Ask Me Anything: Great Places to Eat Around Honolulu

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hey spilled milkers sorry I've lost my voice a little bit too many events down here at the Cayman cookout a food festival that you must come to uh it's spectacular um I'm sitting here outside uh of my room the beach is right there it's a little overcast today which is kind of nice um I was starting to get not a little sunburn cuz I try to put a lot of stuff on uh but you know it's it's it's not bad I mean this it'll rain for 10 minutes and then all the clouds will be gone and it'll be sunny and hot all day uh sorry about the uh lack of posts last week um please remember to subscribe become a pain subscriber January 31st couple two more weeks the uh should discount ends so very very very important um what else did I want to say uh of course I put on a T-shirt and walked outside to to do this and I realized why am I always in my poison shirt every single time this I own lots of t-shirts too many in fact anyway uh let us get right uh right to it shall we uh we had some great questions uh today I love this community you really are you're into it I love it uh Ben writes I don't drink anymore I'm not sure how I feel about all the zero alcohol cocktails and spirits that I see during dry January I value your perspective do you mess with these um I don't mess with things that trigger the phenomenon of craving but by the same token I'm 32 years sober um and uh while the phenomenon of craving can happen at any time like I avoid like the plague any dessert that has bourbon uh in it um or Rum for some reason those two things just like boom go crazy but pears poached in red wine nothing right um have I consumed non-alcoholic beers yes have I tried all the dealcoholized wines uh sure I have um do I buy them and consume them regularly no would I recommend it for someone in their first 5 10 15 years of sobriety I don't think so I mean it's a personal decision I I would not have been able to handle it early on in my sobriety the first half of it I mean maybe even the second half um no that doesn't make sense but you know what I'm saying the it's only been in the last decade that I've even thought about those things and it's very infrequent for me um but I think dry January is great here's the problem with dry January I have so many friends that the last week in January I say hey how's it going and they say I've lost 10 lbs I've never slept better I'm more productive uh my my work life has never been better my family life has never been better I'm just I'm present I just feel great and they said I can't wait till February 1st and I'm like so everything is fantastic cuz you cut alcohol out of your life but you're just going to go back seems weird to me anyway Cara writes my husband says British food is unfairly maligned not sure about that but are there British dishes you like oh my God the food scene in Britain look when I went to England with my dad for the first time like 50 years ago food in England was unfairly called uh boring boiled and Bland um but by the same time we were eating in fabulous fish houses like wheelers we were eating in amazing Chinese restaurants in Chinatown there were I mean the food that we ate there was spectacular um and if you're a subscriber and you're watching this you have access to my London restaurant recommendations London is one of the best food towns on planet Earth right now and as far as the rest of Britain is concerned I mean from from Edinburgh to Wales from the cwal down to the Cliffs of do the food is amazing food everywhere has just got the the world has the the global food scene is insane it's insane how good food has gotten all over the place now do I recommend that you go to Fez in Morocco and eat Italian food uh I don't I had a really crappy Italian meal in what's considered the best Italian restaurant there and I was dragged there there by someone else cuz when I'm in Fez I want to eat Moroccan Cuisine right when I'm in Nigeria I want to eat Nigerian Cuisine when I'm in Sagal I want to eat sagales Cuisine when I'm in you know New York City I want to go to great New York City I I just I want to eat what's of that place anyway I do think it's unfairly maligned uh Jensen writes how many meals do you get out of a roast chicken dude depend how many people are eating uh but if I roast a chicken and it's two people uh I will usually get three Rock Solid meals out of it meal number one is the roast chicken itself meal number two is a chicken salad sandwich with whatever like big pieces of meat are left over or two chicken salad sandwiches and then you take the frame and you poach it in chicken broth so you're making a a double strong broth and you slowly pull all the meat that falls off those bones and you extract back the bones and then you add some vegetables and you get maybe four or five portions of chicken soup so it's a minimum of three with a variety of different sized portions um and that's why I love roast chicken and you can take the sandwich in any flavored Direction you want curried jerk you know uh comeback sauce instead of mayonnaise I mean just like go in any direction you might take the soup in any direction uh you want Carlos writes how did you settle the argument about which country invented the omelet not my argument Jose says Spain Eric says France I just eat them every day regardless of who's cooking them I'm lucky they make a lot of good omelets uh does my pickle ball team have a name yes the angry men we got cheated we played pickle ball uh we played a game standard with real paddles and balls we won then we played with uh pots and pans and uh we lost I don't count that angry I'm very competitive uh Chuck writes I am going to Y ke and see the Pacific finally congratulations that's awesome uh looking into activities the luow and even the special Sunday brunch feel a little too touristy yeah skip it um I thought that with the luaz oh $175 or more the breakfast brunches at 8090 a person skip it skip it skip it skip it uh he says can I find a better culinary experience wandering around in search of good local places while I don't have a car the bus system seems I can get me pretty much anywhere yes and Uber there is very inexpensive uh and present the opportunity to ride to the last stop and see what's there clearly he's read my books or listen to me thanks Chuck uh the locom Moco bowl at the rainbow drop D in is already calling my name it's fantastic I love the rainbow I love onos for poke what is your take on the luow brunch scene don't do it you can support the culture and the economy other ways I just think those the the hotel luow and brunches are ways that the hotel makes money and I think it is a um uh sort of a it's not a per version of local culture it is a uh a way to use the local culture to their advantage in a way that does not actually contribute to the the the First Peoples of the Hawaiian islands and I just it just it it's nauseating sitting there watching this I would rather go somewhere to a local high school and eat hully hulie chicken that someone is grilling outside and watch real Dan that's going on there are ways to engage in local culture that are amazing in in Hawaii but yes Rainbow Drive in for Lo Moco uh and he wants suggestions on places to go in y Kiki and Honolulu uh thanks in advance so here's the deal I'm not sure there's a better City for breakfast I mean traditionally so many people would would work in the agriculture sector I'm going back a century 80 years 60 years that they had to uh create places where people could have these massive breakfasts to fuel them all day long for working in the fields so it is kind of a breakfast culture over there um so here's a bunch of places that uh I really like um the uh wah POI Factory which does great plate lunches just absolutely fantastic um over easy for breakfast is really really awesome Helena Hawaiian food uh which got a James Beard classic award I don't know decades ago um is unbelievable they have all the local hits there um uh Lomi and Kua Pig I mean just everything there go must go to Helena's uh Hawaiian food uh Simon which is a Chinese Japanese hybridized uh place is wonderful there's 's a lot of that go to the old Chinatown um Liliha Bakery is another great place to start your day go to the original little one which I think is kuakini Street there's several locations but go to the original one uh Ethel's Grill is just a mixed Japanese okanawa hybridized thing there's a lot of that going on in Hawaii because as people have moved there especially to Honolulu and that part of the island um there's tons of really great mish mash stuff Japan meets Mexico meets this with lots of indigenous ingredients like great fish uh I'm just looking at my last trip there um new restaurant Japanese Nami Kazi n a m i k a z kind of fancy uh Pig and the lady for Vietnamese food is fantastic um let's see what else did I love that fits into your uh category um uh Fett Hawaii James Beard award winner Fe spectacular um skip the pizza morning glass coffee oh my God uh great biscuits um solid baked goods uh you know great honey buns and insane coffee um of all the Mish mashes Hawaiian Chinese food is probably the the most famous and eight fat fat eight Bar and Grill the number eight fat fat8 the number eight Bar and Grill um does it better than and I mean noodle cakes dumplings I mean just spectacular um bar Maze and ma a is a modern version of that great cocktails but the the food that goes with the cocktails there is spectacular uh kyung Seafood everyone wants Seafood right so you know these really expensive places go to kyung's KY u n g apostrophe S kyung Seafood and I mean absolutely spectacular um what else do I got for you uh changu taste I mean I love Chinese food changu taste is awesome there uh Sichuan cuisine in Hawaii but obviously when you order the seafood there it's local seafood and so that's a great thing same thing with iseka Tor Tor t o r AE t o r AE Tor Tor isaka Tor Tor same thing for Japanese food um yeah I think that's good enough right I mean that'll keep you busy um hey Andrew what are the biggest eats in Brisbane Australia I should try oh my gosh Brisbane well I was there a couple years ago um so call to make sure that you know what these are but I actually have a Brisbane list um there's so much great food in Australian cities a friend of mine who's here at the came in cookout is uh from Perth and we were just talking about the the food scene and again influences from all over so you have a lot of sort of like Scandinavian Asian restaurants using local fish and cheese and meat there that's just spectacular um Joy is that way Elsa is that way um which is insane uh Agnes is a restaurant where they cook everything over there's no electricity in the kitchen everything is over uh wood fire um wine is such a big part of Australian lifestyle and there's a a place called lon l l NE e uh that does wine and snacks and it's wonderful um French food sa C SB n wonderful uh place um what else did I like oh uh great for sitting outside they have a wonderful uh deck underneath trees uh it's a Chinese restaurant uh called happy boy uh that's wonderful I just love the outside of it there's a lot of good Greek food uh in Brisbane grea GCA is really good and they the these giant local prawns I mean big big big uh done you know with oregano and olive oil and tomato it's I mean fantastic um same same is a uh is from a guy that used to work for Neil Perry uh Asian influenced Australian food so go to same s um that was the that was the stuff that I would I think you should check out in Brisbane uh all right one more question best Southeast Asian country to eeden I mean who is the best who's your you know who's your favorite cousin oh look French Chef's behind me on the beach that's Frederick Moro the executive chef here of the Ritz Carlton getting ready for the big brunch event uh I'm recording this on Sunday morning um I mean there is no way and I get asked this question all the time there is no way to answer Broad questions like that is a great meal in Soul South Korea better than a great meal in Hanoi or better than a great meal in changu or in Bangkok or in Manila or in Jakarta or in Singapore or in panang Malaysia I I I can pull experiences out of each of those cities in the seven different countries they represent and tell you that was the best I ever had and then be like no is it really better then it's not better then those are all great places to go um I long to get back every time I can to Singapore I long to get back to panang Malaysia uh Japan okanawa is in the South right is a whole different Cuisine down there I mean okanawa was its own uh Empire before it joined the country of Japan um I don't think you can call anyone any different my there was a there was a great um quote and and I and I rarely do this um but uh my late friend uh Anthony Bourdain famously said that he wanted to live out the last days of his life living thoroughly in Vietnam and what he meant was you know a Shack on the coast where you can swim in the water where you can sit and watch the Sun and watch it go down every night and eat that incredible food and live the most simple way possible and it's one of the most accurate things he's that that I ever heard him say in the sense that if you live a life of hustle and bustle and you you want to just get away from it all sure go to a rural beach in Thailand in the Philippines in Vietnam and just hang and eat and will that be the best experience you've had in decades sure but to me it's not any better than going to a big bustling City uh like Manila or Bangkok and experiencing that different kind of energy so better no is that the most exciting region in the world to eat in Southeast Asia well the Western Europeans would argue is it better than you know Italy France Croatia Spain Portugal I don't know I mean when I'm over in Western Europe it's pretty darn good then when I go over to Southeast Asia although I will say for those of us and I'm one of them that loves big flavors big smiles amazing human beings where every corner that you turn provides a new discovery yeah southeast Asia it has to be right it just has to be see you later spilled milkers have a great rest of your uh day
Channel: Andrew Zimmern
Views: 1,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew, zimmern, Cooking, Culinary, Literacy, Kitchen, instructions, How, to, Yum, delicious, favorite, eating, meal, Travel, Channel, family, azcooks
Id: V6p7yKksYKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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