As Seen On TV Pest Control Gadgets TESTED!

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not all as seen on tv products are a waste of your time and money but how would you know unless you try it first or in this case we try it for you today we're gonna sample a variety of as-seen-on-tv pest control products and try to find out if these crazy contraptions belong in the garage or in the dumpster the bug-zooka is an As Seen on TV product that claims to be the weapon of choice for the kinder gentler way to win the war on bugs as well as describing itself as simple clean and fun I will give it this it certainly is simple after cracking the box open and emptying out the contents we found that the bug-zooka design is basically a tube with plastic bellows attached to the back it also comes with an expandable extension tube and tapered front attachment complete with metal filter presumably to keep bugs from crawling back up the to the general idea of this contraption is to compress the bellows click them into place and then release them with the push of a button sucking air right into the tube when you find your unwitting prey creeping about all you got to do is place the tip of the bug-zooka near it and then click the button to release the air core daeun this will effectively pull the bug into a virtual air B&B where it will be safely contained until you humanely release it directly into a raging fire I mean back into nature of course now on the Box they show this being used with fake bugs but trust us real bugs are not good actors so we totally understand that move we'll start there as well we headed over to our fake bug drawer nah man that's under the Nicolas Cage there you go there you go as I said we rated our fake bug drawer and gave our initial sacrificial offering to the bug-zooka we crept in close and fired off the unit just like that it snatched the pseudo bug right up but we did find that you have to be extremely close for this thing to work it also seemed to perform quite well in rapid succession one after another are fake critters found themselves within our clutches and no escape was possible but how does it perform out in the field it quickly became clear that we had to focus on bugs that weren't moving fast such as this ladybug who was just looking for a free ride to a safe plan nestling mizuka behind her and firing it off worked pretty well I was able to remove the front piece and with a car the taps deliver her safely to a fancy little shrub in the yard enjoy your new home little one it's also great for moving some bugs that are encroaching on your backyard party areas even this green alien looking insect was happy to ride the crazy taxi to safer grounds you aim get close and release the trigger what you do with them after that is at your discretion but an empty corner of my yard seemed fine to me so as you can see we had great luck with insects that are pretty slow and hardly move but if you think you're gonna catch anything with speed you may have been grossly misled we give the bug-zooka 2 out of 5 stars on our arbitrary rating system it's a phenomenal concept but fails miserably for anything other than bugs you could have just as easily moved with a broom paper towel or dustpan not to mention we aren't exactly sure why it's called the bug-zooka when it doesn't fire air out but sucks in the vacuum ugh or bug sucker would have been a more appropriate product name in our opinion skip this one and up for a dust buster if you're in a pinch or perhaps attempt to make your own with an accordion-style plunger and some PVC pipes yeah that's right we planted the seed so here's how to do it pick up a $2 plastic accordion plunger and rummage up out for a - even a wrapping paper tube would work you'll need to wrap the tube in something preferably rubber such as a glove or maybe something like this door sealer that I'm using go around and around until it fits securely within the plunger forming a makeshift gasket once you've got it inserted into the plunger seal it all up with some strong tape that's pretty much it all you have to do is push and pull the plunger hard to create a suction force at the end of the - this also has the added benefit of expelling air as well this is optional but if you have an extra vacuum attachment laying around you can put that on the end for added ease in our case this focused the air more precisely and allowed us to creeping closer with the device it does work better than the bug-zooka in fact if you want to move a bug you don't have to get close to it just suck it in move to the location you want and expel the bug back out all in all not too shabby for a couple bucks and some duct tape now let's take a look at the my critter catcher which is a pest control device that wagers its success on the same catch and release premise as the bug-zooka this thing touts itself as being the fast easy and eco-friendly way deal with household pests at first glance the insect on the label looks fairly realistic nevermind the packaging should open pretty easily oops so much for returning this one when we're done with it at least it comes with its own practice spider oh and a tag with simple instructions that illustrate to aim squeeze the trigger to catch and then release if you don't release they send a guy to your house and he releases you the my critter catcher is very reminiscent of those old toy robot claws from childhood in fact we were able to use it in a similar fashion by grabbing this delicious plum from a tree so we know right off the bat that this thing's rugged it's got a pretty sturdy handle with a trigger that will gently close the bristles right around any pesky household critters this of course allows you to safely secure contain and protect the critter until they inevitably breach their confinement or of course until you release them into their natural habitat we tested it on a little spider den attached to an outdoor motion sensor light in practice this thing actually works pretty well and due to the length of the handle you can catch them no matter where they are and even if the critters try crawling back towards you when you release them you'll have time to shake them off although the bristles won't really hurt the critters it's not always as smooth to release them as the infomercial demonstrates if there's any webs or debris attached then it takes several attempts and a few shakes to set them free but this isn't really the fault of the critter catcher and more so the critter itself the my critter catcher is yet another product that's earned an average of four out of five stars on Amazon at least and we found this gadget pretty useful for pesky spiders lurking in corners or crawling around your house it may be better to get a vacuum or broom or just move quickly out the front door instead but hey that's up to you so if a critter found its way into your home and consider helping them find their way back outside with this gadget now here's one you might be more familiar with the zap light 60 watt LED carousel of insect death a much smaller and more versatile version of the traditional bug zapper it comes in a pretty standard lightbulb box which is fully loaded with the device some instructions and even a little brush to help you clean off the bulb once it's had a busy night of playing judge jury and executioner to unwitting insects I am the law the absolute beauty of the zap light is that you can bring to wherever your problem area tends to be as long as you've got a light socket or in my case we just put a light socket in it functions both as an illuminating bulb and bug zapper both at the same time which is phenomenal if you prefer to watch the carnage firsthand clicking the switch once will turn on the dome light as well as this app well subsequent clicks will turn each light on individually we installed this in the backyard and after that night finally arrived set up a camera for a 3-hour run now bear in mind that we had to remove the protective plastic bars from the side in order for you to see directly into the zapper itself for safety reasons don't do that yourself just use it as gums after just one simple evening of use the zap light collected a good number of bugs and this is where the brush comes in handy as it does a fantastic job of whisking away the failed Zerg rush you can get in between the plastic bars and make it look almost as good as new we love this thing and now have them all over the place in multiple spots throughout the yard and even inside the house for that wayward bug that gets in regardless of the fact that this only got 3 out of 5 stars on Amazon you've seen the footage yourself and know this thing works wonders the only complaint I have is that its surface area is so small which will inevitably lead to daily cleanings so if yep but what are these up around the yard you better include that aspect into your daily routine but it's still a shockingly awesome product the executioner is the premier bug zapping racket as the package boasts actually has some pretty powerful shock potential especially for insects to get started go ahead and slide the cover off the head of the racket may be a little tricky to remove then travel down to the base of the handle and pop off that battery cover after properly installing the batteries make sure you're not touching the button on the handle this thing will give you quite a shock whether you're training for Wimbledon or swatting away pesky bugs on the court justice reigns from above as the executioner serves these insects up 40-love our first test with this aerodynamic bad-boy demonstrates its comfy design and audible results if the mighty popping sound isn't enough to ward off pesky flying insects the devils racket will bring serious zapping power to your rescue all you've got to do is locate your problem critters hold down the button and wave your racket back and forth you'll know you got them because not only will there be a loud crack but you'll also notice your foe falling back to earth earning its right to be called the executioner after using the executioner for a while we're definitely sold on its utility but you don't have to take our word for it boasting a four star overall rating doesn't even do this thing justice just ask Amazon buyer Bo who remarked that it's a better way to rid yourself of irritating and disease ridden pests and that after a swipe or two you'll never go back to the old way we do wish he mentioned what the old way was perhaps he meant the bug-zooka but hey I digress among the 20% that gave this gadget one or two stars the common complaint was that it burned out after just a few short months however most of the negative reviews are four to five years old anyway all the links are in the description if you want to give this thing a snap crackle or pop this is the solar action al if you're wondering where the AAA and solar went so are we but this bad boy is supposed to effectively scare away most birds and pests from your yard now we'll go ahead and proceed to peel away the plastic covering okay not much to that the main feature that makes this stand apart from other similar products is that it boasts a robust solar-powered motor which keeps its head spinning and spinning and spinning around this gives it the illusion of life to unsuspecting animals in your yard you've just removed the covering from the solar panel on top and this bird is ready to leave the nest and enter the battlefield the idea is to pound a pole into the ground near a problem area and put the owl on top of it if there's any animals around that fear owls you most likely won't be seeing them for long if you have a simple flat surface like the top of this fence that'll work just as well the solar panel will immediately kick the motor into action you'll notice the head starts moving right away now in the commercial for this product they tend to show the head moving back and forth this is a bit fictitious as the motor only spins in one single direction so they're probably just showing this thing get moved by the wind and hiding the fact that it has a true Exorcist nature now here's the difficult thing about reviewing a product like this if it works you really have nothing to show the viewers at because all the pesky critters have already run off so let's take an opposite approach according to the product description since crows and owls are mortal enemies this little guy will supposedly attract them instead of scare them away I tried the owl in several different positions attempting to make it most visible from the surrounding trees after about 45 minutes crows finally started to gather and look upon the yard with devious eyes all-in-all a must buy if you've got pesky critters running around your yard and you have no problem with crows well that's all we have for you today if you want to see more as seen on tv products get reviewed go ahead and click the video on your screen right now to view our entire playlist also not a bad idea to hit that subscribe button so you get notified the next time we release a video thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Household Hacker
Views: 2,657,111
Rating: 4.7543888 out of 5
Keywords: Householdhacker, household hacker, household hackers, As Seen On TV, product review, tested and recreated, put to the test, As Seen On Television, testing tv products, testing as seen on tv products, as seen on tv reviews, worth the money, householdhacker as seen on tv, bugzooka, electric fly swatter, owl scarecrow, asotv, my critter catcher, critter catcher, bug products, bug zooka test, pest control gadgets, pest control products, zapplight tested, zapplight as seen on tv
Id: YqBjtqtuyss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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