As tribute to his life-changing advice, revisit Mail health guru Michael Mosley's 5:2 Fast Diet

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hi I'm Dr Michael Mosley inventor of the 52 diet I'm a television presenter and also author of The Fast 800 hi I'm Dr CLA Bailey I'm a GP I'm also Michael's wife I write the recipes and write a column in your magazine when I um first met CLA which was about 39 years ago I was actually quite a skinny thing I was about 11 stone I'd guess and then over the years as you do I put it on um so that I was up to about 14 Stone back in 2012 and the thing is you don't notice do you I didn't realize I until we look back on the pictures and suddenly it's really striking I mean what's weird about it is we're obviously birth medical and yet the idea that I might have type two diabetes never occurred to me I just went off I had a random blood test for something else uh and that's when my GP rang me to say I'm sorry you've got this I had further test and that's what triggered all off that was 2012 um around March 2012 uh and then I was determined that I was going to do something about it and not have to on medication came up with what I started calling the 52 diet and I lost around2 in I think it was about six to eight weeks and that's a guess why I wanted to write the book about it why I wrote the first start about it because it was so remarkable it um struck me surprisingly easy to do and it was also surprising that people hadn't done it before that this was genuinely new and the book was an international phenomena 40 languages but the more recent book the faster 100 is a sort of development of that because in that original book uh I recommended 5 to 600 calories a day one of the things that became clear was that 800 calories was kind of more manageable for a lot of people people still do well on 600 but 800 is what they call low but not kind of super low and so all the recipes started to kind of come down to 800 and that's why it became the fast 800 because it was very fast uh but essentially uh if you follow these principles you can lose a lot of weight fast and um had you know thousands of emails from people you're more Charming to speak to D think it's really striking is people that say they feel better on it it's really interesting because the NHS is coming round um so just before Christmas 2018 uh they announced that they're going to roll out this program for 5,000 people um using 800 calories rapid weight loss you know it's taken off in a phenomenal way and I do think that's because it has some really good science behind it and because it it obviously and it works quite immediately so is incredibly rewarding for people it's not the end of a journey it's really really at the start of something people sometimes think that it's all about you know um willpower deprivation and things like that and your life is over uh when you do this sort thing but it isn't I mean there is a short initial period in which you have the rapid weight loss and during that period it is best that you avoid the booze and things like that but after that it is really about kind of timing and um doing things I mean you're going to have to have less of something some of the things that you did before less crisps less stuff like that one of the key things is you need to kind of have a nice tight belt and um if it starts going on again then you need to do something about it it's those sort of weeks when you allow things to take off that's the danger moment welcome to the kitchen I do cook but to be honest CLA does most of the cooking now if you can look around uh most of the stuff on the surface is relatively healthy and that's not just because the camera C is here but actually because if you leave out the healthy stuff you're going to eat it if you leave out the unhealthy stuff you're going to eat it so uh plenty of nuts here because the evidence is pretty strong that eating nuts is good for your health what do we have in here some maple syrup for M might um and uh lots of herbs and spices slightly random selection there things we use all the time lots of of of lovely olive oil and rpes seed oil as well well we're big pepper fans we' got three pepper pepper Grinders and molden salt which has these amazing tiny fine crystals that means that you get a lot of flavor with really relatively little salt crystals one of the interesting things that people do worry a bit about salt and blood pressure but to be honest um you know most people are not that sensitive to Salt And if you do have raised blood pressure you do kind of need to cut out on that stuff but you also need to increase potassium which is the other side of the equation and you can get potassium from things like bananas um avocado very rich and surprisingly enough we keep the avocado in here simply because avocado is actually a fruit and again the kind of fruit bowls out because um you know on the whole we think it's a good idea to kind of eat plenty of fruit and then we get to strange and weird looking creatures in these pots um I'm quite a big fan of of fermenting pickled onions really work nicely and um it sounds V I know but they do surprisingly right um but our favorites which we often have with this is um uh saut basically and that's a sort of kimchi spicy one and they work brilliantly with pi pickled the cabbagey I would never you know a few years ago if you'd asked me I would never ever have touched anything which was fermented with it sounds absolutely vile but to be honest the yogurt is fermented I mean red wine is a fermented food so it's cheese um and these things CLA makes and they're absolutely delicious the Beet fruit is spectacularly good and the other one is kombucha this looks does look fairly evil essentially fermented tea and it's made by this thing which is called a scobby which is a combine it's a symbiotic combination of bacteria and yeast we come the you know bruise it with you brew it with kind of sweet tea green tea black tea really easy to do and this one and then tap it off this one dates back uh two two years we' had that for a few years yes what else do we have to well to to look at um garlic lots of garlic pots do a bit of grinding and the sugar pot which is actually these days is relatively empty but my favorite I have to say is teas so I have lots of herbal teas here and lots and lots of coffees so as you can see here got lots and lots of different coffee pots because again people kind of used to worry about the idea that coffee is bad for but actually the evidence is now overwhelming uh that caffeine certainly around 3 to four cups a day um is very healthy it's full of flavonoids full of all sorts of stuff plus of course it perk you up in the morning so that's pretty well the kitchen uh I do uh I have my I have my classic dishes which I do and which work their ways mus Micha muscles muscles again Brant incredibly low in calories uh very low carb and uh lovely Nutri very sustainable as well indeed very sustainable and also the zinc is supposed to be good for uh your sex drive there you go there you go okay now I know why you like muscles the fast 800 and the fast 800 recipe book which CLA has literally finished about uh a day ago writing is a culmination of all the stuff that we have learned of the last seven years um since I wrote the original fast diet in terms of the recipes we're aiming to make them low carb and that means swapping out and avoiding I don't use any of the white stuff sugar um partly is a matter of principle but I mean there are other things that you can use as natural sweeteners and also reducing kind of classic starchy carbs that people are just often not aware that they're eating so uh most bread even brown bread often has quite a lot of starch it converts to Sugar very quickly and so gives you that Sugar hit we do you know very seedy whole meal bread um in smallish quantities so it's but the thing that we particularly swap out is potatoes if possible that again is is gives a very is quite starchy and we suggest cauliflower seems to be the thing and most people kind of roll their eyes at eating cauliflower in memory of school dinners but actually it's incredibly low calorie low carb has lots of nutrients and the basis of the diet is very much what I would call a Mediterranean diet which is quite high fat but sort of good fat so the principles of mediterranian diet are uh plenty of um you nuts fish um I can't what else is it oil lots of vegetables uh olive oil has a really good health profile um glass of wine occasionally but not on Fast days um what else did you put a full fat coconut oil is not bad coconut oil is not typically medical Mediterranean but full fat yogurt and a lot of people are still surprised that you don't have to eat those um amended yes watery lowfat yogurts and just has some lovely full fat higher protein yogurt delicious before you do any sort of a diet have a plan know why you're losing the weight and share this information with your friends and family and try to avoid snacking and make sure you drink plenty of water really important
Channel: Daily Mail
Views: 29,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daily Mail life-changing advice, Mail health guru Michael Mosley's 5:2 Fast Diet
Id: TYuSlqQok5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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