath the Christmas tree with my Christmas family so that'll be fun so everybody good night have a good day good night wherever you're on the world thanks for watching and see you next time welcome pues right there Ellis Ellis UK you can't give me a super chat when I say good night Ellis happy there's dry one have a good night thank y'all I'll see you New York buddy thanks guys
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 92,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, what to do in japan, japan holiday, visiting tokyo, best, hotel, ryokan, hiroshima, best city to visit in japan, tokyo or osaka, jobs in japan, japanese food
Id: 25GsVmyoTK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 45sec (5925 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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