As Seen Online - Funny Fast Food Car Products TESTED!

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not every product we test comes from a late-night infomercial in fact this week will be taken a little Safari deep into the Amazon to find out if these ridiculous car gadgets are worth your time and money fresh out the box stop look and watch this is the Q Queen wheel desk but is it all that well this $12 aberration single-handedly turns a messy fast-food trip into a michelin-star dining experience with no reservations required removing the steering wheel desk from our amazon box we were thrilled to see that it was encased with just a simple thin layer of plastic Hey look fancy logos and gimmicks are not required when the product speaks for itself on the party side of the tray you can see that there's a moderately sized dining area as well as a cuff holder flipping it over to the business side it's apparent that this could be used for a bit of writing or laptop work with a slot for a pen or stylus the empty space at the top of the wheel seems ideal but that doesn't provide the table with any leverage so it falls right off trying out the bottom the tray hooked on just fine but it was a bit of an awkward angle to do our steering wheel design much to our chagrin it appears that the best way to attach the table is by turning the wheel upside down at least in this car all you got to do is lock it into the empty space we decide to go ahead and get a little Carl's jr. it's evident that there's plenty of real estate for our Grimes II chicken fingers burgers and hey a little cookie action and also a drink and some sauces hey oh they must have given me one too many when it's put in action the dining tray is truly a wonder for one providing ample space to relax well giving you that upscale restaurant feel that being said don't underestimate the wheeled desks other uses it's a perfect cutting board for when you're on the go and got to get your food prep in dicing these carrots with our masterful knife skills was a paltry task but gave us the opportunity to hit that whip and skip out on social interaction when all the festivities have ended Holly you've got to do is give that tray a brisk wipe down and its toes away conveniently in the pouch behind your seat all in all the steering wheel desk exceeds all zero of our expectations that we had going into this and we definitely recommend it to anyone who loves that cozy feeling you get when you dine on an airplane and land five years later our next contestant for product of the millennia is the pilot automotive personal organizer and french fry holder this little contraption is the king of consumption and convenience designed to perfectly fit in your vehicle's cup holder or as luck may have it our new dining train speaking of a perfect fit after placing it into the cup holder and filling it with some tasty morsels it seems that the design of the device put your food at the perfect height for a quick bite or even a fistful of fries when it comes to task pilot automotive has created a choose-your-own-adventure masterpiece for the ages this must-have is not only your french fry booster seat for your car but it can also be used as a drinking glass for your favorite international beverage or perhaps even as a toilet paper dispenser when you're putting in some hard work it should also be mentioned that this could be worn as a lanyard in the most inconspicuous way and you could sneak all of your snacks right into the movie theater so the question you have is do I really need this in my car well the answer is absolutely for only $12 you have a myriad of options at your disposal and you're only limited by your creativity next in line for the duck tank is the warm and cool two-in-one Smart Cup this $26.00 plug-and-play cup not only doubles as both a warmer and a cooler but also comes packaged in a beautiful box that exudes frivolousness emblazoned with all the flashiest devices they could think of well let's see what we've really got in here well the actual contents of the box were pretty much exactly as expected the 12-volt power adapter as well as the smart cup that fits dumb cups inside of it upon inspection of the interior of the cup we found an appropriately sized paper disc displaying all the necessary directions and troubleshooting that you'll need for this cup also note that there's a couple buttons on top for a cooling or heating as far as usage goes it's as easy as placing your cup in the cup holder and then plugging the adapter right into the outlet of your vehicle it's important to note there's also a warning on the side of the unit that specifically forbids heating carbonated drinks immediately upon pressing the cooling button you can see that we had unbelievable results dropping 20 degrees in 20 seconds that's a bit insane but how will this perform in a couple of tests well to begin we started with the baseline temperature of the little cup of water here ten minutes later we were slightly disappointed to find that the temperature of the water had dropped a mere four degrees to sixty-seven this is all while the interior the device registered at twenty perhaps a to-go cup isn't the best example so let's give it a shot with a can of 1885 zone original tea theatre Dr Pepper upon initial inspection the sodas resting at a nice car room temperature of 71 degrees after our standard ten minutes we took the temperature again and found that the soda had somehow cooled less than a cup of water a mere two point five degrees Fahrenheit to be exact as evidenced by the temperature of the exterior of the can being around sixty it seemed that this thing could potentially cool a drink however it might take a cross-country trip to pull that off for our hot liquids test we wanted to go with a temperature maintenance assessment so we start off with a cup of coffee which was reading at 138 degrees Fahrenheit giving the interior the device a quick measurement after firing it up you can see the inside of the cups slowly creeping upward in temperature after letting it get to about 110 degrees we placed our coffee inside and took another reading to make sure it was still feeling steamy next we set our timer for 10 minutes and left our smart cup to do its thing to our dismay upon return we discovered that not only did our drink fall in temperature but it appeared that the smart cup had maxed out at a temperature of 115 degrees far too cool for hot coffee in conclusion as far as both heating and cooling the drink goes our expectations fell pretty short but if you're using this device for temperature management it can easily be used to keep your cold drinks cool and your hot drinks warmish nothing is as warm and inviting as coming home to a fresh home-cooked meal the rode pro portable stove does you one better by letting your hot meal be on standby or even keeping hot foods warm while traveling boasting one entire quart of cooking capacity this $26.00 rode pro resembles a small tackle box upon first inspection cracking it open will reveal a sheet of paper which says to remove it immediately the inside of the device is concealed by two aluminium cooking surfaces which you cannot remove so if you want to clean this thing you're gonna have to scrub flipping the device over there's a small door on the end that heids the power adapter and it's five and a half foot long cord there's also a little slot with a fuse in it you know just in case it blows the booklet it has contains all the familiar warnings that you'd expect as well as cooking times that are estimated for hot dogs and baby food for demonstration purposes we'll be using this thing inside with a battery jumper so we can see just how hot things get just plug the adapter in and the unit fires up immediately honestly the rode pro heated up pretty quick but we wanted to get a sample of its full potential so we closed it up for about 10 minutes gave it another reading you can see that we obviously had a variance in temperature when we reopened it but hey just like a stove at home it doesn't really stay hot if you keep opening the door the max temperature that we were able to reach with the door open was about 248 degrees which seems on par with its claims of being up to 300 while it's tightly closed thoroughly impressed so far all that's left to do is fire up some healthy hot dogs and wash down on our Carl's jr. using the recommended time of 5 minutes as a guide we started up a timer and shuffle it of course we had to check on them during the process just to make sure everything was coming along correctly when the sands of the hourglass run out you should be left with some perfectly cooked hot dogs we gave him a proper poke to make sure they felt done hey we were pretty much happy with the results unfortunately for us the interior was lukewarm at best and hey we could probably assume that the cook times are geared towards a preheated oven of 300 degrees which we never reach but in any case the instructions were simply a guide line so we would probably go with 7 minutes next time around that being said with evidence that the stove does have the ability to cook food its claims of keeping food warm should be a no-brainer and we found that the road stove was an ideal way to keep your takeout piping hot on the journey home if you frequent the outdoors or just enjoy a hot sandwich the road pro is definitely for you now that our three-course meal is over nothing finishes a lunch break at work like a nice power nap and that's where our next product fits the narrative the Sandip ex car bed is an inflatable air mattress for the back seat of your car and it's guaranteed to be a great place to get no more than 20 minutes of Aria sleeeeep slicing open the misbranded box the package contained a mattress to sleep masks a patch kit and hay an automatic inflator with separate adaptors in addition to all of this it came with a page out of a coloring book disguised as a user manual to set up your bin of sin just unfold the bed and lay it flat in your back seat you're gonna want to make sure that the inflatable legs the bed are resting behind the front seats and you also want to make sure that the soft side of the bed is facing up after plugging the inflator into your car later adapter just stretch out a generous length of cord and locate one of the two plugs on the bed after fitting the white portion of the plug inside you can fill up the bed using the inflator adapter and this will give you no risk of air escaping an inopportune time now we weren't sure which was which but hey as luck would have it the first chamber filled up the mattress itself which means that the inflatable legs are part of the second chamber keep in mind that this also means if you wanted just a simple flat air mattress you've got that too once you've located and filled the second chamber just close that plug tightly press it into the bed and you're ready for a little respite from your daily routine the bed fits perfectly and even has a little pillow wall over the center console to make sure that you don't wake up in the front seat just look at all the room in here after diving in we realized that this thing was designed with a fetal position sleeper in mind but hey as everyone knows that's the most comfortable position of all of them once donning the sleep mask a feeling of calm and elegance swept over the back seat and the sweet sweet smell of PVC plastics took me over on a one-way trip to Elm Street so here's the truth of the matter when everything's said and done the backseat car bed may seem like an unneeded convenience but it's actually an ideal fit for people of all ages who enjoy a little catnap yeah you'll have to scrunch up a bit but hey it's a little bit more comfortable in the backseat itself and that's all we have for you today if you'd like more videos like this make sure you're subscribed or click a couple the ones that are on the screen right now thank you as always for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Household Hacker
Views: 2,396,048
Rating: 4.7375245 out of 5
Keywords: Householdhacker, household hacker, household hackers, steering wheel food tray, fast food car tray, car stove, car oven, cup warmer, cup cooler, as seen on tv, as seen on amazon, as seen online, car products tested, fast food car products, back seat air mattress, car mattress, french fry holder, french fry cup, road stove, as seen on tv reviews, as seen onlinbe reviews, does it work, testing silly products, fast food products, fast food tray
Id: uy0LEpIRDzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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