Asian Was Shocked by The Things that ONLY EUROEPAN Can Understand!!

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drinking ages you can drink them at like age 16 in Belgium I think it's 16 or so shout out to you all poor Americans and I was like oo hello far far away it's connected oh yeah that kind of image for me train train I I've been like traveling just around Asia but not European countries because I was thinking if I ever go to like Europe I want to do everything at once so the kind of connectedness that from this kind of we got the second highest uh second biggest highspeed whale in the world we need to try that need to go to Europe it's very diverse I think like depending if you come in Winter each country will look different but also if you come in summer it will be different depending where you go I feel like European country gives me the kind of uh grounded kind of feeling when it comes to the culture you know like not loud but having like something materal in Insight you know sometime we don't even realize it but when I meet uh people from everywhere in the world and I I feel like oh maybe I'm I'm patrioti maybe I care about my culture more than I thought the lack of garbage pins oh yes yes yes but does the like the trash and the recycling processes I think are very different in Europe in Europe I feel like more or less it's the same where here in Asia every country has like their thing some country does uh doesn't practice that yet and some are really into that kind of practice I know it's probably not right for every country in Asia but I feel like there is I mean compared to countries in Europe it's a bit more conservative sometimes like for example for the clothing like or at least it's different way there is a different way of yeah one thing I love about Asian cultures in general I think is that they Embrace also the traditional dresses like a lot of cultures like have their traditional dresses and actually use it while in Europe we have kind of like lost this think of our traditional dresses I think that I think also because in our country is lot of Muslims so we have to cover everything it's always for women so whenever we see like Europeans wear something very something like except for like see true or like people will stare you oh what's that paying for the restroom oh yeah in Spain there's no many of those but I feel like in Europe it's more common in Poland any like tourist spot you need to pay usually yeah even some shopping malls you need to pay then they give you like a ticket or something so you can just like exchange it in the store if you buy something but if you're just like going to the shopping mall just to use the restroom then yeah oh sweet and at least when I was younger we would have to pay even at McDonald's but then in Belgium we have but then I think it changed later and it's was like if you have have pay I I don't really because I remember standing in line and then you have to catch the door before it closes cuz you don't want to pay so your mom would be like catching the door for you you know and then you would be like okay next person and you would hold it up for the next person too there's a TR thing but even if you don't have that you have like cleaning personnel inside with a little bowl and they want you to like you know tip them yeah sometimes you even have both oh so you have to T and have to P we had like I remember when I was younger I don't know if you go to a cafeteria they would have a like a sign saying the the toilet is only for customers if you are somewhere some like just a random person you have to pay oh but how would they know CCTV I don't know sometimes they ask for the receipt yeah and there's like a code or something for the door so strict we don't we don't pay for restrooms in Spain oh really but wait how much is it though 50 cents it can be a Euro yeah oh my God it really depends like where is it some yes some no oh in in UK you don't have to pay you don't have to pay not for most of the public ones you don't if you want to go somewhere you need to buy something and it's not unusual for someone to be like excuse me can you show me like a receipt and prove to me that you're like a customer uh I've been living in the countryside and also in Paris and it's kind of different I think it really 50/50 sometimes you have to pay and sometime not but if you don't it can be like kind of dirty place so don't yeah so yeah it makes sense to pay because people clean it for you sanning in the public is it like just on the Park yeah yes you cannot do that I mean if you do you do it but like people got to stare at you and they might call police you know I mean like yes I mean depends on which country and let's say like in a more like conservative countries even you are just wearing your sports bra you know like just just for like exercise purposes they deem it as not common yeah for that we are definitely more individualistic I guess so like whenever you feel like oh this is a good spot I'm just going to take out and I can just really yeah wow do you guys have nude beaches I guess not no even if we go to the beach we're just going to wear our t-shirt yeah t-shirt sometime even long pants as I know like in China that's like face skinny so you cover everything because they want to avoid the Sun and then they cover the ice like they were and like just left the I if you go to Spanish Beach like half of people is naked and it's common yeah it's common especially for girls they sometimes don't wear oh yeah I mean like I saw people like in Malaysia right um there's Foreigner not wearing like uh undergarment and then they was like you can't show your like nipples around that way there some people go and tell the Foreigner about that I mean in Germany we also have uh what is it called IND recent exposure laws so if you go to a beach naked a beach that is not designated as a new beach then then you cannot do that it's uh the come to Spain to get naked well they can you just go to a nud beach so it's about like whether it's publicly consent it needs to be designated designated area how about Park Park you can be like in bikini I guess like nobody would care about you if you just do it for yourself right that's yeah that's okay that's normal W I would say like you know at least like in Netherlands there's small parks next to museums people just don't do that next to museums it's like common sense you know but if it's like a Riverside or canals or even like rooftops like yeah they just go ahead or like a picnic area then yeah interesting so like you guys go for a long vacation from work if you're an employee at least in Belgium you can get up to a month or paid vacation like I think the US also they have two weeks or something in Germany we have three weeks but when you like stay in the company for a long time you can get I think s weeks but like you have to stay in the company for 20 years or something oh okay it was too easy right the first year that you got into the company do you get this kind of privilege as well yes but you need to like work for like 3 to four months to get these free days after on top on top of that you get paid vacation do you get bonus yes like sometimes if you have like children so parents can get like a voucher for like a trip for your kids human rights we have separately sick days as well so you don't use your paid leave when you're sick and then you can also like if you don't use up your paid leave for the year you will have it transferred for next year no limit uh there is like it depends on the company like if you work overtime then after a while your boss is going to tell like you have to take time of you I love to work this much so you can use it to make a a day off I think in my country the pay Li is just like once a month 12 days in a year we also have like Ramadan holiday and the New Year holiday but then it's not more than like five weeks I guess oh so I think no is more so maybe we can invite the no to talk about the first I had to get used to here cuz it's like so instinctively like to say hi and like just to kiss someone or to have some here I'm used to it so for me it's like the polite way to do it so just doing like hi it feels like really cold and awkward for me so it's like I had to like get used to it when I came to Korea for me it was fine because in Belgium you you give one kiss I mean it's not really a kiss it's like chck to cheick to people you already know usually like by first time when you see the person no no do you hug them no we don't hug like that's something that I was surprised with Americans is like they hug to say hi and I was like o but I shouldn't react like that because I I give a kiss yeah but it happens also me like Central Europe going to people to say hi cuz we do actually kiss people like first time we met them so like actually like south of Europe I think it's more common right Italy but also I struggle in with that like with the and people like oh what are you doing my experience like was actually different in every country but like a Netherlands I've learned that if it's your friend then you kiss them like three times if it's just someone you know like quance like you meet them at work and you're kind of friendly but not so close you kiss them just two times and if it's like your boyfriend lover or family you kiss them just one time wow that detail that's a lot of rules I think also in friends it depends like on the area not about like relationship oh this is very interesting because for example Inland is very famous for introverted people and we keep distance from each other and yeah how do you say hi to the person that you already know them just hi like 2 m distance hi Germany we just give a gold handshake mm there some people you know that that uh want to to uh show their male dominance you know Ser their male dominance they try to like kill you and you know like you look with your eyes you know yeah the handshake is also in Poland and if you know someone a little bit more then you can hug and if it's like your best friend then you can get like a kiss on your Teek like my mom's friends if they're coming then like they Vis like saying hi to me this way I say in Korea is very hard like it's barely just like you don't even like touch the person right yeah but think in Malaysia we just share um for me right Malaysia right it depends like the background of the person but like because Malaysia have different ethnicity as well so like maybe more towards the Malay side they a like them like with the handshake and then like different kind of ways and like Chinese maybe they are more conservative they just like hi without TG and some are brought up more like um in a westernized like background they would like hop so you have to be like really observative about that what the person is looking for when you say hi but you like you wave to friends and like in Poland only like kids waving oh really really no you just like hug or you give a kiss if this is very close person oh is it like more like in Asia like yeah I learned waving in Korea but when you're saying goodbye do you also like waving y Al some they do the kisses well all like to drive with a manual car I don't have any idea I don't drive I I think I can relate to German car I used to drive a German car and they have like semi auto as well we do both you know like if you do your driver's test with a manual car then you can drive both if not then you can only drive automatic oh we have the same in the UK we like automatic cards are not that common like we most have manuals car even for me I don't know how to drive with automatic honestly even it's more it's more simple people say it's more simple but I don't know how to honestly it's like when you guys doing the driving license exam what kind of Auto or or you can do both manual yeah with the manual usually manual because then you can drive like the automatic one but if you like start your driving license with automatic immediately you cannot change Drive oh not NE oh the Netherland is a really small country it's either bikes tram train and parking is a very complicated thing and government encouraging people for like past at least 15 years to get electrical car I mean like some people do have like old cars but I would say like majority already switched yeah understand no airon oh this one I mean in Spain we we have aircom but nobody use it I mean we don't put it on every like oh you have yeah I have but don't you dare to turn it on they inside your house you don't use it no we don't use it we have it but we don't use it it's because it's too expensive to put it out oh so we don't use it I think like in general if I'm not mistaken European countries are more like about environmental like conservation no but even historically Germany has never really been a hot country that's changing now because of climate change but why we never really had AC's and we have another technology called raden it's like window shutters because we have we have brick houses you know and then if you uh close the roll out and the window shutters the houses are pretty well designed to you know make you feel cold inside so that's that's usually how people survive and then you get like a a ceiling fan and oh yeah you're usually fine the same thing is in Poland like we are not that warm in summer it's some days are like very very warm but it's like 3 days 4 days and it's gone so it's like you can just like survive this four days when it's like really really hot from my own experience I feel like we excessively use aod even during the winter as well yeah and then like I have an experience like going a cafe with my European friends it's so hot and humid in Malaysia they just want to sit outside they just used they just used to so I think we have the the airon inside the shopping mall yeah it's it's like it's super cool there's always people that just want to go to the shopping mall to have the airon in Hong Kong right there's winter it's not that cold but the indoor with airon is colder than outdoor during winter it's cool to know that you guys don't enjoy airor I mean it depends I enjoy it here so you don't use like heaters during winter that's the thing our air cons have heater and AC at the same time and then I came here and I was like oh no this is just a cooler and I was like wait what I cannot use it in winter to heat me up no I like what I'm surprised as well because in Japan it's both like they have both function as well drinking what drinking ages in Bulgaria is 16 right it's 18 18 yeah uh it depends on the type of alcohol fermented alcohol like beer and wine you know low alcohol level percentage they you can drink them at like age 16 but uh distilled alcohol meaning a higher percentage Like Liquor cocktails whatever you have to be 18 but obviously the law is not how people behave I even it's lower if you drink a lot it's still the same in Spain is 18 for every alcoholic drink beer or anything but yeah people don't but is that also the age you get your ID yeah so like the youngest is 16 for certain amount of alcohol in the drinks if I'm noten in German in German how about others no 18 18 18 in Belgium I think it's 16 or oh in France it's 16 16 yeah you can buy at 18 but drink 16 oh people sometimes start like younger than this even if it's not really legal people don't really care so I think I think like drinking is kind of a healthy culture in your country if I'm not mistaken if like drinking moderately it's kind of healthy I think isn't it with the wine though like a one glass of wine a day uh usually like I think for adults wine is really common to like drink every day or beer I think this these two are the most common yeah I think in Indonesia it's 17 so we can try from 17 but it's not very common to drink alcohol shout out to your poor Americans but to be honest especially in the Balkan countries it's not uncommon for your parents or grandparents to just like give you a shot of our Like Liquor when you're young and sick for example oh this will cure you there room temperature water because in Korea only ice yeah during winter as well it's minus 20 but let's drink ice water how about light in in your country always cold always cold always cold if it's not cold enough you can ask them I want cold water yeah you can also tell someone can you put like an ice cube in there I think in Spain the most common is just like like room temperature water yeah it's like you have to specify like if if you want cold water and some places maybe they don't even have it in Italy when you go to buy a bottle water they ask you you want cold or oh yeah I think it's like also know related to cultural shock as well that like in Korea for example the water is free so question like sparkling cold hot it comes because you're paying and you're not paying like little money you're paying quite good money for water M so in the restaurant do you have to pay for the war [Music] yeah depends you can ask like for a cup of water in Spain but it's really weird to like if you have to can you give me just like the top water people going to look like no I feel like also like depends on situation a little bit so like if you go to Cafe and you order like cappuccino and then you got a little bit thirsty you can ask for it like can I have a glass of water they will give it to you it is going to to be free but because you purchased something already but if you're just going to come in and ask for that they going to ask you to buy something first but usually like um in Austria if you like want coffee you get a glass of water like right away with the coffee in your I saw you saying it's always free if you ask for water we always say tap water cuz otherwise they'll try and charge you but that's just them being cheeky so so that's a good tip if you're going to the UK always ask for tap water and it doesn't matter where you are Cafe Pub restaurant bar wherever you are top water is legally free if they try and charge you say no because they are willingly breaking law so from my experience even if you ask for water there's always like a in a menu there's like water price so they always will charge you for water so you'll never get for free in Malaysia we call it Sky juice in the menu Sky juice Means War like drinking water Sky juice cute yeah I learned so many uncommon things that is very unique at least I can practice everything that I S today whenever I go to Europe there are a lot of like things that is not common to us but common to like Europeans and especially War so I'm just like happy with the fact that you know T is drinkable cuz it's quite uncommon here because you might get some disease from drinking T So a good tip yeah happy with that useable very interesting quite we have a lot of similarity when it comes to what we talk we feel like more united we can complain about the same thing and it's completely different with Asia yeah totally oh today we share some stuff that only Europeans understand if you guys like this video please remember to like And subscribe and also leave us a comment we'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: World Friends
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Id: lVPs5chQtXc
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Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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